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Understanding and Facilitating Forgiveness (Strategic Pastoral Counseling Resources)
Published in Hardcover by Baker Book House (1996)
Authors: David G. Benner and Robert W. Harvey
Amazon base price: $14.99
Used price: $12.95
Buy one from zShops for: $19.88
Average review score:

Table of Contents
PART ONE: UNDERSTANDING FORGIVENESS Chapter 1: The Importance of Forgiveness Chapter 2: The Possibility of Forgiveness Chapter 3: The Necessity of Forgiveness Chapter 4: The Difficulty of Forgiveness PART TWO: FACILITATING FORGIVENESS Chapter 5: The Role of Forgiveness in Pastoral Care Chapter 6: Case Study I Chapter 7: Case Study II Chapter 8: Case Study III

The authors help pastoral counselors present God's grace in healing forgiveness issues, especially for those who have built a wall of bitterness from past pain. They examine the complex emotions of unforgiveness. They address the problems of an inability to forgive, an inability to receive forgiveness, and an inability to forgive oneself.

Brady Emergency Care
Published in Hardcover by Brady Games (1998)
Authors: Michael F. O'Keefe, Daniel Limmer, Harvey D. Grant, Robert H., Jr. Murray, and J. David Bergeron
Amazon base price: $61.67
Used price: $7.00
Buy one from zShops for: $44.99
Average review score:

Good, VERY good...
I am a current EMT-B student and currently use this book as text. The book is indeed easy to read, and has a lot of features to help a student prepare for that dreadful exam. I reccomend buying the workbook as well, to really solidify the knowledge gained by reading. In my class the tests are easy in comparison to the questions in the workbook, this is why I recommend buying the workbook. Also, using all of the features incorporated in this book will, with out any doubt, prepare you for the test. The assessment chapters are mangled as the instructor's review says, but there is a great graphic in the front of the book and being how assessment is SO VITAL, one should visualize it on their own and practice till its like tieing a shoe. All in all a quality well thought out book, with tons of features.

Excellent resource manual
I am a student interested in becoming an EMT. I know the people at the local fire station so I asked them for a resource book and they gave me a 6th edition of this manual and it is proving to be an excellent resource. It has many pictures and at the beginning of each chapter, it gives a real life scenario for you to focus on for the chapter and explains objectives you should know by the end of the chapter. I've found it very informative and hope that the 8th edition follows in its footsteps. Well done Brady!

Excellent reference for the EMT-B
Excellent book, and extremely informative; I just completed the EMT-Basic course and the National Registry exam. The book was a wonderful source of knowledge, and reference. What I would like to see is perhaps a cheaper, paperback version of the book come out; we completed the course and had to return the book, and I just think that if it was more accessible, more students would have purchased it, instead of signing it out.

The Complete Perl Training Course (1st Edition)
Published in CD-ROM by Prentice Hall PTR (28 June, 2001)
Authors: Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, Tem Nieto, and David C. McPhie
Amazon base price: $76.99
List price: $109.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $69.79
Buy one from zShops for: $69.99
Average review score:

Beginning to Intermediate Programmers
This book does breaks some ground on programming with Perl. Ive learned alot from this book and Ive been using Pascal for quite some time. I would say that those of you that want some quick answers from a book that is written in a way for you to get going with Perl than this is the book. Yet it probably would put some advanced users to sleep but than the title acks that. I gave it a four because it uses too many expluratives.

Great Training Courses
I would highly recommend the training courses offered by the Deitels. So far, I have used the Java and Perl Training Courses and have found with both that the instruction was consistent and well planned. The examples were done well and the explanations provided in both the book and especially on the CD were easy to follow and understand. I think particularly listening to the CD explanations made working through the material go a lot faster, at least for me.
I believe that the Deitels have made every effort to make a product that truly is an effective learning tool. They also pleasantly surprised me by promptly answering any emails that I sent to them regarding questions I had about the material in the book.

I feel confident that because of the Deitels' products I have gained a solid foundation in both the Java and Perl programming languages. For any and all programming languages I plan to learn in the future, I will check first to see if there is a Deitel training course available and start my learning process there.

