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Book reviews for "Muschenheim,_Carl" sorted by average review score:

Follow Carl!
Published in Hardcover by Farrar Straus & Giroux (Juv) (1998)
Author: Alexandra Day
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

Yeah for Carl!
Follow Carl is a wonderful book for all fans of this special Rottweiler. He takes his charges through a fun filled day in the park. The colorful illustrations encourage the reader to embellish the story and truly have fun with this book. As the owner of two Rottweilers, all the Carl books are in my son's library! Three cheers for Carl!

Carl is the leader and the children love to follow!
Having all of the "Carl" books I thought perhaps Ms. Day would run out of "things" for Carl to do. Not so. Carl has plenty to do, so much that everyone ends up napping--some of the children are positioned like little puppies. Carl, of course, is his usual self. Very entertaining.

One of Ms. Day's excellent, enchanting Carl books.
As usual, Ms. Day has captured the essence of Carl and the childrens' escapades. Anyone who enjoys children and dogs (especially Rottweilers)will appreciate the accuracy of both the stories, the story line, the poses, and the facial expressions of all the characters.

One of the many enjoyable Carl books.

The Forest Keepers
Published in Paperback by (2000)
Author: Carl Gordon
Amazon base price: $2.74
List price: $10.95 (that's 75% off!)
Average review score:

A thoroughly good read.
Books like these ought to be on everyones book shelf. 'The Forest Keepers' is a very good novel that cleverly blends story with social themes. The characters are real flesh and blood that exist in the real world, and not sterotypes. The plot is original with clever twists at every corner and you can't help but be curious as to the outcomes, most of which will surprise you. It's only after you've finished turning all the pages do you realise how well the author had you hooked.

A book with a unique plot
I enjoyed "The Forest Keepers" very much. It has a very good plot with interesting characters and some wonderful twists. I think this is the kind of book that children would want to read and adults would want to read for themselves and to their children. I read it in no time at all and I think good books do that, just carry the reader along.

A wonderful story for all
~Before giving this book to my daughter I took the time to read it myself. And I did it within no time. It held me from beginning to end without pause. This is how a book should be written. The scenes are set well so that one knows where the story is taking place and the characters become your friends in the first page itself. The story about three children trying to save a forest from deforestation, help a small c disappearances of fruits and animals from the forest is unique and completely original. Carl Gordon is a very creative writer with an eye on society and his story cleverly blends the ways of the real world with fantasy. When you read it you'll know what I'm talking about. This book is ideal for both children an adults. Highly recommended!

Gods of the Greeks
Published in Paperback by W.W. Norton & Company (1980)
Authors: Karl Kerenyi and Carl Kerenyi
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Gods, Graves, Scholars...and Kerenyi...
I could not pass up the opportunity to pun seriously with the title of a book by C.W. Ceram about archaeology. For that title shows how much I value this work by C. Kerenyi, but also the work by Robert Graves entitled *The Greek Myths.* If these two works, along with Kerenyi's *The Heroes of the Greeks* are read in tandem with Nietzsche's *The Birth of Tragedy* (I prefer the Dover edition with translation by Clifton Fadiman)... then wondrous insights into the mind and soul (psyche) and the spirit (pneuma) begin to be possible.

Kerenyi's "Introduction" to this volume says it I would like to quote the most eloquent and insightful part:

This book owes its origin to the conviction, shared by the publishers and the author, that the time has come to write a Mythology of the Greeks for ADULTS: that is to say, not only for specialists concerned with classical studies, with the history of religion, or with ethnology; still less for children, for whom in the past the classical myths were either remodelled or, at least, carefully selected so as to accord with the viewpoints of a traditional education; but simply for adults whose primary interest -- which may entail an interest in any of the branches of learning mentioned above -- is in the study of human beings.

The contemporary form that this interest takes is, of course, an interest in psychology. And, as a great exponent of modern humanistic thought has admitted, it is precisely psychology that "contains within itself an interest in myth, just as all creative writing contains within itself an interest in psychology."

