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Book reviews for "Collins,_Jackie" sorted by average review score:

Hollywood Kids
Published in Audio Cassette by S&S audio (1999)
Author: Jackie Collins
Amazon base price: $12.98
Used price: $3.50
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Average review score:

Jackie Collins is an out-of-touch goddess
I LOVE Jackie Collins but she really needs to update her sense of style. Her 70's books are dead-on in terms of fashion and dialogue, but she doesn't have an ear or eye for the younger generation. It's still a fun book, but in the same way that California Dreams can be a fun TV show.

This was a surprisingly good suspense book!
I have not read a Jackie Collins book in a while, and had a little trouble starting this one. However, once the characters were developed, I was totally hooked. I truly had trouble putting this one down after a few pages. I was so involved I found myself wanting to try and tell the cops to protect Jordanna and Cheryl, a long time before they knew that's what they should be doing. I was glad to see some family reconciliations taking place, too, at the end of the book.

Where Does She Get These Ideas From?
For a while, I gave up on Jackie Collins because her readings had become predictable. Basically, most (if not all) of her settings revolve around rich kids getting in trouble; self-centered Hollywood celebraties and insane fans. However, her style of writing is incaptivating and still makes me want to pick up her books once in awhile. Collins is a temporary addiction.

Hollywood Kids has the same type enscenerio: glamor lifestyle, careless Hollywood parents and bratty grown up children. But, I really got into it toward the middle of the book when the girls got into trouble (like always), I think that's what makes any book exciting. This time trouble looked for them--which was refreshing for a change and that is why I liked this book.

There were too many characters that I couldn't keep up with until later on as I read--because the girls became the focus in the story. Since I was expecting the Collins' usual, the first few chapters were slow and boring. It got better.

I would like to read about REAL characters for a change--no more about Hollywood spoiled-rotten children, celebraties and their parents.

Overall, Collins is still a great writer.

Published in Mass Market Paperback by Pocket Books (1984)
Author: Jackie Collins
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $1.50
Average review score:

wasn't impressed
This was much better than The Stud, but still not good. I just wasn't into the plot, and the characters were too generic and boring for you to really care about them.

Read this and The Stud when you have read all other Jackie Collins novels. It seemed this novel was trying to do for Fontaine what Lucky would later do for Lucky Santangelo.

Jackie can write better [stuff] than this
Of all the Collins' books I've read, this is one of my least favorites. I just didn't care for the two main characters. However, some of the dialogue did make me laugh out loud. It is a very quick read.

Another Trashy Novel by the Queen of Trash
THE BITCH is the story of two characters: Nico Constantine who married into wealth at a young age, and Fontaine Al Khaled, who also married into wealth. Both of them are single by the time they meet accidentally on an airplane. Instant attaction....

The novel of course has several subplots weaving in and out, with lots of gratuitous sex and outrageous plot twists. But that's expected from a Jackie Collins novel. Nico finds he's dead broke and spends the rest of the novel trying to get himself out of this mess (big time gambling debt). Fontaine in the meantime is trying to rejuvenate her London night club, while at the same time ignores all advances from Nico, although deep down she is very attracted to him.

For a quick light read and some trashy writing, THE BITCH is recommended.

World is Full of Married Men
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Pocket Books (1984)
Author: Jackie Collins
Amazon base price: $3.95
Used price: $0.01
Average review score:

The contenet of this book was fine -- exactly what a Jackie Collins fan would expect. However, the ending is so disappointing, it made me angry! It seems more like cliffhanger than an ending. To tell you the truth, I'm still half expecting a sequel! Just when you're getting to the book's climax, IT ENDS! It is absolutely unnerving! This may be due to the facts that it was Ms. Collins' first book and was written back in 1968, I don't know. But I do know that of all the books she's written, this has got to be the worst.

It's exactly what you'd expect.
Jackie Collins, who I assume still holds the throne as the "Queen of Trash" wrote this, her first novel in 1968 when it was considered outrageous and subsequently banned in Australia. She wanted to expose the marital double standards of men and show the superficiality, use, and abuse abundant in the lives of all the characters "relationships". The TV/advertising world is used here. The novel has a very "Valley Of The Dolls" feel to it. I can certainly understand the appeal of the jet-setting folk in Collins' novels but their lack of decency and scruples is ultimately depressing. Jackie says her books have a strong moral tone to them and I suppose this is true when the major users/abusers ultimately become bereft of partners, money or power. This book should appeal to bitter ex-wives, but Jackie tends too often to make men the villains and women their victims who ultimately overpower them to what one must assume is vigorous applause from her feminist readers.

5 stars of stunning smut!
Jackie Collins, how can she make so much money by writing such trashy novels that we cannot stop reading (only to mock it)? This was the first Jackie Collins book I'd read, and I was positively roaring when I read it. Chalk full of cheap love affairs and sleazy characters, it'll make you want to meet Jackie Collins if only to ask her, "What the hell were you thinking."

Hollywood Husbands / Rock Star
Published in Hardcover by Bounty Books (15 October, 1992)
Author: Jackie Collins
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $4.00
Average review score:
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Key Stages: Developing Primary School Collective Worship
Published in Paperback by Canterbury Press (01 January, 1999)
Authors: Jackie Hughes and Yvonne Collins
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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Leathal Seduction (Hb)
Published in Hardcover by Pan Macmillan (24 November, 2000)
Author: Collins Jackie
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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Jackie Collins, 3 Vol. Boxed Set
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Pocket Books (1992)
Author: Jackie Collins
Amazon base price: $17.89
Average review score:
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Sex, Death, Glitter, Gore & Lots of Money: Jackie Collins & the Blockbuster Novel
Published in Hardcover by Hyperion Books (1992)
Author: Cassidy Hughes
Amazon base price: $60.00
Average review score:
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Learn to Paint Gardens in Pastel (Collins Learn to Paint)
Published in Paperback by HarperCollins Publishers (02 June, 1997)
Author: Jackie Simmonds
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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Hollywood Sisters: Jackie and Joan Collins
Published in Paperback by St Martins Mass Market Paper (1989)
Authors: Susan Crimp and Patricia Burstein
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $10.51
Average review score:
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