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Book reviews for "Beifuss,_John,_Jr." sorted by average review score:

Adams-Jefferson Letters
Published in Paperback by Simon & Schuster (November, 1971)
Authors: Cappon Lj, Lester J. Cappon, and John Adams
Amazon base price: $5.95
Average review score:

A Service To Researchers
I wish this book had been put together a long time ago. It's a very useful service to researchers. When doing research for my own book "Mr Jefferson's Academy, The Real Story Behind West Point" (now, "West Point"), I went through the books available on John Adams/Thomas Jefferson, but found I had to resort to the original documents. It took a massive amount of time. That's one of the reasons my book took several years to complete. This book could have saved a lot of time, and can do the same for any reader or researcher. It's not only comprehensive, but also, well written. If you're interested in an in-depth read on Thomas Jefferson, I recommend this book. (To get a closely packed distillation of Thomas Jefferson, my own book has a biographical chapter that has been distilled from what could easily have been hundreds of pages of opinion, interpretation, and speculation to 40 pages of facts. The rest of the book is gleaned from what he, himself, read!)

Great Research Tool
I agree with the reviewer who wrote the book about West Point who said this book is a service to researchers. Why it's a magnificent research tool. I'm using it copiously at this time for a scholarly work I'm on sabbatical to work on.

Two of Americas greatest minds in their own words
What a joy it is to read the correspondence between two of America's greatest founding fathers. Through this collection of letters we begin to get into the minds of men who created and shaped this nation. We read of their dreams, expectations and fears for this new nation as well as typical correspondence between friends. That is when they were talking to each other. When the two men weren't, Abigail continued to write Jefferson to try and heal the breach. My favorite letter is from John Adams to Jefferson to tell him to stop writing his wife. This is a book for anyone who loves the human side of history and enjoys getting to know the real people behind the legends. I first read it in college, and then spent ten years trying to find it again. Now that I have, it will never leave my bookshelf.

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young Guide to Wireless Enterprise Application Architecture
Published in Paperback by John Wiley & Sons (15 November, 2001)
Authors: Adam Kornak and John Distefano
Amazon base price: $65.00
Used price: $41.00
Buy one from zShops for: $53.42
Average review score:

a complete guide to wireless applications
There are plenty of books out there on the shelves about wireless technology. When I first took this book into my hands - that's what I expected. Needless to say: I was positively surprised about Cap Gemini Ernst& Young's different approach to wireless technology. They not just covered technical aspects (just like everyone else), but even more importantly, how all this translates into the daily business environment. This book will stay on my desk as a source of continuous reference and will not collect dust in my book shelf.

A wealth of knowledge - A Must Buy!!
The authors do a superb job explaining the applications of wireless solutions for all readers - those very technical and those who are not. The information is concisely written and is not dry and boring. In addition, the case studies that were presented flowed very well with the material. This is the first book I've seen that disects each step of the architecture design process - the charts were a great visual guide.

Learn wireless architecture from the pros
One of the best books I've read on wireless technology. This book provides not only a blueprint for building a web architecture, but also illustrates how to integrate wireless design into your enteprise. It's like two books in one! Each section covers a unique case study for wireless. It's a rare chance to learn from the big 5 pros.
It's a great book for a beginner or someone with years of experience.

Journey of the Heart
Published in Audio Cassette by Audio Literature (April, 1998)
Author: John Welwood
Amazon base price: $15.95
Buy one from zShops for: $19.95
Average review score:

Can't Go Wrong
I first read Journey of the Heart ten years ago--and to this day it is the best book I have read on the topic of love and relationships. Welwood's succinct, penetrating insights into these topics, and into relationship as an actual spiritual path (in the same way that yoga is a "path") helped shape my views in a profound way. I am very grateful to him for writing this book.

If you get one significant learning from a book, I think it is well worth your while. From reading this book though, I received about five major learnings which have shaped my understanding and decisions in relationship ever since. It was that good.

Best book on relationships I have read
This thought provoking book is one of the best books on relationships I have read. The author's use of real life cases to highlight his points deepens the teaching and keeps the reader engaged. The basic premise of the book is that an intimate relationship is a path, an opportunity to work on the personal issues you came into this world to solve. Contains real life techniques and knowledge you can apply to your life and your relationships.

There's great wisdom in this book
This is a buddhist-inspired, philosophical discourse on the nature of the spiritual aspects and potential of loving relationships and marriage. For anyone struggling to find meaning in a relationship, searching for clarity and consciousness on dealing with themselves and their partner, this book provides some extremely powerful yet subtle ideas and precepts to live and grow by. This book may not have been able to save my marriage, but it will certainly inspire and inform the next one (especially if my wife and I end up back together!).

