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Book reviews for "Collins,_Michael" sorted by average review score:

Michael Collins and the Women in His Life
Published in Paperback by Irish Amer Book Co (1998)
Author: Meda Ryan
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $12.00
Average review score:

Great Women Who Helped a Great Man
Meda Ryan proves that indeed if a man is great, he must have great women in his life. The love life of Michael Collins has been the topic of everything from serious historical pursuit to fanciful gossip and Ryan attempts to shed accurate light on what Collins's love life was actually like. Ryan begins with Michael's childhood. Collins was raised mostly by women. His father died when Michael was only six and the young Collins was cared for by his mother, grandmother and sisters. When Collins went to England to work at a postal savings bank and gain business experience, he lived with his sister Johanna and was given valuable advice by his sister Hannie who had worked in a postal savings bank herself. Ryan introduces us to Susan Killeen, Collins's first real girlfriend. He met Susan while in London and his cousin, Nancy O'Brien (the cousin who copied countless files for him), noted that Michael was rather popular with his female co-workers. Ryan also discusses Collins's relationships with Sinéad Mason, a friend and secretary, and Madeline Dicker, another girlfriend. Ryan addresses the rumors that Collins had affairs with Lady Hazel Lavery and Moya Llewelyn Davies. The most notable relationship Collins had was with his fiancée, Kitty Kiernan, and Ryan covers the details of their love in a fairly thorough manner.

If you are looking for a traditional biography of Michael Collins, an introduction to Collins's life and times, or any type of conventional history text, this book is probably not for you. This is the type of book that will likely appeal to those already basically familiar with Collins's story but who are interested in learning more about his personal life. If you already have a good sense of the history of the time and want to know the stories behind the many women who assisted Collins both personally and professionally, this would be an excellent selection.

Let's hear it for the ladies!
Did you know that his cousin was a secretary for an officer in the Dublin Castle? She would copy her notes and smuggle them out in her clothing. Did you know that he had a girlfriend long before he met Kitty Kiernan? She was one of his many helpers in the long struggle. Did you know of the many roles women played in his life? I didn't, until I read this book.

Meda Ryan isn't a stranger to the life and times of Michael Collins. Her previous book, The Day Michael Collins Was Shot, concentrates on the final days of the man. This effort, Michael Collins and the Women in His Life, spans his lifetime and concentrates on the women in his life. They range from his mother, whose life of toil and devotion had a profound effect on him as a boy, to Kitty Kiernan, whose zest and love of life distracted his mind from his many trials and troubles.

Some of the names will be familiar to readers of Irish history, most will not. All demonstrated the courage and zeal that Ireland needed during her fight for freedom. While this book may not appeal to the "professional scholar", I found that it was a good introduction to Michael Collins' life and supplements other biographies about the man.

Michael Collins: The Man Who Won the War
Published in Paperback by Irish Amer Book Co (1990)
Author: T. Ryle Dwyer
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $3.75
Collectible price: $26.47
Buy one from zShops for: $5.40
Average review score:

Focused Look at Collins' Political Career
Dwyer tackles his Collins biography by focusing on Michael's roles as a military man and a politico. As a matter of fact, Dwyer's opening chapter addresses the speech from which his subtitle was taken: Arthur Griffith's proclamation in the Irish Dáil that Collins was "the man who won the war." From there, Dwyer explores Collins' part in the Easter Rising, his productive time in jail, and his reintroduction to the republican movement in Dublin. The core of the book is dedicated to how Collins dismantled the system of British counter-intelligence in Ireland and the subsequent retalliation, Bloody Sunday. The last thirty pages examine Collins' duty in negotiating and then defending the Anglo-Irish Treaty. Collins' assassination and the aftermath of his death are not discussed. In the epilogue, Dwyer takes a moment to reassess Collins' awe-inspiring contributions to Irish independence and the sad conflict that developed between he and de Valera. Throughout the work, it is easy to see that Dwyer is obviously an admirer of Collins and pulls no punches as he evaluates de Valera, his followers, and the anti-Treatyites. He is not afraid to inject his own opinion into the text and such commentary is part of what causes Dwyer's biography to stand out from the rest of the pack. All things considered, this book is well worth your time, especially if you already have a basic knowledge about Collins' life and would like to know more. Because this book really contains no information on Collins' younger years, his early work in London, or the months prior to his death, I would not recommend it as a good Collins biography to read first. Make Dwyer's work second or third on your list.

