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Book reviews for "Tournier,_Paul" sorted by average review score:

Strong and the Weak
Published in Paperback by Westminster John Knox Press (1976)
Author: Paul Tournier
Amazon base price: $38.25
Used price: $20.00
Collectible price: $24.99
Average review score:

Another thought provoking book by Tournier
In his usual style, Dr. Tournier takes the time to develop his subject matter very thoughfully, thoroughly and compassionately. In this book, he contrasts the events and dynamics that lead some to become "weak" and others "strong". The compelling truth he reveals is that ultimately, we may act very differently but we are so much the same in our inner selves. A great book equally helpful for "strong" leaders to understand themselves and those they may be tempted to look down upon, as well as for those who struggle with self-doubt and insecurity, intimidated by the "strong"; also good for couples to gain insight into each other and how these common dynamics may play out in their relationships.

Strong and the Weak
This Swiss Doctor has written a very important book for all of us who want to better understand and appreciate others. Paul Tournier contrasts the terms "weak" and "strong" as they define the way we percieve ourselves and others.

He elevates persons who a utilitarian society might judge inferior and defines for us the sometimes misleading projections of a "strong" person. Very balanced and inclusive of all personalities types.

It was twenty years ago in Holland that I first read this book and it was for me a life changing encounter. It impacted my marriage, my parenting and my service and leadership around the world.

For two decades I have recommended it to others. I came to Amazon tobuy yet another copy.

Obviously I highly recommend Weak and the Strong. Also, the Frenchman, Jean Vanier's book, Community and Growth hits the highest mark.

Guilt and grace : a psychological study
Published in Unknown Binding by Hodder and Stoughton ()
Author: Paul Tournier
Amazon base price: $64.50
Used price: $8.49
Collectible price: $10.00
Average review score:

True and False Guilty
This book is a great source of comfort to those who struggle with sins that are created by men. It help all sincere Christians to find out if they are guilty of sinning (which is a conviction given by the Holy Spirit) or if their guilty is psychological.

Learn to Grow Old
Published in Paperback by Westminster John Knox Press (1991)
Author: Paul Tournier
Amazon base price: $12.57
List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.00
Collectible price: $6.50
Buy one from zShops for: $9.99
Average review score:

It's not just for the old!--Ways to enrich life
Paul Tournier has written a book designed to enrich the life of every adult. In "Learn To Grow Old," he shares the wisdom of the art of preparing for old age, a phenomemon that most of us will experience, but for which few of us will be ready. As his book reveals, preparing for old age will actually make our young adulthood as well as our mature years more rewarding as a result. Using leisure time most effectively is a learned behavior, as is enjoying the good of what life offers. Most of us pass rapidly by the joys of life in our rush to one appointment or another, one task, one volunteer session, one social event, and the like. Tournier reminds us concretely and thoroughly that the time to live life to the fullest is in the present, in anticipation of a richer future.

World-reknowned as a psychologist and author, Tournier's authority comes in part from his background in psychology, practice in medicine, knowledge of humanity, and religion. His is sound advice and he has unforgettable wisdom to share.

To Resist or to Surrender?
Published in Hardcover by John Knox Pr (1964)
Author: Paul Tournier
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $3.27
Collectible price: $6.49
Average review score:

The title does say all
This book is exactly about the subject indicated in it's title. Should I stand up against something which is wrong, or should I just surrender and let it pass. Tournier, in his inimitable way, discusses various aspects of this problem, well highlighted by case studies drawn from his medical practice. Hard to describe how fascinating this was, but I was amazed at the depth of insights the good doctor had on this issue. Mostly focuses on Christian perspectives, but not entirely, so those of any religious background or persuasion should find this useful.

Meaning of Persons
Published in Paperback by HarperCollins (paper) (1982)
Author: Paul Tournier
Amazon base price: $37.65
Average review score:

Spiritual Meaning
I find Tournier's writing very agreeable. He goes into the task of seperating the personage from the person. Basing it on dialect with others and having communication with your own spiritual self Tournier provokes many interesting thoughts. A good read.

Paul Tournier's "The Meaning of Persons"
I believe Paul Tournier began his career as a medical doctor in Geneva, Switzerland, in the 1940's, but so many people who came to him about their physical problems complained about their religious and emotional difficulties, that he trained to become a psychotherapist. He was a scientist as well as a devout Christian, and one of the main ideas of his books is the restoration of the doctor-patient human relationship in the practice of medicine. In that he may have been a forerunner of the holistic style of medicine that emerged about twenty yars later.
"The Meaning of Persons" is a good book to start with, if you are inclined to read books on healing with a Christian point of view. His style is intimate, readable, and charming, and his translators are very good. You will want to read more of his books.

A Doctor's Casebook in the Light of the Bible
Published in Hardcover by Highland Books (01 January, 1988)
Author: Paul Tournier
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $5.95
Average review score:

A brief overview
This book looks at healing from a biblical perspective. It is divided into three sections that are titled: "The Biblical Perspective", "The Problem of Magic" and "Life, Death, Disease and Healing". Some of the illustration are out of date and the author tends to be verbose.

Adventure of Living
Published in Paperback by HarperCollins (paper) (1979)
Author: Paul Tournier
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $5.95
Collectible price: $5.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Are You Nobody?
Published in Paperback by Westminster John Knox Press (1983)
Author: Paul Tournier
Amazon base price: $2.95
Used price: $2.90
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The Christian Psychology of Paul Tournier
Published in Paperback by Baker Book House (1973)
Author: Gary R. Collins
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $29.46
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The person reborn
Published in Unknown Binding by ()
Author: Paul Tournier
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $5.35
Collectible price: $7.99

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