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Book reviews for "Thomas,_Dave" sorted by average review score:

Programming Ruby: A Pragmatic Programmer's Guide
Published in Paperback by Addison-Wesley Pub Co (15 December, 2000)
Authors: David Thomas, Andrew Hunt, and Dave Thomas
Amazon base price: $44.99
Used price: $11.25
Buy one from zShops for: $14.19
Average review score:

Definitely worth the wait !
I've been using a bunch of interpreted programming languages, amongst them were awk, perl, scheme, python and I'll still use them for what they're at best, but then came Ruby (which IMHO combines the best of them all), and the book known as the pickaxe book. It's an introduction to the language, and a reference guide at the same time. It's not intended to absolute beginners, it just requires the reader to have some knowledge of classic programming languages, and some OO knowledge...

Very high quality book with lots of details and examples
I'm very new to Ruby, but I find learning new programming languages fun and challenging. I like to dig in as quickly as possible, using what examples I can find to show me how the language works, and reading the documentation when I have to. After getting a feel for the language, I start reading the books. I don't start with books, usually, because they're often not geared for a programmer learning a second language.

But I found Programming Ruby to be an excellent starting point -- it provides the quick-start help I need by giving numerous and well thought-out examples both in the body of the text and in the reference section (see below).

The chapters are well arranged (and even include information on distributed Ruby on page 272, often where most texts just start talking about file I/O!), with the first 276 pages devoted to an introduction to the language. The last 250-or-so pages contain an excellent library reference, alphabetically arranged.

The devil is in the details, though. And here, AW put a lot of thought into the finer points. The type is clear; the typographic conventions are standard and, if you've used any other typical programmer's text, easy to follow. So far, this is what you'd expect from any good computer title. In addition, however, they have added an easy-to-use thumbtab system for the alphabetical arrangement of the reference section, so finding a particular entry is quick and easy. Each entry in the reference section is clearly laid out with a class hierarchy (including super- and subclasses), parameters, description, "Mixes in" and a list of all class methods (most (if not all) with examples and output. All well-designed not only for the experienced Ruby programmer but also for the novice.

The index is thorough, with helpful vertical lines between the columns, and the reference section entry is identified by bold page numbers.

All in all, I would highly recommend this book for new Ruby programmers. There are still a number of things I don't understand about Ruby, but this book is an excellent place to start. It sets the bar very high for future books on this new and exciting programming language.

A real page turner
Well I have been up all night long reading 'Programming Ruby' cover to cover. I've been thinking about getting into Ruby programming for a while now, but lack of documentation and lack of time has always stopped me. However, after reading this book I am thoroughly hooked on Ruby.

Not only does the book have an excellent tutorial which goes over major Ruby concepts and the majority of the language you will encounter on a daily basis, but it also has an indispensable language and standard library reference, as well as an overview of the C API and details on the inner workings of the Ruby interpreter.

This book is definitely worth picking up if you want to start dabbling in Ruby, and is almost a requirement to have on your desk during heavy hacking sessions.

Statistics for Business and Economics
Published in Hardcover by South-Western College/West (1900)
Authors: Thomas A. Williams, Dave R. Anderson, and Dennis J. Sweeny
Amazon base price: $94.95
Used price: $20.00
Buy one from zShops for: $85.00
Average review score:

An Excellent Book for Introductory Statistics
I only have the fifth edition of this book, but it is probably similar to this edition. I used this book, when I was teaching statistics many years ago. The book is very clear and it explains each statistical concept very thoroughly.

As an online statistics tutor, I find myself referring to it all the time. It has all of the topics that are normally covered in a first course in statistics. It also has some very good chapters on elective topics such as nonparametrics, sample surveys, and quality control. I took many courses in these subjects in undergraduate and graduate school, and I find that this book is a good review for some of the things I've forgotten.

I have many statistics books both elementary and advanced. This is one of only two elementary books that I would purchase again (my teacher's edition is losing the binding!).

It is probably the most complete book on statistics that I have ever read at this level. I would certainly recommend this book to anybody who is taking statistics for the first time. I would also recommend this book to statistics majors who plan to go into teaching and need a good review text.

A Very Helpful Book
This is a definately worthwhile learning tool which can aid anyone who is attempting to tackle statistics for the first time. The methods and theories are concise, direct, and most of all, clearly stated. The authors bring you step by step through each procedure and then offer exercises to demonstrate the process while giving you the confidence to go on.

