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Book reviews for "Brown,_Steve" sorted by average review score:

Invisible Stanley
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Jeff Brown and Steve Bjorkman
Amazon base price: $9.48
List price: $11.85 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.24
Buy one from zShops for: $8.24
Average review score:

Invisible Stanley
I didn't like Invisible Stanley because it didn't have enough action or character's thoughts and feelings. Flat Stanley is much better than Invisible Stanley.I like how Stanley gets flat by a bulletin board.

If You Like To Be Invisible Read This Book!
Would you like to be invisible and get shot? You will like this book, I did. I like this book because Stanly helps Arthur. He helps a little boy on a bicycle too. You will have a lot of fun going through the pages that Jeff Brown wrote. Stanley and Arthur always help each other. When you read this book, the author is telling you some thing, find out. Will Stanley be invisible forever? Find out in the book Invisible Stanley. The adventures are waiting to be discovered.

The best book in world
I like this book because the little boy gets invisible. He helps
his brothers do the magic tricks. then when the blittle boy is losing in the race but then stanley takes off his balloon and goes help the little kid.

Dirty Secrets of the Blackhand: The Calm of Desperation (Sourcebook for Vampire: The Masquerade)
Published in Paperback by White Wolf Publishing Inc. (1996)
Authors: Steve Brown, Steven C. Brown, Stephen C. Brown, and White Wolf Games Studio
Amazon base price: $12.60
List price: $18.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.46
Collectible price: $15.88
Buy one from zShops for: $10.60
Average review score:

Do you really want to know them?...
That's the question, do you really want to intoxicate your vision of the World of Darkness with this fearsome work of art?. The Dirty Secrets should be the Filthy Secrets.... or worse.... within these pages lies the revelations that will make your chornicles burn with mistery and horror, do you want your vampire troupe running and screaming, then welcome!. The black hand is the book that every storyteller should have, or at least fear..... Congratulations White Wolf!!!, now I see reality in his true form, darker than ever....

Great, but...
The book gives brand news informations about the True Black Hand, things that all good storyteller should know to make his chronicles even better. The concept of the sect in itself and his hiearchy are really great and it's a real pleasure to add it to current plots. However, as with some other supplements, White Wolf made really, really stupid mistakes; create new clans with non-vampiric disciplines that makes you cry or laugh, but not include them... A great book, but as always, the storyteller will have to take the best and let some stuff down.

Dirty secrets that only the storyteller should know
A truly fantastic book, that adds incredible depth to the original WOD. But i warn you that this book is for the storyteller and should not be read by players or at least the unexperienced player. The secrets of the sect and how they use the world as pawns, gives the storyteller a new mystery for the players to unfold. But again it is not for players to read. Players that read this book may be unable to distinguish between what they know and what their characters know. The secrets in this book will only be known by a very small group of vampires and unless you have a very brave and creative storyteller, your character is not one of them. But by now your curiosity is probably overwhelming so go ahead and learn all you can, but remember you were warned.

Follow the Wind: Our Lord, the Holy Spirit
Published in Paperback by Baker Book House (1999)
Authors: Stephen W. Brown and Steve Brown
Amazon base price: $14.99
Used price: $5.99
Buy one from zShops for: $9.85
Average review score:

The Holy Spirit revealed
I found this book to be extremely well written. I enjoyed every chapter and the lay out of the material made for easy reading. The revelations in the book helped me to understand the quiet part of the Holy Trinity and the work that the Holy Spirit does in my life. I would recommend this book to both the well versed and the new comer to Christianity. You will not feel like you have come to the end of just a book, but will find that there are a lot of questions answered and a lot of thoughts started. Do consider reading this! I found that I was disappointed when I read the last page, only because I was done with the book.
Thank you Steve for a wonderful and insightful look in to the Holy Spirit and His work.

A great introduction to the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit, at least to me, has always been hard to get a handle on, but this book has really helped me understand Him a little better - that the Holy Spirit is a person, distinct from the Father and the Son.

