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Book reviews for "Berrellez,_Robert" sorted by average review score:

God's Smuggler
Published in Audio Cassette by Blackstone Audiobooks (May, 1999)
Authors: Brother Anrew, Brother Andrew, Elizabeth Sherrill, and Robert Whitfield
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $27.99
Average review score:

God's Smuggler
This book has truly inspired me. To read about the sacrifices Brother Andrew made has made me know I can do so much more for God. This is a must read for anyone who is working for God. This is a thrilling, edge of your seat, page turner. You will not be able to put it down.

The Penny Dropped
In 1968 I received this book as a bonus from the Farm Family Book Club. I started to read it in the evening and read until I was finished at 4:00 a.m. The next day I said, "If Brother Andrew can trust God for 365 days a year, I can trust Him for one day, no matter how foolish it makes me look." I did, and I did look foolish. But I found out that He is faithful. My life has never been the same.

Excellent! If you loved it, I also have another to reccomend
This book can change your life and how you see God. Brother Andrew gave his life totally to God, and God remained faithful to him. you cannot read this book and come away with the same view on God. I read this book, and could not put it down. Sure to strengthen your Christian experience. As thrilling as any spy novel. Not one to be missed by any christian. What one person can do when they give themselves totally to God. If you thought the result would be a dull life, you're dead wrong! Read the book!
IF YOU LIKED THIS, I HAVE ANOTHER TO RECCOMEND. It's called "A Thousand Shall Fall" But you must be sure to get the right one. The full title is "A thousand shall Fall: The electrifying story of a soldier and his family that dared to practice their faith in Hitler's Germany." Written by Suzy Hazel Mundy. It's as much of a page turner as this book and will also change your life.

Happy reading!

Dead Reckoning
Published in Paperback by Writers Club Press (March, 2002)
Author: Robert A. Furlani
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $14.76
Buy one from zShops for: $14.76
Average review score:

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It kept me interested from page one right up to the exciting end. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough! If your're a fan of action/suspense need to add Dead Reckoning to your must read list.

It's an excellent summer read.

More (than 5) stars need for Dead Reckoning
Suspense/crime readers read DEAD RECKONING as soon as you can get it in your hands, HOWEVER, understand that once you start reading you will return to the next page in spite of all else that needs to be done in your life. Chapter 1, which is more a prologue, establishes the character of Jimmy Taggert when his best friend Bobby Ryan is killed in the jungles of Viet Nam.

Jimmy extracts his revenge on the Vietnamese troops who killed his friend and returns to Darien his hometown near Niagra Falls to marry his highschool sweetheart and become Sheriff of his town.

A bank robbery in Darien introduces the reader to Michael Baker, a more deadly serial killer than fact or ficton has produced thus far. The suspense escalates through each attempt to stop Baker. An FBI agent, Mitchell Cory, and Jimmy Taggert work together without the usual rancor of the FBI v. local law enforcement to become friends and eventually to stop Baker. There is a susprise ending that adds to the finale. The last sentence in the book, "This should make for quite an interesting morning," is the only understatement in the book.

Buy it; read it ! I'm going to look for Fulani's first book and read it as I hope that a third is on the way.

This book has been nominated for the Bloody Dagger award and itearns it by the rip-roaring actionpacked in almost every page. Ijust read it again and it's evenbetter the second time around.The author is featured in this month's issue of The Third Degreemagazine, formerly known as Judas,It is on-line issue of Bumpin Guns. DR deserves all acclaim forfast action, thriller-suspensefans. The book is not fluffed upby tiresome descriptions of theimmediate surroundings. It takesplace in the beautiful area aroundBuffalo, The Peace Bridge and downthe Niagara River to the Falls, but your mind is on the action asJimmy Taggart, sheriff, chases down the notorious Baker and hisgang are killed. But is Bakerreally dead? A coming sequel toDR will tell the tale so you wantto read this book now and be readyfor more this fall. You are in forsome of the best reading out thereso hold on for the ride of a lifetime

The Poetry of Robert Frost
Published in Hardcover by Henry Holt & Company, Inc. (June, 1987)
Author: Robert Frost
Amazon base price: $17.00
Used price: $1.44
Collectible price: $4.49
Buy one from zShops for: $5.00
Average review score:

Poems for the People
It was upon having a conversation at school five years ago, that a friend suggested Robert Frost to help (form the basis) of one of my assignments. When I asked how he knew of him, my friend replied; "oh.., he's often quoted on TV" and I believed him (to this day I've never heard him mentioned). So I've come to guess that my old friend uses Frost as I occasionally do. To relax.

