Book reviews for "David,_Catherine" sorted by average review score:

Healthy Home Kit: Inspecting for Environmental Hazards Working With Professionals to Avoid Risks Cleaning Up Radon, Lead, Asbestos and More!
Published in Paperback by Dearborn Publishing (1994)
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $6.00
Buy one from zShops for: $5.49
Used price: $6.00
Buy one from zShops for: $5.49
Average review score: 

I was amazed to find this title at the Texas Library Association Conference in Houston, Texas last week. The book jumped out at me when I passed the American Girls exhitbit booth. The colorful cover conveys a realistic scene from Felicity's time in U. S. History that took me back over 200 years. From the first page to the last, I was riveted to find out more details. The paintings, maps, and drawings help to tie together how colonists lived and carried out their daily chores in their families and in their communities. Cutaways and aerial scenes take the reader into the action of the time, especially those where girls and women were active in the Revolutionary War: Sybil Ludington who was a Patriot soldier and Eliza Wilkinson who refused to play her guitar for a British soldier. I give this book 5 gold stars and hope to read the other Welcome to the American Girl books soon.

Ocean Circulation
Published in Paperback by Butterworth-Heinemann (17 October, 2001)
Amazon base price: $37.95
Used price: $27.00
Buy one from zShops for: $25.99
Used price: $27.00
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Average review score: 

This book provides a very accessible introduction to a topic that is often confusing to newcomers. It introduces the concepts and equations of oceanography in a step-by-step manner, with self-quizzes and problems to assist the reader in grasping the concepts. The book is good for people exploring an education in oceanography, or for people who are not oceanographers but need to understand the concepts for their own research. The book takes you from being a novice to understanding the different issues, terminology, and methods of data presentation typical of the field. A grasp of the material puts you in a position to dive into the oceanographic literature and pull out the information relevant to your own field of study.

Published in Paperback by Scribner Paperback Fiction (1997)
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $2.59
Collectible price: $8.49
Buy one from zShops for: $4.49
Used price: $2.59
Collectible price: $8.49
Buy one from zShops for: $4.49
Average review score: 

I've been a Pelletier fan since I first read this book. She takes on the really BIG themes of life, death, love, hope, despair, sorrow, you name it and makes it accessible to all readers, from Oprah's book club to the most academic of clubs. That's the mark of a great writer. I will read Pelletier's books as long as she writes them. The Coen brothers need to get on the ball...this one (all of Pelletier's books are SO filmic and visual)has the earmarks of a classic...

This book will play with all possible emotions. It
is very funny and sad at the same time. The caracters
are everyday people trying to cope with the ups and
downs of life. The author Cathy Pelletier is new to me
but I will surely read every book she puts out. Get this
book and enjoy. A refreshing read.
is very funny and sad at the same time. The caracters
are everyday people trying to cope with the ups and
downs of life. The author Cathy Pelletier is new to me
but I will surely read every book she puts out. Get this
book and enjoy. A refreshing read.

How in the world have I missed reading this author's work? Many thanks to the Amazon reviewers for introducing me to Cathie Pelletier. This novel is excellent, the woman knows how to write a story. The trials and tribulations of the McKinnon family makes for some poignant and hilarious reading. As one of the reviewers on the book jacket states it really is like a "Northern Southern" novel, only it's far better than most of the "Southern" genre I have read. The quality of the writing is top-notch, I will absolutly be reading other work by this author. Five stars without hesitation!

Low Life: Lures and Snares of Old New York (Vintage Departures)
Published in Paperback by Vintage Books (1992)
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.45
Collectible price: $5.95
Buy one from zShops for: $7.00
List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.45
Collectible price: $5.95
Buy one from zShops for: $7.00
Average review score: 

It is, after all, about their own lives that writers write best. Here is no exception, and this book, far beyond any other recollection of childhood I have ever read, exhumes the anguish of memory. The chronicle of his past is underscored by poverty, but out of that, Camus has built a recollection of childhood that overcomes bitterness and misanthropy and finds redemption. Somehow, Camus has emerged as the completed man, the mature man, who can finally be consoled, rather than confronted, by his own past; above all, he has characterized his life as an emotional journey, and in finding solace in the destination to which he has arrived, for better or worse, he elevates those principal forces that steered his course, his mother and his childhood instructor. This is indeed, as Camus himself termed it, the novel of his maturity, and the only unfulfilling aspect of his story is that it will remain unfinished. As the story relates, however, we can always find happiness in what we have, even if it is not exactly what we wanted.