Brown goes into the Scripture's portrayal of the Holy Spirit, His function in creation and in the lives of both believers and non-believers, and how He operates (through His gifts, prophecy, and so forth). But the part of this book I find most useful is that Brown is not trying to teach you any techniques or methods you can use to get the Holy Spirit to act in your life - He's already at work in your life, whether you know it or not. Rather, Brown wants to teach you who He is and how to recognize His activity in your life so you can participate in it more fully.

Brown includes some hardcore theology and solid Scripture to back up his study of the Holy Spirit, but he uses normal, "non-religious" language to make this book accessible to all readers. For example, Brown points out that one reason the concept of the Holy Spirit is so hard to grasp is that His "job description" is to point to the Father and the Son, not Himself. The book is easy to read and get through, but it's also the kind of book you'll be likely to pick up time and time again as you go deeper into the subject.

Well worth the money and time.

Designed for Dignity: What God Has Made It Possible for You to Be
Published in Paperback by P & R Press (2000)
Authors: Richard L., Jr. Pratt and Steve Brown
Amazon base price: $9.59
List price: $11.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.58
Buy one from zShops for: $8.09
Average review score:

A worthwhile read & great for small groups
Richard Pratt has a wonderful grasp of the bigger picture of Scripture, and he does a fantastic job here of relating some great truths in very clear, interesting, and applicable ways. Questions at the end of each chapter make it ideal for personal devotions or for study/discussion by small groups.

If God Is in Charge: Thoughts on the Nature of God for Skeptics, Christians, and Skeptical Christians
Published in Paperback by Baker Book House (1994)
Authors: Steve Brown and Stephen W. Brown
Amazon base price: $10.99
Used price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $9.00
Average review score:

An accurate and thoughtful essay on the nature of God
The first time I became acquainted with this book, a dear friend (a pre-believer) picked it out for himself from the bookstore shelf. His life changed dramatically after reading it. I found it to be an easy but thought-provoking read - it's become a book I have purchased many times to pass on to others anxious to know God. The author has a wonderful way of explaining the nature and attributes of a holy God and the relationship that He desires to have with each and everyone of us. It also dismantles the false and lazy belief that we can live our lives fully now and eternally while ignoring our Creator. Mr. Brown oftens uses quotes by writers such as C.S. Lewis in a very helpful way. I think of this book as sort of a "junior" edition of "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis or "The Attributes of God" by A.W. Tozer. I highly recommend it!

Visual Basic Developer's Library
Published in Paperback by Sybex (01 December, 1999)
Authors: Steve Brown, Brown, Mike Gunderloy, A. Russell Jones, and Wayne S. Freeze
Amazon base price: $119.96
Used price: $22.00
Buy one from zShops for: $24.99
Average review score:

The Ultimate Reference
This is the boxed set you have been waiting for. In the exhaustive four volume set, an entire volume is devoted to the ADO Object Mode. The properties and methods that have mystified you are clearly and thoroughly explained rather than merely listed in tables with cursory descriptions as in other books. The volume on ASP and ISS proved invaluable in improving the performance of our company's mission critical live web reports. Just as on a scale from one to ten, reserving tens for angels in heaven, I rated this set four stars, the highest earthly praise I could bestow. The enclosed CD is a bonus.

When Your Rope Breaks
Published in Hardcover by Doubleday Books (1997)
Authors: Steve Brown and Stephen W. Brown
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $7.41
Collectible price: $9.32
Average review score:

Hope for the hurting; Biblical insights -God knows and cares
Steve Brown writes as a friend sharing words of comfort gleaned from a life of helping hurting people find hope in God. The pains of life can make us bitter or by opening our lives to God, we can be renewed with God's unbroken promises. God knows and cares enough to be involved with life on earth. Many know about the ancient story of Job, but Steve has brought clarity to the wisdom of comforting truths in Job's encounter with God. God's unconditional love is there for those willing to openly express their deepest needs to God. Anyone struggling, suffering or hurting will find honest words of hope in this book.