For it was upon going through a rough time that I again borrowed the complete works of Frost and a few other poets to get me through. And so inspired I was that I began trying to write some of my own. But as Frost had initially drawn me in with his simple, eaasily understood verses, he just as quickly lost me out the other side. But why I write this review is because I admired Frost's ability to start writing so descriptively so late in life, about man, life, decisions, the enviroment and even a wall! (ha! ha!).

So if you have never read poetry before, or you just wan't some new material. Buy Frost's complete collection. Oh and buy it from!

The Poetry-Lover's Definitive Frost
Robert Frost was and is America's greatest poet. Excepting, perhaps, W. B. Yeats, he may be the greatest poet to write English in the twentieth century. (To me, it's a toss-up.) To read this volume systematically or desultorily is to become convinced of that. But Frost is, above all, accessible, so the casual reader may not appreciate the difficulty of what he does. Like much of the greatest art his looks easy, even inevitable.

All of Frost's poems are here, plus his two dramatic Masques. When this book first appeared (in 1969) it caused a furor: the editor, it was angrily asserted, presumed too much. He dared to clarify - inserting a hyphen here, excising a comma there. That furor has since died down, as people realize that he did not do away with the sacred texts (any emendation was noted), but simply performed his job as editor. He regularized spelling and the use of single and double quotes (though not Capitalization, which can legitimately be thought of as integral to the poet's expression (think of e.e. cummings!)), and corrected other obvious errors. The notes give the published variants for each poem, so if you wish you may make your own call on some of these finicky issues.

The paperback and hardcover editions are identical, except for the covers, of course. I would, however, buy the hardcover. After all, you will be reading this book for the rest of your life. It is a beautifully-built volume, of an easy size and heft for use, with understated appealing typefaces and an exemplary design. Put out by Frost's long-time publisher, this is one of the few essential books of American literature.

The primer in poetry, Robert Frost, is all yours in ONE BOOK
After reading the first few poems, I am very glad that I took the time to order this book. It is a collection of many beautiful and intriguing poems that were written by one of the most famous poets of all time. Frost paints a picture of a certain nature scene in each poem that he writes. He displays nature and the earth as beautiful places that are filled with purity and gifts of creation. If you have a great respect and an obsession with nature's great beauty, this anthology of the writings of Robert Frost will give you a deeper meaning and understanding of the world around us. This book will explain what nature really is and how nature should be percieved by all. I highly suggest this book!!

The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization
Published in Audio Cassette by Bantam Books-Audio (05 January, 1999)
Authors: Peter M. Senge, Charlotte Roberts, Richard B. Ross, and Bryan Smith
Amazon base price: $17.50
List price: $25.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.95
Collectible price: $55.00
Buy one from zShops for: $15.95
Average review score:

Moves elegantly between concepts and every day reality.
Bridging the gap between text and context, The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook offers everyone a deep and refreshing look at what work can be and should be. The authors ground their stories, examples, exercises in five conceptual touchstones--personal mastery, mental models, shared vision, team learning, and systems thinking. And these disciplines accurately reveal three core tasks in leadership: looking at self, developing others, and seeing the larger picture in order to chart a meaningful course. Stories enliven the ideas while examples and exercises offer practical models to use in any organization. Generous side margins, different colored ink, and graphic icons are visual treats as well as immediate graphic guides. And the narrative references to related issues make reading the book more intuitive, more interesting.