No Liberty for License: The Forgotten Logic of the First Amendment
Published in Hardcover by Spence Pub (15 October, 1997)
Authors: David Lowenthal and Harvey C. Mansfield
Amazon base price: $19.57
List price: $27.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.88
Collectible price: $14.00
Buy one from zShops for: $13.50
Average review score:

A well researched and documented history of major changes.
The author presents a very interesting and readable history of the major changes and the cases involved in the interpretations of the first amendment to the constitution. He shows how these changes have negatively impacted our society allowing us too much freedom without any real responsibility, leading to the degradation of society and what he sees as the eventual downfall of our government - perhaps even into dictatorship. He gives two appendices to help the reader (especially the novice to law) understand the cases. The most important part of the book is the first section and the conclusion, though the other parts are also important. The only drawback I see is that the author did not mention the presidents who appointed the justices to the Supreme Court who were involved in the changes in interpretation of the first amendment. It would have added interest and weight to the book to know the presidential involvement in the choices made for justices and the influence each president had over his justice choice, if any. Also, the recommendations for change and his call to action appear to be weak in outline and ability to actually be accomplished. Finally, anyone (perhaps students) without a thorough command of the English language better read the book with a dictionary in hand!!

Great insight into origins of Supreme Court decadence.
The author beautifully demonstrates the intepretation of the US Constitution in modern times is contrary to that of its original intent. Well written and accessible to those without legal background, though extensively referenced.

He further shows that the original intent is superior politically, logically and morally to what has replaced it. That the current interpretation that has replaced it, due to its internal contradictions, must disrupt in time, taking any government based on it down with it.

The most fascinating point of the book, perhaps, is where the author shows the exact point in 1919 where the Supreme Court first lost touch with Constitution. Then again, in 1925, when it solidified that in a ruling written by Holmes and Brandeis:

"If in the long run the beliefs expressed in proletarian dictatorship are destined to be accepted by the dominant forces of the community, the only meaning of freedom speech is that they should be given their chance and have their way."

It was with this statement that US Constitution, as designed by the founding fathers, being based on centuries of experience and articulated in part by John Locke, was instead replaced by one based on John Stuart Mills and Charles Darwin.

Instead of the original intent of allowing citizens to protect themselves from those who seek to strip them of their inalienable rights (liberty as "We the People"), the courts adopted a position that supresses that, stating that our original constitutional democracy is only a "fighting faith" and cannot be held as deserving protection from other "fighting faiths", even if the people loath them and believe them destructive to representative government.

These poisonous seeds are buried in history but have been blooming throughout the century, as judges draw on precedence and their own personal cultural background as isolated legal elites.

The people who designed the US government and those who lived in it for the first 140 years would find the present situation a bizarre distortion almost beyond belief and rationality. Certainly not sustainable and actually the opposite of what was intended, achieving and surpassing the very European decadence they designed to prevent.

Here in LA, I've been vexed to go to the US Post Office and see the parking lots stuffed with pornographic literature blowing all over the place while children praying in school is criminalized. A demented society indeed. This book traces the legal development of the insanity.

Molecular Cell Biology
Published in Hardcover by W H Freeman & Co. (1999)
Authors: Harvey Lodish, Arnold Berk, S. Lawrence Zipursky, Paul Matsudaira, David Baltimore, James Darnell, and Lawrence Zipursky
Amazon base price: $120.00
Used price: $68.50
Buy one from zShops for: $82.17
Average review score:

Needs Improvement
I agree with an earlier reviewer that the book is a good reference and the overwhelming details contained in it make it difficult to get the basic fundamentals. The authors need to trim it down and focus more on fundamental principles. I feel at times the book is somewhat convoluted and hard to follow. This is sometimes the case with books that have multiple authors.

Another reviewer pointed out the over abundance of yeast molecular biology contained in he book. I again agree with this person. I realize yeast is where we learned a lot about eukaryotic molecular biology. But I wish the book focused less on yeast and more mammalian cell biology. People using this book are likely to be looking at careers in biomedical research or medicine. I think more mammalian biology would be more beneficial.

Why do all these textbooks have to have a CD to run the price of the book up ?

Best Book on Cell Biology at the Molecular Level!
An excellent textbook with a very clear writing style. Includes excellent diagrams and photographs to illustrate the text. The best of the lot. Personally, I would put this book well ahead of the similar book by Bruce Alberts et al., for its clarity and bredth of coverage.

