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The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries
Published in Paperback by New Page Books (2004)
Authors: W. y. Evans-Wentz and Carl McColman
Amazon base price: $11.89
List price: $16.99 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

not much to add what others have said.

There is no book on this subject I have found that equals it.
This is a testament in itself, as this was first published around 1890.

Wentz was an academic, a scholar, yet in early chapters his descriptions of each area of the Isles is breathtaking. It's not dry, it's not stuffy. He spent years collecting encounters, traditions, and beliefs from the most correct source. The people themselves. This contrasts rightfully the tendancy (even more so these days with anything Celtic especially) to project things onto a culture it does not contain. No frilly, watered down, ... little creatures at your beck and call here, which is what other "authors" would have you believe.
For some, the latter chapters of this book will seem a bit dry compared to the first. Regardless of what you think of his theories, they are all intriguing, and well thought out by the author, though I agree he became a bit enchanted himself during the writing. (not a bad thing, IMO, I was enchanted as well) The collection of tales alone is worth the price. I enjoyed every page.

This should be on the shelf of anyone who says they want to learn about Faeries, Celts, and the cultures they came from.
Why read what any old outsider says? Read the words of the people who were born and raised in these cultures. They know themselves better than anyone else, no?

One of a kind
This book was written in the early twentieth century, and my opinion is that no faery book has yet been written to equal it. Evans-Wentz was a sophisticated scholar, and yet treated faery beliefs with the utmost of respect, and even devoted a chapter to scientific and psychological findings that render such beliefs valid. Without looking down his nose on anyone (except maybe stuffy fellow scholars who lost their imagination somewhere along the line), he reports stories of faery encounters in every Celtic nation. He interviewed great numbers of Celtic people in his travels, and collected a vast treasure trove of tales. These range from firsthand accounts to "a friend of a friend" legends to stories handed down through the generations.

After presenting a mass of information on the modern faery faith, he goes on to relate the ancient faery beliefs held by the Celts of old, as recorded in their mythology. Many pages are devoted to the adventures of CuChulainn, Arthur, Bran, and other figures who moved in and out of the Otherworld. He also discusses the Otherworld itself, the misty land where the faeries, the gods, and the dead dwelled. Especially stunning is his assertion that the Celts participated in mysteries much like those of Eleusis. The mythological evidence IS THERE, as Evans-Wentz proves. I only wish someone in those days had written something down to indicate whether or not this is true!

This is the best book ever written on the fae, IMHO. It ought to be on every Celtophile's shelf right next to Squire's _Celtic Myth and Legend_. As a matter of fact, the two books make excellent companions for one another.

Basic Book for Your Folklore Shelf
Walter Evans-Wentz set out to write this book as his dissertation, at the dawn of academic anthropology. Along the way, he became more than a little entranced. Still, Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries is one of the best, and most important, scholarly works on the topic, and I strongly recommend it. Don't get sucked into buying a lot of phoney 'fairies-with-wings' junk. The real deal is much more interesting. Stick to Rev. Kirk, Peter Narvaez, K.M. Briggs, Sir John Rhys, and Evans-Wentz, and you'll be on the right track.

Fire on the Mountain: The Nature of Volcanoes
Published in Paperback by Chronicle Books (1994)
Authors: Dorian Weisel, Carl Johnson, and Charlotte Stone
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $3.99
Average review score:

Volcanic Photography
This book has some of the best photography of volcanoes I have ever seen. It's a great volcano book.

fire on the mountain
I think this book is well writen, and easy to understand, but the thing i like the most about this amazing book is the coolerfull pictures. Most of this book is pictures of erupting valcanoes with captions explaning the pictures. This book taught me many, many things about volcanoes. I recumend this book, Fire on the Mountain for all ages.

Excellent photography & captions, interesting reading
This book covers the different types of volcanoes with excellent photographs accompanying and expanding on the text. Even if you just look at the photos, the book's price is worth it, but the text really added to the book as well with very accurate geologic information in a non-textbook format suitable for the general public. The reading level is probably 9th grade and up. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and plan to give more copies to others as gifts.

