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They have to overcome many obsticles to come to realise they love each other and finding they do they realise that love is strong enough to change the prophecy of what must be.
The BRIDE FINDER is a very rare book with some wonderful and not so wonderful characters. The story will hold you right to the very last page. I was so sad when Roman, who was a very nasty member of the St.Leger family died. He finally made his peace with Anatole just before he died. They both hated each other from the day they were born, thanks to Anatole's parents rejection of him. Anatole's mother wished Roman was her son because he has not inherited the St.Leger curse, like her own son has.
Buy this book, you won't be disapointed with it. I'm just about to start the sequel to this story called THE NIGHT DRIFTER. This one is about Lance, son and heir to Castle Leger, one of Anatole and Madeleine's twin son's. I can't wait to finish it.
For those of you who want to know if there will be a third book in the series, there will be. It is called VALENTINES BRIDE ( Lance's twin brother) and will be released in the winter of 2001. There is a sneak preview at the end of THE NIGHT DRIFTER. I can't wait.....

Used price: $15.00

Used price: $3.14
Collectible price: $14.28

This novel was funny & sexy and I'd recommend it.

Used price: $4.98

This story is about a Highland lass who ask's the King of scotland for help. Her clan is dieing off form a feud that has lasted 700 years.
Alainna is sent a Norman knight Sebastein Le Bret. By the kings order she is to marry this kinght. Alainna dose not want to marry him she wants a highlander. She want this highlander to take on her name as well.
Alainna and Sebastien are handfasted, but he will not take her name. as you read this story you see that they both have very strong pride. you are drwan into their love for one another hopeing that they will let go of their pride and stay together. This is a must read you dont want to put the book down till its over. I loved this book I could really feel what the both of them were feeling I cryed when they did and laughted when they did!

Used price: $2.65
Collectible price: $3.69

There's plenty to enjoy in this novel. Isaacs has such a pleasant style and is so clever, this book will keep you laughing throughout. Plus, you have to love a heroine who, after, being dumped by her adulterous husband, manages to solve the mystery surrounding his murder plus makes time to enjoy not one, but two, affairs while on the lamb. The characters are well-crafted and entertaining. Isaacs does not hesitate to allow the main character to poke fun at herself either. Plus, it is fun to find out the secret life her husband has been leading ever since they struck it rich. The only detractor was that I figured out "who done it" very early on. So, to me, the ultimate solving of the crime was definitely not the highlight of the story.
I read this thick book over a weekend, while in the car on a long trip. It was thoroughly entertaining, and made me promptly go out and purchase another Isaacs novel--"Lily White". Even when I do solve the mystery sooner than the protagonist, Isaacs keeps me laughing, and I'm always anxious to read some more.

I don't agree with or endorse everything in it, but I have to confess, this is a great, great book to read.
First, it's funny. The funniness is the most significant part of it. How many stories about estranged dead husbands are funny, especially when the ex wife wishes he were neither dead nor estranged? But Rosie, the heroine, is irrepressible... and that has nothing to do with the fact that we're both English teachers. She is, in her own words, postmenopausal, and she's Jewish, while I'm neither. But we both do have dark hair.
Anyway, Rosie's husband is dead, and the next best thing about the book is that he was murdered. He was stabbed in the chest with a knife, and everyone thinks that Rosie did it, though all she wanted at that moment was a hot dog. As the book evolves oh-so-deliciously, we learn that someone familiar to the deceased did in fact do it, but who? The well paced and clever plot unfolds without wasting time nor skimping on details, and despite the fact that I'm a savvy voracious reader, the murderer was a total surprise to me. Total. Talk about a totally logical though well-concealed perp!
Isaacs liberal sensibilities are poured all over this tale, which do in fact conflict with my own perspectives, but I find it relatively easy to overlook the ideological differences I have with this book to savor its finer qualities. The only other problem I have with it deals with Rosie's knight in shining armor... Isaacs never does spell out why he didn't ask her to the prom in high school.
Read it! You'll love it.

Used price: $17.75

The story creates a foundation in the 1860s-when a Dakota warrior-Ghost Horse, lost his love-Red Dress. Since then, their spirits have sought to be reunited, and it is the playing out of this drama that shapes the sometimes violent fate of those who have come after them. The story jumps to the 1980s,where Charlene Thunder, a teenage descendant of Red Dress, is in love with Harley Wind Soldier, a traditional dancer of Ghost Horse's lineage. When Harley's soulmate, Pumpkin, dies, Charlene suspects her grandmother, the infamous Anna Thunder- who is both revered and feared by the Dakota community.
Charlene and Harley strive to make peace with the ghosts of their pasts while contending with the living. Other significant characters include Jeanette McVay, an American college student studying the tribe; Crystal Thunder-who must escape to Chicago to find her past; Herod Sall War-a member of the community who provides spiritual guidance; and Margaret Many Wounds-Harley's grandmother who he sees walking on the moon.
The story combines the mythic and supernatural aspect of the Dakota heritage with the contemporary Dakota tribe to serve as a very entertaining and interesting text!

Power recreates the world of magic and spirituality in a tapestry of beautiful language and webs of stories. "The Grass Dancer" is about the traditions of the Dakota Indian people-both past and present-and the narrative switches from one narrator to another, giving us multiple perspectives into the lives of these characters. The chapters go back in time, so that events unfold in front of our eyes, making the present situation of these characters understandable. Each character seems to be finding a way to be complete, and at the end of almost each chapter, each one of them sprouts strong and resilient, like grass that is hard to pull out. Power brings us in a journey through time and space, illustrating the power of imagination, such as the possibility of walking on the moon.
Grass serves as a symbol of power, particularly Indian power. Dancing becomes a way in which an Indian keeps his or her hopes up, making it a dance that is imbued with a kind of survival energy. Power's message in this book can be summed up in this sentence, where she writes, "...look at the magic. There is still magic in the world."
This book is infused with humor to keep you interested, and spirituality to keep you inspired. The presence of love among characters is so moving that it will stir your emotions. All in all, Power hits every aspect of an Indian's life: the dichotomy between Indian and white culture, the problems that arise out of dual heritage, disease, spirits, magic, ancestral powers, religion, and love. I would re-read this book, whether it be for inspiration, or simply for pleasure. Perhaps you would find the same joy by reading this incredible story.