Used price: $14.75

It's quite apparent that the author Hickey merely rewrote the works of Ben Traywick and therefore the works of Glenn Boyer.
Nothing original here, no primary research-all sources appear secondary.
The author also has a rather arrogant way of presenting himself to his readers which merely makes him less likeable.

This work is fine, for what it is... What it is NOT (and I assume the entire series is not), is an Aramaic Bible.
Note the category "Religion and Spirituality": Unlike the misleading series _title_, the ... _category_ doesn't say anything about the Aramaic language. When I bought this book, I was looking for an actual Aramaic Targum of Isaiah. Not here, folks.
I may eventually find a use for this volume anyway -- Chilton is a first-rate scholar -- but I was VERY disappointed to find that there was NO ARAMAIC TEXT OF THE ISAIAH TARGUM in it; it is ONLY a translation and notes. If you're looking for the genuine article, you're going to pay hundreds of dollars for it (probably directly to the publisher).

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The author has a real flair for misinterpreting the actual evidence and then coming to completly insupportable conclusions about the way the famous fight took place. For example: he contends that as the fight began Doc Holliday drew his "nickle plated" revolver and began blasting away with it--even though he was holding Virgil's Greener shotgun under his coat. Even the author admits that it was odd for Holliday to draw a pistol and begin shooting while holding a much deadlier weapon under his coat, in what had to be a very awkward position. But he dismisses all reasoning, testimony and criticism to the contrary by simply saying "...but that's what he did." Apparently Hickey thinks Holliday did such an unnatural and counter-intuitive thing for no better reason than to make his theory of the gunfight come out right. There are several other examples of the same sort of invalid reasoning throughout.
In short, there is no real insight in this book; the evidence is misstated, the reasoning is strained--to say the least--and the conclusions are clearly erroneous to anyone who has devoted any time at all to the study of the event. But the pictures are nice.