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Book reviews for "Collins,_Michael" sorted by average review score:

America's Black Spartacus Remembered : The Confessions of Nat Turner
Published in Audio Cassette by Masterbuy Audio Books (01 April, 1999)
Authors: Bernard Addison, Michael Collins, Allen Gilmore, and Masterbuy Audiobooks
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $16.65
Average review score:

A Magic History Lesson
The Confessions of Nat Turner audio book is a magic history lesson that is emotionally and intellectually appealing rich in detail and magnificent in scope. It is also exciting, compelling, powerful and tersely written and should be heard by anyone interested in the history of the United States. This excellent documentary should be part of all American History courses.

Four Thumbs Up for Kente Classics
For those Americans both black and white, who've dared imagine the the myriad horrors of the slavery system, the audio book by Kente Classics "Americas Black Spartacus Remembered" is a compelling and vivid journey back into one of saddest moments in Americas often violent history. The tape brilliantly deals with the actual confessions given by the captured "Black Spartacus", Nat Turner to attorney Thomas Gray in November 1831 (3 months after the revolt, and just before he was to meet a certain fate of death by hanging). Gray went own to publish "General Nat's" confessions in a pamphlet which was widely read throughout the northern and southern states.

As the tape begins, we hear Gray (stage actor Michael Collins) describe Nat Turner's (stage actor Bernard Addison) entry into the interview room, in heavy chains and shackles from head to toe. From that point forward you we "transported" back in time and space to the very room itself.

One of the great advantages of the audio book as a medium, is its ability, like all great live theatre, to engage you through the aural senses to a place where you feel as though you are there witnessing the event taking place. For entire 1:30 min. playing time, this tape holds you in its grip with chilling descriptions by Turner of how he and his band of "disciples" went about their "work". The horrible result being, the ultimate death of over 30 white slave owners and their families, and the capture and slaughter of over 100 blacks in retailiation by maurauding bans of whites and militias mobilized in response. All this carnage taking place in a few days during August of 1831 in Southampton County Virginia.

Where the tape succeeds in a historical context for those interested in the episode, is we see the obvious impact the event had on the politics of the times, and the vast schism that existed between north and south on the matter of slavery.

Furthemore, because we actually hear the spoken words of Turner himself describe his motivation, objectives, and mental state for his actions, we are provided with a direct contrast to the Pulitzer Prize winning, and widely read book (a novel)"The Confessioins of Nat Turner", written by William Styron and published in 1968.

In a well written afterthought provided at the end of the tape, written by William L. Andrews, a professor at the University of North Carolina, we hear of challenges to the authenticity of Gray's confessions because Gray seems to imbue Turner with far too much intelligence and elegance of speech for a uneducated Negro. Andrews also argues convincely that the ultimate result of the Turner revolt may have mitigated southern anti-slavery sentiments to the point where the final conflict which was the Civil War was inevitable. In this, we see the validity of the comparison of Nat Turner to the Spartacus of 2000 years earlier.

The rest of the cast is equally superb, with Collins doubling as the voice of the Judge, and Shakeperean pro Allen Gilmore playing the voice of the William L. Andrews. The tape is punctuated with 2 very moving musical interludes by the great Odetta which help to add to the emotional impact of this sterling production. The tape jacket provides us with artists reproductions of the scowling Turner and a map of the country side where the revolt took place.

As has been the case with other Kente Classics audio books I have experienced, this tape succeeds because of the historical importance of the subject matter chosen, outstanding quality of the writing and editing, and the professional performances of the actors chosen for the various spoken roles.

I highly recommend this or any of the other titles from this house.

The Man Who Made Ireland: The Life and Death of Michael Collins
Published in Paperback by Roberts Rinehart Pub (1993)
Author: Tim Pat Coogan
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $2.40
Average review score:

A true tour-de-force
Coogan's biography of Collins is often called the definitive one and for good reason: no other author to date has undertaken the sheer level of work studying the life of Collins, period. Coogan walks the reader through virtually every aspect of Michael's life, some good, some bad, some momentous, and some minor. His preface to the American edition alone is phenomenal. His biography (as most tend to do) goes in chronological order, from Michael's birth to his poignant assassination in 1922. We are given the details of Michael's family life, his friends, his comrades, his guerrilla warfare tactics, his temperament, his favorite books, etc., etc. Coogan's chapters are as follows: The Little Fella, Easter 1916, Kicking Down a Rotten Door, The Twelve Apostles, The Year of Terror, The Sky Darkens, Peace Comes Dropping Slow, Settling This Old Strife, Fighting the Waves, Wading Through Blood, Setting up the Six, The Mouth of Flowers, and Honouring the Dead. There are also notes, an appendix, and many b/w photos. Coogan spends a good deal of time on the Easter Rising, the events surrounding Bloody Sunday, and the negotiating of the Anglo-Irish Treaty. He also addresses several of the controversial issues surrounding Michael's life and death, e.g. allegations that Collins was a homosexual, claims that de Valera might have instigated Collins' assassination, and Collins' supposed dalliances. Although Coogan's writing is not what I would particularly call easy or light reading, I do believe this selection could make a good starter book for anyone's investigation of Michael Collins. If you are interested in any way in Collins' life and times, you absolutely must own this book.