These words were spoken by in 1936 by Thomas Mann in his lecture on "Freud and the future." Whilst paying tribute to the services rendered by the psychologist of the Unconscious, of the DEEPER LEVELS OF THE SOUL, the great writer did, in fact look beyond him into the future. He depicted with unsurpassable clarity the spiritual situation in which the author of this book, for his part, finds justification for his mythological work. Psychology's thrusting back into the childhood of the individual soul, is to quote his words, "at the same a thrusting back into the childhood of mankind -- into the primitive and the mythical. Freud himself recognised that all natural science, medicine and psychotherapy had been for him a life-long and tortuous return to his primary youthful passion for the history of man, for the origins of religion and morals. The association of the words 'psychology' and 'deeper levels' has also a chronological significance: the depths of the human soul are also 'Primordial Times', that deep 'Well of Time' in which Myth has its home and from which the original norms and forms of life are derived. For Myth is the foundation of life; it is the timeless pattern, the religious formula to which life shapes itself, inasmuch as its charac- teristics are a reproduction of the Unconscious. There is no doubt about it, the moment when the story-teller acquires the mythical way of looking at things, the gift of seeing the typical features of characteristics and events" --

so revealingly, states the author of *Joseph and his Brethren* --

"that moment marks a beginning in his life. It means a peculiar intensification of his artistic mood, a new serenity in his powers of perception and creation. This is usually reserved for the later years of life; for whereas in the life of mankind the mythical represents an early and primitive sate, in the life of the individual, it represents a late and mature one." * * * If the entire mythological legacy of the Greeks is freed from the superficial psychology of previous presentations, and is revealed in its original context as material *sui generis* and having its own laws, then, as an inevitable result, this mythology will itself have the same effect as the most direct psychology -- the effect, indeed, of an activity of the psyche, externalised in images. A similar direct externalisation of the psyche is to be found, of course, IN DREAMS. The degree of directness of the images presented in dreams and in mythology is, to say the least, very much the same. In this respect, dreams and mythology are nearer to one another than dreams and poetry [read Nietzsche...and also Henry David Thoreau, in *A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers* for further insightful correlation of the interfacing between mythology and dream seeing]. For this reason the author [Kerenyi], in his *Introduction to a Science of Mythology (London, 1951, p. 32), written in collaboration with Professor [C.G.] Jung, considered himself justified in speaking of the "individual mythology" of modern men and women as a synonym for their psychology. With equal justification any great mythology might -- if one chose to ignore its artistic aspects -- be styled a "collective psychology." --"Introduction." by C. Kerenyi; *The Gods of the Greeks."

This wondrous presentation of the myths concerning the gods and divine spirits of the Greeks, along with a companion volume dealing with *The Heroes of the Greeks,* represent --with Robert Graves' *The Greek Myths* invaluable sources of insight and wonder, as well as scholarly source materials for anyone who has ever been inspired -- or has desired to be inspired -- by the profound psychological, metaphysical and aesthetic insights which powered the creative minds and spirits of the ancient Hellenic dramatists, artists, and thinkers. Dig deeply...breathe deeply...take in the breath from the spirits of the ancient gods...and "Know thyself."

Exceptional Mythology book!
This may be the most thorough and most readable book I've read on mythology, and I've read dozens. Currently, I'm using it as the primary source for the myth course I teach. It provides information about gods that most other basic myths neglect, often fascinating as well as significant. Get it now - it's been remaindered late in 2000 and will soon be out of print.

The Greek Gods in their shining glory, and darkest gloom.
Never have I read a book quite like this one. This is not a book full of retelling of myths, but a book full of detailed info on the relevance of these gods to the ancient Greeks. Information on their worship, their origins prior to Olympian times, and many of the contradicting stories of their births, and how these stories relate to the times from which they came. If you love mythology, but are curious as to the more down to earth aspects of these gods, read this, and you will find yourself seeing the gods as more than just the vulgar fictions of a primitive society. Perhaps you will even begin to see them as they should be seen, as Gods.

