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Book reviews for "Mann,_Charles_W.,_Jr." sorted by average review score:

The Howling Man
Published in Paperback by Tor Books (1992)
Authors: Charles Beaumont and Roger Anker
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $14.90
Collectible price: $15.88
Average review score:

I'll keep this brief. The stories in this book are terrific.
Some creepy, some scary but all are just extraordinarily well written stories. It truly is a shame this book is out of print. Fans of horror, sci-fi and just plain well written short stories will eat this up. Someone re-print this !!!

The Howling Man is Head and Shoulders Above Other Short Fic.
Charles Beaumont was a visionary unappreciated in his time and unlikely to be appreciated since his passing. His mastery of short fiction characterization and plot is unparalled by Stephen King and is only approached by the Short Fiction in Orson Scott Card's Unaccompanied Sonata.

Brilliant writer and storyteller. The Howling Man' great!
The Howling Man and other stories in this collection are outstanding. Beaumont is a great talent of the writing craft and writers like King and Straub stand on his shoulders. He's the most gifted and least recognized writers I've had the pleasure of reading.

Joseph...a Man of Integrity & Forgiveness
Published in Paperback by Unknown (1998)
Author: Charles R. Swindoll
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $1.89
Buy one from zShops for: $4.99
Average review score:

a wonderful emotional depiction of an honorable man
In his book, Swindoll shows in a concise, vivid and entertaining manner the things that Joseph had to undergo and adequately explains that the only way he survived them and came out on top was due to his extreme devotion to and faith in God. He uses the method of displaying a passage of scripture and then analyzing it piece by piece. What would you have done in Joseph's position? How did Joseph do what he did? This book is extremely superb, whether you want to take an in depth look at your favorite patriarch, or if you are struggling with integrity and forgiveness in your own life.

A masterful blue-print for modeling personal integrity!
Chuck Swindoll has done it again! If you read only one book this year, you owe it to yourself to read "Joseph: A Man of Integrity and Forgiveness."

After reading a number of Swindoll's books, booklets, and articles, I firmly believe "Joseph" to be his finest work concerning personal integrity! It challenged me to reach for new levels of personal, Christ-like character.

Be prepared to laugh, shed a some tears, and have your life challenged by the book's insightful observations, masterful commentary and penetrating questions for application. It delivers the goods in a life changing way!

The Man on the Tower: Poems (Arkansas Poetry Award Series)
Published in Paperback by Univ of Arkansas Pr (1995)
Author: Charles Rafferty
Amazon base price: $12.00
Used price: $9.00
Average review score:

Like Stephen Dunn
Rafferty, a former student of Stephen Dunn, and classmate of BJ Ward, has a book here that holds up to the standard set by those two poets, and even better, makes some of it's own claims as well!

Taking a page sometimes used by Dunn, writing poems in the third person, Rafferty focuses on the psychological and emotional aspects of the human condition. He tackles love in it's many romantic incarnations: falling in, falling out, jealousy, obsession. There's a high school reunion, a muse hanging from a chandelier, an escape each case coming across as an authority of his subject (and yet like any good poet) offering the necessary revelations that cause the reader to swoon.

You could accuse Rafferty of writing like Bukowski, had Bukowski ever been interested in being one part elegant--you get the sense that in that way, Rafferty will be considered a better poet than Bukowski before it's all through.

the best
This is a great colleciton of poems. I read them aloud by myself. I read them aloud in the bathroom. I didn't go anywhere until I finished the book.

Robert F. Kennedy: Man Who Dared to Dream (Americans All)
Published in Library Binding by Garrard Publishing Company (1970)
Authors: Charles Parlin Graves and Victor Mays
Amazon base price: $8.76
Used price: $2.25
Average review score:

Andre's favourite books
Robert F. Kennedy was my hero when I was 13 and he still is to this day . I read this book when I was in middle school it was in the library at school RFK is more my hero because i feel i identify with him

I loved this book as a child, although it was rather young for me at the time I got it. I loved it because it was an excellent introduction to Senator Robert Kennedy.