Forgive Me I'm Human
Published in Paperback by New Leaf Pr (1991)
Author: Carl H. Stevens
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $9.77
Average review score:

Grace so AMAZING!
This book is like a soft pillow for a tired heart. After 'trying' for years to live up to an unattainable standard because of pharisaical churches and people, I came across this book a few years ago and have read it countless times and have sent numerous copies to friends in my life. It offers comfort and a clear message that God's love and grace is not to be confused with that of the world or 'religious' people who push others to live up to something they may never be able to do in the energy of their own strength. What a reminder for all Christians to take off the magnifying glasses that we use to examine, interpret and judge other peoples lives and to see each other as Christ does. Only God truly knows the depths of our hearts. This book is a reminder that ALL have sinned and fallen short of God's glory - those who deem themselves as the most righteous and those who feel like the prodigal son. This book is a reminder that God just wants us...just the way we are - and for us to demonstrate that loving acceptance to those around us who may be struggling greater than we might be.

Forgiveness after failure
After reading this book, I got a much better understanding of true forgiveness after failure. The writer points out that failure is human but forgiveness is what God is all about. After struggling to make things right with God myself, now I understand how much God's forgiveness is available for us freely. Great reading material, highly recomended to all who want to learn more about forgiveness for themselves!

A Christian Classic
This book could be considered an essential book for every Christian library. It tells us that we're all human from a biblical perspective and shows solutions to many questions we ask ourselves. It also explains how the Christian is in the middle of a spiritual war, and how he can be victorious. Another book that falls along these lines is Dietmar Scherf's "I Love Me: Avoiding and Overcoming Depression" which I also recommend highly,--also available at Amazon.

The Healing Nutrients Within: Facts, Findings and New Research on Amino Acids
Published in Hardcover by Keats Pub (1987)
Authors: Eric R. Braverman and Carl Curt Pfeiffer
Amazon base price: $27.95
Used price: $26.40
Collectible price: $109.85
Average review score:

Buy this book.
The Healing Nutrients Within is a must if you want to stay healthy. It's about proteins and amino acids. Amino acid deficiencies and inborn errors of amino acid metabolism are important causes of diseases, some of them deadly.

Problems with amino acids may cause mental or physical illnesses or both. So you should own this book if you want to have a sound mind in a sound body.

There is a separate chapter for each of the amino acids found in the human diet. And there are an amazing hundred-plus pages of scientific references.

Serous subject, vital information
This book strikes at the core of nutritional know how. If your serious about fueling your nutritional knowledge base and intrested in real world application of that data. This boook is for you. Really, this is not an light reading. This book is chock full of information that you will keep going back to. This is a book that you keep for life! After you read this book the benchmark is raised.

Comprehensive and extremely helpful
One of the best references on my shelf. Scientifically detailed but easily understood. When I have a query about an amino acid, I usually reach for this book first. If it doesn't have the precise answer I want, the reference lists contained in the book will lead me to find what I need.

Jazz in the Bittersweet Blues
Published in Paperback by DaCapo Press (09 July, 2002)
Authors: Wynton Marsalis and Carl Vigeland
Amazon base price: $10.50
List price: $15.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.77
Buy one from zShops for: $1.59
Average review score:

On the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again
You can't just say those words without putting music to the most famous road anthem by Willie Nelson. That's what this book is about: life on the road with jazz musicians.

Co-author Carl Vigeland was invited to travel the country and Europe with jazz superstar Wynton Marsalis and his band.

This is about the music of jazz, the blues and the road. Vigeland and Marsalis make numerous references to the book's title "Jazz In The Bittersweet Blues of Life. Vigeland covers personal observations of life with its rigors of the road, the overwhelming passion to produce quality performances. You don't get too much of the personal life of Marsalis, he shares little about his two older boys living in New York.

