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Book reviews for "Kruskal,_William_Henry" sorted by average review score:

Rebel Brothers: The Civil War Letters of the Truehearts (Military History Series)
Published in Hardcover by Texas A&M University Press (1995)
Authors: Charles William Trueheart, Henry Marty N Trueheart, and Edward B. Williams
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $12.50
Collectible price: $13.22
Buy one from zShops for: $29.99
Average review score:

Rebel Brothers: The Civil War Letter of the Truehearts
This collection of Civil War letters has so many merits to make it a good read. The letters between the two brothers and their family were well written, reflecting their education as well as their aristocratic upbringing in the Old South and their strong family ties. They took part in many of the important engagements of the war, and were able to give very comprehensive descriptions, taking you right into the action of a battle, or charging your emotions to feel the exhilaration or trials or dejection they experienced. The eldest brother, Henry, was in the cavalry, riding with the 7th Virginia Cavalry and McNeill's Rangers. But it was Charles; serving in the infantry (later in the Medical Corps), who gives us a rare insight into how the horses fared in the war environment. Both brothers wrote of their faith in God and their prayers for each other. Don't miss this one, especially if you are a Civil War buff.

Rolling Stones
Published in Hardcover by Reprint Services Corp (1993)
Authors: William S. Porter, O. Henry, and William Sidney Porter
Amazon base price: $125.00
Used price: $45.00
Average review score:

This book is an old novel that happens to have the same name as the British band. It was written long before the words ROLLING STONE were used by blues artist Muddy Waters.

The Russian Revolution, 1917-1921
Published in Paperback by Princeton Univ Pr (1987)
Authors: William Henry Chamberlin and Diane P. Koenker
Amazon base price: $26.95
Used price: $4.49
Average review score:

Volume Two is essential reading on the Russian Civil War
There are numerous good books on the Russian Revolution of 1917, and this is one of them. There are few good books on the 1918 - 1923 Civil War, and Chamberlin's book, originally published in 1934, is still essential reading for anyone who wishes to know more than what's contained in Evan Mawdsley's `The Russian Civil War'. Chamberlin's book was chosen by the reviewers for `Foreign Affairs' in 1997 as one of the most important books on international relations published in the last 75 years; I agree. Chamberlin's book goes in and out of print; copies are easy to find even when it's out of print.

Chamberlin spent 1922 to 1934 as a foreign correspondent in the USSR; he was later a lecturer at Yale and Harvard. He had access to people, places and documents which no later writer on the Civil War had access to until about 1990. So his book is packed with important information about aspects of the Russian Civil War that it's hard to find discussed elsewhere. And his statements of fact are almost all accurate, which is more than one can say for many books on the subject. The organization of the book leaves something to be desired; finding all the places where a particular topic is discussed is difficult. Hence, it's a good idea to read Mawdsley's book before reading Chamberlin. But Chamberlin is still a `must read'.

Chamberlin set out to report facts. Therefore he was severely criticized by left-wing reviewers in the 1930's as being biased against the Soviet Union, and equally severely criticized by right-wing reviewers and scholars of the 1950s and 1960s as having been too sympathetic to the USSR. From the perspective of the 1990's this book contains a remarkably accurate account of the facts.

The Second Part of King Henry VI (Shakespeare, William, Works.)
Published in Paperback by Arden Shakespeare (1999)
Authors: William Shakespeare and Andrew S. Cairncross
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $6.89
Average review score:

A Phenomenal sequel for an exquisite play!
Who says that sequels never live up to the original? Part 2 of this trilogy does just that! Immediately, Shakespeare grabs us with Gloucester's understandable fury at King Henry VI. This is soon followed by York's conspiracy to seize the crown himself. Later we are offered some comical touches with a false miracle. Some chilling pagan prophecies also grab our attention. Also Later, there is the hard passage where Gloucester uncovers the treason of his wife and later stands trial and is found guilty of crimes he is innocent of. Later his corpse is discovered. Shakespeare does not stop here! There is the chilling triangle between King Henry VI, Queen Margaret, and her lover Suffolk. King Henry VI is at his best in the trilogy when he banishes the vile Suffolk and faces down his queen. The scene where the delirious cardinal confesses his guilt is a scene of horror followed by Henry's touching forgiveness. The rebel Jack Cade simultaneously offers comedy and horror. His death at the hands of Iden is artfully drawn. But Shakespeare does not stop here! The War of the Roses actually starts.The demonic Richard III actually makes his first appearance in this play. The icing on the cake is yet to come. Clifford's father is killed in the war, and Young Clifford offers a sorrowful, terrifying, and yet beautiful passage on his intent for revenge!