The book is beautifully illustrated with very realistic looking drawings. The drawings of the Senator as a boy makes him a child other children can relate to. One can laugh with the little Bobby, watching his friend making a crash landing with a homemade parachute. (Luckily HE didn't try this stunt! Good thing he used a stunt man for this one)! One can cheer for the grown man, the Senator who reached the top of a Canadian mountain in 1965 after a lifetime of acrophobia.

The last part, covering the Senator's assassination is handled delicately, since the book targets a young audience. I enjoyed it as a child. It is not a comprehensive book, but a good introduction to Robert Kennedy is really all it is. It's just a nice little starter book.

The Spirituality of Man: A Personal Philosophy
Published in Paperback by Tabby House (2000)
Author: Charles E., Jr. Boring
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.42
Buy one from zShops for: $10.42
Average review score:

Deserves 5 stars.
This very interesting life story shows that each person is a spiritual being, regardless of formal religious training or exposure. Many religious services are boring; many people are being short-changed by existing religious structures, whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or whatever. The author, however, is optimistic that the inherent spirituality of each person will overcome the legalistic requirements of religious organizations.

the spiritual heart
Charlie Boring and his wife Barbara helped me get through medical school. His wife was the chief secretary of the Psychiatry Department and kept all the students in our class informed about departmental plans (which seemed ominous and sinister to us). After practicing orthopedic surgery for many years, Charlie has written a book that summarizes his spiritual quest through life. Each of us who is alive is on such a journey, whether or not we recognize it. Without boring the reader with a list of his own problems (his last name does not characterize the book), he tells the reader of the importance of Alcoholics Anonymous in his life. He then summarizes the humanistic kernal at the heart of every religion, the spiritual base that allowed him to bring his life together and serve his patients. Secular leaders such as Hippocrates ("above all, do no harm") are also examined. The work never gets bogged down in academic palaver, but cuts to the key elements of revealed religion and of humanism that allows each of us to live our life to its spiritual best. This book is highly recommended to anyone slogging through dark moments, particularly to anyone with a substance abuse problem. Frank R. Freemon, Department of Neurology, Vanderbilt University

The Abilities of Man: Their Nature and Measurement
Published in Hardcover by AMS Press (1970)
Author: Charles Edward, Spearman
Amazon base price: $24.00
Average review score:

the basis of the scientific reserch about human intelligence
Everyone who wants looking into the human intelligence must read this book. Current research in the field born from the Spearman's conception of the cognitive abilities of the man. The discovery of g is one of the most important in the whole history of the psychology. Even, the reserch about cognitive processes concerning psychometric abilities is explained in this book, several decades before the cognitive paradigm was taken seriosly!!!!, Spearman talk about reaction time, knowledge of the process underlaying on the time that a person last making a task, etc. In short, if you want to understand what and why about the wonderful world of the human intelligence, this book help us like no one. It is the real source of others impresionat books like "The g factor" by A. Jensen, "Human cognitive abilities" by J.B.Carroll and "Geography of Human Intelligence" by M. Juan-Espinosa, which could not have been written without the work of Charles Spearman explained in this book. Enjoy with it and take advantage of his wisdom!!!!