Brother Branford splits for a rock band
We also get very little info on tenor saxophone Branford Marsalis along with member Kenny Kirkland who left the band in the early 80's to play with rock superstar Sting. Branford also did a short stint as band leader for Jay Leno's "Tonight Show." In the book, we DON'T' get a clear understanding about the departure of his brother Branford and member Kenny Kirkland. Little is known here about Branford's departure, only mentioned here is "that others have thought that it may have been hurtful to have your brother leave for a rock musician." This book doesn't discuss that a rift was occurring and the finality was the departure. But I believe now, all is well with the brothers.

Marsalis, on the other hand, shares keen insight into the world of jazz, his composition style, and rhythm including his relationship with the trumpet. It is phenomenal how much is involved with the trumpet. About the trumpet, he says "you can never force the trumpet, you got to baby it, treat it gently, coax it. It's always there when you need a high note, or something very loud. If you don't handle up on it, it won't respect you"

He teaches us about playing the songs and how the members produce an evening's show. We learn about his amiable personality and he exudes the passion to please his audience. He says, "when you are playing concerts every night is Saturday night. You have to give the people who come to hear your music the feeling of a weekend, not the feeling that you are punching a clock." He keeps his composure, he is gentle, caring to children and seems to be a wonderful teacher and mentor to the young with his many workshops. On the road, Marsalis is humble, even ironing his own shirts and suits.

Observations from the Jazz man
Just from this book alone, we get the impression that Wynton Marsalis is cool and collected, caring of young children, family man and friend. His insights into life are fascinating. Of people who hang out at bars, discos, etc., he says are the unhappiest and lonliest blankety blanks in the whole world. He says, "If you want to be happy, go inside. Inside yourself, inside the people you love, inside your art. Inside seems much lonlier than outside, don't be fooled, you go far enough, it's always warm and good."

"Music is vibration and the proper vibration heals"
Marsalis says music comes into your body, and of Louie Armstrong, Coltrane, Beethoven, their music not only made people feel good, it healed.

But most of all, Wynton gives us an idea how he works, how he composes; it's incredible. This is a wonderful lesson into the mind of a genius jazz player. It may be no surprise that he is also an accredited author with his books by "Marsalis on Music" and "Sweet Swing Blues on the Road." Wonderful read....MzRizz

Absolutely Fantastic Work!
Picked up Marsalis + Vigeland's work and just couldn't put it down! From descriptions of events, to understanding the personal struggles of band members, Jazz in the bittersweet blues of life fully expresses the goings on of the Wynton Marsalis Septet. Above all, I found Marsalis's commentaries on life, love, and music striking chords within my soul, and left me pleading for more.

A Great Jazz Portrait
This is a wonderful portrait of a jazz genius and the tapestry of jazz music, from stage to studio, from the public to the private. Reading this book gave me great insight into what it feels like to make, live, play, travel jazz. A must read for any music lover.

Marcus: The Autobiography of Marcus Allen
Published in Hardcover by St. Martin's Press (1997)
Authors: Marcus Allen, Carlton Stowers, and Carl Stowers
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $0.90
Collectible price: $5.04
Buy one from zShops for: $2.50
Average review score:


Excellent insight to the Raider organization!
After reading this book, I was amazed at the things that went on between Al Davis and Marcus. How Marcus stayed in Los Angeles that long amazes me. This book covers Marcus' life before football, during high school, at USC and the heisman, and being drafted by the Raiders and then ending up at Kansas City. Marcus talks about the O.J. fiasco and how it changed his life. This book is excellent for any football fan and shines light on the dark side of being a Raider.

Sometimes Nice Guys Finish First
This is not your typical Professional Jock Worship book, primarily because (1) very little of the narrative is taken up with descriptions of individual games or plays, (2) Carlton Stowers is an excellent writer who portrays Marcus well, and (3) Marcus himself is an intelligent and thoughtful person who has had a fascinating life to date.

The real heroes of this book are Marcus' parents, Harold (Red) and Gwen Allen, who put the necessary time and effort into providing their children with the integrity that has made Marcus successful.

