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"Outside the Bungalow" for gardening
"Inside the Bungalow" for decorating

"California Bungalows" was originally titles "Wilson's California Bungalow." The book starts with a description of what all stock plans include, how much it costs to get duplicates, etc. There's not much about the philosophy of the architect, as in some books. (For example, Radford's Artistic Bungalows says quite a lot about how they went to great lengths to hire architects experienced in the design of small-and-medium sized houses, and about how costs can or cannot be estimated in advance, and so on. This book doesn't have that.) On the other hand, with each individual house, there is description of some of the features of the house, ones that wouldn't necessarily be visible right away, such as that a mantel is made of brick, or the dining room built-in buffet has glass doors and a plate mirror. That's a nice touch. Each description has an estimate of what it would cost to build the house.
The illustrations of each house vary widely - some are photos of finished houses, some are detailed drawings/paintings, and some are just sketches/line drawings. So one doesn't get the same level of information about the appearance of every house. Some of the illustrations are face-on, meaning we see only the front of the house, and can only imagine the sides from the floor plans. On the other hand, for many of the houses, a second illustration is included, of at least one room of the interior. Fully-furnished living rooms are shown; or an illustration of a "typical bathroom" showing what types of fixtures are expected; there's a full-page illustration of "Wilson's Buffet Kitchen" with cut-away view of the cabinets, and complete with a maid in an apron working at the stove. There are several pages showing what styles of dining room buffets, or sideboards, are available, and a section showing doors and locksets you can actually order.
Almost all the floor plans are large and readable, although a few are quite cluttered; with every closet described as broom closet or linen closet, the lettering outstretches the space available. There's also a disconcerting habit, at least to my modern eyes, of referring to the inside chimney as a "thimble" - maybe that was a contemporary usage, but I can't recall seeing it in any other catalog.
In sum: good plans, lots of details on interiors, good ideas on how such houses were furnished; poorer aspect is that some houses are presented only with a sketch. Overall, a good book, one that can give a beginner a good introduction to plan books and to the lifestyles of the period. And the price is great for what you get.

Used price: $6.37

That the young Matrau rises from "The Baby of Company G' to Company Commander is amazing in itself, it is even more incredible that he stayed so outwardly calm through four years at the hottest of battles in the eastern campaign.
One learns much of his everyday life: the cold, the dirt, the mundane and the dangerous. Yet while Matrau is fiercely patriotic and loyal, he expresses little political or social opinion. He is matter of fact about doing his job, and doing it well.
Fascinating read with some small and large insights on life in the legendary "Iron Brigade."

Used price: $0.95
Collectible price: $5.00

By: Marguerite Henry
Reviewed by: J. Park
Period: P.5
Paragraph #1
Sea Star is one of my favorite books. It gets me interested on how horeses really do have feelings. Everyone has told me that I should read this book, because I love to read about animals. I thought that it would be very boring bacuse of the front cover and I shouldn't have judged the book by it's cover so I read it, then I thought that sane was very true. Once I got to the conflict I couldn't get my eyes off the book. It starts out like an ordinary book with little, small details and then they have surprise news that wakes you up. You are halfway dead when all of a sudden you are more than alive. This book is great becaus eit is very detailed so I understand so well that I can grow and share this with my kids, and you can't take your eyes the book.
Paragraph #2
The way they described the story was very different from how other books, that I have read, had explained the story. They make a sentence like: Let's go eat! Into like a describtive sentence like this: Let's go enjoy a meal by filling our hungry stomachs with a big and nice samdwhich! I love how they describe every single, little thing they talk about. It's like, if they don't write so that we can't understand, they aregoing to quit writing the book, they do their writing so well! I know what is going on and I am interested in what is going to happen next.
Paragraph #3
The way they explain the story is that they take a hard story to explain into a easy kingdergarten book. I can memorize the book word by word. (exaderation) I had a time where I had got mad at the book because it was getting all interesting until they made it so confusing I didn't get it. I was so frustrated that I got mad at the book. This book is always more than understandable. Everyday I read this book, I forget things very easily, I can remember this story from where I started to where I ended everyday. To tell the treuth this book had got me hyptnotised into it.
Paragraph #4
Whenever I read books I always get into trouble for not reading it a lot, but this book I get into trouble for reading it too long. This story is a very continuous story that if you take your eyes off for one moment you miss a whole apple tree in a garden. I enjoy howq there is something going on everytime and everyday. Many people don't know the feeling of horses. While reading this book you enjoy and learn at the same time. I would tell everyone that doesn't like to read and give them this book. Last of all the ending, the ending has a whole different side to everything I said. The ending is the most saddest part ever, even though it is a happy ending. The book ended! I hate it when books end, it seems like your adventure had ended and you have to start all over again. You never know whaty kind of books are as interesting as this. Your book fun time is over. I enjoyed this book and I had learned a lot from it.

List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.53
Collectible price: $10.00
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Used price: $6.50
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List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.90
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My only complaint was the unnecessary criticism of classroom teachers. Unless Ms. Henry was once a classroom teacher herself, I feel she is unqualified to claim that "the most average high school graduate could produce average work in this not-so-challenging college major." I was disappointed in this display of subjective writing in an otherwise well-written book.

Used price: $58.80
Buy one from zShops for: $79.07

List price: $18.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.75
Collectible price: $5.25
Buy one from zShops for: $3.95

Lam Kam Chuen really strives to place Chinese science in the mainstream of Western Einsteinian physics. He isn't concerned with adjusting your dresser to cure corns. He may have an opinion on that, as might Einstein, but if that is what you're seeking, you should read Dr. Scholl's.
This book is effective because of the brushed demonstrations of energy flows in the latter half of the book. You are free to accept or reject this approach, but I believe it is an effective approach to this cross-cultural experience.

I knew absolutely nothing about Feng Shui before I bought this book, which I admit I bought for the colorwheel. I changed my bedroom around based on the master's advice, and now I sleep like a baby! I'm glad I bought this book BEFORE I redecorated. It really saved me from making some expensive bad choices.
This book is easy to carry around if you are shopping for a new apartment or house. A handbook for sure.

Used price: $7.10
Collectible price: $42.31
Buy one from zShops for: $73.60

In this book, Henry David Thoreau takes an extended look beyond human nature and human habit. He brings forth a new and exciting view point on life and teaches how to live in happiness without the confusion of mechanical materials. I had to read this book for a 9th grade Language Arts assignment, and I had never heard of Walden or Thoreau before this project was assigned. When I completed this book, I felt very refreshed. It encouraged me to take a second look at my own life, and simply discard of the things which were causing complications or confusion. This book stretched past the limits and capacity of my mind as a 9th grade student. It forced me to think. Judging by the majority of my peers, I am convinced that anything that would force them to THINK harder, deserves 5 shining stars.