The Definitive Biography of the Big Fellow
Tim Pat Coogan's biography of Michael Collins, the legendary Irish rebel leader during the Irish War of Independence, leaves no stone unturned. It traces Collins' rise to prominence from his boyhood in nationalist Cork County through his ten years in England working for the post office and financial firms, his return to Ireland to participate in the Easter Rising of 1916, his increasing influence in Frongoch prison in Wales and in nationalist/republican circles upon his release in 1917. This biography reads more like a riveting novel given the almost mythical qualities of the central character. Coogan conveys not only the facts about Collins and his exploits during Ireland's fight for independence but also his charismatic personality, engaging wit and humor, capacity for ruthlessness, magnetic leadership qualities and passionate devotion to his country and its people. This is also a fascinating textbook picture of a successful guerilla war and intelligence operation led by a man with a genius for conspiracy, the so-called "Dublin Pimpernel", the most wanted man in the British Empire at that time. Highly recommended, particularly for anyone who would like to have a better understanding of the troubles in modern Ireland.

Michael Collins and the Making of a New Ireland
Published in Hardcover by Periodicals Service Co (1985)
Authors: P.S. Besalai, P. S. Beaslai, and P. S. Bbeaslabi
Amazon base price: $130.00
Average review score:

An Insider's Account of the Fight for Irish Freedom
This difficult-to-find personal history of Ireland's fight for freedom and its legendary leader is well worth searching for. Written by a man who was an intimate of Michael Collins and a trusted conspiratorial comrade in the struggle against England, it has fascinating details about the day-to-day operations of a guerrilla war and the nervewracking lifestyle of the on-the-run participants. Beaslai, although a close friend and admirer of Collins, nonetheless gives a relatively objective picture of the man and his leadership, and this account, more than any other I have read, reflects the perspective and immediacy of a real participant in the history-making events it recounts. This sets it apart and makes it a highly recommended read for anyone truly interested in Irish history.

The only book worth reading on Collins, a real gem!!
Written in 1924, only two years after Collins' death, this two-volume biography is as enthralling and relevant as it was when first published. Beaslai actually owes his own life to Collins, who planned and carried out his jail-break. This fact however does not cloud his judgement of Collins. This is the authoritive biography of Collins. You can be sure that all of Collins' more recent biographers have a copy! Buy it!!!

Prestressed Concrete Structures/Book and Disk (Prentice Hall International Series in Civil Engineering Mechanics)
Published in Hardcover by Prentice Hall College Div (1991)
Author: Michael P. Collins
Amazon base price: $86.00
Average review score:

Great basic reference
I used this book as a primary reference for a senior/graduate prestressed class. Overall, the book is clear and wonderful. I really appreciated the way the author stressed fundamental behavior.

I found the section on deflections heavy going for my students so I picked a simpler, but less accurate, approach from Scordelis's report.

I strongly encourage the author to update this book or publish a new text.

Modified Compression Filed Theory "Bible"
A "must have" reference book for Structural Engineers in the area of prestressed concrete.

Chapter 7 and Chapter 9 are the most comprehensive single source of information on the Modified Compression Filed Theory and procedures for the design of disturbed regions(corbels, dapped ends, ledges,etc.) on concrete structures(except maybe for MacGreggor's).

The book is advanced and requires some knowledge of concrete behavior, prestressed concrete design and mechanics of materials.

Software has been updated and is available on the Toronto University web page (Response 2000-compute Moment Curvature Diagrams of Prestressed Concrete Beams). The software is excellent and easy to use.

Collins Guide to Musicals
Published in Paperback by Harpercollins Pub Ltd (2002)
Authors: John Muir, Rexton S. Bunnett, and Michael P. Kennedy
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.99
Average review score:

A strongly recommended pick for followers of musicals
Guide To Musicals is an in-depth history of nearly 200 musicians selects productions from late 19th century works to Mel Brooks' The Producers. Each entry lists composer, lyricist, and major performances. Guide To Musicals is a strongly recommended pick for followers of musicals who want background data and recommended readings.