An Intimate Portrait of a Complex Man
T. Ryle Dwyer (who also wrote "Big Fellow, Long Fellow")has written a study of Michael Collins that revolves primarily around his leadership of the war of independence against England and his interaction with his compatriots and competitors in that war. Dwyer takes praticular interest in the rivalries and tensions among the leading characters in the conflict, especially those between Collins and De Valera and Cathal Brugh. Collins is presented as a complex and charismatic man whose objective was independence for his country, not personal power, and who could charm and cajole, or terrorize and assassinate with equal effectiveness in pursuit of that goal. It is a fascinating, intimate portrait of a man whose peersonality was central to the success of the independence fight, after 800 years of unsuccessful rebellions, and who, while he may not have single-handedly "won the war", was the one single factor without which the war would most likely NOT have been won. A fascinating read about a fascinating leader.

Daniel Boone and the Opening of the Ohio Country (World Explorers)
Published in Library Binding by Chelsea House Pub (Library) (1991)
Authors: Seamus Cavan, Michael Collins, and William H. Goetzmann
Amazon base price: $22.95
Used price: $9.15
Average review score:

An interesting book about a true American explorer
This book gives an interesting and factual account of the life of Daniel Boone and his adventures in the wilderness. The information in this book is written in a way thats easy to understand. It keeps you interested all the way through. You will learn about the many close encounters Boone has with death. This book also tells about Boone's life with the Indians in captivity. Their are many pictures in this book that help to give you a better picture of what is going on. The book begins by describing Boone's parents and early life. Here I learned many things I didn't know about Boone. Then the book tells of Boone's life after his marraige to Rebecca Bryan, and their settlement in Kentucky. It is here that you will read about Boone's expeditions with his fellow settlers and their deadly encounters with the Indians. One interesting story the book tells is how Boone rescues two of his daughters from Indian captivity. The book then tells of Boone's life after he moves away from Kentucky. Finally it tells of his tragic death from acute indigestion caused by eating too many sweat potatoes. Their are so many interesting things you will read about in this book. For example, it tells of Boone's son and his friend being skinned alive slowly by Indians. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading about US explorers, or adventures in the forests. It is also a great book for book reports and projects because it has excellent pictures and key facts. In the back of the book their is even a timeline summarizing Boone's life. Anyone interested should definitely read this book!

Forage Quality, Evaluation, and Utilization
Published in Hardcover by Amer Society of Agronomy (1994)
Authors: Michael Collins, David R. Mertens, and George C. Fahey
Amazon base price: $44.00
Average review score:

A important book
This book was very interisting for my test to selection of University. This book talk about everything important for forage in medicine veterinary.

I, Koch: A Decidedly Unauthorized Biography of the Mayor of New York City, Edward I. Koch
Published in Hardcover by Dodd Mead (1988)
Authors: Arthur Browne, Dan Collins, and Michael Goodwin
Amazon base price: $2.98
Used price: $0.62
Collectible price: $2.64
Buy one from zShops for: $12.00
Average review score:

A comprehensive look at a man just won't seem to go away
The book is written by three veteran New York City reporters who were immersed in Koch's politics during his administration. Now, on the eve of his successor's inauguration for a second term, Koch is still in the news almost daily, making this book on his City Hall past -- what he does and doesn't want you to know -- a must for interested parties.

