This book would really make an excellent companion or first read for anyone interested in the WWII genere.

Although none of the writers on stylized spoken intonation attempt to identify the musical pitches which they refer to, a reader with musical training might be able to identify those pitches. [...] and see if you agree that the four pitches of American stylized spoken intonation are do, mi, so, and la.

Multi-Level Marketing (today known as network marketing) was euphamistically referred to as pyramiding. Personal development systems were and in some cases still referred to as "feel good" hokey pokey programs designed for the gullible.
Imagine a 8th grade drop out with a severe speech impediment due to a harelip challenging people to "Dare to Be Great" and having the audicity to presume that he could lead people to financial independence and freedom!
The fact is that Glenn W. Turner did in fact turn five thousand dollars into over a quarter of a billion in under three years and through his company, Turner Enterprises, paved the way for 800 people to achieve a 7 figure income in the 1970's and in record breaking time.
He showed people how to "better their best" and taught success and leadership principles used through the centuries.
Turner amassed a net worth reportedly in excess of $350 million, owned a lear jet, a castle in Oveido, Fl, was one of the largest employers in Orlando and became "American of the Year" in 1972 beating out people like Art Linkletter.
Turner had 700 lawsuits filed against him ostensibly by over eager lawyers and spurred on by politicians looking for votes.
Glenn W. Turner was a rich, easy target. Multi-Level Marketing was an easy industry to attack and Turner was the King of MLM in 1970's USA.
Turner successfully defended 699 lawsuits, but the suits and negative media publicity achieved it's intended purpose bleeding Turner of his cash flow and his lawyer. Turner lost one lawsuit and spent some time in prison as a result. But the real question still remains, "Did Glenn W. Turner really do anything wrong?"
To the people who worked with and knew Turner personally, GWT exuded charisma and integrity. He was a real life hero, bigger than life who challenged them to "Dare to Be Great" and then showed them how they could indeed become great.
Koscot cosmetic products were state of the art. Dare to Be Great success program delivered on it's promises.
Unfortunately, to the American media, Turner was a hero that they despised and they revised his image even though it had nothing to do with fact or reality.
To the American courts, MLM was an "illegal pyramid scheme" and needed to be taken down. Be aware that these were the same courts that attempted to stop franchising a decade earlier on the basis that franchising was "an illegal pyrimid scheme" and "was robbing people of their life savings."
Today network marketing also known as muti-level marketing or MLM has attained respectability and is a huge industry. But Glenn W. Turner paid a heavy price as a pioneer and as the King of Network Marketing.
There are books such as "Con Man or Saint" and "The unstoppable American" and "Turner, Turner, Turner: The King of Network Marketing" which go into greater detail about KOSCOT Interplanetary, Dare to Be Great and The Great American Mail Fraud Trial.
Did Glenn W. Turner really do anything wrong? Did he bother people that much only because he was worth millions while they were worth thousands?
I submit that Glenn W. Turner didn't do anything wrong. And what he did do was to develop people and show them that they could have anything they wanted in life if only they were willing to step up on their toes and go for it!

This book takes the first steps towards pulling away the entrappings of nationalism from historical inturpretation, critically examining what exactly it was the Japanese were doing in Korea from a more objective stance.
Research of this kind was too long in the coming, and it is hoped that this will not be the last to analyze an all too often misunderstood (if realized at all) part of Korean, Japanese, and East Asian history.