This is a book of contrasts and conflicts, the first of which are with Al Davis, owner of the Oakland Raiders. Marcus despises Al and is candid in describing his reasons. Anyone who is not familiar with Al Davis might think Marcus is exaggerating, but those who are familiar with him will find the criticism reasonable, if not understated. Corroboration for his descriptions of Al's eccentricities may be found in "Slick: The Silver and Black Life of Al Davis" by Mark Ribowsky [ISBN: 0-02-602500-0], a highly entertaining biography that is now out of print but may be available through a used-book service.

The other interesting contrast is that between Marcus and his friend O.J. Simpson. As Marcus described Nicole Simpson's death and the subsequent murder trial, I kept asking how these two men, similar in so many ways, could have ended up so differently. As I said at the outset, the real heroes of the book are Marcus' parents.

Metzger's Dog
Published in Paperback by Random House Trade Paperbacks (10 June, 2003)
Authors: Thomas Perry and Carl Hiaasen
Amazon base price: $9.56
List price: $11.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.77
Buy one from zShops for: $8.14
Average review score:

The best of the best
Thomas Perry's early books are masterpieces and thank goodness the publishers have yielded to public pressure and made them available again. This is a delicious confection. Metzger's Dog has everything Perry is famous for -- violence, humanity, irony -- and unlike some authors, he carries through right up to the last scene. It's got the attention to details, strategic thinking, and casual violence of "tough" thrillers, mixed with an upbeat affection for life that makes it three-dimensional and unforgettable. You never want it to end; you never want to say goodbye to the characters. Now, join me in a moment of prayer that the publishers will reissue "Big Fish", another great book that should never have gone out of print.

Best of the Best!
Metzger's Dog is, by far, one of the best books that I have EVER read! Dr. Henry Metzger, is a cat who, through a series of events that just have to be read, comes to be the "owner" of a 200 lb Black Mastiff dog! If this sounds too unrealistic to be true, just read the book to find out. I guarantee that you will not be disappointed.

Another of Perry's books along the same light is "The Island". If you ever get a chance to read it, please do. Through a series of events (sound familiar?) a small atol in the middle of an ocean becomes a "new country", eligible for UN support!

A really extraordinary talent in current fiction
Metger's Dog is one of the finest novels I have read in quite a while -- and working in publishing (don't hold it against me) I see hundreds a year. There are moments in this narrative, many moments, when the reader realizes he has placed his or her attention in expert hands. Humor and seriousness are expertly blended. Perry is a subtle observer of people and of life. The character of Chinese Gordon is revealed only on the very last pages of the book ( and never fully), and rarely have I seen such judicious treatment of a CIA type as with Perry's creation of the character Porterfield. Good and evil are carefully intertwined in this text -- all of the characters trouble these moral boundaries. Even Gravirjas (sp?), a drug boss, is admirable in his assessment of circumstances, in his reasoning and objectivity given the life he leads, the hand he holds. His fatal mistake would have been impossible for him to grasp ahead of time -- circumstances just got way beyond what he knew.

In fact, only Poterfield and Chinese Gordon, the two main characters, are up to the chess board in this plot. And like two generals from opposing armies, they walk away respecting each other, though perhaps not equally.

The name "Metzger's Dog" is a metaphor -- the dog in the novel, a vicious animal, has been salvaged from a junkyard and tamed. At the end of the novel, this dog is given the name Porterfield.

In this story it is ultimately the CIA that has been tamed. The details of how this is achieved hold up to any test for authenticity.

If Only I Were... (Another Sommer-Time Story)
Published in Hardcover by Advance Publishing, Inc. (1997)
Authors: Carl Sommer and Kennon James
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $8.65
Collectible price: $9.59
Buy one from zShops for: $8.81
Average review score:

We all dream about being someone else.
If Only I Were...., is a great story about a typical grey mouse, who is sick of getting chased around by a large cat. Of course, she wishes to be something else, first a great big cat, then other types of animals, once she becomes a human she really wants to be a mouse again. The story is fun and the pictures are very detailed-look around when you read this book, you'll see all the great fine points the vivid color illustrations bring out.

