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Book reviews for "Garcia_Marquez,_Gabriel" sorted by average review score:

La mala hora
Published in Paperback by Grijalbo Mondadori, S.A (2000)
Authors: Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Gabriel Garcia Márquez
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.50
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Average review score:

La Mala Hora
"La Mala Hora", It is Latin America, its life, its governments, its people. But only he can paint its image in words without missing a detail. Many have tried to immitate him, and sometimes you can even hear "she writes like García Marquez" its impossible!! La Mala Hora is an old book, but its contents continuous alive thus Latin America has not changed.
I have read "La Mala Hora" many times, as well as many other books from Gabo and would like to memorize so many paragraphs that are simply out of this world. Gabo's imagination has no limits. La Mala Hora - his description of how the fathers gets up in the morning, his description of the cow stucket on the river, or when the secretary of the former judge explains to the new judge how the former judge was killed. Every single page of the book is a work of art forever. I love you Gabo! I was born in Germany but am more latin then German, having grown up in Costa Rica and living now in Panama. I wish I could write like you, I wish I could make my children read you as intensely as I have. You are "The Writer".

Please forgive my poor English.

Frauke Schnell de Muñoz

The Last 223 Days in the Life of Bolivar, The Liberator
From his leaving Bogota in a misty dawn, the mules, the solitude, the little convoy, with Palacios, his black butler, and his faithful Irish aids de camp. To the San Pedro Alejandrino Villa, venue of his death, [and his last letter to Fanny], his recognition, in letter to Urdaneta, of grave error in having fought General Santander. It has a valuable Succint Cronology. It contains Miranda Lindsay, a novel by itself. Bolivar himself would have cried reading this masterful if sad account of his sad last days.

The Last Two Weeks in the Life of Bolivar, The Liberator
From his leaving Bogota in a misty dawn, the mules, the solitude, the little convoy, with Palacios, his black butler, and his faithful Irish aids de camp. To the San Pedro Alejandrino Estate, venue of his death, and his last letter to Fanny. His recognition in letter to Urdaneta of error in having fought General Santander. It has a valuable Succint Cronology. It has Miranda Lindsay, a novel by itself. Bolivar himself would have cried reading this masterful if sad account of his last days.

El Coronel No Tiene Quien le Escriba
Published in Paperback by Editorial Grijalbo, S.A. de C.V. ()
Author: Gabriel García Márquez
Amazon base price: $12.00
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Average review score:


Lo mejor de lo mejor
Lo lei y tengo demasiadas ideas. Necesito escribir un analisis de algun simbolo que aparece en el libro por ejemplo, el gallo, el machismo, etc. Si alguien tiene informacion de algun simbolo hagamelo saber. Gracias... mi e-mail es

El Otono Del Patriarca/the Autumn of the Patriarch
Published in Paperback by Ediciones Alfaguara, S.A. (June, 1982)
Author: Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $115.76
Average review score:

The Mother Of The Stream of Consciousness Latin American Nov
Garcia-Marquez' dictator combines within himself, the best and the worst, of the human being when invested with absolute power: from charity to corruption, benevolence to rape, fear of God to extreme cruelty. The (sparse) punctuation follows an almost strict fitting of the Poisson statistical distribution, page by page, and then amongst chapters, constituting this into both a textbook in literature and statistics. To some of us the most masterful novel of the Master Novelist of Meridian America.

El realismo fantastico de Hispanoamerica
El otono del patriarca es una novela clave en dos aspectos: representa un desafio intelectual por su osada sintaxis y atrevida estructura gramatical, en el que el pasado y el presente se mezclan continuamente conforme avanza el relato, apenas separado por comas y ocasionales puntos seguidos. El segundo aspecto es la extraordinaria descripción que el autor realiza de los acontecimientos de la vida de una patria sin nombre gobernada desde los tiempos inmemoriales del vomito negro por un dictador anonimo, encarnacion de todos los generales mesianicos que ha padecido Latinoamerica, victima del culto a la personalidad.