Michael Collins
Published in Unknown Binding by New English Library ()
Author: Rex Taylor
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Interesting Bio of the Big Fellow
Of the now fairly numerous biographies of Michael Collins, this is one of the shortest but most readable. The author had access to many of Collins' personal papers and he writes in an easy and easily understood manner. The essential facts about the famous Irish revolutionary are there but there is much less detail than in more extensive biographies,not necessarily a bad thing. Overall, this account of Collins' life and exploits rings true and presents a picture of the real man and the incredible service he gave to Ireland during his short life. It also gives a vivid picture of the great love and loyalty he inspired in his rag-tag band of rebels, from whom he drew acts of bravery and devotion they themselves hardly realized they were capable of. Highly recommended if you want to get a real feel for a critical period of Irish history and a man unique in any era.

Michael Collins: Screenplay and Film Diary
Published in Paperback by Plume (1996)
Author: Neil Jordan
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $4.75
Collectible price: $31.76
Buy one from zShops for: $12.89
Average review score:

Good behind-the-scenes view of the film
My copy of this screenplay diary is very nearly worn out! I have read it several times and have found it to be a good investment. Neil Jordan walks the reader through his feelings about making the film and includes some excellent black and white photos. He wrote that he has "never lost more sleep over the making of a film" than he did over _Michael Collins_. Indeed, it is easy to understand why. Jordan discusses his own reservations about taking on such a monumental task (as accurately capturing the truth behind an Irish hero) and he takes us along on his meetings with the actors. The screenplay of the film, including the list of actors and characters, is a neat read as well. If you are a die-hard fan of the movie, you will pick up on some subtle and not-so-subtle changes in the script. All things considered, this title would be a great investment for any fan of the film. If, on the other hand, you are simply looking for more information on one of the actors, the man behind the movie or the life of Neil Jordan, I would suggest you look elsewhere. This book is strictly concerned with the filmmaking process and would probably not be a good fit for any of those needs.

On the Wings of Love: Michael's Story
Published in Hardcover by Mayhaven Pub (1997)
Author: Donna Rhodes Collins
Amazon base price: $24.95
Average review score:

Every parent in the U.S. needs to read this book!
I was anxious to receive this book since my own son has been diagnosed with Kawasaki Disease twice. Ms. Collins story about her grandson is a touching one. She does a nice job describing the impact this devestating disease can have on an entire family. She is obviously a very devoted and caring grandmother, and the story she paints of her grandson's life is moving and inspirational. She is the first of thousands of families in the United States to express the horrifying impact of this disease and I applaud her for her efforts. The information about the disease and the consequences of not receiving treatment contained in this book is something that should be readily available to every parent in the United States. Sadly enough, however, there are still millions who have never even heard of Kawasaki Disease.

A state of disunion: Arthur Griffith, Michael Collins, James Craig, Eamonn de Valera
Published in Unknown Binding by Muller ()
Author: Calton Younger
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Four Great Irishmen
This is an interesting, if less than definitive, account of four of Ireland's most reknowned leaders--Michael Collins, Eamon De Valera, Arthur Griffith, and James Craig--and their contribution to Ireland's "State of Disunion". While not fully developed, these biographical accounts give an insight into the conflicts of men and ideas involved in Ireland's fight for freedom from Britain. The first three men were, of course, leaders in the War of Independence: Collins the guerrilla leader who, more than any single man, was responsible for the creation of the Irish Free State; De Valera the austere leader who oversaw the Free State's emergence as the Republic of today and led Ireland through much of the 20th century; and Griffith the intellectual founder of Sinn Fein, the philosophy and the party. The remaining leader, James Craig, the inflexible voice of Ulster unionism and opposition to bringing the six northern counties into the Free State, is shown as an astute defender of the status quo and manipulator of the British to that end. A recommended read for an overview of the forces at play then and now.

Test Pilots: The Frontiersmen of Flight
Published in Paperback by Smithsonian Institution Press (1988)
Authors: Richard P. Hallion and Michael Collins
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $1.39
Buy one from zShops for: $20.28
Average review score:

A great aviation history book!
Richard P. Hallion describes here the saga of aviation and flight test from the "tower jumpers", as monk Eilmer adventure (year 1.000) to Challenger and Voyager. The foreword from astronaut Michael Collins is great!

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