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Book reviews for "Bruce,_George" sorted by average review score:

Inside Windows Nt Workstation 4
Published in Paperback by New Riders Publishing (October, 1996)
Authors: Kathy Ivens, Bruce Hallberg, Bob Chronister, Drew Heywood, Kevin Jones, Robert Mullen, Barrie Sosinsky, and George Eckel
Amazon base price: $49.99
Used price: $1.80
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $4.95
Average review score:

Not too bad for intermediate NT management.
Cover all basic topics.But also miss some advance tip

It is by far one of the best books available for this subjec
After reading many reviews in amazon I first bought those sybex books and then que books. One day when walking in a barnes & noble books store, I saw this book and bought it. I still haven't read the whole book but I can tell having read 1/4th of the book that this is a very comprehensive book written very clearly. This book is only for those serious minded person. By "serious minded". I only mean that if you want to know more in-depth knowledge, then this is the one. This book is more rigourous than any other books that I have seen. I really feel bad for Mr. Hallberg and Ms. Ivens because this book is not number one book in the market. In my opinion, this book should be number one for this material. I was surprised why there was only one review for such an excellent book! Well, as always the world is not always fair.

People, please try this book and you will see what I mean.

The Battle-fields of Germany, from the Outbreak of the Thirty-Years' War to the Battle of Blenheim.
Published in Hardcover by Greenwood Publishing Group (February, 1971)
Author: George Bruce Malleson
Amazon base price: $38.50
Average review score:

This book is still in print in the U.K.
This book, and many others by this author are available from Pallas Armata in the U.K. Email for details.

Gilbert and George: The Singing Sculpture
Published in Hardcover by Distributed Art Publishers (May, 1993)
Authors: Carter Ratcliff, Bruce Wolmer, and Robert Rosenblum
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $7.06
Collectible price: $15.88
Buy one from zShops for: $35.00
Average review score:

A book about a contemporary art work, but an important one.
Good way to approache to one of the most important and famous works of Gilbert and George. Losing their individuality, two people become an artist and transform their own life into an art work. For The Singing Sculpture, Gilbert & George become metalic living sculptures and repete a sequence of robotical movements and gestures again and again, while a song plays.

This book includes 20 color photographies of the presentation of The Singing Sculpture in Sonnabend Gallery, NY, in 1991 and B&W photos, documents, and reviews of early presentations (1969-1973). Excellent material if you have special interest in the works of Gilbert & George. A book about an art work only, but a very important, relevant, original, and controversial art work.

Standard Catalog of World Coins 1601-1700: 1601-1700 (1st Ed)
Published in Paperback by Krause Publications (February, 1996)
Authors: Chester L. Krause, Clifford Mishler, Colin R., II Bruce, Marian S. Moe, and George S. Cuhaj
Amazon base price: $65.00
Used price: $73.79
Average review score:

A Must-Have!!!
This formidable work manages to be comprehensive despite the scope and ambiguities of the period covered. The listings of coins themselves are in step with very recent numismatic discoveries. Accompanying photographs to many of the coinages are clear and fairly representative. Now, the length with which German issues are treated may surprise some, but this may be due to availability of records. Also, the prices quoted for most coins in general seem very approximate at best (particulary for issues from within many Spanish dominions), but this is only to be expected of a publication that must remain usable over several inflationary years. As a reference in identifying coins from the world of the 17th century, this Standard Catalog will stand one in good stead indeed!

Living Aikido
Published in Paperback by North Atlantic Books (February, 1987)
Authors: Bruce Klickstein and George Burr Leonard
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.99
Collectible price: $21.18
Buy one from zShops for: $7.98
Average review score:

good book - bad author
This is a fine aikido book written by a highly skilled aikidoist.


Due to his behaviour, he was stripped of all rank by his teacher and the aikikai and banned from teaching by the courts, for good reason. You may not want to support such a person.

Zhan Shu Chuan (Fighting strategy fist)
I have read the above titled book Living Aikido and found it to be a very enlightening experience. Although I have studied Zhan Shu Chuan for over 17 years I was still able to find excellent tips that would help sharpening the novice technique through the advanced practitioner. If you are looking for a book that will help you use the proper technique instead of forcing your way through a move, This is one of the best none chinese books I have had the pleasure of reading. A point I felt worth mentioning was that we have 2 women in our class that have also had the pleasure of reading this book and I have witnessed marked improvements in their time sparring we have a third woman reading my copy as I write this.I hope you find this helpful. Humblely, Ohio Zhan Shu Chuan Coach

Great book to supplement training
This book provides good guides in practising the basic physical fundamentals of akido. I have found the little details in this book very helpful in understanding how to touch up the four basic aiki movements. The author is able to impart his knowledge in a way that is applicable to me. Overall, a book that I would recommend using as a supplement to training.

Custer and Company: Walter Camp's Notes on the Custer Fight
Published in Paperback by Bison Bks Corp (November, 1998)
Authors: Bruce R. Liddic, Paul Harbaugh, Walter M. Camp, and Bruce R. Liddie
Amazon base price: $13.00
Used price: $14.00
Average review score:

A big ( )
This has to be the worst book I have read so far on Custer andthe Little Big Horn Battle. Big print, wide margins make this book inmy mind a money grab. Thirty pages of preface and introduction and 11 blank pages help to fill out this book. This book does have some interesting points but all in all I found it very disapointing. They must have laughed they way to bank with this one. END

Caution: misleading title!
This book has a misleading title. This is a small short book, and only a part of it is actually about the Little Bighorn (LBH) fight. Other parts of the book are interviews Camp conducted concerning the Yellowstone expedition, the Little Bighorn aftermath, the death of Crazy Horse, the Powder River expedition, and the Battle of Summit Springs. Do not buy this if you expect Walter Camp's complete notes on the Custer fight. Get Kenneth Hammer's "Custer in 76" if you want a far more complete set of LBH interviews strictly concerned with that subject. This book contains some of Camp's notes not included in Hammer's book.