In fact, these physical details model the whole point of the book--that learning is essential for sustainable growth, for organizational and personal development.

Everyone who reads THE FIFTH DISCIPLINE comes away excited about the benefits of having a learning organization. Yet many get stuck in a rut as they try to implement what they learned in that superb book. THE FIFTH DISCIPLINE FIELD BOOK helps fill in that lack of understanding with dozens of questions, examples and exercises. You'll have a ball with this, even if you only use a little part to focus on where you need help. A great related book for building a learning organization is THE 2,000 PERCENT SOLUTION, which teaches a new thinking process that simplifies and speeds up learning for an organization. It also shows you where you need to get rid of old thinking that is holding you back. You should read and use both.

A follow up to the legend
The Fieldbook attempts at making the esoteric concepts of the fifth discipline more down to earth and contains a treasure trove of strategies, tools, methods and explanations on how to make the learning organization into a reality.

Thus people who have read The fifth discipline will gain the most from this book. It's a must read for people who want to make their organizations transition into a 'learning organization'

Wall Street Dictionary
Published in Paperback by Career Press (March, 1999)
Author: Robert J. Shook
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.50
Buy one from zShops for: $8.90
Average review score:

This is the best financial dictionary on the market
I think highly enough of this book that I've given it to many of my clients, and I'm giving it to more clients for the holidays. When buying this book, I looked at them all. This one has the depth that I need, and in simple language that I enjoy for myself and my clients.

Outstanding Reference Book - "Strong Buy" Recommendation
We recommend this glossary to all of our traders and investors, both experienced and novice alike. Investors at all levels can use this book for both reference and educational purposes. It's comprehensive--more terms than any other of its kind--and well written. I rate this as a core holding for any investor.

Novice to Expert
An excellent guide to all of those buzz words you hear on CNBC.My broker uses this book and recomended it to me. It is very easy to read and understand.

The Parsifal Mosaic
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Bantam Books (March, 1983)
Author: Robert Ludlum
Amazon base price: $4.50
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $1.50
Buy one from zShops for: $3.00
Average review score:

Highly original and contains many surprises!
This is another classic Robert Ludlum thriller with all his hallmarks - unexpected twists, flashes of imagination, action and suspense and well-researched characters, locations and politics! IN this one, Michael Havelock, a former CIA/VKR(Russian special intelligence) double agent witnesses his girlfriend Jenna Karras murdered on Spain's Costa Brava. Then some time later, on a field assignment in Rome, he spots her at a railway station and decides impulsively and obsessively to track her down. The trail leads to France and a secret airbase near the Italian border where he sees Jenna again in the hands of some cold-blooded terrorists. His search reaches the US where a top-secret government operation is forming that could change the balance of world power as we know it for ever . . . who is behind this operation? Often very similar to THE POWER and THIS UNITED STATE by Colin Forbes, the villain is surprising . . .and who is the manipulative PARSIFAL character, the final piece in the jigsaw puzzle, or mosiac if you will! Well worth reading, but be warned, it is very long! But hard to fault!

The Best!!!!
This book represents Ludlum at his best, bar none!!! My only problem with this book is the dialogue which strikes me as unrealistic. I found myself repeatedly thinking that people do not speak to each other as the characters do in this novel. Having said that, I thoroughly enjoyed the characters, the plot development and, well, just about everything else. In fact, I have read this book at least ten times. For my money, I would strongly recommend this novel and the following: The Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy, Scarlatti Inheritance, Aquitaine Progression, Matarese Circle, The Holcroft Covenant and The Gemini Contenders. Please, PLEASE, avoid the following: The Matarese Countdown, The Road to Omaha, The Scorpio Illusion and The Bourne Ultimatum.

