Used price: $21.85
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the quality of the text,the combination of photographs and watercolours make a lovely book full of references to great gardeners and artists. It is a most enjoyable book much worth any selected private library .
List price: $15.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.97
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Used price: $9.99
1. Aralicu se cesto usporedjuje s Andricem i Selimovicem zbog povijesne i "orijentalne" tematike. No-to su pisci koji po stilu i habitusu s Aralicom nemaju veze. Kao tradicionalni realisticki pripovjedaci, oni se razlikuju od Aralice vec time sto je on modernisticki romanopisac. Cesta je zabluda svrstavanje Aralice (valjda zbog povijesne tematike-kao da Marquez nije napisao povijesni roman o Bolivaru, a Yourcenarova o Renesansi i Antici) u "tradicionalne pripovjedace". No, on je modernist najslicniji Josephu Conradu po meditativnoj gustoci teksta i kompleksnim narativnim tehnikama (sam je Aralica medju svojim uzorima naveo Hamsuna, Singera i Manna-no to nije vidljivo iz njegovih tekstova).
2. Aralica je univerzalan autor u bar 7-9 romana- zadivljujuci podhvat. Po mom sudu, sigurno je veci pisac od, recimo, Rushdiea ili Bellowa. Pripada u kategoriju 5-10 najvecih zivucih svjetskih romanopisaca, i trpati ga iskljucivo u okvir hrvatske knjievnosti je provincijalizam. Njemu je mjesto u drutvu Cormaca McCarthyja,
Solzenjicina, Marqueza, .. Razni Salingeri, Pynchoni, Aksjonovi, Fuentesi, Kundere, Cele,..need not apply.
3. ali, kad smo vec spomenuli hrvatsku tematiku- Aralica je primarno bard necega sto bismo mogli nazvati "hrvatski mit". To je prica o mitogenoj hrvatskoj zemlji koja pokriva podrucje Dalmacije, Sredisnje Bosne, Like i Hercegovine. To je, naravno, bio trn u oku svim anti- i nehrvatskim klepetalima.
4. Aralica, to je skoro sigurno, ne ce biti siroko prevodjen i citan po svijetu. To je zahtijevan i "tezak" autor (kao Conrad u Nostromu ili Lordu Jimu)- a u ovo doba ADD (poremecaja koji se ocituje u popustanju pozornosti), koliko-toliko su citani jedino "laksi" pisci i politicki podobni lijevi spisatelji (i Gunther Grass je dobio Nobela ne zato jer je istinski znacajan pisac-sto i jest, nego vise zbog pomalo bljutavog ljevicarenja).
"Graditelj svratista" ostaje kvintesencijalni Aralicin mudrosni povijesni roman.
Used price: $47.65
Collectible price: $59.00
Preston carefully examines the many forms of advertising misrepresentation, with special attention to "puffery", which is currently legal but which the author shows to be harmful to the unwary consumer.
Source notes, table of legal cases, index.
List price: $13.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.50
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Three great strengths of Smith's book are his conversational writing style, his use of quotations from other sources, and the use of his own prose to illustrate a point. Perhaps the greatest strength of the book, however, is the structure or basic outline Smith uses in his writing: Key chapters include: The Passing, The Burying, The Mourning, The Remembering, and The Reconciling.
"Grieving the Death of a Friend" was primarily written with christian readers in mind, although elements of the jewish tradition are mentioned.
A central theme seems to jump out at the reader in Smith's book: his belief in his own eventual reunion with friends he has lost. Smith does this without any apology whatsoever.
I very much recommend this book to those who have lost friends to death. You have every right to grieve, and "Grieving the Death of a Friend" will help you through the grieving process, even if you are revisiting a loss that occurred many years ago.