This book is recommended however for its extensive highly informative footnotes. There are very nearly more footnotes than text, and therein is a wealth of information about the people and events in the 1866-78 era.

A superb and accurate account of the Little Big Horn events
One of the finest accounts of the Custer fight. I would recommend this book over most of the others. Mr. Camp sought out survivors and interviewed them, he sheds some fresh light on many of the confusing issues. And he details some very interesting items of the actual fight itself. Excellent and has a place of honor on my book shelf. Check it out, you won't be disappointed.

Earle: A Coach's Life
Published in Paperback by Orange Frazer Pr (September, 1900)
Authors: Earle Bruce, George Lehner, and Darcy Lehner
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $14.00
Buy one from zShops for: $13.99
Average review score:

A look at an intense coach
Earle Bruce had the difficult task of following a legend, Woody Hayes. His first season resulted in 11 wins and everyone thought the Buckeyes would become the dynasty of the 1980s. However, parity in college football became more and more of a factor and OSU didn't achieve the heights that many people thought. Still, Bruce was a very successful coach and proved he could at least beat Michigan more often than not. The only disappointment with the book was the fact that it couldn't go more into depth about Bruce's firing. I realize that must be because of legal ramifications but I think Buckeye fans would still love to know the complete story.

Buckeye and Football fans----take note
Fantastic writing with great stories and an insite into college football. Buckeye stories as well as player stories provide perspective to a coaches life.

Great read... can't put it down.

Thomas' Calculus (10th Edition)
Published in Hardcover by Addison-Wesley Publishing (11 April, 2002)
Authors: George Brinton Thomas, Ross L. Finney, Maurice D. Weir, Frank R. Giordano, Bruce D. Robertson, and George B. Thomas
Amazon base price: $133.33
Used price: $69.00
Buy one from zShops for: $71.99
Average review score:

Just another calculus text
I've had the 'pleasure' of experiencing numerous calculus texts over the years - starting in high school in 1987 and until now (mutlivariable calculus) and, as a math major, I'm sure I'll get to see a few more. I witnessed the growth in the use of graphing calculators and Computer Algebra Systems (CAS - MathCAD, Mathematica, Maple). Thomas' Calculus makes good use of CAS applications and even includes a CD with some 'good stuff'. But it left out all the historical text from the book, expecting the student to find it on the web. Personally, I enjoy reading about the development of mathematics in-line with the presented material and knocked off a star accordingly. The second star I took off was because the reference materials in the front and back of the book are not as helpful as they had been in other texts I've used.

Good text for self-study
I've used this text to teach myself calculus, basically reading the text cover-to-cover and doing about half the exercises. I've found it fairly easy going - the text is well written and contains enough worked examples that you can do most exercises without too much trouble. I would advise against spending money on the Student's Solution Manuals (Sharf/Weir) though - these do not contain enough detail to be of much help with the exercises that you get stuck with.

The Best Calculus Book Ever
This book is the best calculus book I ever had in my possession. It is very detailed and it also gives you lots of examples. There are also a lot of problems that you can work on for practice followed by the odd answers at the back of the book. This book can take you from calculus I & II to Multivariable Calculus. I think that this book should be recommended to anyone taking calculus in college.

The Hole Truth: Inside the Ropes of the Pga Tour
Published in Paperback by Andrews McMeel Publishing (May, 1995)
Authors: Bruce M. Nash, Allan Zullo, and George White
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $0.39
Collectible price: $3.98
Buy one from zShops for: $2.66
Average review score:

Statistics and opinions from the PGA
This book is a collection of interviews with players about all kinds of topics, e.g. best course, who they like as favorite playing partner, etc.

One can gain some real good stuff, e.g. this one from Tom Lehman has helped me: "The way I hit on the practice range has no bearing on how I'll play. I don't hit balls other than to get loose."

George Washington's Mother
Published in Paperback by Weston Woods Studios (October, 2000)
Authors: Jean Fritz, B. J. Ward, and Bruce Zimmerman
Amazon base price: $12.95
Average review score:

As a teacher, I was very disappointed that a noted author would have such poor writing skills. There are so many sentence fragments in this story, I lost count. I do not know how many times I have to tell students to not start sentences with the word "and". This story has sentences that start with the word "and", and sentences that are just prepositional phrases. It is hard to teach students to write, when authors write poorly.

Disappointing...not Jean Fritz's usual quality
I am a fan of Jean Fritz, but I was disappointed with this book. It portrays Mrs. Washington in a very bad light, selfish, and greedy. While this may be true, I don't feel it is appropriate for this age level. Children this age should be taught to respect adults. If what Jean Fritz wrote about Mrs. Washington is true then I don't mind my children learning about it...when they are a bit older. Although this book was a disappointment, I do recommend other Fritz books such as George Wahington's Breakfast, and Shh! We're writing the Constitution.

A Friendly Droll Little Book!
I really appreciated this book. It shows that we are all human and even George Washington had a clingy dependent mother. Whatever flaws he had in his own personality and flaws in his relations, he still found himself being able to cope and acheive. That's a great message to send to readers. It also highlights the dependency women had on men. George Washington's mother was not able to support herself and believed she could not cope.

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