It is, after all, about their own lives that writers write best. Here is no exception, and this book, far beyond any other recollection of childhood I have ever read, exhumes the anguish of memory. The chronicle of his past is underscored by poverty, but out of that, Camus has built an evocation of childhood that overcomes bitterness and misanthropy and finds redemption. Somehow, Camus has emerged as the completed man, the mature man, who can finally be consoled, rather than confronted, by his own past; above all, he has sketched his life as an emotional journey, and in finding solace in the destination to which he has arrived, for better or worse, he elevates those principle forces that steered his course, his mother and his childhood instructor. This is indeed, as Camus himself termed it, the novel of his maturity, and the only unfulfilling aspect of his story is that it will remain unfinished. As the story relates, however, we can always find happiness in what we have, even if it is not exactly all that we wanted.

M. Camus' unmistakable style reaches its highest expression in this book. In reading this book, one gets the feeling that the man has finally discovered how to tell his whole personal story, including tears and laughter, without sacrificing precision or austerity of expression. The feeling that results is that the reader has gone back in time and met Camus himself in some cafe, and that reader and writer are each finding what Camus called "the writer's royal reward" in exchanging their stories. As happens with all "first drafts," the story sometimes gets bogged down in a sea of details or in confusion as Camus reveals too much by using the real names of characters, but these add to the personality revealed. Indeed, when the reader reaches such passages, he/she can almost see the man having to stop for a moment to laugh, cringe, or even weep at the recollection of powerful memories from home, childhood, and school. The plentiful notes by author and editor make the book an intriguing insight into the writing process, and the correspondence added at the end between Camus and the elementary school teacher he speaks of so much in the story will touch any teacher or student

Oahspe Bible: A New Bible in the Words of Jehovih and His Angel Embassadors 1882 (Volume I)
Published in Paperback by Kessinger Publishing Company (31 May, 1942)
Amazon base price: $36.00
Used price: $19.05
Collectible price: $39.95
Used price: $19.05
Collectible price: $39.95
Average review score: 

This edition by Kessinger Publishing, LLC is in 2 volumes and is a reprint of the 1882 edition of OAHSPE written by John B Newbrough. This edition gives no mention of the author in its title page. It is a poor reproduction and hides the fact that this book was written in the United States and is an American Bible. The Newbrough/Cardone edition is in one volume. The Newbrough/Cardone edition is one complete volume of the 1892 OAHSPE published in that year and also later from 1935 to about 1955 by E Wing Anderson. The Newbrough/Cardone edition gives a listing of the printings of OAHSPE an dedicates that edition to the man who wrote it, John B. Newbrough.

You still do not list the mortal author (John Newbrough) nor the fact that this over 1000 pages is in two volumes on your catalog pages. Thanks for shipping to me Vol 1. But I am really concerned about no hassles for other buyers. I first read this book 54 years ago at the age of 15.
Yours Sincerely, George Riddle

I have been a student of the OAHSPE Bible for many years. This particular edition (Kissenger Publishing) is a reprint of the Green or Ray Palmer Edition OAHSPE. Printed and published by Amherst Publishing from 1960 to 1982. The original OAHSPE was written in 1882 (large black hard cover) by John B. Newbrough. Revised by Newbrough in 1891 and printed and published again in 1892. Thus the same book but in a new format with the addition of 13 paintings of the prophets mentioned in the book placed throughout according to place of mention in book. The paintings were also the work of Newbrough. After Newbroughs death in 1892 the book was not reprinted again until 1910. His daughter Justine Newbrough inherited the copyright and sold it to England around 1910 and again to E. Wing Anderson of Los Angeles, CA in 1935. OAHSPE is still printed and sold in England today (very small green hard cover). E. Wing Anderson printed and sold the 1892 Edition of OAHSPE (large blue soft cover)in the United States from 1935 to 1955. The English and Anderson Editions did not include the paintings of the 13 prophets. In 1960 Ray Palmer (Amherst Publishing) reproduced the (Green Hardcover) OAHSPE from 1960 to 1982. This edition included the paintings but placed them in the back of the book. The bindings of this edition were poorly manufactured and fall apart easily. OAHSPE went out of print in 1982. IN 1998 OAHSPE was printed and published again when OAHSPEBOOKS co-author David A Cardone reprinted and published the (green angel cover paperback).This edition is the reprint of the 1892 edition and restored as Newbrough intended in 1892. This edition is in tribute to the original author and gives an accurate history of the book in it's preface. It is in one volume and has an excellent binding.Kissenger publishing lists the author as anonymous and gives no mention to the history or origin of the book. The original illistrations and graphics were reproduced so poorly that many are unrecognizable. The seller gives no mention that this edition is in (two combersome paperback volumes). The The best reproduction of the book on the market today is the Edition published in September 1998 by co-author David A Cardone. This edition has been enhanced with computer software to make the illistations and graphics better than the original 1882 or 1892 edition and is in one volume. A great book such as OAHSPE deserves the attention and dedication of a responsible publisher who gives mention to it's history and the quality of it's reproduction. I would recommend Oahspe to all. If looking for a new copy buy the Green Angel Cover Edition. Used copies of older editions are available through the Z-SHOPS. available at

Lattice Structures on Banach Spaces (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 493)
Published in Paperback by American Mathematical Society (1993)
Amazon base price: $29.00
Average review score: 

A collection of interviews with several drag queens, varying in readability. The pictures are wonderful, and the interview with Quentin Crisp is especially delightful.

