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Book reviews for "Evans,_Richard" sorted by average review score:

College and Career
Published in Paperback by Irvington Pub (1970)
Author: Nancy Cattell
Amazon base price: $10.95
Average review score:

Comments on the author by Gary E.J. Smith
Evans is a fascinating man to listen to. He is a decorated veteran, but shuns the recognition he rightly deserves. He admits that some of his actions during the heat of combat "might have been foolhardy." Evans was not interested in medals, only in trying to keep his men alive. As Evans' Third Army Com mander, General George S. Patton remarked, "No one ever won a war by dying for his country. He won by making the other poor bastard die for his country."

Evans met several truly historical figures. First and foremost was Patton. After the first day of the Battle of Arracourt, Patton visited Evans' command post to commend him on a job well done. That was just the first of many encounters with General Patton. After hostilities ceased in 1945, Evans was assigned to a Prisoner of War camp near Landshut, Germany. There, while interrogating prisoners, he briefly met General Vlasov, another larger-than-life individual. Vlasov was a former White Russian officer who was convinced (some say coerced) to help the Nazis against the Soviet Union on the Eastern Front. Later, in Switzerland, Evans was able to get a glimpse of a compound full of Nazi war criminals, most notable of whom was Herman Goering.

Evans was also fortunate to have been able to participate in the design, testing and eventual combat deployment of the M18 "Hellcat" tank destroyer. The United States Army found that its antitank capabilities were woefully inadequate against the masses of German armor, so a new tank destroyer was desired. Evans, along with a handful of other armor officers from various posts around the US, was invited to Detroit to the Buick Division of General Motors, to offer suggestions for the design of this new vehicle. There are precious few times in a soldier's career that he is given the opportunity to impact upon the equipment he will use in the performance of his duty. Evans and these other officers seized the moment and helped to design one of the most effective combat vehicles ever. In ju! st a few short months the M18 went from the drawing board to the maneuver field and then the European Theater of Opera tions.

Rituals of Retribution: Capital Punishment in Germany 1600-1987
Published in Hardcover by Oxford University Press (1996)
Author: Richard J. Evans
Amazon base price: $126.00
Used price: $115.24
Buy one from zShops for: $75.99
Average review score:

Well written entertaining history
This book is a history of the death penalty in Germany. The book starts by describing an execution in 1616. That execution was the breaking of a man by he wheel. What was involved was the tying of a man to a scaffold and using a large wagon wheel to break all of the bones in the body of the condemned man.

The book charts the gradual move away from the use of such punishments by German Civil authorities. The reasons for it were complex. In the 17th Century there were heavy religious overtones associated with executions. This led to them being accepted by the victims and society generally. By the 19th Century one of the major reasons for the end of public executions was the behavior of the condemned. They would mimic the public officials, declare their innocence and the like. There was also concern that the public had started to sympathize with the condemned. (This however does not seem to have occurred to the extent that it did in Britain. Most of the German States were well regulated and authoritarian. The death penalty was generally reserved for more serious matters. In Britain a police force was not created until the 1830's. The death penalty was thus used for a range of comparatively minor offences such as theft. This led to outbreaks of sympathy for the condemned. In Britain public executions had to be moved to secure areas in London and later were carried out in private.)

In Germany after the enlightenment a number of intellectual currents led to changing attitudes which cut down the number of people actually executed. Thus the development of an awareness of mental illness, the realization of the link between crime and the bread prices led to a realization that crime was not the result of a free moral decision.

The book takes the history through the unification of Germany and the NAZI period up to modern times.

The book is well written entertaining and a must for anyone who has an interest in criminology and the history of the criminal law.

Reason, Truth and History
Published in Paperback by Cambridge Univ Pr (Pap Txt) (1981)
Author: Hilary Putnam
Amazon base price: $28.00
Used price: $11.50
Collectible price: $19.95
Buy one from zShops for: $11.69
Average review score:

Entheogens: Professional Listing
"The Sacred Mushroom Seeker" has been selected for listing in "Religion and Psychoactive Sacraments: An Entheogen Chrestomathy."

Shadow on the Sun (Evans Novel of the West)
Published in Hardcover by M Evans & Co (1994)
Author: Richard Matheson
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $8.25
Average review score:

Took me by surprise....
Unlike Richard Matheson's other novels of frontier fiction (Journal of the Gun Years, The Gunfight), Shadow on the Sun is a horror novel set in the Old West. The book begins with an Indian agent negotiating peace between Apaches and the U.S. Government, before introducing a supernatural creature out of Indian legend bent upon survival whatever the cost. As a result, I got two stories for the price of one. Like The Gunfight, the author first creates an atmosphere full of hope and future promise, then chapter by chapter, slowly lowers that future into a lake of quicksand. The contrast between the main characters--the Indian agent and the Washington D.C. bureaucrat--are excellently drawn, but it is the growth of the bureaucrat--from skeptical adversary to heroic friend--that is the heart of the novel. Despite the suspenseful build up, the climax of the story seemed rushed with an ending more fitting to a short story than a novel. Nevertheless, Richard Matheson delivers another entertaining novel.