Great lesson on the ugly green monster
Envy...the thing that makes us think that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Kids struggle with it as much as adults do. This was a great book that teaches kids that no matter who you are, you will have difficulties.

Every little dreamer who's wanted to be someone else will love this story. Little Missy finds out all too well how that wish is a futile mistake and actually creates more problems for her. I liked it because it touches the issue of self-esteem. It would be a valuable conversation starter for any parent or teacher.

The Invisible Partners: How the Male and Female in Each of Us Affects Our Relationships
Published in Paperback by Paulist Press (1984)
Authors: John A. Sanford and John B. Sanford
Amazon base price: $8.76
List price: $10.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $1.15
Collectible price: $3.00
Buy one from zShops for: $4.95
Average review score:

short, easy and interesting read
This book was a really interesting and thought provoking first contact with the Jungian concepts of projection, anima and animus and the roles (positive and negative) they play in intimate, heterosexual relationships.

It was a really wonderful read with lots of good and easy explanations (theoretical and practical) of the concepts and it's manifestations. And a wonderful outline of a positive and workable approach to dealing with projections and what their purpose is (in a nutshell, first to break through the barrier that exists between to people and secondly and more often than not just a way of your unconscious to tell you what you have to work on with yourself {if you have strong bigger-than-life-women projections --> get in touch with your inner female/emotions. If you have bigger-than-life-men projections --> get in touch with your inner man/creativity/strive; if you have are heavily attracted to artistic partners it might be that your own artistic potential needs to be worked out).

On the more negative side:
It seemed to treat the male/anima side of the whole equation a lot more indepth than the female/animus part. And there is hardly anything about people who don't match their own gender archetype much or to be more concrete match their opposite gender archetype more than their own. Which might be a result of it being a bit dated by now and it's shortness of only 120 pages.

I as well enjoyed the treatment of at the time rather current discussions about if men and women both have anima and animus. Or if their occurence is gendered.

All in all an excellent introduction though!

Invisible Partners
Whenever friends plan to get married and we begin to think of gifts this book comes to mind. We were encouraged to read this when in couples counseling in the early months of our marriage 12 years ago. What a help it was for us. I realize that it would be good to read it again everytime someone we know begins those steps toward marriage.

Set me free from homophobia.
Because of dreams and thoughts that would come to me , I stayed away from developing male friendships because I did not know that I had an unmet need for an emotional attachment with a man.I confused this emotional need with sexual desire so I kept my distance from all men. Not having an emotional attachment with my father left part of me unsatisfied and seeking that attachment. This book helped me see that my yearning was not for sex but for a closeness that was denied me as a boy.

Mind Trek: My Journey from Panic To Peace
Published in Paperback by Dorrance Publishing Co (14 March, 2002)
Authors: Carl J., Ph.D.,Nhd,Cmt Mattina and Carl J. Mattina
Amazon base price: $14.00
Used price: $10.95
Average review score:

Mind/Body Connection
Dr. Carl's story should be an inspiration for those who've been prescribed medications for mental disorders and told they can never live without them. He is an example of someone who can balance the mind/body component with the healing power of healthy foods and a host of natural remedies which feed the brain and nervous system without the nasty side effects of drugs.

A Practical Guide
Carl Mattina tells his own story with candor and insight. In so doing he leads a secure path for men- gay or straight -through the labyrinth of fear and anxiety toward self understanding, confidence and harmony. This is a practical guide: a sound contribution to health and personal integration.

From Fear to Confidence
Dr. Carl Mattina courageously invites us into his life stream, sharing with us his personal journey from fear to confidence. He convincingly describes his painful struggles with self-doubt and his limiting anxiety condition. Then he shares his present knowledge of what anxiety is, where it comes from, and best of all, what to do about it. His words illuminate the obscure, and can provide hope to the hopeless. Those who have long been severely limited by their anxiety condition can move on towards freedom. Dr. Mattina's very personal account provides the key.

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