A guilty pleasure for the discerning reader
One feels almost shame in enjoying the works of Robert Ludlum. The dialogue steps out of the Stone Age onto the paper (the phrases "my friend" and "spell it out" are used overgenerously), the melodrama is suffocating (ditto the words "madness" and "insanity", always in italics and always followed with an exclamation point), and the characters are photocopies of each other from book to book. Meanwhile, the good-guy spy is over-romanticized, the stuff of a fourteen year-old girl's wildest fantasies. The problem is, Ludlum is so darned fun to read. And, as his novels go, The Parsifal Mosaic is among the best. This might be directly related to the sky-high body count, but it's Ludlum: get used to it. I felt almost guilty the first time I acknowledged to myself that the bloodbath trick--someone getting killed every four pages or so--never gets old. No one said this guy was Tolstoy. He's not even John LeCarre or Frederick Forsyth. But nor are they Robert Ludlum. If you want pragmatism, realism, and a spy hero who gets his hands dirty, eats corn flakes, and drives a Taurus, then read LeCarre (the master of characterization) or Forsyth (the master of the political thriller). But none of their work gives you quite the same thrill as sitting down with Robert Ludlum...

...while he blows away five hundred people with machine guns.

The Nitpicker's Guide for Next Generation Trekkers Part 1
Published in Hardcover by Audioscope (June, 1995)
Authors: Phil Farrand, Denise Crosby, Robert O'Reilly, and Dwight Schultz
Amazon base price: $11.99
Used price: $1.75
Buy one from zShops for: $4.25
Average review score:

This book is great!
If you are into nitpicking, this book is great. While reading it, I was able to remember most of the scenes that were discussed, but the best way to read this book is with the episode playing in the background. Some nits require that you freeze and rewind to catch it. Each episode review contains trivia questions, but they are hard, so dont feel bad if you get them wrong. Also, Season seven is not covered in this one. It is included in part 2. I recommend this for al Trekkers. This author has also come out with a Deep Space Nine book, and Original series book, and an X-files book, as well as a sequel to this one. It must be nice to make a living nitpicking TV episodes!

Wonderful for Trek Lovers
I have read this book hundreds of times. I love getting it out when I watch a Next Generation rerun, so that I can see the mistakes and it is hilarious! Phil Farrand has a unique sense of humor that only Trek lovers can understand. I highly recommend this book to anyone that enjoys watching Star Trek: The Next Generation.

What an entertainer! You just never get sick of this book. The basic concept is finding mistakes (or "nits") in the Star Trek: The Next Generation TV series. It includes episode reviews, trivia questions & tote boards. He spots things that you'd never think of seeing: before this i could go through an entire episode without seeing anything wrong, but he'd find 2 pages of nits on that episode. Another plus-point is the size of the book, great value for all ages. All in all, a MUST for all TRUE Next Gen fans!

The New Strategic Selling: The Unique Sales System Proven Successful by the World's Best Companies
Published in Paperback by Warner Books (January, 1998)
Authors: Stephen E. Heiman, Diane Sanchez, Tad Tuleja, and Robert B. Strategic Selling Miller
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.29
Collectible price: $6.50
Buy one from zShops for: $7.90
Average review score:

Guide For Selling
This book teaches me how to be a successful sales person. From prospecting the customers to closing the sales, this book gives me a clear guideline to follow. Relationship marketing is one of the concepts that author highly emphasizes because of repeat purchase of the customers. Moreover, having a good evaluation system is the key to succeed. To be a successful sales person, you should understand your own strengths and weaknesses so that you can turn your weaknesses to your strengths.
This book also contains a step-by-step workshop of strategic selling. It is a valuable teaching model for all of us.

People who follow the examples shown in this book will sell
I have many years of industrial sales experience, and I started my own manufacturing business with venture capital financing (Big time selling). This book has the best approach to strategic selling that I have encountered. I read it to get recharged and check my practices. I recommend it to all new sales people.

Opportunity Management Process
Many times a sales person can get confused identifying the players, the probability of change, the timing, the competition, the politics of a sales opportunity. Following the Strategic Selling process lays out an effective plan that leverages the key benefits of the sellers/buyers solution, and minimizes price as the principle buying criteria. Strategic Selling provides a process for what successful sale people do consistently-Plan. This book lays out a process that is also a two day class used by many global corporation's sales forces. The book is not a replacement for the class, but if you are selling B2B the process is well documented, and will put you on the right track. I have been teaching and using this process for 13 years and I have not found a better sales opportunity planning process. I think you can learn more from this book than from 100 sales calls.