Finally, a book about drag that positively revels in the glamour of being a drag queen. No "who we are and why we are" just get deep into the fun and beauty of drag. The book includes chapters on the history of drag, interviews with drag superstars (Lypsynka, Holly Woodlawn, Lady Bunny among many others), drag essentials (get yourself to that MAC makeup counter!) a list of the many movies that feature transgender themes and a great listing of drag nightclubs and events around the world...

The Unknown Lenin: From the Secret Archive (Annals of Communism)
Published in Hardcover by Yale Univ Pr (1996)
Amazon base price: $40.00
Used price: $11.95
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $28.69
Used price: $11.95
Collectible price: $10.59
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Average review score: 

A review in simple words. The book reveals a Lenin like I have not read in any other book. The Lenin history should remember is the Lenin studied through his personal documents as the book shows. Although as the book explains, an even darker side of Lenin is still to be revealed as soon as more historian access the presidential archives in Russia. Lenin through his own documents reveals himself as man who scorned his own people, an opportunist, a murder and a master of terror and manipulation. I would also like to add that thanks to historians such as Richard Pipes, history will always reveal the true face of the master of the first terror state of this century. My admiration for Richard Pipes.

This book shows genuine documents, notes and other documents signed or sent to Lenin through out his life. This book is a good starting place for any history student doing a biographical essay of Lenin's life. Lenin is portrayed here as he really was. The documents show Lenin, ordering mass executions, conspirations and many other acts of terror which truly award him as the genuine creator of 'totalitarism'in the 20th century. Through the documents in the book one can see the pattern from which future communist and nazi dictators adopted Lenin's model of a totalitarian regime. After reading the book one can truly say that either Hitler, Stalin, Castro and many other dictators were only followers of Lenin's model of a totalitarian regime (in the domestic sphere and in the international area as well).

Richard Pipes' presentation of archival material concerning Lenin is of great value to anyone interested in the paper trail leading from the millions of corpses scattered across Soviet history to the feet of comrade Lenin. The reviews of this book are interesting since, speaking literally, Pipes did not write the book: Lenin et. al did. Lenin himself and his various murderer flunkies, wrote the documents that comprise the book. So those that squeal like a stuck pig over this book do so in the face of the fact that Pipes did not write it -- Lenin and his accomplices are the authors of most of the material. Pipes selected documents that demonstrate Lenin's hand in various murderous terror campaigns (the persecution of the Orthodox Church), his creation of a police-terror state, and his subversive work with the Germans. This is Lenin, these are the things he did. Others suggest that somehow Pipes' selection is 'unbalanced.' Hmmm . . . Does that mean that somewhere in all the archival material there is something like an order taken by Lenin's assistant asking that flowers be sent to his wife; a photograph of Lenin passing out candy to children; a letter where the diligent Lenin promises to come over to a common prole's house to roll up his sleeves himself and fix his leaking pipes? Better yet, perhaps in the Soviet archives there is a heartwarming birthday greeting Lenin sent to Dzhirnsky: 'Happy birthday! Don't gas too many peasants in the woods on this, your special day!" Did Pipes select only those documents that portray Lenin in a bad light? It is nonsense to suggest that Pipes purposely left out documents that allow a kind, gentle, loving, zany Lenin to come through. This book testifies to the fact that Lenin was simply a nihilist, someone who did not believe in anything and simply wanted to destroy out of hatred. There is no intellectual substance to communism. It is nihilism pure and simple and thrives on darkness. Read the book for yourself and don't let those who condone murder and destruction try and make it sound as if this book is somehow 'biased.' Lies beget lies and this is what nihilists live for.

Engineering Drawing and Design
Published in Hardcover by Delmar Publishers (1991)
Amazon base price: $82.95
Used price: $3.77
Buy one from zShops for: $12.99
Used price: $3.77
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Dancers (Costumes for Coloring Series)
Published in Paperback by Grosset & Dunlap (1996)
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $4.16
Buy one from zShops for: $1.50
Used price: $4.16
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Average review score:
No reviews found.

Reinventing the Skyscraper : A Vertical Theory of Urban Design
Published in Paperback by Academy Editions (UK) (2002)
Amazon base price: $65.00
Used price: $4.95
Buy one from zShops for: $6.88
Used price: $4.95
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