Herman Melville A to Z: The Essential Reference to His Life and Work (Facts on File Library of American Literature)
Published in Hardcover by Facts on File, Inc. (2001)
Authors: Carl E. Rollyson and Lisa Olson Paddock
Amazon base price: $65.00
Average review score:

Melville from A to Z Shines
As I flip through this wonderful piece of scholarship that is "Melville from A to Z," I can't help but wonder the time, talent, and work ethic that went into producing it's contents. The authors are to be commended for making this book helpful to the serious scholar as well as the lay person who is intrigued with Melville's writings. I will most certainly use it in my studies, which is the primary reason why I purchased the book. There are great anecdotes, summaries on each book and poem, and plenty of pictures to give a physical property to Herman Melville, most of whom only know him through his works. There is a comprehensive bibliography, covering a panoply of subjects that will prove useful to one desiring further study. A useful index also accompanies this volume. One of the more stronger qualities of the book is that there exists an unbiased centrism with each item that is described, which makes it ostensibly more authentic. I am sure that others will find the work appealing, helpful, and constructive.

Helpful and much needed Guide to Melville
This book fills a void in Melville Studies. It is a fairly comprehensive reference guide to Melville's works, their plots, characters, publishing history and critical reception. There are also entries on his family, contemporaries, Current Events of his time, and many different pieces of information a reader might need to know. This book is perfect as a Reader's Guide and the price, especially compared to the other "Melville Encyclopedias", namely those by Robert L. Gale (1990) and Kathleen E. Kier (1995), which were over $100.00 each, is excellent. The authors are also able to make use of the recent Melville Biographies by Laurie Robertson-Lorant and the first Volume of the Melville Biography by Hershel Parker (both 1996). To what extent the recent discovery of 500 Melville family letters, which are acknowledged by the authors, were used, or if at all, is not made clear.

The organization of the book is well done, beginning with a Chronology. The entries, which follow, are probably out of neccessity quite brief, yet for the most part helpful. I would have preferred if their sources would have been cited, as then the Book would have been of use to Scholars. The plots of the Novels are given, sometimes Chapter by Chapter, but there is little interpretation. I have found so far, several minor errors, which are not too serious, and hope will be corrected in subsequent editions. There follow a Melville Family Tree, a Caterogical Index, a useful but not comprehensive Bibliography and finally a General Index.

I think on the whole this book is well done in its scope. It is easily accessible and well priced, but is not useful for Scholarly Research, which is, I gather not its intent. Still, the concept is a good one and I can think of at least twenty Authors for who I would like to see a similar Guide.

Why this book is the "essential reference"
Our book should appeal to both new and seasoned Melville readers. How many of you have read his epic poem CLAREL? It is very long and even scholars have shied away from it. But for all of its flaws it is a magnificent work, and we provide a detailed (canto by canto) summary. We do the same for ALL of Melville's poetry and fiction. As an introduction to his work, or as a guide that can help the reader to review or refresh his or her sense of the range of Melville's work, our book will be--as the publisher promises--the "essential reference book." We also include illustrations from the collections of several museums and the Library of Congress.

I Love You So Much
Published in Paperback by Dragonfly (02 January, 2002)
Authors: Carl Norac and Claude K. Dubois
Amazon base price: $5.99
Average review score:

Some times you just have to say it...........
This book is wonderful! The pictures are great and the story is lovely.
My 7 year old refers to Lola as the little girl whose cheeks keep getting biggger until the words just have to come out.
The book only takes about 5 minutes to read but the message will last a life time. It tells children, and parents, how important it is that we tell the people we love, "I love you, I love you, I love you so much!"
This would be a great book for new parents to begin reading to their bundle of joy right from the start.
A favorite in our home and is sure to be one in your home too.

A Sweet Must Have
If you are like me-bring tissues. It's just so sweet, I cry every time and my son likes it so much that he still requests it (at almost 7).

