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Book reviews for "Kruskal,_William_Henry" sorted by average review score:

The Jameses: A Family Narrative
Published in Paperback by Anchor Books (1993)
Author: R. W. B. Lewis
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $2.75
Collectible price: $5.00
Average review score:

The James Family: Or how to Educate a Brood of Geniuses
This wonderful book tells the story of where the James family and its money came from, how Henry Sr. almost lost his inheritance for the frivolity of buying too many books, then reclaimed it and used it to raise the most remarkable intellectual family yet in American history. The book is big, which gives it enough space to delve into the tragedy of the two younger James brothers, the maturation of William and Henry Jr., and the closeted life of Alice.

I came away with a new respect for the somewhat eccentric Henry Sr., with his diverse interests in educational philosophy, Swedenborg, and Emerson. He is the under-sung hero of this narrative and its true author.

Perhaps I enjoyed the book most of all because it allowed me to feel almost a part of the family, to live what to me is a fantasy. If you feel yourself a kindred spirit to William, Henry, Jr., or Sr., or Alice, I would heartily recommend this book.

John Henry
Published in Hardcover by Greenwood Publishing Group (1983)
Author: Brett Williams
Amazon base price: $59.00
Used price: $15.00
Collectible price: $23.29
Average review score:

John Henry - imaginary folktale or real man?
When I first heard about this book I thought, "there's no way this book is about the legendary steel driver". The title is what threw me off "JOHN HENRY A Bio-Bibliography". How could you write a "bio-bibliography" about an imaginary guy?

It turns out that in the early 1900 two professors, Guy Johnson and Louis Chappell, decided to track down the origions of the John Henry ballad and folktale. They were shocked to find people who actually claimed to know the Steel Driver. They knew what he looked like, where he worked (C&O railroad in W. Virginia), and even the name and location of the tunnel where he raced the steam drill and died. Incredible!

I orginally was hooked on the John Henry folktale as a kid when I read the children's book by Ezra Keats. As an adult it is wonderful to read that he actually might have existed. John Henry a Bio-bibliography is a wonderful book full of great history and intrigue.

The Journal of George Fox
Published in Paperback by Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (1995)
Authors: John L. Nickalls, William Penn, George Fox, and Henry Joel Cadbury
Amazon base price: $17.00
Used price: $9.99
Collectible price: $16.85
Average review score:

The best source for the life and testimonies of Quakers
This is the first person account of the founder of the Quakers (Society of Friends), George Fox, and it is the best resource for the life and testimonies of Quakers. It is an exciting read full of action, truth and common sense living.

Journal, Volume 1
Published in Hardcover by Princeton Univ Pr (01 October, 1981)
Authors: Henry David Thoreau, Elizabeth Hall Witherell, William L. Howarth, Robert Sattelmeyer, and Thomas Blanding
Amazon base price: $95.00
Used price: $49.04
Buy one from zShops for: $87.40
Average review score:

A day by day look at Thoreau
"Oct. 22nd, 1837. 'What are you doing now?' he asked, 'Do you keep a journal?'-- So I make my first entry today." Thus begins Thoreau's Journal, made up of more then two million words and covering about twenty-five years of his life. No other work of Thoreau's better exhibits his discipline as a writer and his devotion to the natural world. In the Journal can be found the fragmented foundations of masterpieces such as Walden, A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers, The Maine Woods, and Cape Cod. But what is perhaps more interesting to a reader of Thoreau's Journal are his thoughts and insights on topics such as friendship, love, religion, nature, bravery, heroism, war, slavery, the art of writing, and, most important to Thoreau, the art of living. Anyone with any interest in Thoreau will find his Journal to be an invaluable aid in understanding and following the life of one of America's most profound prose writers

The Last Leaf
Published in Paperback by Dramatic Pub. (1996)
Authors: William Glennon and O. Henry
Amazon base price: $3.50
Average review score:

classic, illustration of compassion and strength of soul
this is a classic that can be read over and over. well worth finding a copy for your library. it illustrates perseverence, will to live, and above all...compassion of spirit

League of the Iroquois
Published in Paperback by Citadel Pr (1984)
Authors: Lewis Henry Morgan and William N. Fenton
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $2.89
Buy one from zShops for: $4.50
Average review score:

Foundation for Study of the Iroquois League
I read this book for my Classic Ethnographies seminar at school. It is by far one of the most interesting ethnographies I have had the pleasure of reading. It combines ethnography with history and gives the reader a good overall view of the Iroquois. I can't recommend this book enough. If you only read one book on the Iroquois, this should be that book!

Lincoln and the Bluegrass: Slavery and Civil War in Kentucky
Published in Hardcover by University Press of Kentucky (1990)
Author: William Henry Townsend
Amazon base price: $34.00
Used price: $5.75
Average review score:

Must Read!
Every American should read this book

Looking for the Prehispanic Filipino: And Other Essays in Philippine History
Published in Paperback by Cellar Book Shop (1993)
Author: William Henry Scott
Amazon base price: $15.50
Buy one from zShops for: $15.50
Average review score:

Refreshing information concerning Philippine history
This was the first book by Scott that I read for a particular college course. It was a rather small book with probably no more than 200 pages in it. However, the scholarly information that Scott shared in these essays are lucid and enlightening. For instance, he debunks several myths that have been passively and carelessly accepted by popular culture regarding Philippine history. He argues about the existence of the legendary Code of Kalantiaw as well as the significance of the Papal Bull that presided over the colonial interests of Portugal and Spain. He justifies his arguments by acting more like a careful scientist rather than a professor of history. It is also clear to see how his research was undertaken with utmost scrutiny and constant tests to prove their finality.

I highly recommend this book not only to scholars of Philippine and Asian studies but also to the Philippine youth - those who refuse to accept dictates of misleading popular culture but rather are eager to discover for themselves what their heritage is truly all about. I will admit that this book is not sufficient to reveal everything you need to know about Philippine history, but it leaves you thinking and off to a good start.

Miller, Bukowski & Their Enemies: Essays on Contemporary Culture
Published in Paperback by Avisson Pr Inc (1996)
Authors: William Joyce and Joyce William
Amazon base price: $12.00
Average review score:

Solid, passionate criticism
I bought this book to read the author's thoughts on Bukowski and Miller and was quite impressed with the passion and clarity of his criticism. The best thing about it for me, however, was an introduction into the works of B. Traven, a writer I had never heard of before this book. Traven, the author of The Treasure of the Sierra Madre and many other novels, is a forgotten treasure in our literature.

I highly recommend this slender volume to anyone interested in discussions of contemporary American literature. Be warned, though: This is not dry, academic discourse. William Joyce, for all of his erudition, is a bloody, passionate thinker and a living man. In other words, he's the perfect sort of fellow to write criticism of Bukowski, Miller and B. Traven.

Mission on Taylor Street : the founding and early years of the Dayton Brethren in Christ Mission
Published in Unknown Binding by Brethren in Christ Historical Society ; Evangel Press ()
Author: Paul S. Boyer
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $10.00
Collectible price: $21.18
Average review score:

family history as well
Hi there If you are a Boyer (or a French) and have family from southwestern Ohio - please order one of these fine paperbacks by Paul. Besides wonderful mission history there is also Boyer (and French) family history to be learned.
Have a wonderful day.

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