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Book reviews for "Charles,_Ray" sorted by average review score:

Eames Textile Patterns: A Stationery Collection: 30 Sheets and 30 Envelopes
Published in Stationery by Chronicle Books (2002)
Authors: Charles Eames and Ray Eames
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $10.39
Buy one from zShops for: $10.39
Average review score:

Bought it as a gift & then bought a set for myself
This is a funky set of Eames pattern stationery. I bought this museum gift shop quality set for my brother who had studied industrial design and is familiar with the Eames patterns. When he opened it Christmas morning and we got a closer look at the good size, good quality paper and matching tongued envelopes, I logged on and ordered a set for myself. This is a great set not just for letter writing but for crafts and decor. Although the box appears a little feminine, the patterns are varied and this would make a great gift for anyone, including, er, yourself.

Fifteen Things Charles & Ray Teach Us
Published in Paperback by Eames Office (1999)
Authors: Keith Yamashita and Eames Office Staff
Amazon base price: $15.00
Average review score:

Short but Very Sweet!
Charles and Ray Eames were two of the best industrial designers of the 20th century - but to call them "industrial designers" doesn't capture the range of work that they produced which included everything from architecture to educational movies. While they didn't write this book themselves, the author has managed to capture their spirit on the pages of this little treasure. It's almost as if you had Charles and Ray as your personal design coach. The book makes the assumption that you know something about their work, but even if you don't you can still gain from the advice (and if nothing else it's a great starting point to research their work). While I like to see pictures in a book aimed at designers, the few words speak volumes. The tips have a very zen like quality, for example tip number 2 is "Notice the ordinary." This book would make a great gift for any creative friend you have, or if you find yourself in a rut!

Marco Polo (Junior World Explorers)
Published in Unknown Binding by Chelsea House Pub (Library) (2002)
Authors: Charles Parlin Graves and Ray Keane
Amazon base price: $3.99
Average review score:

Junior World Explorers Series - Marco Polo
This is an excellent series that teaches history to the 8-12year old child. The book is excellently written, 96 pages with blackand white sketches along the way.

...we are very impressed at thecontent and reading style of this series. Highly recommended.

Ray Gun
Published in Hardcover by Fotofolio (29 October, 1999)
Authors: Eugene W. Metcalf, Frank Maresca, and Charles Bechtold
Amazon base price: $15.96
List price: $19.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $12.75
Buy one from zShops for: $14.51
Average review score:

amazing archive of lost era...
This book is the bible for vintage rayguns.

It was great to see the toys of my wonder years in full color. Inspires me to become a collector!

Lots of fun!

Ray's Boathouse: Seafood Secrets of the Pacific Northwest
Published in Hardcover by Documentary Media (07 March, 2003)
Authors: Ken Gouldthorpe, Charles Ramseyer, and Danyel Smith
Amazon base price: $27.95
Used price: $18.95
Average review score:

Ray's Boathouse: Seafood Secrets of the Pacific Northwest
Anyone who has had the opportunity to enjoy's Ray's Boathouse in Seattle knows what delicious food they serve! I was so excited to find that they had made a cookbook so that I could enjoy some of their dishes at home as well. From Dungeness Crab Cakes with Orange Tarragon Butter Sauce to Yakima Peach & Blackberry Crisp you will find making these Northwest treats easy and delicious for even the novice cook. The variety of seafood in the cookbook allows the rest of the country to experience the Northwest no matter where they live.

Soul: An Archaeology: Readings from Socrates to Ray Charles
Published in Paperback by Harper SanFrancisco (1995)
Author: Phil Cousineau
Amazon base price: $13.00
Used price: $1.99
Buy one from zShops for: $4.99
Average review score:

Soul -Undefinable but Essential
This highly assesable anthology shows through brief essays and
stories what it is in art, life, intellectual thought, and sensous moments, and the passing of everydaylife that makes some things so indispensible and so life giving.Life=Soul, same thing. Read this book like grooving with your favorite CD or being with your man or woman. You'll be the better for it.

Study Guide for use with Economics of Social Issues
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill/Irwin (26 July, 1999)
Authors: Ansel M. Sharp, Charles A. Register, Paul W. Grimes, Margaret A. Ray, and Margaret Ray
Amazon base price: $31.95
Used price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $19.20
Average review score:

outstanding introduction to economics
this is an outstanding book for those who want to know more, but not too much more, about economic thinking. modern examples and applications make the book easy to read, for a university text.

Traditional Details for Building Restoration, Renovation, and Rehabilitation: From the 1932-1951 Editions of Architectural Graphic Standards
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (1900)
Authors: Charles George Ramsey, John Ray Hoke, Stephen A. Kliment, John Belle, and Harold Reeve Sleeper
Amazon base price: $125.00
Average review score:

The Best book in my library
Are you an Architect and don't know the parts of a traditional double hung window? Forgot how stone was detailed? Could not draw a lug window sill to save your life? Then this book is for you and your staff. Great drawings (real drawings, not CADD), all hand lettered and illustrated. I use this book to size masonry fireplaces. It is the ultimate resource on all types of wood burning fireplaces and masonry dimensioning! Although there are some things that are out of date (plumbing & electrical)this book tells a story about buildings in the emerging market of historic rehab and historic tax credit project.