The Absent Man: The Narrative Craft of Charles W. Chesnutt
Published in Hardcover by Ohio Univ Pr (Txt) (1998)
Author: Charles Duncan
Amazon base price: $36.95
Used price: $23.50
Average review score:

Analyzing an Enigma
Any serious student of African American literature has read the fiction and/or journals of Charles Waddell Chesnutt, one of the most ambitious, intelligent, and under-rated writers of his time. "The Absent Man" is a must-read for Chesnutt scholars, because in it, Duncan explores some of the reasons for Chesnutt's enigmatic reputation: his elusive authorial stance; his introspective personality; his lifelong preoccupation with the ways in which society constructs a person's identity; and his persistent examinations of racial attitudes at a time when much of the reading public was unprepared both emotionally and intellectually for such honesty. Duncan painstakingly dissects the various narrative constructs--such as masking, and the first-person narrator-protagonist vs. the witness-narrator--with which Chesnutt experimented in his writing. Duncan demonstrates an astute understanding of Chesnutt's delicate role: a 19th-century black writer attempting to challenge the racial assumptions of his readers, most of whom were white, and gain fame and fortune in the process. Ambitious indeed, and, sadly, Chesnutt in the end suffered from critical backlash. After Chesnutt's death in 1932, his canon seemed neglected for a time; however, critical attention increased during the latter half of the 20th century, and, influenced by Chesnutt scholar Joseph R. McElrath, Jr., Duncan's voice is a competent addition. While some critics have focused mainly on Chesnutt's most well-known works, such as "The Conjure Woman" and "The Marrow of Tradition," Duncan gives special attention to Chesnutt's lesser known short fiction, such as the short stories "Baxter's Procrustes" and "The Shadow of My Past." Duncan's is a much-needed contribution to our understanding and appreciation of Chesnutt's rhetorical brilliance.

The Atonement Between God and Man
Published in Hardcover by Bible Students Congregation of New Brunswick (01 January, 2000)
Author: Charles T. Russell
Amazon base price: $17.77
Average review score:

Enhances understanding of the life & death of Jesus Christ
This is the fifth volume in a series of six. After reading this book and carefully examining the scriptures in it, I have finally gained a clear, detailed and harmonious explanation of the relationship between God and His son, Jesus Christ, as well as the Holy Spirit, which is often unfortunately described as a "mystery" in the Christian world today.

I have also gained a better insight into the purpose of Jesus' life, death and resurrection. It is generally understood by Christians that Jesus died for the sin of the world. This book explains, however, the logisitics of why and how his death can provide salvation and remove the sin of the world - because Jesus' sinless life satisfied God's justice in providing a substitute or "ransom" for Adam (father of the human race), who sinned and caused his posterity to also be born in sin (1 Timothy 2:5,6).

One must read and study the scriptures in this book with an open mind as it challenges the creeds of Christianity that have been held for over 1,500 years.

Holy Spirit explained
This is the type of book that reveals more "new" thoughts I hadn't seen before, each time I read it. I have been assisted in understanding multiple aspects about the Holy Spirit by using this book along with the scriptures. There are so many scriptures cited that I can check the thoughts presented and how they correlate with the Bible. I was introduced in this book to the simple concept that atonement is also at-one-ment with God. This is the best book for an understanding of what the Holy Spirit is, how it operates, and how one knows if they have it.

The Axe and Man
Published in Hardcover by Astragal Press (1999)
Author: Charles A. Heavrin
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $25.00
Collectible price: $26.47
Buy one from zShops for: $25.00
Average review score:

this book
a good book that is perfect if you are doing a reserch project. It is good if you need information, or just something to look at.

The Blue Parka Man: Alaskan Gold Rush Bandit
Published in Hardcover by Dodd Mead (1980)
Author: H. C. Landru
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $1.99
Collectible price: $6.35
Average review score:

the Blue Parka Man: Alaskan Gold Rush Bandit
This was one of the first Alaskan books I read when I came to the interior of Alaska in 1982. The author kept me spell bound with the history and personalities of the Gold Rush in the circle mining district. Besides the lore of gold this book is about a true life dog sled chase over mountain summits in the dead of winter for a character which could be described as a gentleman, a gold rush Robin Hood. I wanted so much to share this adventure with others but my copy was stolen and the book has been out of print. This is a cat and mouse story with lots of action and could be made into a wonderful movie. I so much wish to read it again and pass it along to all who venture to Alaska and the interior.

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