Figure in Shadows
Published in Paperback by Yearling (January, 1977)
Author: John Bellairs
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $0.45
Collectible price: $4.99
Average review score:

Great book full of magic and mysteries.
When first I started reading this book I thought it was kind of sad how everybody made fun of Lewis. I thought how could somebody be so rude. It got interesting however how Lewis was so sensitive yet he could stand so strong. I thought when I read that the person who was writing "Veno" was the man who once owned the amulet. Later I realized that it was not him because he would have gone after the amulet rather than write "Vino" . Over all I thought that this was a great book that would pull you into the text and make you feel like you were part of the story. A clever mix of horror, humor, magic, and mystery by John Bellairs. I would recommend this story to all kids.

This story will stay with you.
I read this book 25 years ago, when I was 9. Since then, I have read thousands of books, but I remember this story, almost by heart. I did not know it was a series. I am going to buy everything by Bellairs, to read myself, and for my son, who will soon be old enough for this. I recommend this book heartily. Bellairs is quite the equal of Rowling. If Stephen King wrote youth horror, his charactorization and style would be close to this.

One of the best Horror books ever
I read this book in the 70s or early 80s. I was so frightened by it that I stored it under my sister's bed at night just to keep it out of my room and away from me. It scared me that much - It's very vivid. To this day, the smell of wet ashes reminds me of the book. I mean this all in the best way, of course. I was, perhaps, a little unprepared for the depth of spookiness found in this book, but now I realize that while it frightened the living daylights out of me, it also thrilled me. I credit this book and MacBeth (also read when far too young and impressionable) for my love of "unseen" psychological horror fiction today. Definitely talk with your child after they read this, though. You don't want them spooking at every imagined figure in the shadows.

Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide (2nd Edition)
Published in Hardcover by Ten Speed Press (June, 2002)
Authors: Burton Goldberg, John W. Anderson, and Larry Trivieri
Amazon base price: $41.97
List price: $59.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $19.99
Buy one from zShops for: $41.97
Average review score:

one stop shopping for investigating alternative medicine
This book was recommended by a doctor at my company (insurance, no less!). I have just started reading it, but especially appreciate how various alternative approaches are grouped together under specific illnesses/problems. Very helpful in trying to decide which way to go. Complete with "next steps" in pursuing the approach of your choice. Looking forward to deeper study in connection with my own and my family's general health and chronic conditions. Worth the bucks. The book you should start with in researching holistic and alternative medicines.

The best book on alternative medicine
This has to be one of the most useful books on alternative medicine ever published, and now it's been completely updated and revised in 2002. Instead of getting just one doctor's perspective, you get the experiences of over 400 physicians. Whether you want to learn more about acupuncture, applied kinesiology, and other therapies or need to look up the treatments for a particular health problem, this is the book to go to first. Highly recommended!

An indispensable reference volume for alternative therapies!
Packed with tons of useful information, this book seems to have something on everything. Everyone I have shown the book to has marveled at its content, and the way it presents all the information in an unbiased manner.

This book deals with information which can be hard to acquire. The contemporary medical establishment is well entrenched in its ways, but we all "know" there are other therapies and cures out there, but where do we find out about them? This book is the answer!

"Alternative Medicine" does not endeavor to go into full detail about any of the therapies and treatments presented. Rather, it provides a valuable starting point at which to begin your serach for information on how to cure yourself or a loved one.

I heartily recommend this book to anyone who needs a comprehensive reference volume for medical maladies and their cures.

Burning for Revenge
Published in Audio Cassette by Bolinda (March, 2000)
Authors: John Marsden and Suzi Dougherty
Amazon base price: $44.95
Average review score:

The Tomorrow Series is awesome!
Wow! These books make you feel like you're in there with them. The imagery is overwhelming! John Marsden creates the characters so vividly, you feel like you know them. When something happens to the characters, you are in shock. I feel like I'm in the story! The plot is amazing!It's so full of action! You're never bored. I couldn't put the book down! It leaves you in such suspense, you can't wait for the next book to come out!