Will Work For Peace: New Political Poems
Published in Paperback by Zeropanik Press ()
Authors: Brett Axel, Sherman Alexie, Marge Piercy, Carolyn Kizer, Martin Espada, Diane di Prima, W. D. Snodgrass, Bob Holman, Peter Viereck, and Leslea Newman
Amazon base price: $13.50
Used price: $21.00
Buy one from zShops for: $25.00
Average review score:

Will Work for Peace is a triumph of poetic Davids.
As one of the poets featured in Will Work for Peace, one might expect me to be a bit biased, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Most poets work in a virtual vacuum, only tenuously connected to each other by the occasional workshop or shared membership in a 'poetry society'. When Brett Axel first approached me for a submission to an anthology he was considering, the names Marge Piercy, Lyn Lifshin, Moshe Bennaroch and so many others were abstractions to me as a fledgling poet. I knew these tremendous writers were 'out there' somewhere, beating down doors with their words and keeping a struggling artform alive. But to think that someday I would ever share a credit with these dynamic modern poets would be a pipe dream at best. It is through the sincere efforts of Brett Axel that many newer voices like mine have an extraordinary opportunity to appear with Pulitzer Prize winners and other poetic heavyweights. By way of an honest review, however, I will say this- not everything in this book will be to your particular liking. I myself came across some works that did not move me in the way the author may have intended. Some imagery can be raw and visceral, using shock value in place of craft at times. But to ignore those voices would be an even more shocking turn of events, so praise be to the editor for not sacrificing his vision to a senseless conformity. As Pete Seeger so aptly put it in his quote, trying to read all these poems at one time would be like trying 'to swallow Manhattan whole'. I say to you- buy this book, read this book, but understand that it's what you do after reading this book that will ultimately define who you could be. Poetry is alive and well, and lives in the blunt pages of Will Work for Peace.

Thumbs Up
Just amazing start to finish! I like the disregard for fame used in putting the book together. That great poems got in even if they were writtenby nobodys. Look at Roger Bonair-Agard's poem on page 74. Shortly after Will Work For Peace came out he won Slam Nationals, becoming Slam Champion of 1999, which will be getting him lots of offers. But Zeropanik Press didn't need to be told he was good by an award. They could tell by his writing! Good for them and good for all of us because Will Work For Peace is a literary milestone. It's a new standard for all future anthology editors to try to live up to. Thumbs up to Brett Axel and Thumbs up to Zeropanik Press for their guts and integrty.

You have to read this book!
Brett Axel visited my Church and I bought a copy of Will Work For Peace from him, not for poetry, but because I care about working for peace. I started reading through it thinking It'd just go on my shelf and that'd be the end of it, but the book grabbed me and kept me rivited. If I had known that poetry was this alive I'd have been into poetry. I've been reading some of the poems to my friends who also didn't think poetry was important and they are saying the same thing. Fantastic! There's no way to get through this book without having your old mindsets challenged. It's funny, powerful, sad, and uplifting. A book that deserves to be read by everyone. A book that really can make the world a better place!

The Burnt Orange Heresy (Vintage Crime/Black Lizard)
Published in Paperback by Vintage Books (1990)
Author: Charles Ray Willeford
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $2.00
Average review score:

strange, outrageous yet surprisingly unaffecting...
I wish I can give 'The Burnt Orange Heresy' the same sort of glowing review the others have posted. However despite its originality (at the time it was written) and overall quality I found myself curiously bored by it all. Why? Well...

The story is certainly bizarre. A rather obnoxious art critic is obsessed with getting a glimpse of paintings by a living art legend who happens to be a recluse. No one has seen this fellow's work in decades. Our art critic will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Think deceit, betrayal and murder and you've got the right idea. Sadly, I think such art critics actually exist in this world. ;-)

But Willeford unfortunately devotes too much time during most of the book blathering on about the art world: competitiveness between critics/reviewers, different styles of art during the last century, and how to judge the quality of art. For this reader, who couldn't give a monkey's about art, became quite bored with it all. Towards the end when the story picked up I was too disengaged to really appreciate the shock/horror of our art critic from hell.

...Bottom line: perhaps best left for those who truly hate art critics and love Charles Willeford.

Highly entertaining book...
What I liked best in this book was that there was not merely a surprise ending, but surprise twists throughout. The sole drawback is that the dialogue became a bit teachy at time when the main protagonist was explaining the artist that the book centers around to his love interest (or not). On the other hand, that dialogue was realistic; it reminded me of real conversations with critics and experts that do tend to get long and boring. The book is short but the pace of events is perfect, and enough happens by the end to make it interesting.

Time Capsule of the Culture Wars
Willeford's interrogation of the battle between Christianity and Platonism with Sophistic postmodernism is so concretely placed within Miami's seething Bohemian art world as a rotten critic takes on the sacred role of art in our society and has to confront the massive realm of the western aesthetic clear back to the Renaissance shows what a powerful mind Willeford had built for himself. Forget Joyce and Umberto Eco. Willeford's the man to show us the problems of relativism, and the importance of Kantian aesthetic judgment in creating a lasting culture. Delhi, NY

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