El relato nos transporta en forma exquisita desde los albores de este imperio personal hasta la decadencia, en un ir y venir temporal, salpicado de relatos mitológicos, como el de Manuela Sanchez, una enigmatica belleza que surgio en el barrio de las peleas de perros, y quizas el unico ser de este mundo que burlo el poder omnipotente de este legendario gener! al. Una ultima sugerencia: lealo con un diccionario a mano.

El Amor En Los Tiempos Del Colera / Love in the Times of Cholera
Published in Hardcover by Lectorum Pubns (Juv) (January, 1992)
Authors: Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $8.95
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Average review score:

Magic Realism at its best !!!!
This is a love story. Yes. It describes with colorful and beautiful words a city that once was the center of the Spanish conquest, with Viceroys and nobility. Cartagena at the turn of the century, is only a shadow of this glorious past. But what makes this book unforgettable is the way you can see word by word, that the power of love is nothing without the element of destiny. A magnificent river, luxurious river ships, alligators sunbathing on the river banks, balloon rides and horse carriages. A fantastic story about all things long gone.

A Literary Monument
I read somewhere that the admirers of "One Hundred Years of Solitude" (a novel that brought the Nobel Prize for Garcia in 1982) would be surprised to know that Gabriel Garcia Marquez has bettered it in the form of "Love in the Time of Cholera". Well, although I found the latter half of it a little cloggy, I was a great admirer of One Hundred Years of Solitude. But after reading Love in the Time of Cholera, I think it's not fair to compare as different works of fiction as these two novels are, and it won't do any good to Garcia as well.

The only thing common to these two novels, however, is the prose of Garcia. He weaves, with the dexterity of a master craftsman, small characters and trifle incidents into the vast fabric of the novels. Effortlessly moving from character to character and incident to incident, he provides small pegs and footholds to the reader so that he could ascend, like a rock-climber, to his colossal literary monuments. This is especially true for Love in the Time of Cholera, where the reader is provided with a spectacular finale and one feels indeed like setting foot at the summit of Mount Everest after reading the novel. This is by far the best ending of a novel that I have read so far.

There are dozens of important characters in Love in the Time of Cholera but I think the two most important protagonists are Love and Time. And both of them are so intricately interwoven together that sometimes it becomes difficult to tell which is which -- like two shrubs that run up the length of a tall tropical tree. The love of Florentino Ariza, a thin and shy boy, for the beautiful but whimsical Fermina Daza is unlike any in the literature. And in order to have her, our hero must overcome time (half a century!), her aloofness and more than 400 love affairs! I guess even Hercules would have given up in face of these obstacles.

Unlike many other great writers, Garcia has little inhibitions. He is not ashamed of hiding emotions or sugarcoating his ideas; he simply does not believe in euphemisms. You can see everything in bare, harsh light: scars, warts, blemishes, all. Reminds one of ... Life.

Cien Años de Soledad/ 100 Years of Solitude
Published in Paperback by Aims Intl Books (January, 1996)
Authors: Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $8.00
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An overall great novel
From the very start, this novel was a page turner. I love the fact that it had a magical realism aspect, this made the novel that more interesting.

simplemente increible
Hay que tener en cuenta que GGM fue finalmente reconocido y premiado justamente por este libro. La historia esta escrita con una sensibilidad extrema y lleva el lector a un viaje por el tiempo que acompaña una familia muy interessante, pero también muy rara. Hay que leerlo com calma y, a veces, buscar la ayuda de lapis y papel para no perderse en el laberinto de nombres iguales. Además, a quién le interesar leer este libro, que no caiga en la tentación de comprar una obra comentada: se pirde mucho tiempo en leer lo que piensan otros acerca del livro y del autor en vez de aprovechar la lectura y sacar sus propias conclusiones. Hay de todo: para reír, para llorar, cosas fantásticas y otras muy reales. Estupendo!

Cien años de soledad
Published in Hardcover by Grupo Editorial Norma (01 May, 1997)
Author: Gabriel García Márquez
Amazon base price: $19.99
Average review score:

No podrás parar de leerla
Es la mejor novela que he leido. Su trama es único y original. Ya debes haber oído algún comentario de esta obra maestra del aclamado escritor colombiano, Gabriel García Márquez. Es una historia de familia, comunidad, guerra, amor,... y podria seguir y no terminar, ya que tiene de todo. No la puedo recomendar mejor.