The Discovery of Society
Published in Paperback by McGraw Hill College Div (01 August, 1992)
Authors: Randall Collins and Michael Makowsky
Amazon base price: $26.87
Used price: $1.90
Collectible price: $11.95
Average review score:

well written and succint overview of sociological theory!
very well written. offers a very easy to read style by stressing the biographical and historical context of each theorist. covers early sociological theory to such recent philosopher/sociologists as michel foucault. well done!

Flying to the Moon: An Astronaut's Story
Published in Paperback by Sunburst (1994)
Author: Michael Collins
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $2.00
Buy one from zShops for: $3.92
Average review score:

Children's Version of a Classic Astronaut Autobiography
Michael Collins was a NASA astronaut from 1963-1970. During that time he flew on two missions: Gemini 10 and Apollo 11. These two missions, along with his training and military career are described in great detail in his earlier book "Carrying the Fire" which is geared for an older audience. This book is essentially same as "Carrying the Fire", but written with a younger audience in mind. However, I feel that many adults would like this book as well. You can't beat the price either, 4.95$ for any book is a great bargin

The book opens with Collins describing the day of the first moon landing and then he begins to reflect on all the events that led him to be on Apollo 11 that day. The first few chapters of the book describe his earlier fascination with aircraft that ultimately led him to join the US Air Force. After an interesting and exciting career in the Air Force, which included being a test pilot at Edwards Air Force Base, he is chosen to be an astronaut in the third group selected. After years of training he eventually lift offs on his first flight in Gemini 10 with John Young. After more training and a nearly career-ending neck operation, he flies on Apollo 11.

Through out this book, the author describes his feelings and experiences about being an astronaut, what it's like to fly in space, what he did, what he saw and all the numerous sacrifices he and his family made so that he could be an astronaut. His experience of being alone while orbiting the moon is exhilarating. All this done in a very non-technical and jargon free way.

One final thing to add, this book won several Outstanding Book of Year Awards.

Forages: An Introduction to Grassland Agriculture
Published in Hardcover by Iowa State University Press (1997)
Authors: Kenneth Moore, Mike Collins, Ken Moore, and Michael Collins
Amazon base price: $64.99
Average review score:

An exhaustive educational resource
Now in an updated sixth edition, Forages: An Introduction To Grassland Agriculture is an exhaustive educational resource concerning the science of forages and grasslands, and using them in agriculture without destroying them. Collaboratively compiled and edited by Robert F. Barnes, C. Jerry Nelson, Michael Collins, and Kenneth J. Moore, Forages benefits from twenty-four contributors who combine their scientific perspectives in this informed and informative resource concerning nutrient management, grassland ecosystems, seed production, grazing management and much more. Forages is a welcome and highly recommended contribution to Agricultural Science reference collections and curriculum texts.

Insects of Britain & Northern Europe (Collins Field Guide)
Published in Hardcover by Harper Collins - UK (1999)
Author: Michael Chinery
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $29.19
Buy one from zShops for: $29.19
Average review score:

THE insects field guide
The most detailed and complete field guide on insects I've ever seen....plenty of color drawings and descriptions on morphology, habitat, ecology and ethology of each species. If you love the nature you can't loose it!

Michael Collins--the lost leader
Published in Unknown Binding by Sidgwick and Jackson ()
Author: Margery Forester
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $39.60
Average review score:

Michael Collins: The Practical Visionary
Margery Forester describes Michael Collins in the words of another writer as "that most formidable of all men of action, the practical visionary". This biography, which was probably the most highly regarded until Tim Pat Coogan's momumental work, is still in my view one of the most readable and the one that perhaps catches the essence of its subject best, as the opening quotation indicates. In this work Forester presents all the usual facts about Collins--his youth, his rise to prominence after the 1916 rising, his intelligence, his intensity, his personal courage, his love of country and comrade, his wit and warmth--but manages to add touches that bring out even more vividly the real character of this extraordinary man. Thus, her descriptions of his interaction with children, whom he loved and who loved him; his identification with the ordinary people of Ireland and his affinity for old people; his iron self-control in matters of personal indulgence; his refusal to disguise himself during the time he was the most wanted man in the British Empire; his often-brusque manner with women, which both affronted and intrigued them; his changes of mood "as spectacular and unpredictable as the play of the Northern Lights"; and his ability to inspire trust, love, and loyalty in the many people who worked for and with him. This is a vivid biography of a young man who was both realist and idealist and who led his country to its first taste of real freedom in 700 years.

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