John Marsden has done it again. Book 5 will not disappoint you! If you've been anxiously awaiting the end -- Books 6 and 7, intitled The Night is for Hunting and The Other Side of Dawn, respectively -- you shouldn't have to wait long. I already own all 7 and I live in North America! There is this Australian online bookstore at which sells all 7 books in softcover with very reasonable shipping charges. It is a pretty rudimentary site -- I suspect it is run out of someone's basement -- but they sure deliver! I almost didn't want to read The Other Side of Dawn because I knew that that would be it for one of the best series I have ever come across. I won't give anything away but I will say that the series did not disappoint!!

Well, get on with it!
One day I walked into the library, and one of the librarians handed me a book, "Here, you'll like this one." Well, I read it, 'Tomorrow, When the War Began.' I absolutly loved it! I didn't find out that it was a series until later, but I was absolutly enthraled when I read the others. I didn't talk to anybody for weeks; there was no ungluing myself from the books. I can't wait to read this next one. Please hurry up, Mr. Marsden! There is a wide range of fans waiting to nab your book off the shelf as soon as it gets there.

Dog Talk: Training Your Dog Through a Canine Point of View
Published in Hardcover by St. Martin's Press (June, 1992)
Authors: John Ross and Barbara McKinney
Amazon base price: $22.95
Used price: $2.24
Collectible price: $9.99
Average review score:

Boy howdy, dogs don't listen...
This book is full of great ideas and concepts. I purchased the title based on average customer review, and really grasped the concepts within. However, once I finally got my dog, I quickly learned that many of the things the book takes for granted lead to much frustration on your part. Dogs don't just sit in front of you, though that's one of the big points the book relies on. Dogs won't just stand next to you, no matter how hard you make them try. Pick up the book if you want a nice read, and want to have some great concepts, but take the time to follow-up the book with some hardcore, professional obedience training. Doing it yourself will result in hours of frustration, and an unruly pet.

Bridging the Inter-Species Communication Gap
John Ross is vastly under-rated and under-cited; at least it seems that way with other trainers I've spoken with on the East Coast of the USA. This book provided the foundation for my training with my first dog that has led to my entry into professional dog training. While many people looking for house manners for their puppies seem to turn to the Monks of New Skete book, a fine work in its own rite, those who I encounter who chose *Dog Talk* typically seem to have better working relationships with their dogs.

Perhaps it is his clear, concise, and straightforward method that makes the difference. Not only does he talk about his successes in dog training, he offers examples of his own failures in dog training to clearly demonstate to the reader better methods that he acquired as a result. Personally, I like to learn from someone who is likewise interested in learning, as well--I tend to be wary of those who seem to have never made mistakes.

Not only does he get a dog owner through the basics of house manners, he includes solid instructions for expanding into a working relationship with a canine, and that includes a few fun tricks.

This book is divided into two sections--the white section includes general stories, and anecdotally describes how to speak to your dog on a level he understands. In the central grey section he tells, step-by-step, how to train a particular behaviour (e.g., "Sit," "Stay," etc.), what to expect as your dog begins to learn, and how to address specific problems as they arise in the training process. He doesn't expect one to read his mind when he describes a process--he gives one all the necessary information, including photographs, so one will know if one is going about something the right way.

The only potential drawback to this book is that he does incorporate a traditional dog training collar in some exercises. I contend, however, that if one has firmly followed his instructions on how to engage a dog--in language the dog understands--one will find that the dog performs such that corrections are not necessary. This is especially true if you begin work with a puppy (a dog under the age of two).

If all humans engaged their new pups in *Dog Talk* from the day they brought them home, the dog shelters/dog pounds would no longer be over-flowing with discarded pets, and there would be virtually no such thing as a "bad" dog anymore.

This book really is just that good.

A well balanced, intelligent approach to dog training!
As a fellow author and dog trainer, I can highly recommend this title as one of the best presentations of an "all-breed" basic training program that I've read. John Ross stresses the importance of understanding the world from your dog's point of view (which I highly agree with). The ability to "read your dog" and communicate with him effectively is, after all, a key element to successful training.

Ross also presents a well balanced approach, free from the ineffective gimmicks and "quick fixes" so commonly heralded in many training books today. You wont find "purely positive" nor correction/aversion based methods blindly recommended here... but instead an intelligent approach based on conditioned responses, and an understanding of natural canine behavior.

If you want to establish an enjoyable, life long relationship with your dog... then "Dog Talk" is a book you should not be without! I wish more instructors of basic manners obedience classes would follow the "Dog Talk" training program; if they did, the result would surely be many more happy owners with well mannered canine companions.