Doggone Chicago, Second Edition : Sniffing Out the Best Places to Take Your Best Friend
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Books (18 July, 2001)
Authors: Steve Dale and Janice Brown
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.64
Buy one from zShops for: $9.73
Average review score:

Not enough substance
While this book provides a large number of listings about the local parks and other places, there are serious flaws. First of all, there are no maps (!), and directions are minimal or missing from most listings. Second, a lot of the descriptions contain more details about the author's dogs than about the places they visited, which is fun, but largely unhelpful. Finally, a lot of the information is out of date (although that's par for the course with any guidebook). As a resident of Chicago, I found it only slightly useful. I think a visitor to the city would have a hard time using it at all.

Better than no dog book
A travel book without maps strikes me as not much of a travel book at all. While there is a lot of info. in this book, it's not easy-to-use. I'd rather have some directions, maps and tips than stories about Luna and Chaser and what kind of spaghetti sauce they prefer.

I wish there was a guide like this for other cities
If you have a dog and live in Chicago, this book is a must. Just flipping through this book, you can quickly learn how dog friendly the Chicago are is.

Having recently moved to Madison, WI, I didn't realize what I had until it was gone (most parks prohibit dogs, and the designated "dog parks" are usually over run with extremely aggressive, untrained dogs that are a serious danger to you and your pet).

As one reviewer notes, you should phone ahead on some of the places in the book. The Renaissance Hotel downtown will allow small dogs (generally less than 15lbs), and even has a section on the room service menu for your furry friend.

The Book of Shadows: The Mage Players Guide: The Sourcebook for Players and Storytellers of Mage (Mage)
Published in Paperback by White Wolf Publishing Inc. (1995)
Authors: Phil Brucato, Bill Bridges, Steve Brown, Emrey Barnes, Jim Moore, Beth Fischi, Harry Heckel, and Lawrence Snelly
Amazon base price: $18.00
Used price: $3.00
Collectible price: $12.95
Buy one from zShops for: $1.99
Average review score:

Out of date
I've played mage for a few years now, before third edition graced the shelves, and I found that this book was not terribly helpful. While it had several high points, the extra skills included on a whole could be gained by taking a specialty in an already listed skill. The merit and flaw section was interesting, with the publication of revised and third edition, it's no longer needed. The expanded tradition sections, were helpful, but sense the publication of third edition, they are no longer up to date and to be honest, if you want to know about traditions The Traditions Gathered set of books is a far better resource. While The Book of shadows is an interesting read, it's definitely not a required resource for mage.

A good oldie showing it's age
This is a good book which has a lot of information to make your character richer (merits and flaws, extra skills, more detailed information on each Tradition, the Technocracy and others, etc.). However, most of the sections in this book are beginning to show their age, as the information presented here has been revised and updated to much more practical information in several other Mage books. The section with the parables, though, is still one of my favorite Mage reads.

More useful than great
The book of shadows, which was written between the publishing of the 1st and second editions of Mage, is at this point slightly "behind the times," especially what with the release of Mage 3rd edition. Somewhere between irrelevant and necessary. Has some good basic material on the various Mage fringes, as well as a lot of expanded stuff for character creation.

Visual Basic Developer's Guide to the Win32 API
Published in Paperback by Sybex (2000)
Author: Steve Brown
Amazon base price: $39.99
Used price: $3.83
Buy one from zShops for: $3.83
Average review score:

OK reference
This book is limited to basic API functions. Much of it looks like a dump of the MSDN literature, slighty edited. There is a brief discussion of general issues regarding API calls from Visual Basic.

Fair Resource
Within a limited scope, this book does a decent job of covering simple API functions. A lot of it looks like a dump of the MSDN documentation, slightly cleaned up. There is some introductory discussion of general issues regarding API calling from VB.

This book did nothing for me I couldn't look in MSDN Lib. for. Lacks proper explaination and covers few advanced API calls.

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