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Book reviews for "Force,_Peter" sorted by average review score:

Beyond the Medal: A Journey from Their Heart to Yours
Published in Hardcover by Fulcrum Pub (1997)
Author: Peter C. Lemon
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $9.98
Collectible price: $15.88
Buy one from zShops for: $20.82
Average review score:

Real American Heroes!!!!
This book was truely inspirational. It made you laugh and cry. It amazed me how humble these living heroes are! I realize now how trivial some of my problems are. As a country we are blessed by there presence and should follow the lessons they teach. God Bless Them All!

Changing Orders: The Evolution of the World's Armies, 1945 to the Present
Published in Hardcover by Facts on File, Inc. (1994)
Author: Peter G. Tsouras
Amazon base price: $40.00
Used price: $16.45
Average review score:

Excellent summary of recent trends in world armies.
Peter Tsouras has produced an extemely useful work for military analysts and anyone studying post WW II trends in the major armed forces of the world. He focuses on land forces, with some examination of air power in relation to ground combat operations. He makes extensive use of secondary sources and provides useful endnotes at the end of each chapter. The book is divided chronologically into decade blocks. Within each decade he surveys the significant events shaping the evolutions of the world's leading land military powers such as Great Britain, France, the former Soviet Union, and of course the United States. The book is written to be used as a reference work or read as a continuous narrative. With the exception of John Keegan's now dated, The World's Armies, published in 1966, Tsouras' work is both unique and timely. Highly recommended for the professional researcher; recommended but a bit expensive for the casual student of military affairs

Confessions of a Civil Servant: Lessons in Changing America's Government and Military
Published in Hardcover by Rowman & Littlefield (2003)
Authors: Bob Stone and Tom Peters
Amazon base price: $27.95
Used price: $10.09
Buy one from zShops for: $20.00
Average review score:

Civility Is Not Dead
This tell-it-like-it-was gem about the author's thirty years of public service is nothing less than remarkable. Adroitly written with good humor, Stone's quiet, but dogged steadfast nature is wonderfully evident in every page and makes you count your lucky stars that people like him actually join the ranks of our government. These experiences should serve as a guide for future generations of civil servants tackling the often thankless and misunderstood job of government service. But more than that - there is a lesson plan for all of us who navigate the treacherous waters of small and big organizations alike. I for one, plan to give this book to my twenty-one-year-old college graduate to read.

Forces and Movement
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (2001)
Author: Peter Riley
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $12.49
Buy one from zShops for: $12.49
Average review score:

Forces and Movment
I think this book was very descriptive and a well writen book. Its perfet for research for anything and my kids loved it. They read it for a week then they asked if there was a nether "Forces and Movement" out that they could read! Thanks, Jeremy Lacocque

Frank Lloyd Wright: Force of Nature
Published in Hardcover by Todtri Productions Ltd (1998)
Author: Eric Peter Nash
Amazon base price: $8.78
List price: $10.98 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $4.25
Buy one from zShops for: $7.38
Average review score:

Excellent introduction to the life and architecture of FLLW
Mr. Nash's book is full of wonderful color photographs and an in depth chronicle of events in Frank Lloyd Wrights(FLLW) life. The book describes the hardships Wright endured, how he got his start, his turbulent and tragic personal life, his bold architectural philosophy, his defiance of contemorary styles, and much more. Anyone interested in FLLW should take a look at this book. It offers both a great starting point for those interested in learning about the architect and a great reference for those who already know about him.

Grinnell Land: Remarks On English Maps Of Artic Discoveries (Notable American Authors)
Published in Library Binding by Reprint Services Corp (1852)
Author: Peter Force
Amazon base price: $90.00
Average review score:

Grinnell Land
I have not read this book as of yet but plan to soon. Any Book written bye a Grinnell has to be a great book in my book.

Life As a Geological Force: Dynamics of the Earth (Commonwealth Fund Book Program)
Published in Paperback by W.W. Norton & Company (1992)
Author: Peter Westbroek
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $6.49
Collectible price: $6.87
Average review score:

I found this to be a very clearly written and informative introduction to the ways in which living creatures have already influenced geological processes.

SAS: The World's Best
Published in Hardcover by Pan Macmillan (11 November, 1994)
Author: Peter Darman
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Excellent world's special op's book
This book is the best book I have ever read on special operations and includes a indepth analysis of the selection, training, weapons, lands, water and air roles, counter terrorism, hearts and minds and operational tactcis. This book is about the SAS but has a overall review of the world's elite. It's excellent

Scorpion Reconnaissance Vehicle 1972-1991 (New Vanguard, No. 13)
Published in Paperback by Osprey Pub Co (1995)
Authors: Chris Foss, Simon, Peter Dunstan, Christopher F. Foss, and Peter Sarson
Amazon base price: $14.95
Average review score:

Scorpion/Scimitar: air-deployable by C-130 or helicopter
Christopher Foss is the world's leading armored vehicle expert and writes continually for Jane's, in this work he explores the reasoning behind the creation of a light TRACKED armored fighting vehicle (AFV) by the British to do armed reconnaissance, with a desire to be "stealthy" and air-deployable. What is most revealing is that Foss shows that the U.K. chose wisely to make the Scorpion/Scimitar family under 8 tons rather than in the 15 ton category, making it HELICOPTER air-transportable, hence an "Air-Mech" capability. The pay-off is that when the British Army needed armor in the 1974 Cyprus crisis they were able to fly in Scorpions by C-130s. When the Falklands War came, these amazing vehicle's light weight and light tracked ground pressure allowed them to be there to render battle-winning fire support for British Paratroopers marching across the island.

By the book ending before the Kosovo crisis, Foss is unable to mention the Scimitar family being CH-47 Chinook helicoptered into the area avoiding mines, obstacles, road ambushes to be the first NATO forces on the ground. Foss does with the beautiful illustrations of Peter Sarson show the Scorpion family in action in the Gulf war where a certain bias comes through in Foss. Foss clearly misunderstands that bigger engine and weight translates into "greater mobility" (the ultra-heavy school of AFV thought) which makes him wrongly conclude that when the Scorpion family in the Gulf war "couldn't keep up" with the 60-ton Challenger main battle tanks that the former is obsolete. If the Challenger had been around for the Falklands war in 1982, we could equally say, "It couldn't keep up with the Scorpion/Scimitars" because it couldn't even deploy much less traverse the soft, wet boggy terrain of the South Atlantic islands. Foss should know that when he describes that the Scorpion family had to make do with a petrol engine in the 60s when it was created, that the same high-power-to-weight-ratio diesel engine technology that gives us the Challenger can be used to upgrade the Scorpion/Scimitar family to make it as fast as the Challengers in the open desert as they are certainly more mobile everywhere else.

Its a great book, and a must have for the modern tactical futurist because the Scorpion family has been extremely successful despite the wishes of the heavyists--that Striker versions have killed heavy Iraqi tanks using guided missiles points the way to the future--light TRACKED AFVs that can go anywhere and be air-transported with top-attack missiles, cannon and can carry infantry. While the heavy AFVs sit in the motor pool, the Scorpion family deploys around accomplishing missions---why not UPGRADE THEM?

Sounds from Another Room
Published in Hardcover by Pen & Sword Books (1998)
Author: Peter Horsley
Amazon base price: $39.95
Used price: $5.95
Buy one from zShops for: $32.41
Average review score:

captivating, full of pathos, humor and challenging events
One of the best books I have read in many years-- that's real--a life that is so absorbing that I am following up people and events, that are mentioned in his life that prove to be as dramatic; real; and harrowing as his own.


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