This book was puchased midway through the semester. At that time I was struggling to maintain a C average. With the help of this book I was able to close the semester with an 89% average.

This book is easy to understand.
After taking this course for the second time, I found that this book really explained concepts well. I had trouble learning statistics the first time, but this book adds real-life applications making it easy to learn why it works the way it does. If you are hesitant or jittery about this class...relax. This book will make your life easier.

Continental Pilsener (Classic Beer Styles Series: 2)
Published in Paperback by Brewers Publications (1990)
Authors: David Miller, Virginia Thomas, and Dave Miller
Amazon base price: $9.56
List price: $11.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $5.99
Buy one from zShops for: $8.31
Average review score:

A great resource for the Beginning All Grain Brewer
This is one of my favorite of the classic Beer Styles Series. It is one of the shortest and Most concise, Miller doesn't go into a lot of history and obsecure style disscussion here, nor does he get too technical. What he does do is present the basics, and he does it all in a non-threating, easy to read style. This is a great resource for Pilsner Fans

This is why I can brew a good pilsner
Miller is a master at simplifying complex procedures. I recommend this book for good tips in brewing ANY variety of lager beer, not just pils. My pilsners are my best beers, due to this book and Noonan's New Brewing Lager Beer.

Depeche Mode
Published in Unknown Binding by Bobcat Books ()
Author: Dave Thomas
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $18.50
Average review score:

Depeche Mode are as they appear... Human and more individual
Learn how Depeche Mode almost didn't even happen and follow their career through amazement to their sometimes hard and difficult adjustments. Takes you from "Speak and Spell" to "Violator"

Well Done! the Common Guy's Guide to Everyday Success
Published in Paperback by Harper Mass Market Paperbacks (1995)
Authors: Dave Thomas and Ron Beyma
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $5.85
Average review score:

Dave Thomas story
Great pictures and interesting topic, but the writing was not well done!

well done
all i can say is this book is great. i loved the way it reads, and intorduces old fasion ideas that were all but forgotten

Dave is one helluva guy!!!
Dave Thomas is just amazing! He is so down to earth, yet so successful. A book cannot be judged by its cover. He has been through so much and accomplished so much. When you are done reading this book, you'll say to yourself, "If Dave can do it, so can I!" Buy it it! I can't give anyone better advice.

A Breed Apart: A Tribute to the Hunting Dogs That Own Our Souls, Volume 2
Published in Hardcover by Countrysport Pr (1995)
Authors: John Barsness, Thomas Bevier, Paul Carson, Chris Dorsey, Jim Fergus, Gene Hill, John Holt, Michael McIntosh, Dave Meisner, and Datus Proper
Amazon base price: $39.00
Used price: $30.00
Buy one from zShops for: $30.00
Average review score:

A Breed Apart a Tribute to The Hunting Dogs That Own Our Sou
I was inspired by the compilation of bird dog stories found within this book. If you enjoy the excitement, fear, despair, and elation associated with the training, ownership and running of all breeds of bird dogs, you will enjoy this book. The authors help you relive the moments you have endured with your own dogs in addition to helping you imagine the hunts you have yet to experience. This is a definite must read for bird dog enthusiasts.

For all dog lovers
I borrowed this book from a friend and had a tough time putting it down. Great stories from writers who truly love their dogs. A few of the essays are sad, but all of them allow us to share a part of a fellow dog lovers life with his best friend. Definitely a must read.

Caged Bird
Published in Paperback by Alethos Press, LLC (2002)
Authors: Dave Racer and Kenneth P. Kothe
Amazon base price: $15.37
List price: $21.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $15.26
Buy one from zShops for: $15.26
Average review score:

I WAS the first person to review this book.
But my review has never shown up in this space.

A Child's Garden of Grammar
Published in Paperback by University of Michigan Press (2003)
Authors: Tom Disch, Dave Morice, and Thomas M. Disch
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $7.79
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Bien Hecho!
Published in Paperback by Life Publications, International (1996)
Author: Dave Thomas
Amazon base price: $3.99
Buy one from zShops for: $6.99
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Classic Guitars of the '50s
Published in Hardcover by Backbeat Books (1996)
Authors: Charles Alexander, Tony Bacon, Dave Burrluck, Walter Carter, Paul Day, Andre Duchossoir, Thomas Goldsmith, Stan Jay, Larry Wexer, and John Morrish
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $12.47
Collectible price: $18.00
Average review score:
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