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Book reviews for "Webster,_Richard_A." sorted by average review score:

Feng Shui for Apartment Living
Published in Paperback by Llewellyn Publications (1998)
Author: Richard Webster
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $1.99
Collectible price: $6.35
Buy one from zShops for: $4.98
Average review score:

Feng Shui for Apartment Living
I returned to New York City from a two month spiritual "vision quest" in Nepal and Thailand where I became interested in learning about Feng Shui. I bought Mr. Webster's book from "my" spiritual bookstore and read the entire book that night. As a beginner I found it to be clear and easy to follow. Within two days I had learned (1)where each area (money, fame, family, marriage, etc.) were in my apt., (2) that in fact my building and apartment were compatible with my element, and (3) I cleared the energy in my studio apartment, charged and properly activated each area. Within two months I adopted my wonderful dog (quite by "accident"), met my current wonderful boyfriend, and went back to my well paying job.

I have since lent the book to friends as a great introduction to Feng Shui. In fact, I am currently reading another book by Mr. Webster entitled "Spirit Guides & Angel Guardians". I didn't know it was by the same author until after I bought it. It, too, is clear and each to follow.

Feng Shui for the Workplace
Published in Paperback by Llewellyn Publications (1998)
Author: Richard Webster
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $2.95
Collectible price: $8.47
Buy one from zShops for: $2.95
Average review score:

feng shui for the Workplace
i recieved this book from a co worker as a gift and it was very helpful in finding balance and harmony in a hectic workplace. I recommend it highly and feel it can help you transform the most stimulating environment to a serene dwelling.

How to Write for the New Age Market
Published in Paperback by Llewellyn Publications (2003)
Authors: Richard Webster and Nancy J. Mostad
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.90
Buy one from zShops for: $9.82
Average review score:

Writing for the New Age Market
If you are an aspiring new age auther this is the book for you. This book takes you completely through the writing proccess. Richard Webster gives practical tips for outlining, publishing, and writing. If you are serious about wring for the new age market I would definitely suggest this book to you.

Introducing Astrology
Published in Paperback by Totem Books (1995)
Authors: Geoffrey Cornelius, Maggie Hyde, Chris Webster, and Richard Appignanesi
Amazon base price: $12.99
Average review score:

A remarkably clear introduction to Astrology
If I was looking for a single book to read that would really explain the principles of astrology to me so that I could carry on an intelligent conversation on the subject, this would be it. I have a shelf full of astrology texts and references, yet it is surprising how often I reach for this little book- primarily because I can quickly locate a topic which is buried in other larger, more "serious" tomes. Sure there are a lot of glossy, thick, "everything you wanted to know" books on astrology out there, but are you REALLY going to get around to reading one cover-to-cover? On the other hand, this little heavily illustrated introduction is written with intelligence and humor, and you'll finish in an evening or two.
I suppose my favorite part of the book is how it explains clearly that the planet represents the energy source, the constellation or sign is the filter that this energy must pass through, and the house is the area of influence in our lives. If you can keep this straight, then you have come a long ways.
This book is not going to teach you how to erect a natal chart. You really should go to a certified astrologer at least once in your life to have a natal (birth) chart done. That way, if you decide to learn how to do it yourself, you will have the professional chart to check your results against.

Is Your Pet Psychic: Developing Psychic Communication with Your Pet
Published in Paperback by Llewellyn Publications (2002)
Author: Richard Webster
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.75
Buy one from zShops for: $3.50
Average review score:

They Laughed When I Said He'd Come Back, But When He Did...
This book was highly entertaining to read. I must admit, I was *quite* skeptical of some of the suggestions in the book. However, my in-laws lost their dog about 2 weeks ago and I convinced them to try out Webster's tips for when your pet goes astray.

Sure enough, a few hours later, using his techniques, their dog came back. Now, I know that sounds crazy. Even they ribbed me about it saying it was a coincidence. Maybe so. But I am very glad to have read the book, regardless. I found it very helpful.

Skeptics will always be skeptics. That's understandable. It's very hard to admit when you are wrong. For those animal lovers out there, you don't need proof. Animal lovers will thoroughly enjoy this book and will find it very helpful indeed!

Las Cartas: Tecnicas De Adivinacion
Published in Paperback by Llewellyn Publications (2002)
Authors: Richard Webster, Hector Ramirez, and Edgar Rojas
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.00
Buy one from zShops for: $8.98
Average review score:

R.D.P. from Battle Creek, Michigan
I found this book on cartomancy to be the simplest to read. It is the third book I own on the subject, and am glad that Richard
Webster takes into account "The Joker" as the 53rd Card. His
references to Mademoiselle LeNormand and her beautiful cartomancy
deck with pictures was multireferenced as should be, and am glad
a few good words were put in for her. Brief definitions to the
numbers, court cards and the suits, i.e. Spades, Hearts, Diamonds
and Clubs were repeatedly emphasized, briefly yet thoroughly and
felt Mr. Webster had a sound and concise grasp on the divination
techniques of Cartomancy.

Overcoming Loneliness in Everyday Life
Published in Hardcover by Birch Lane Pr (1996)
Authors: Jacqueline Olds, Richard Schwartz, and Harriet Webster
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $3.85
Collectible price: $6.77
Average review score:

A thoughtful look at lonliness
I highly recommend this book to just about everybody. I am a child psychiatrist who Dr. Olds taught with as much common sense and kindness as she includes in her book. Lonliness pervades our lives today and this book gives you both an understanding of it and of how to address it.

Pendulum Magic for Beginners: Power to Achieve All Goals
Published in Paperback by Llewellyn Publications (2002)
Author: Richard Webster
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $6.94
Collectible price: $11.65
Buy one from zShops for: $8.00
Average review score:

EXCELLENT starter book ! ! !
I have, so far in my lifetime, only read 3 books all the way through more than once. One was the Bible, one was 'Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus' by DR. John Grey. And the other was this book. At the time of my first reading, I had an eye infection and was advised by several people not read... but I just could not put this book down. It has 'infected' me with a great urge to learn more about pendulums, which I am in the process of. I was lucky enough to be able to get the pendulum to work the first time I tried, but others may not be as blessed. The book describes many uses for a pendulum, as well as several examples to practice your pendulum skills with. There is not a lot of glitz in this book, which may turn some off, but I found it a very informative and interesting read.

Practical Guide to Past-Life Memories: Twelve Proven Methods
Published in Paperback by Llewellyn Publications (2001)
Author: Richard Webster
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $4.75
Buy one from zShops for: $4.49
Average review score:

Finally, An Easy Way To Uncover Your Past Lives!
I've been teaching past life classes for years. Occasionally, you run across a student that has a "block", they just can't get through to their past. I know it's frustrated me as well as others.

Finally, here's a book that gives you not one, but MANY ways to uncover your past lives. My personal favorite is the tick-tock method that is virtually foolproof and something I have never seen in print before.

Richard Webster's experience truly shines through in this book. If you've ever wondered about past lives and wanted to do it on your own, here's the book.

I highly recommend it.

Soul Mates : Understanding Relationships Across Time
Published in Paperback by Llewellyn Publications (2001)
Author: Richard Webster
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $1.95
Collectible price: $7.95
Buy one from zShops for: $3.10
Average review score:

Good reading
I just about read this book straight though in one sitting. Easy to read and fast reading. There are a couple of really good pieces of information that this book offers. I enjoyed reading it. I feel that anyone who reads it will atleast find something useful in it.

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