Wonderful story and illustrations
I purchased this book in Dutch when I was visiting Holland a few weeks ago. I always purchase a childrens' book for a little friend of mine when I travel overseas. Sometimes I'm able to find something in the native language with an English translation. Or, I buy the native language version and get some help with a translation. I spent quite a while looking through the childrens' section in an Amsterdam bookstore and fell in love with the story (which I thought I understood in spite of my lack of understanding of Dutch) and the illustrations. I got some help translating the book and will be curious to see how close my version comes to the published one! The illustrations are wonderful. I think they will appeal to 2-5 year-olds and also to the adults reading to them. There are some wonderful little details in them.

Imperial Carnival Glass
Published in Paperback by Collector Books (1996)
Author: Carl O. Burns
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Imperial's Carnival Glass
I have this book, & have had it since it was released. The photography is wonderful, it's easy to read & understand. TONS of great info. I just wish there was a new release of a price guide to go with it! It's like a Bible for all serious Imperial collectors. It does need an updated version since more pieces have come to light in other colors/variations in the 8 yrs since it was written, but it's still a book I wouldn't trade.

Imperial Glass
This book is a "must have" for any collector of Imperial made carnival glass.

Great Imperial carnival glass reference!
Mr. Burns has produced a well organized and very useful reference book. He has done an excellent job of providing identification information as well as historical data. The author does a good job of organizing the history and production of the Imperial Glass Company through its existence from 1901 to 1985. The chapters on Imperial Trademarks are particullarly helpful This book is highly recomended to collectors of Imperial Glass and students of American glass making history in general. The book includes a helpful price list.

Mr. Burns has also authored another great book titled, "Dugan & Diamond Carnival Glass 1909 -1931."

In Search of the Wild Indian: Photographs and Life Works by Carl and Grace Moon
Published in Hardcover by Maurose Pub Co (1997)
Authors: Carl Moon, Grace Moon, Tom Driebe, and Twig Johnson
Amazon base price: $85.00
Average review score:

This Book is Priceless
Mr. Driebe has done beautiful creative work in his compilation of In Search of the Wild Indian. It is packed full of photographs and has enough history and information to provide the reader with a great understanding of the photographer's life work while instilling the desire to want to learn more about these native peoples. The subjects in the photos are uplifting, haunting and expressive. The energy in this book is amazing. I thank Mr. Driebe for this gift -- it is ageless and will continue to take top billing on my coffee table.

Not often am I willing to spend this amount on a book; this one is worth the price. Excellent pictoral, and the details are just wonderful. Portrays Native Americans as no other work has; in detail and with respect!!

Beautifully done!
A BEAUTIFUL book and great addition to a home library. This book is about Carl and Grace Moon who had a special connection to the Indians of the southwest, however it is also about the wonderful Native people who inspired them. Many beautiful photos and very in-depth text! These people are still there, I have visited with them often. I hope this book will serve as a wonderful tribute to them.

The Inner Lover
Published in Paperback by Shambhala Publications (1992)
Author: Valerie Harms
Amazon base price: $10.00
Average review score:

Is the fire of passion going out? Valerie's wisdom will help you reclaim your passion. She will take you by the hand and lead you to transformational creativity and fulfillment in relationships. This is a must-read for "cheaters."

personal growth through love
The Inner Lover - Using passion as a way to self-empowermentbyValerie Harms. Aslan Publishing. 1999. 225 pp.

Valerie Harmsunderstands that not all love is meant to result in a relationship with the person arousing the love in one. Circumstances, including a relationship with someone else, may stand in the way. When such love is aroused, individuals often feel troubled from frustration, guilt, doubt, or a mixture of these and other emotions. But as Harms teaches, this need not be the case. As she says, "When we become attentive to our fantasies and dreams [aroused by love], loving and not condemning our deepest wishes, we give them a chance to direct and empower our lives." Adhering to this principle, she teaches how to make such love a positive experience.