The soledad of Marquez
With this book, Gabriel Garcia Marquez engolfes the reader into a laberinth of fantastic lifes lived, settings that can only be described as dream-like and details that baffle and challenge the imagination. This is the story of the Buendia family, a town call Macondo and it's inhabitants, throughout the decades and generations Buendias . As background to this Marquez offers the Colombia of a period of civil war and political isntability at all levels. Although this novel is far from being a political banner of any kind it does offer a satisfying taste satire and magic. Garcia Marquez at his best narrative style, fills this story with chaotic and obsessive characters that take the reader through a land of alchimy, Gypsies and bounless unending love that breakes the reason of mind. This book is highly recomended to any one who has a taste for stories of the strugles of the mind and the some times the blury line between the magic of this world and irrelevancy of our lives. This book has been translated into more than seventy laguages, with no sensable loss of content, but is always a pleasure to read it in the language in which the wirter originaly concived it.

El\Amor en los Tiempos de Colera
Published in Paperback by French & European Pubns (01 October, 1989)
Author: Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Amazon base price: $24.95
Average review score:

Waiting for true love
This is a beautifully written book. Very romantic story of two people that fall in love when they are very young and they finally come together when they are very old. The book is filled with a lot of characters and history that are precisely described. The main character, Florentino Ariza show of devotion and love for Fermina Daza can last forever without ever beginning. The books goes through all of Florentino's life, how he struggled to make a name for him self, his casual loves and how he never gave up on his true love. This has become one of my favorite books.

Magical and charming
This is one of my favorites by Garcia Marquez and has his magical surreal style. It is a love story in which the main characters meet in their youth, and finally come together when they are old. Set in the steamship era in the city of Cartagena, Colombia, probably just before antibiotics were available to treat colera.

The Smell of Guava
Published in Hardcover by Putnam Pub Group (April, 1984)
Author: Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Amazon base price: $15.95
Average review score:

Yellow flowers
Here is a real treat for hardcore Marquez fans, it's a booklong, albeit a short book, but a nonetheless booklong interview with the man himself. And, boys and girls, it is beautiful. Stellar. I thought there was no way I could like this little nonfictionthing as well as his similarly sized short fiction or bigger novels, but the universe proved me wrong once again, and I did. The best part of the whole thing is when he talks about, and he's totally serious here, not being able to write without yellow flowers in the room. The guy is a nut. But it's beautiful, you can't help loving it even as you laugh at it. Just a great little book.

For the Sake of a Country Within Reach of the Children
Published in Hardcover by Villegas Editores (December, 1998)
Author: Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Amazon base price: $28.00
List price: $40.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $26.47
Buy one from zShops for: $27.60
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El espejo del alma colombiana
No creo que exista otro escritor colombiano o extranjero capaz de plasmar en un libro la esencia de un pueblo tan diverso, complicado y rico, tanto espiritualmente como materialmente. Cada vez que lo leo me duele el corazon y me conmueve hasta las lagrimas, pues Gabriel Garcia Marquez describe con palabras lo que en realidad somos y sentimos.

Literary Masterpieces: One Hundred Years of Solitude (Literary Masterpieces, Vol 5)
Published in Hardcover by Gale Group (January, 2000)
Authors: Joan Mellen and Gale Group
Amazon base price: $72.75
Used price: $33.60
Buy one from zShops for: $55.62
Average review score:

Instant Classic
One Hundred Years of Solitude tells the story of several generations of a Colombian family while supernatural occurrences and unbelievable events are described with unblinking sincerity. Marquez, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1982, commands such mastery of language that his prose reads like verse. The beauty of his words wraps the reader inextricably into the fates of the Buendias. Their loves, their wars, their brutality, their death and dreams, are all told with Marquez's special gift of prose. One Hundred Years of Solitude is probably Marquez's finest work, destined to be a classic of world literature.

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