Emerson: The Mind on Fire
Published in Hardcover by University of California Press (April, 1995)
Author: Robert D. Richardson Jr.
Amazon base price: $50.00
Used price: $18.95
Buy one from zShops for: $32.98
Average review score:

A revelation of the man.
Once I started reading this book I could not stop for very long. It was so good I did not want it to end. This book traces Emerson's intellectual and spiritual path in such great detail that it enables the reader to further investigate Emerson's sources if he or she so chooses. The biographical information was quite complete as well. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in Emerson or Transcendentalism. I noticed that Richardson has also written a biography of Thoreau and I will likely read it. This book represents a very high degree of scholarship and a great effort on the part of the author. I also greatly appreciated the photos of Emerson and the people close to him.

Personally, I would have liked to have seen a few more photos of his second wife and his children. I would have also liked to have learned how his wife managed after Emerson died and perhaps some information regarding his descendants. However, these are my own personal preferences and are in no way meant to diminish the excellence of this book.

The material is well structured into about 100 brief chapters which I thought made the reading easy. I never felt bogged down due to the length of the book. This is not a short book.

I really came away from the book with a sense of the man and an appreciation of the events and societal pressures of his time. After reading this book I think anyone familiar with Emerson's writings would feel like sitting down with the man to have a discussion to clear up a point or two.

It's hard to believe that this biography of Emerson can be topped. It's dense - but truly gives the ins and outs of Emerson's life, his passions, relationships and what influenced his thought...even his reading was a pleasure to read such fine scholarship....

Outstanding biography of America's first literary giant
I must confess that I don't understand the reader review below who found this biography of Emerson to be a difficult read. Although not quite a page-turner, I managed to read this in very little time at all. I must also confess that I do find Emerson himself incredibly difficult to read. But what I find to be the case in Emerson himself, I did not find to be true in Richardson's biography. While I find that Emerson constructed one stunning sentence and aphorism after another, I generally find his essays to be slow going. Nonetheless, while I am not his biggest fan, he is unquestionably one of the four or five greatest figures in American intellectual history, and Richardson's biography does him great justice.

The great merit of this biography is that at the end of it, you feel that you have gained considerable insight both into Emerson and New England intellectual life in the 19th century. I was especially intrigued with Richardson detailing of Emerson's reading. Emerson was, without any question, a great reader. Great readers rarely read books from cover to cover. Samuel Johnson, who was himself one of the most accomplished readers in the history of civilization, once said that we have more of a need to reread than to read. But he also once quipped, "What, you read books all the way to the end?" Emerson did not read books all the way to the end. But like Johnson and other great readers, he had a genius for picking out the most important points. What Boswell wrote of Johnson is true also of Emerson: "He had a peculiar facility in seizing at once what was valuable in any book, without submitting to the labour of perusing it from beginning to end."

One comes away from the book also enormously impressed with Emerson's character. He seems by any standard to have been a remarkably good human being. He was both a man of high principle, and a man of powerful attachments to other human beings. I found the accounting of his various friendships, many to equally famous individuals, to be of the utmost interest. Also, he seems to have met virtually every important thinker and writer in the English-speaking world, from Coleridge to Carlyle to Melville.

I heartily recommend this book to anyone who wants to gain a deeper knowledge of Emerson's life and work. By any standard, Emerson is one of the giants in American life. His influence on American thought is incalculable. Consider: not only was he the major influence on such American literary figures the magnitude of Thoreau and Whitman; he was a profound influence on artists such as Thomas Cole, Moran, and Bierstadt. America's deep-rooted environmentalism is steeped in Emersonian Transcendentalism. John Muir was a devoted reader of Emerson. One could make a case for Emerson having had perhaps more influence in the shaping of American thought than any other individual. This biography is an outstanding introduction to that person.

