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Book reviews for "Burns-Bisogno,_Louisa" sorted by average review score:

Jo Makes a Friend (Portraits of Little Women)
Published in Hardcover by Delacorte Press (1998)
Authors: Susan Beth Pfeffer, Louisa May Alcott, Marcy Ramsey, and Laura Maestro
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $3.99
Buy one from zShops for: $6.72
Average review score:

Another great Portraits of Little Women book!
Jo March is not happy when her Great-Aunt March asks her to befriend a blind girl named Pauline Wheeler. Tomboy Jo feels she has nothing in common with quiet Pauline, who is afraid of almost everything about the world around her. Yet when the two are caught together in a terrible snowstorm, their lives are changed in ways they never thought possible.

The Little Italy Cookbook: Recipes from North America's Italian Communities
Published in Paperback by Warwick Publishing (1996)
Authors: Maria Pace and Louisa Scaini-Jojic
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $11.11
Collectible price: $11.00
Buy one from zShops for: $11.12
Average review score:

A great cookbook with recipes that never let you down!
This is a terrific cookbook. Every recipe I have tried has been fantastic. Last night, I threw a dinner party and decided to add a soup to the menu. I was a little nervous because I hadn't tried it out before serving it to guests, but (just like every other recipe in this cookbook) it turned out to be fantastic. One thing to be aware of, however: While the recipes are fantastic, the directions are not always clear or complete. This cookbook is probably best suited to cooks that already have some experience in the kitchen.

Little Women
Published in Paperback by Puffin (2001)
Authors: Louisa May Alcott, Janet Allison Brown, and Dinah Dryhurst
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $0.89
Buy one from zShops for: $2.50
Average review score:

This sets astanderd for american lit.
I have read this book so many times, my copy is in four parts. This is a great book that anyone, and everyone should read. It is so endearing and loveable. You laugh, cry, and by the time the book is over your in love with the characters. Then you cry again because it's over. But not to fear! Then you can read Little Men, and Jo's Boys - though they're not quite as good. I really can't express how much i love this book - it is my absolute favorite, and that's saying a lot!

The Little Women Book: Games, Recipes, Crafts, and Other Homemade Pleasures
Published in Hardcover by Random House (Merchandising) (1995)
Authors: Lucille Recht Penner, Diane Degroat, Diane De Groat, and Louisa May Alcott
Amazon base price: $12.00
Used price: $4.95
Collectible price: $10.54
Buy one from zShops for: $9.03
Average review score:

Delightful book, bursting with ideas
As a tremendous fan of Louisa May Alcott's works, especially Little Women, I enjoy reading anything related to the novel. Ms. Penner's book contains ideas on crafts, hairstyles, edible treats, games, celebrations, and more, all corresponding to the March sisters' experiences. Although aimed at girls in the 8-12 age range, the book will appeal to anyone young at heart. It is charmingly accented throughout with watercolor illustrations. This book would make a wonderful gift for any girl who loves Little Women and desires to live as the March sisters did.

Little Women: A Family Romance (Twayne's Masterwork Studies, No 170)
Published in Hardcover by Twayne Pub (1999)
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox Keyser and Louisa May Alcott
Amazon base price: $31.00
Used price: $9.90
Buy one from zShops for: $24.28
Average review score:

Little Women was the first classic book I read and I borrowed it from my school library. Since it was in large print and printed especially for children, I finished it really soon. I wanted to take up the challenge of reading the unabridged copy. After a few months of searching, I finally found it! When I read it, I cried a lot, especially when Beth died. From 7 years old until now, I have read Little Women five times, 4 different books abridged and of course, the unabridged copy. I love it. I think it is a great idea that Lousia M. Alcott waas actually giving us a glimpse into her life.

Los Muchachos De Jo
Published in Hardcover by Lectorum Pubns (Juv) (1982)
Author: Louisa May Alcott
Amazon base price: $6.75
Average review score:

Bien. PEOPLE, this is Jo's boys. If any one whos read can speak spanish write away.

Lotta's Progress
Published in Hardcover by Avon Books (Trd) (1997)
Authors: Norma Johnston, Nicole St. John, and Norma St John
Amazon base price: $14.00
Used price: $0.76
Collectible price: $1.06
Buy one from zShops for: $4.95
Average review score:

Best Historical Fiction Book Ever
TIME PERIOD OF BOOK: 1790-1860. BOOK TITLE: Lotta's Progress. AUTHOR NAME: Norma Johnston. MY SYNOPSIS OF THE BOOK: Norma Johnston's novel, Lotta's Progress, is set back in the early 1800s, and deals with a family of Germans who immigrated to America. They immigrated to America in hopes of a better life, and, of course, a friend had promised the father of the family a job. However, when they reach America, the friend was nowhere to be found, as well as the job. Not only this, but now the family is in worse poverty than before. In addition, seeing that none of them can speak English, except for the small vocabulary Lotta picked up on the voyage, it made it extremely hard to communicate. This may have been the reason that Lotta and her brothers and sisters were not welcome at school. Furthermore, their new house has the luxury of having eight immigrant families, none of which speak German, all packed in together, and living with each other. Also, this will not be a good thing for the mother of the family, who is expecting a baby. Despite all of this, Lotta Muller, the thirteen-year-old daughter, who is the oldest daughter, ends up assisting the family to a better life. It all starts when she finds and asks for the help of a social worker, Mrs. Bronson Alcott, to be exact. Mrs. Alcott greatly helps the family in many ways. She helps Karl, the oldest son, get a job, so he can provide the family with food. She also donates the Mullers many shirts and shorts, and a large amount of fabric so that they can make their own clothes. At this point, the "American dream" is beginning to come true, considering that the father has finally gotten a job, Karl has a job at the market, and Mrs. Alcott and her daughters help Lotta get a job as a seamstress. The Mullers are also moving to a new, much better house, all thanks to the Alcotts. Thus, with the help of the Alcotts, the dream is almost reality. MY REVIEW: My own review and opinion of this book, Lotta's Progress, is very good. I feel this way because the clothes that they apparently wore, for example, matched the style of the time period perfectly. Another aspect about this book, of how it is historically correct, is how the market in the book was run. For instance, the market in the book was ran outside, each different type of food had its own stall, there were apprentices who helped their masters, and the food that the market sold was exactly like the food that would be sold in a real market at that time. As a result, the book's market was just like a real market at that time. Besides that, the book was very exciting, and constantly kept me thinking of what would happen next. THE SUGGESTED USES FOR HISTORY AND SUGGESTED SECTION OF BOOK THAT I RECOMMEND BE READ ALOUD: Additionally, this book obviously deals with immigration, in the early 1800s, from countries such as Germany and Europe to America. Therefore, to someone interested in immigration, which is a major event that has occurred many times in history, should definitely read this book. Reading this book would help someone learn all about how immigration worked in the 19th century, and about the harsh conditions in the places that people immigrated to. As a matter of fact, a chapter that I suggest be read aloud to a class, for example, that displays some of these harsh conditions and hardships, such as getting into school, is most of chapter one. It shows how hard it would be to get into a school, and how poor they were. This would give someone a good idea of what it was like back then for most immigrants. SOME SIMILAR ADOLESCENT LITERATURE BOOKS BY SUBJECT, BOOKS IN THIS TIME PERIOD IN THE WEST SHORE MEDIA CENTER, AND OTHER SUGGESTED BOOKS THAT HAVE BEEN WRITTEN BY THIS AUTHOR ARE: Last, if you read this book and like it, I have compiled a list of similar adolescent literature books with the same basic subject as Lotta's Progress. These books are The Vision of Emma Blau, What Remains, My Antonia, Dreamland, and Letters from Rifka. Of these books, two of them can be found in the media center of West Shore Jr./Sr. High school, which is located in Brevard, Florida. These books are My Antonia and Letters from Rifka. Last, I have some other suggested books. However, Norma Johnston wrote all of these ones. If you did not know, Lotta's Progress is not Norma Johnston's only book. She has actually written over 70 books. I have narrowed them down to five though. These books are Over Jordan, The Image Game, The Dragon's eye, The Delphic Choice, and Gabriel's Girl. If you ask me, these are all great books, which I strongly recommend be read by everyone.

Published in Unknown Binding by McPhee Gribble Publishers ()
Author: Brian Matthews
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Transcendental Biography
Louisa Lawson was a Victorian journalist, writer, inventor, feminist, in Colonial Australia. She was also the mother of Australia's first great writer. That is only the starting point for this extraordinary work

Such a multidimensional woman has acquired a mutidimensional biography in which the author acquires an alter ego in which to test out the questions the life he is examining brings. Called 'Owen Stevens',he becomes a fully fledged 'character'in the process of the writing of the biography.

This work does not read like a biography. It does not read like fiction. It reads like nothing else in fact. Just read it.

Louisa May
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Author: Norma Johnston
Amazon base price: $12.20
Average review score:

I wasn't looking forward to starting this novel-sized biography to gather information for my research paper, but once I began it, it was hard to put it down! It shows how truly interesting and amazing and difficult Louisa May Alcott's life was. It's longer than most of the other Louisa bios I have seen, and it contains a wealth of information and details while remaining easy to read. It also includes background information on the May and Alcott families, as well as pictures sprinkled throughout the book. I highly recommend it for research or pleasure reading!

Louisa May Alcott
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (2001)
Authors: Beatrice Gormley, Meryl Henderson, and Beatrice Gormlry
Amazon base price: $10.16
List price: $12.70 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.75
Buy one from zShops for: $9.75
Average review score:

A pleasure to read, and informative too!
My nine year old daughter virtually consumed this biography. This is the 3rd book she has read in this series, and she has asked for more. I have read them along with her--they are appropriate for 8-10 year olds, interesting, accessible, but never condescending or preachy. Based on my knowledge of the subjects, they are only marginally fictionalized. In a world of pop singers and barely literate actresses, it is a pleaseure to be able to provide real heroes and heroines that modern kids will enjoy and be inspired by.

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