Tales from the German Underworld: Crime and Punishment in Nineteenth Century
Published in Hardcover by Yale Univ Pr (1998)
Author: Richard J. Evans
Amazon base price: $45.00
Used price: $24.01
Buy one from zShops for: $41.40
Average review score:

Strongly recommended
Evans has dug deep into police and judicial archives, as well as a range of other material, to produce four fascinating vignettes of German life in the 19th century. Each tale concentrates on a person on the wrong side of society and the law and is told in intriguing detail. Yet this book is not pure micro-history. It uses the four tales as a basis for an exploration of wider themes such as attitudes to corporal punishment, prostitution, crime and the threat of social disorder. The reader ends up with a much broader picture of German society than he might have expected. It is also a pleasure to read a history book that is devoid of academic jargon - indeed, a triumph of good writing.

Telling Lies About Hitler: The Holocaust, History and the David Irving Trial
Published in Paperback by Verso Books (1902)
Author: Richard J. Evans
Amazon base price: $20.00
Buy one from zShops for: $28.00
Average review score:

Professor Evans recounts the events of the Irving trial, with the accuracy that is typical of his historical work. With a good amount of detail, obviously not as complete as the trial transcripts (which would take thousands of pages), Evans takes us through some of the evidence that helped prove beyond any reasonable doubt what Lipstadt had said in her book: Irving is not a historian, he regularly lies, and distorts facts for the benefit of his anti-semite, right wing agenda. A great book for all those who are interested in dismantling the Holocaust denial lies, and for those who took interest in the Irving trial in 2000.

Vine of the Soul: Medicine Men, Their Plants and Rituals in the Colombian Amazonia
Published in Paperback by Synergetic Press (1992)
Authors: Richard Evans Schultes and Robert F. Raffauf
Amazon base price: $22.95
Average review score:

Science in the Amazon
Richard Schultes has once again managed to combine startling scientific intellect with storytelling prowess. His account of plants and practices in the Amazon is a compelling account of ethnobotany, showing us both that exciting popular literature does not have to be dumbed down an sensationalistic and that scientific work can be interesting enough for lay people. His tone is open and easy, which facilitates understanding of the sometimes complex subject matter. Overall, he exhibits his scientific knowledge through his artistic talent. The subject matter is riveting and sweeping. Schultes captures the essence of the Amazon people without the usual ethnocentric sterotyping. He is a model for both our commercial explorations and our treatment of other peoples. His scope of the subject is broad: it encapsulates the scientific minutiae as well as the anthropological background and mythologies and historical contexts. His student Wade Davis continues in Schultes's justifiably. Take time to appreciate this great man, Richard Schultes, as he is not able to persist in his role as an active scientist.

Wagner in Rehearsal 1875-1876: The Diaries of Richard Fricke (Franz Liszt Studies Series, No 7)
Published in Hardcover by Pendragon Pr (1998)
Authors: Richard Fricke, George Fricke, James Andrew Deaville, and Evan Baker
Amazon base price: $46.00
Average review score:

This was written by my great, great, grandfather! I was so excited about it! Finally I can read it as I do not speak German! My maiden name is Fricke and there are were four Richard Frickes that followed him: my brother, father, grandfather (who are all alive) and then his son and himself (both deceased). Who is George? We must be related!

Where the Gods Reign: Plants and Peoples of the Colombian Amazon
Published in Paperback by Synergetic Press (1990)
Author: Richard Evans Schultes
Amazon base price: $20.00
Used price: $20.00
Collectible price: $31.76
Average review score:

Beautifully written and superbly illustrated. The photos bring to mind those of Ansel Adams, but Schultes was working under infinitely more difficult conditions. This book is often hard to find - congrats to for making it available

Adobe Premiere 6 VTC Training CD
Published in CD-ROM by Virtual Training Company (31 August, 2001)
Author: Mark Schaeffer
Amazon base price: $99.95
Average review score:

one of the greatest books
when i finished reading this book i was so excited because of the message. the author shows me, through the main character (captain Owe), that the human being must have a goal in life and how much effort we need to reach it. we must do our best in order to get what we really want even we have barriers and tough moments. This book inspired me to write my own research paper for Literature (At the Univ)

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