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This picture book tells the story of Ike, a fun-loving dog who gets into trouble once to often. His person, Mrs. Larue, send him to obedience school, from whence he sends letters to Mrs. Larue describing the "awful" circumstances of the school. The joke, which kids will get due to the contradictions between the illustration and text, is that the school is more of a resort than the prison Ike makes it out to be in his letters home.
A very funny book with charming illustrations and real way with words. Highly recommended.

Used price: $2.00
Collectible price: $5.00
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List price: $34.99 (that's 30% off!)
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For users already familiar with Struts, the book expands beyond the basics and discusses how to use some of the libraries surrounding Struts, such as the Validator framework, Tiles, Logging (Commons, log4j). There are great chapters on using Struts with EJBs, exception handling, internationalization, the various tag libraries that come packaged with Struts, and advanced Struts features (some of which are new to version 1.1).
If you are new to Struts or are already using Struts, I have no doubt you will learn plenty from this book. (Like most O'Reilly books) It skips on providing information irrelevant to the technology, and focuses specifically on how to help you build and model clean, maintainable web-applications. Gone are the days of including JSP scriptlet code inside of your HTML (I know I'm tired of looking at it). I've used Struts to build the past two web-applications I've worked on and I have no doubt I'll use it for the next - this book will be right beside me.

Here's why I'm giving it five stars:
Chapter 1 - Covers MVC and Model 2 Background and Trivia
Chapter 2 - Covers Request/Response and Forward/Redirect Info
Chapter 3 - Good overview of the framework with the Bank example (All banking code is provided, including Ant scripts)
Chapter 4 - A complete chapter on configuring the web.xml and struts-config.xml (Some parameter are missing because of changes after book release)
Chapter 5 - A great chapter on explaining the controller of Struts
Chapter 6 - The reason to buy this book! Everything you ever wanted to know about how to build the model for Struts
Chapter 7 - Dynamic Forms Coverage (Good Coverage)
Chapter 8 - Tags (This chapter could have been better!)
Chapter 9 - The explanation of why and how to extend Struts if neccessary for any real Struts applications.
Chapter 10 - Great coverage of the declarative and programmatic exception handling
Chapter 11 - Coverage of the validator framework. Also covers how to create your own rules and to use it outside of Struts
Chapter 12 - Good I18N Coverage
Chapter 13 - Excellent chapter on EJBs and Struts (A must read!!!)
Chapter 14 - Tiles, but I've not read this chapter close enough to comment.
Chapter 15 - The best information available on Logging in a web application (A must read by all!)
Chapter 16 - Solid coverage of using Ant to package Struts. (Ant scripts are included)
Chapter 17 - Decent chapter on Performance
Overall, each chapter covers exactly what more advanced Struts users want and need.
You can't go wrong buying this book!

Used price: $3.50
Collectible price: $21.18
Buy one from zShops for: $4.95

I agree with the author that psychoanalysis is a pseudoscience - statements cannot be tested and the research results cannot be verified uniformly. Although it is not totally without meaning (Karl Popper), it is not a science.
(2) the revenge of the repressed
A frontal attack on the caste of the psychoanalysts, depicted as 'religious zealots, self-help evangelists, sociopolitical ideologues, and outright charlatans who trade in the ever seductive currency of guilt and blame, while keeping the doctor's fees mounting.'
The author is particularly severe with their latest 'school' : the 'recovered memory movement', based on the rape of children by their parents (really!). This lead to false accusations and condemnations of innocent people. No wonder the author predicts an accelerating collapse of psychoanalysis as a respected institution.
A much needed and courageous book to halt a profession riding at full speed on a misty highway. And a much needed angle on Freud as a person, written in a style to slaughter the not so innocent father of psychoanalysis.
After reading this book, I agree with Peter Madawar, who called doctrinaire psychoanalytic theory "the most stupendous intellectual confidence trick of the twentieth century".