Clearly the best i've ever read!
This book gives the average biology (or non-biology) student not only an overview of cell-biology, but gives in-depth information on nearly any subject regarding this matter.

It easy to read, starts on the basics before explaining complicated matters and it got the BEST illustrations i have ever seen in such a book!

My opinion is, that anyone only remotely scientifically interested in the subject of cell-biology should get this book!

Your Key to Sports Success : How Understanding Your Brain Type Will Enhance Your Athletic Ability
Published in Paperback by Brain Type Institute (1997)
Authors: Jonathan P. Niednagel, Harvey Marco, and David Niednagel
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $14.97
Average review score:

Brain Tying as Pseudoscience
Although Mr. Niednagel wants us to believe that the product he is pitching, Brain Typing, is scientifically based, it is really nothing more than just another weary entry from the productive and fertile field of pseudoscience. He uses anecdotes and testimonials to pitch his product with absolutely zero controlled studies that even hint at its effectiveness. The irony of using athletes to promote his product is the common knowledge of athletic superstition.

He has every right to sell a product that relies on the expectations, dreams, and wishes of the buyer. This is what American commerce is all about. But, pleeeese!! Don't try to tell us it has any relationship to real science.

Mixing athletics with the brain
Overall this was a well thought out book. Its the only book I know of that deals with personality theory from an athletic perspective. The main reason why I don't give it five stars is because there are pages and pages on some types such as ISTP (claimed to have the most innate athletic ability) and hardly anything on others (ISFJ, INFJ, INTP). The book is unlikely to be inspiring to aspiring athletes of such types since there isn't a whole large repetoire of sports or role models listed.

Brain Typing
This is a fascinating book. Jonathan attempts to tie physiology to principles that have been discussed for years as being psychological. It can be liberating to know that people are not being difficult, but they are the way they are because of their "hard wiring" which causes them to see the world differently. One problem is the self testing for brain typing. It can be tricky to pick the correct type even when you've been as honest as you can with the questions. It can also influence your expectations for children's development. This is a seminal work that needs to be developed further by the scientific community.

A Legacy of Learning: Your Stake in Standards and New Kinds of Public Schools
Published in Hardcover by Brookings Institution Press (01 March, 2000)
Authors: David T. Kearns, James Harvey, and George H. W. Bush
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $5.50
Collectible price: $12.71
Buy one from zShops for: $7.20
Average review score:

Great Ideas -- Disappointing Book
As a firm believer in educational reform, the need for standards, and the virtues of choice, I eagerly awaited this book. Unfortunately, it is a disappointment. While Kearns and Harvey cover the basic ground, their work lacks detail, rigor, and true insight. The book should have covered less and covered it better. The strength of the book is its diagnosis of the current situation.

If you're interested in a better education reform book, I would recommend Hirsch's "The Schools We Need and Why We Don't Have Them" or Harvey's "It Takes a City."

I'd like to be more positive, but the book is mediocre at best.

If you've got school age children, read this book.
I'm the mother of 2 young children about to enter school age years and I am concerned about what's happening in our public schools today. Like more and more parents, I've begun saving money to pay for the inevitable, private schooling. So many of us today have become resigned about the difference we can make if we became committed to altering the public school system. After reading this book, I have a better understanding of the breakdown that's occuring right in my own neighborhood. The authors so clearly outlined what's happening, what's not, and what we can do about it. I'm hopeful again that there is something that can be done. The book is poignant yet heartfelt. If you or someone you know has children, you should read this book.

What a Pleasure!
Most books about American education are either unreadable or fail to tell the truth. What a pleasure to read one that is clear, well-written, and above all, truthful. The authors pull no punches, insisting from the outset that "American urban education is a national disgrace." From there, the book is cogently argued, challenging the many shibboleths that distort the school reform debate and refusing to be boxed in by the conventional reform wisdom. See, for example the discussion on "hardwiring innovation" in Chapter 11. Best of all, the analysis carries the debate about public education in America to the next level, i.e., what we can actually change now to starting making things better. Overall, "Legacy" is both perceptive and engagingly written. This book, if widely enough read and heeded, can do what most books on education reform only dream about--make a difference.