Euripides: Medea
Published in Paperback by Cambridge Univ Pr (Trd) (August, 2000)
Authors: Euripides and John Harrison
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $5.75
Buy one from zShops for: $6.92
Average review score:

Medea...too much woman for me!
'Medea' by Euripedes is a classic and powerful Greek tragedy that broke all the rules of that time period. Euripedes takes two great figures in Medea and Jason, and uses Iconoclastic techniques brilliantly to make Jason seem stupid and Medea seem like a murderer. It is especially interesting because of the story that you need to understand outside of the play. You will need to know who the gods are and how Medea and Jason got together. Medea is a powerful sorceress, which is a major point in this play. The imagery of the death scenes were VIVIDLY scripted and the gods, who are supposed to represent all that is good and rightous, are also mocked and bashed by Euripedes. Overall, Euripedes defied all and created a tragic masterpiece, I will definately recommend you to read this. Thank you.

Don't Get In Her Way or...
Medea, as our heroine, is the true definition of a woman scorned. Not only does Medea leave her homeland to follow her one and only love, but she sacrifices her whole life to him. What happens in the book when she finds out Jason wants to take on another wife after Medea has scrificed everything for him...? Well, I'll leave that to you to find out. I'll simply say that Medea is, suprisingly, very imaginiative - at the time of it's writing, it broke all the barriers that surrounded around Greek tradedies. I must also say that Medea is in somewhat of the same arena as "The Odyssey" - it's incredibly descriptive, even with the language used that is so different from our own, Euripides genuinely "takes the reader there." All in all, a wonderful, very readable play. And remember, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! A great commentary, if a little extreme, but still wonderful, enchanting - you WILL be pulled into the action! 5 stars!

Scorned Barbarian Woman Bent on Revenge
This is one of those remarkable plays that feels like it was written just last week. Medea is the daughter of the evil King Aeetes in Colchis -- on the remote, eastern side of the Black Sea. She assists Jason in slaying the serpent that guarded the golden fleece, and fell deeply in love with him. (See Apollonius Rhodius' Argonautica for a fuller treatment of the love episode at Colchis). She even killed her brother, Absrytus, on their way back to Greece.

Medea has one problem, however. Aside from the fact she is a witch, she is a barbarian, a non-Greek. The Greeks used the word "barbaros" to refer to all people who weren't Greek, because if they didn't speak Greek, it just sounded like "bar bar bar" to the Greeks.

So after Jason and Medea settle in together back in Greece, his homeland, he decides that his interests (and Medea's) are better served if he marries the daughter of King Creon of Corinth. Medea gets jealous, poisons the woman, and then kills her two children in revenge.

Medea is an absolutely riveting character, whose tragic problems are those of all woman who have left their homes and families to follow men to foreign lands, only to be scorned by them in the end. The speeches of Jason and Medea are remarkable point-counterpoint presentations which reflect the deep influence of the sophists of Euripides' day. Medea sounds, at times, like a proto-feminist. She is one of the most enduring dramatic creations of all times, revealing with each line the remarkable genius of Euripides, the most modern of the three great Greek tragedians

Henry V
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (October, 1999)
Authors: William Shakespeare and John Russell Brown
Amazon base price: $12.65
Buy one from zShops for: $10.96
Average review score:

Profoundly Brilliant!
Written by Shakespeare for Queen Elizabeth I amidst a time of Irish rebellion, Henry V more than adequately serves its intended purpose of galvanizing nationalistic fervor. It proved itself to be an unwavering and unfaltering impetus of patriotism in Shakespeare's day, during WWII, and still today it continues to resonate and reverberate this provocatively telling tale of the most gloriously revered monarch in English history.

Henry V's stirring orations prior to the victorious battles of Harfleur("Once more unto the breach") and Agincourt("We few, we happy few, we band of brothers") astonish and inspire me every time I read them. Simply amazing. Having read Henry IV Parts I&II beforehand, I was surprised Shakespeare failed to live up to his word in the Epilogue of Part II in which he promised to "continue the story, with Sir John in it." The continuing follies of the conniving Bardolph, Nym, & Pistol and their ignominious thieving prove to be somewhat of a depricating underplot which nevertheless proves to act as a succinct metaphor for King Harry's "taking" of France.

Powerful and vibrant, the character of Henry V evokes passion and unadulterated admiration through his incredible valor & strength of conviction in a time of utter despondency. It is this conviction and passion which transcends time, and moreover, the very pages that Shakespeare's words are written upon. I find it impossible to overstate the absolute and impregnable puissance of Henry V, a play which I undoubtedly rate as the obligatory cream of the crop of Shakespeare's Histories. I recommend reading Henry IV I&II prior to Henry V as well as viewing Kenneth Branagh's masterpiece film subsequent to reading the equally moving work.