These two essays and the letters in response to them have been put into the book The Memory Wars. As someone trained in experimental psychology you can guess my own personal bias in this matter. Crews discusses Freud's botched cases; his frequent vacillation in theory formation; some of his sillier theories; and his serious interjection of personal bias into the formation of his beliefs. The main problem with the whole Freudian system is the total lack of scientific evidence supporting it. Freudian psychoanalysis is founded on anecdote and supported by anecdotes. To be fair, much current non-Freudian therapy is also based on anecdote. Indignant Freud followers write back, and their letters are indeed interesting (and often pompous).
The second half of the book takes on the recovered memory movement. It would be great to poke fun at this movement if it weren't for the fact that it has caused so much damage to all parties involved. Symptoms checklists are published with the statement if you suffer from these symptoms you may be a victim of sexual abuse. Read the list and you will find that the majority of Americans will find that they have been abused. It's all a patient seduction game with the intent to make big money. Hospitals have even set up units to treat such patients (Having worked in the psychiatric hospital industry I am well aware of the "product lines" that such facilities set up in order to fill beds). Crews does an excellent job of dissecting the memory movement, and once again we get to read the indignant responses.
Those who believe that psychological therapy should be based on sound scientific evidence will love this book. Those who have accepted Freudianism with a religious like faith will, of course, hate it. To me this whole subject is analogous to the evolution vs. creationist debate. It's science versus pseudoscience.

List price: $14.00 (that's 20% off!)

This new book "the Future of the Telecommunications Industry..." contains a great contribution to the scientific progress about Demand Theory in Telecommmunications,I Think was developed for researchers, students and managers that have a medium knowledge about the telecom market. Whatever the skill of the book isn`t to hard, specially to the practice.

Used price: $2.05
Collectible price: $6.90

List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
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Used price: $7.89
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Used price: $3.75
Story introduces each chapter with a brief description of the geography and history of the park. Then Story lists several rides within the park, each accompanied by detailed descriptions (including technical and aerobic difficulty, best time of year to ride, overall length of trail, etc.) and maps. Though some road bike routes are included, most trails are for mountain bikes. Each trail I rode was accurately described. Each chapter also contains boxes describing the fauna (animals) and flora (plants) you'll likely encounter within each park.
This book isn't just a cycling guide, it contains virtually all the information you'll need to plan your trip. Story concludes each chapter with information about local lodging, camping, bike shops, grocery stores, and restaurants (his recommendations are first rate). He also provides helpful contacts (park visitors centers, etc.) which should be able to provide any other information you might need. Story has also eliminated the extraneous elements so many other cycling guidebooks seem to contain (elevation maps might be visually enticing, but let's face it, they aren't necessary).
What is really remarkable about this book is Story's terse, engaging writing. The abundance of information this book contains is presented in readable, often witty language. He doesn't just describe, he gives the reader a feel for each park and the surrounding communities (when applicable). Unlike most guidebooks I've read (which usually contain flat, predictable humor), Story's humor actually works; it isn't "laugh-out-loud" funny, but wry, witty humor that always relates to and never detracts from the subject matter.
The only improvement I would suggest for future editions is to provide a general map of each National Park. The trail maps only feature a small segment of the park where the trail is located. It is sometimes impossible to decipher where each trail is located within the entire park itself. This is particularly difficult for visitors not familiar with the area (like me). It was sometimes impossible to tell from the maps where the most convenient place to stay (closest lodging to the trails) is. The next edition should provide a map showing where each trail is located relative to the entire park. Before visiting a park, you should obtain a complete map from the National Park Service (Story does tell where to obtain these).
Story has set high standards with this guidebook, the first in the "Bicycling America's National Parks" series. It's the kind of book you'll enjoy reading even if you don't plan to hit the trails anytime soon. Story's writing is so engaging that finishing the 300-pages is effortless (300 pages may sound long, but it really isn't). This book is a must read for any cyclists interested in visiting the National Parks of California. I can't wait to read the subsequent guidebooks for other states.