In exploring this kind of love, Harms focuses on the self--how the self can maintain its wholeness and singular potential and be empowered by the love's creative, unpredictable forces. This positive involvement with the love she explores not only fulfills one as a person, but also enhances one's place and value in all relationships. Harms has one of the best understandings of love a reader can find. Among her previous books are "Stars in My Skin/Nin, Montessori, Steloff" and "Unmasking: Ten Women in Metamorphosis."

Henry Berry

Book Reviewer

Editor/Publisher, The Small Press Book Review

Helpful and inspiring view of romantic attractions.
This book bravely goes where no woman (or man) has gone before. While many will be familiar with the concept of projection in relationships, few authors have illustrated in such a clear and personal fashion the value of fantasy, passion and the place it has in our lives. This book encourages us to open and explore who we are, using our romantic attractions as a point of departure.

The use of personal examples makes it very clear how using dreams and symbolism can help us understand what it is in ourselves that needs developing. However, the book does not limit relationships to "mere" projection; it acknowledges that the inner and outer world work together. Both need to be recognized.

It is a pity that this book is out of print; this book is most helpful for the individual who is trying to make sense out of what sometimes seems like a very difficult realm to deal with. Many books do not honor the spirit of romantic attractions, and the relationship they have to our deepest self. The personal examples (bravely given) help elucidate this journey, and encourage us each to similar acts of courage in personal exploration. I have personally read this book several times, and I recommend it highly.

The Interval Training Workout: Build Muscle and Burn Fat with Anaerobic Exercise
Published in Hardcover by Hunter House (10 May, 2001)
Authors: Joseph T. Nitti, Kimberlie Nitti, and Carl Lewis
Amazon base price: $26.95
Average review score:

The Interval Training Workout: Build Muscle and Burn Fat
I love training this way. It is so efficient. I've lost more weight using the intervals than just doing one activity for 30 minutes without speeding up or slowing down. I especially love the XL (I usually run on Sunday nights and it clears my head for the week).

I would recommend this to anyone who wants to save time and become efficient at working out.

Interval Training - An essential part of any fitness program
In my capacity as Medical Director of 2 Fortune-50 companies I have had the occasion to review numerous fitness and health promotion programs. Dr. Nitti's Interval Training offers a common sense approach to physical fitness which is applicable to the average person as well as to world-class athletes. It is refreshing to finally see a fitness program that is scientifically based and does not attempt to repeal the laws of thermodynamics or the principles of human physiology. I highly recommend this book to anyone serious about physical conditioning.

An exceptional personal fitness program.
This book is like having my own personal trainer. As someone who exercises to stay in shape and manage my weight, my biggest problem has been a lack of an effective, step by step plan that I can use in the limited time I have to workout. The authors have distilled a very scientific, elite level exercise concept down to the point that a normal person like myself can use it easily and effectively in as little as 30 minutes 3-4 times a week. I have always had the motivation, but now I have the plan!

The Land and the Book: An Introduction to the World of the Bible
Published in Paperback by Abingdon Press (1993)
Authors: Charles R. Page and Carl A. Volz
Amazon base price: $11.90
List price: $17.00 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Actual application in Israel
This book was used by our study-group in Israel 3/00. It was part of a group of books recommended and I found it very illuminating. Lots of info available in easily readable writing style. I would strongly recommend this for anyone going to Middle-east/Israel and for those studying here for a more complete picture of the role of geography, etc in the development of the Bible. The impact of this facet becomes "alive" to the reader using this text.

Great Speaker and Book
Mr. Page came to our university (University of the Ozarks in Clarksville, Arkansas) to lecture and is going to be our tour guide on a trip to Israel that our Biblical Geography class is going on. He was very knowledgeable and the book is well written and will give you great insite to the lan.

Great introduction to the Holy Land!
This book helped introduce me to the many historical sites mentioned in the Bible. It is a valuable guide for people visiting the Middle East. Charles Page's book Jesus and the Land is also a wonderful and inspirational book about Jesus' life and times. This boook is a must for people who want to learn more about the ancient Biblical sites and an excellent companion for Biblical studies.

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