A Sort of a Saga.
Published in Hardcover by W.W. Norton & Company (1973)
Author: William Henry, Mauldin
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $2.00
Collectible price: $29.65
Average review score:

I read this book in 1964-great entertainment
I enjoyed this book, the story of a family that wanted to grow citrus in New Mexico.They lived in hard times and also adventurous times. I enjoyed the part of the boys playing tricks on the constable, and the skunk musk on the manifold. I also enjoyed the tobacco shortage because of the flood. It was a long time ago, but I would like to read it again.

Spirit of Endurance: The True Story of the Shackleton Expedition to the Antarctic
Published in Hardcover by Crown Pub (12 September, 2000)
Authors: Jennifer Armstrong and William Maughan
Amazon base price: $12.57
List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $6.39
Average review score:

The Spirit of Endurance lives on.
The current polar explorer Ann Bancroft said she was first inspired to visit Antarctica after the breathtaking pictures and reports of Shackleton's attempts to cross that continent. As she attempts to become part of the first women's team to traverse Antarctica she is passing by Shackleton's Glacier and must be remembering his team and their efforts. The actual photographs of Shackleton's ship in the book Spirit of Endurance and the reproduction paintings of each adventure and challenge they faced draw the reader into the tale. Students are fascinated by the hardships the men encountered and endured. The decision regarding the fate of their sled dogs was as heartbreaking to the reader as it must have been to the men of Endurance. The remarkable heroism and perseverence of Shackleton and his crew is an inspiration to the adventurers in all of us.

Tales of Sir William Wallace
Published in Hardcover by Wright Gordon Pub Ltd (1901)
Authors: Tom Scott and Henry Wallace
Amazon base price: $10.00
Average review score:

a more readable version of Blind Harry
This is a work of tales of William Wallace, freely adapted from the poem of Blind Harry by Tom Scott, with illustrations by James Hutcheson. A very readable, quickie version of Harry's epic.

For those wishing Harry's version, but not caring to wade through the poem and some of its language.

Very good for young students.

Three Lives for Mississippi (Banner Book)
Published in Paperback by Univ Pr of Mississippi (2000)
Authors: William Bradford Huie, Martin Luther King Jr., and Juan Williams
Amazon base price: $18.00
Used price: $5.00
Collectible price: $11.95
Buy one from zShops for: $15.99
Average review score:

Buy it!
What makes this book interesting is that it was written between the murders and the trial. Huie knew who the murderers were, how they did it, and never expected a guilty verdict.

The book introduces you in detail to Michael (Mickey) Schwerener and all the details leading up to his murder. This detail will help you understand exactly why and how these murders took place.

This latest edition includes updates by the author to compare his early speculation against the results of the trial.

Time Exposure: The Autobiography of William Henry Jackson
Published in Paperback by Patrice Pr (1994)
Author: William Henry Jackson
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $80.00
Average review score:

A great outlook of the life in the American West!

To the Manner Born: The Life of General William H.T. Walker
Published in Hardcover by University of Georgia Press (1994)
Author: Russell K. Brown
Amazon base price: $50.00
Used price: $60.00
Average review score:

The Man
To the Manner Born; The Life of General William H. T. Walker was a pleasure and joy to read. Especially after discovering that William H. T. Walker is a forgotten American hero. Before the civil war Walker's heroics were known thoughout the United States. Zacary Taylor, President of the United States in the mid 1800's, named Walker "the man", after serving with Walker in the Florida Indian War, and later in the Mexican American War. Walker beleived in honor and duty to his country, right or wrong, and served his country to the best of his ability. The civil war took more than Walkers life, it took his legacy. Many may call Walker a bigot, who was involved in wars that we would rather forget. The book shows that the drama of his life and the way he lived it may still come calling, if only as a whisper. Walker was shot three times in the indian war and thought dead. Then a few years later he was shot three more times in the Mexican American War and left for dead on the battle field. He was gut shot and thirsty, and through a hail of gunfire Walker calmly drank his fill. When the civil war came along Walker chose to side with his home state of Georgia. He was passed over by Jefferson Davis, and not offered a major command. It was clear Davis feared the popularity of Walker, and did all he could to keep Walker from gainning new fame. The book is fresh, wise, and well written, about a forgotten American hero that you may never forget.

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