The Man Who Flew the Memphis Belle: Memoir of a World War II Bomber Pilot
Published in Audio Cassette by HighBridge Company (17 May, 2001)
Authors: Robert Morgan, Ron Powers, Ron McLarty, and Rom McLarty
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $15.44
Buy one from zShops for: $16.37
Average review score:

Excellent - Bittersweet
This book was not a typical day by day look at the missions this plane flew. It was a review of Bob Morgan's life before, during, and after the war. He analyzes, with humor, his life before he entered the Army Air Forces; the search for love after his mother died; his baptism to war; the endless tour of the plane and crew after their 25th mission; his role in the Pacific theater; and how he handled life after the war. The book is excellently written and has enough humor to keep the reader smiling. But, there is enough to make one know that war was serious and Bob Morgan certainly lets you know that war is deadly serious.

He tells how war changed his life and talks about the treatment the soldiers faced after the war. Finally, he describes the ghosts he chased and drowned in drink trying to forget. And, he sadly chronicles the near fate of the Memphis Belle and how the US nearly relegated the plane to the scrap heap.

Just an incredible book. I highly recommend it.

Sex, Lies, and B-17's
The life of Robert Morgan, the pilot of the Memphis Belle, reads like a cross between Flags of Our Fathers and a romance novel. He grew up in the mountains of Asheville, NC and his family were friends of the Vanderbilts. His mother's suicide starts him on a life long search for someone to replace her love. He tells about this search in very candid and blunt fashion that I found both wonderful and sad. The one lady he does fall in love with was the Memphis Belle(the plane and the lady) and the book follows both his missions over Europe with her(the plane) and her crew as well as what happens to her when the war was over. After his 25th mission he and his crew were sent back to the United States to sell war bonds and keep the home front morale up. This bond tour has one unintended side effect, it destroyes his love affair with the planes name sake (the real Memphis Belle). Needless to say, with women fawning over him, Mr Morgan's womanizing hits an all time high. After the bond tour he signs up for a tour of duty flying missions over Japan. He is invloved in several famous fire bomb missions over Japan.

No doubt some people will be turned off by his womanizing and cheating ways. However, if you can get past that you will find one of the most amazing war books I have read in some time. Mr Morgan saw as much action as any bomber in WWII and his casual writing style is really wonderful.

The books last chapter shows that you can go home again and you can find what you have been searching for. It is a touching ending. Mr Morgan is still alive and kicking and all I can say is I would love to sit down with him and just talk about his life. He is a true hero!

Honest, Interesting Story of a Living Legend
Robert Morgan had fame thrust upon him for being the pilot of arguably the first air crew to complete the obigatory 25 missions alive and in one piece. The Memphis Belle flew early on in the war, without the benefit of effective long-range fighter escort, a time of heavy losses for the US 8th Air Force, and the US government, looking for a way to publicize the successes of the US bombing campaign, decided to put together a film about one crew--the Memphis Belle was selected. William Wyler masterfully put together one of the finest documentaries of World War II, and a legend was born. In this respect, Morgan was somewhat of an accidental legend, as was his plane. However, Morgan's willingness to return to combat as a pilot of a B-29 in the Pacific when he could have taken it easy and rested on his laurels, proves him to be a man of true heroic qualities. This book deserves to be read, if for no other reason that that it is written by a man who experienced aerial combat in both theaters of combat in World War II. Morgan and his co-writer have done a masterful job of telling the story of what it was like to be a bomber pilot in World War II. The human element is there as well, as Morgan reflects on his personal successes and failures, on his agony at writing letters to the families of crewmen shot down, of his coming to know God after being a Hell-raiser, his problems with alcohol and a failed business, and eventual success and contentment later in life. The Memphis Belle and her crew are living legends, and the story Robert Morgan has to tell goes way beyond a surface treatment of that legend. I highly recommend it for anyone interested in the true story of the Memphis Belle, and anyone who simply likes a good biography, honestly told.

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