Disney's Dinosaur! The Ultimate Sticker Book
Published in Paperback by Dk Pub Merchandise (01 May, 2000)
Authors: David John, Kim Browne, and Guy Harvey
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $2.39
Buy one from zShops for: $4.47
Average review score:

Sticker fun
My 3 year old daughter has enjoyed this character filled sticker book. We did have difficulty matching some of the stickers to their proper page as they aren't marked at all. Over all this is a great way to spend time having fun with the Dinosaur characters.

The Grand Mufti: Haj Amin Al-Hussaini, Founder of the Palestinian National Movement
Published in Hardcover by Frank Cass & Co (1993)
Authors: David Harvey, Shmuel Himelstein, and Zvi Elpeleg
Amazon base price: $52.50
Average review score:

The Grand Mufti: Haj Amin al-Hussaini
With the publication of Elpeleg's excellent biography, Hajj Amin al-Husayni is now the subject of six biographies in the English alone, as well as several in other languages. Why so much attention to a seemingly minor and failed figure now repudiated by his own people? Because, as Elpeleg shows, Hajj Amin established many of the basics of Palestinian nationalism which endure to this day-from the adoption of the 1916 Sharifian banner of as the Palestinian flag to the inveterate anti-Semitic tone of Palestinian politics. Elpeleg credits him, "more than any other figure," with turning a local conflict into a major regional crisis. More: Hajj Amin determined the lines of Palestinian politics that endure decades after his influence eroded: "There is almost nothing in the PLO doctrine, or in the national charters of the Palestine National Council, which had not already been conceived and given expression by Haj Amin." Despite his profound importance, the man is neglected by his heirs today, embarrassed as they are by his overt extremism, his failure, and his smell of evil (he joined the Nazi cause and succeeded in preventing Jews from escaping the Nazi death machine). Still, along with Yasir Arafat, he remains one of the two outstanding figures of Palestinian nationalism; thanks to Elpeleg's meticulous, comprehensive, and fast-moving account, we have a real sense who this figure was and how it was that he did uniquely much to poison relations between Jews and Muslims in Palestine.

Middle East Quarterly, June 1994

California Boys, Photographs from the 1960s and 1970s
Published in Hardcover by Fotofactory Pr (01 October, 2000)
Authors: Mel Roberts, David Sprigle, Stephen Patrick Foery, David Sprigle, and Mark Harvey
Amazon base price: $40.00
List price: $50.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $30.00
Buy one from zShops for: $29.95
Average review score:

A major disappointment
When I read about the publication of Mel Robert's photos in the Advocate, I was anxious to get a copy for I fondly remembered his photos of All-American young men from The Young Physique and other publications of the 60's. California Boys, unfortunately, doesn't represent the Roberts' style or subjects that I was hoping to see again. Within the pages of this--admittedly--well presented book is a collection of teeny-boppers and twinks that might represent the period, but not the style that I so fondly remembered. Only a four-page spread of model Gary Seegar represented the Roberts that I had longed to see again. If I had been able to preview this work, I would never have wasted the money.

The closer you look, the better it is
My first quick perusal of this book lead to a mild sense of disappointment, but the more I studied the pictures, the more I came to appreciate their artistry. And while the pictures may be from the '60s and '70s, some poses seem very 1950's style. I would also prefer one picture of each model--and therefore more models. But the pictures are of high quality. All in all, a real Mel Roberts fan-either for eroticism or nostalgia-might easily enjoy his videos much more

A Must Have for Serious Photography Collectors
You will have the most fun with this volume of Mel Roberts' work, if you pick it up without any expectations. It's been over 20 years since Roberts' work has been available to the public, and the collection here is different than any other collection of his work in the past, which mind you, were put out by the author with whatever funds he had available. This time, the guy's got a small-press publisher behind him footing the bill, so there's a sleekness to the presentation that never existed before.

What I loved the most about this book was not the models, or the settings, though both are beautiful and interesting, but the most intriguing element for me was that Roberts' work seems to have captured an innocence of a "time," a time which will never be again. So many photographers today are trying to photograph that "retro" look, and failing miserably at it. Mel Roberts has done it because he was there doing it, capturing the essence of the 1960s, in the 1960s. Besides, the whole thing is very erotic, a must have for serious collectors. I've already bought 3 prints from the book and plan to buy more! Bravo! to Mel Roberts and whomever (FotoFactory Press) had the inspiration and intelligence to bring this man's work out of the woodwork!

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