Excellent Publication/Version (Arden Shakespeare)
I looked long and hard (and asked many a scholar) for the "perfect" Shakespeare publication that I might purchase to study "King Henry V" (for a experiential education requirement, I had undertaken the translation of Henry V into American Sign Language). The Arden Shakespeare came highly recommended by everyone, and has lived up entirely to all its rave reviews.

I will never buy Shakespeare from another publisher. While these books may be slightly more expensive than a "mass market" edition, I believe that if you are going to take the time to read and understand Shakespeare, it is well worth the extra dollar or two. The Introduction, the images, and plethora of footnotes are irreplaceable and nearly neccessary for a full understanding of the play (for those of us who are not scholars already). The photocopy of the original Quatro text in the appendix is also very interesting.

All in all, well worth it! I recommend that you buy ALL of Shakespeare's work from Arden's critical editions.

We Few, We Happy Few
On D-Day British officers read Henry's famous words to their men as they approached the beach. When Churchill needed material for his famous "Few" speech, his thoughts turned to the pages of Henry V. From "once more into the breach" to "we happy few, we band of brothers" this play resonates with Shakespeare's paen to England's warrior king. Oh, you'll be a bit confused at the start if you haven't read Henry IV parts 1 and 2, but this is primarily the story of Henry V's victory at Agincourt. Whether the play glorifies war or just Henry you will have to decide. There is much food for thought here for the perceptive reader. But then Shakespeare is always provocative.

A Godward Life : Savoring the Supremacy of God in All Life (Book 2)
Published in Hardcover by Multnomah Publishers Inc. (October, 1999)
Author: John Piper
Amazon base price: $11.89
List price: $16.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.95
Buy one from zShops for: $11.12
Average review score:

Just enough Piper to digest quickly
The book came in the mail like hundreds of others. You see, I review books for a living. In other words, I get paid to be a cynic about the publishing industry. Know up front that I don't give 5 stars lightly or easily.

I'd heard of John Piper often and heard him quoted even more so it seemed. A devotional? Maybe this will be a good introduction before reading A Hunger for God or Desiring God.

I was taking a trip and decided to take A Godward Life along since my spiritual rhythm would be off while I was gone. Little did I know that I would be caught up in the personal correspondence and private musings of one of today's greatest pastors. I read all 120 readings in 7 short days--some twice, many highlighted, a few quoted in my journal.

I read a lot of books. I've seen a thousand devotionals. This was the first one to change my life. For me, this is the My Utmost for His Highest for my generation. I can't wait for the sequel.

Be sure to read Piper's letters to the editor of the local newspaper. How refreshing. Get to know the man and his thoughts--not just his outer presentation.

not merely 'feel good', but spiritually edifying
I was recommended to John Piper as I am in a stage of "God thirsting", insatiable for the truth, and getting to "know God". I purchased most of Piper's books, thus far I enjoy both versions of Godward Life the most. I read it at the airport as I travel frequently, and one time found myself borrowing a highlighter from my neighbor on the plane. The book made me understand the complete truth behind the passage "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." My heart became very peaceful henceafter, indeed the truth shall set you free.

Some of his preaching are easy to accept, but 'hard to practice' daily in life, but I know those are the truth God is teaching me. Indeed the narrower path has its hardships, yet also its blissful rewards. My next readings will be "The Pleasures of God and Future Grace".

Excellent Devotional
I am going to have to respectfully disagree with the reviewer who said that this is ineffective as a devotional. My wife and I use it as a "just before bedtime" devotional and have greatly benefited from it. OK, I admit I probably benefit more than my wife because I am a Piper fan, but she hasn't complained.

There is a sense in which you could write one review that covers all of Piper's writings, because all of his writings are on the theme of the supremacy of God and/or Christian hedonism. This is no different - it is a compilation of short devotional readings that apply those two themes to various topics.

There is no common thread in these devotions, but to me that is part of the fun of this book. Piper is all over the map here - from marriage, to zeal, to doctrine, to reading, to abortion, to missions, to parenting, and dozens more. I find it spiritually and intellectually challenging to open up to a page and to be called upon to think about a topic that I don't usually think about. And, as I said, with this "supremacy of God/Christian hedonism" theme running throughout, the book helps expand one's worldview, seeing all of life as being lived for God's glory.

Great book - well deserving of 5 stars.

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