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Book reviews for "Williams,_John_Edward" sorted by average review score:

McCormick on Evidence (Hornbook Series; Student Edition)
Published in Hardcover by West Information Pub Group (1999)
Authors: Charles Tilford McCormick, George E. Dix, Kenneth S. Brown, Edward J. Imwinkelrie, Robert P. Mosteler, E. F. Roberts, John William Strong, and Kenneth S. Broun
Amazon base price: $48.00
Buy one from zShops for: $47.49
Average review score:

The best book on evidence
My professor suggested this book and deemed it the "Bible on Evidence". I bought it and it is. A great book that will clear up many of your questions. If you don't understand what your law professor is saying, this book will make it clearer.

Physics of the Interstellar Medium
Published in Textbook Binding by Halsted Press (1980)
Authors: John Edward, Dyson and D. A. Williams
Amazon base price: $35.95
Used price: $9.00
Average review score:

Good Introductory Text
A concise and clear introduction to the interstellar medium. Chapters 5 to 7 on radiatively excited regions and gas dynamics are particularly well written (half the book). The rest of the book is perhaps too concise to cover adequately topics such as dust properties and star formation.

Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels Vindicated & Established
Published in Hardcover by Dean Burgon Society Press (01 January, 1998)
Authors: Dean John William Burgon, from Who Was Dean John William Burgon? ], and M.A. Edward Miller
Amazon base price: $16.00
Used price: $26.26
Average review score:

Great book, but not easy reading!
I wouldn't recommend this book to the beginning student of textual criticism, but it is a very well done work. Burgon died in the late 1800's, when people in general could read beyond a 5th-grade level, so the language and sentence structure used within do not yield an easy-to-read book for the modern reader. Not that that is a detriment, of course, but many readers might find reading it too much work. While not necessary, an ability to read Greek and even Latin would be helpful in getting maximimum benefit from this book.

That said, this work does an excellent job of discrediting the "revised text" that has in many circles replaced the Traditional Text of the New Testament (from whence came the King James Version of the Scriptures). The reader will also get a lesson in some of the methods scholars (and quasi-scholars) use to determine which of two variant readings is the one that the Holy Spirit insprired.

America and the Sea: A Maritime History (American Maritime Library, Vol 15)
Published in Hardcover by Mystic Seaport Museum Pubns (1998)
Authors: Benjamin W. Labaree, William M. Fowler, Edward W. Sloan, John B. Hattendorf, Jeffrey J. Safford, and Andrew W. German
Amazon base price: $45.50
List price: $65.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $34.95
Collectible price: $52.94
Buy one from zShops for: $45.17
Average review score:

Extremely difficult to handle though interesting.
Book is too massive to hold while reading. Pages not sequential due to frequent insertions of other articles and reproductions. Good nautical history but doesn't flow . A difficult read and practically impossible in bed.

Magnificent in breadth, depth, and presentation!
"America and the Sea" is a magnificent study of our maritime history. It is magnificent in breadth starting with Norse settlements in North America and continuing through the end of the 20th Century. It is magnificent in depth as it delves deeply into key areas of historical importance. With numerous vignettes, the authors are joined by others in capturing detailed views of people and events that make history come alive. It is magnificent in presentation as it uses colorful illustrations and pictures, many with captions that are history lessons in themselves.

Writen by several of our nation's pre-eminent maritime scholars, "America and the Sea" successfully blends together our naval history with the more traditional view of maritime history.

While handsome (and large) enough to be a coffee-table book, it would be a shame if that were its only use. "America and the Sea" should be read time and time again by all who have an interes! t in our nation's history.

Augustus: A Novel
Published in Paperback by Viking Press (1979)
Author: John Edward Williams
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $3.00
Buy one from zShops for: $13.98
Average review score:

Well Researched but Disjointed
If you love Roman history, you'll love this book. It'll give you interesting and new details, as well as new perspectives from which to look at the history of the late Republic and early Roman Empire.

If you don't have any background in Roman history, however, this book may mystify you. It's extremely detailed and well-researched. There are some arguments that can be made about his using kid-gloves with Augustus regarding Cicero's death, the proscriptions, and a number of other dastardly deeds. These are never Augustus' fault, and if they are, well, they are what any of us would have done in his place the author seems to say. And Marc Antony is not just presented here as a loser, but also as a madman. Still, this is a book about Augustus written with great affection, so I don't find anything unnatural about the author choosing to interpret all events in his favor.

The story is written in non-chronological order in the form of letters and journal entries, from various perspectives. I personally felt that this made the story hard to follow. Moreover, because of this, it's almost impossible to get to know any of the characters particularly well as they must share the stage with so many others. If there is any character we get to know well, it is Julia, who all but steals the show. This is unfortunate because the one person we end up knowing the least is the subject of the book. Augustus.

When you close the book at the end of the night, you have learned a great deal, but you know little more about Augustus the person than before you started reading. And that's regrettable.

ignored masterwork
i am absolutely galled that no one has reviewed this classic tale of Roman life in the empire's infancy. As the publisher stated, this work was meticulously researched, seemlessly combining a tawdry soap opera-esque element with a hard, eloquently written, historical narrative.This book should be required reading in every high school in America! .I much preferred it to the often-tedious, "I, Claudius"

27th Report [session 1997-98]: Student Mobility in the European Community: [HL]: [1997-98]: House of Lords Papers: [1997-98]
Published in Paperback by The Stationery Office Books (1998)
Authors: William John Lawrence Wallace Wallace of Saltaire and Thomas Edward Bridges
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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7th Report [session 1998-99]: Schengen and the United Kingdom's Border Controls: [HL]: [1998-99]: House of Lords Papers: [1998-99]
Published in Paperback by The Stationery Office Books (1999)
Authors: William John Lawrence Wallace Wallace of Saltaire, Thomas Edward Bridges Bridges, and Anthony Paul Lester Lester of Herne Hill
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The broken landscape : poems
Published in Unknown Binding by AMS Press ()
Author: John Edward Williams
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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Bruce Grit: The Black Nationalist Writings of John Edward Bruce
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Tennessee Pr (2003)
Author: William Seraile
Amazon base price: $34.00
Buy one from zShops for: $34.00
Average review score:
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Butcher's Crossing (The Gregg Press Western Fiction Series)
Published in Textbook Binding by Gregg Pr (1978)
Author: John Edward Williams
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $3.65
Collectible price: $37.06
Average review score:
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