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Book reviews for "Theodorakis,_Michalis" sorted by average review score:

One Nation: Patriots and Pirates Portrayed by N.C. Wyeth and James Wyeth
Published in Hardcover by Bulfinch Press (2000)
Authors: N. C. Wyeth, Jamie Wyeth, Tom Brokaw, David Michaelis, William A. Farnsworth Library and Art Museum, and Lauren Raye Smith
Amazon base price: $28.00
List price: $40.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.95
Collectible price: $9.53
Buy one from zShops for: $14.14
Average review score:

Where are the Pirates?
It should be called "Patriots and Portraits". I have the book and went to see the show, but the title is a misnomer. You will be very disappointed if you are looking for N. C. Wyeth's pirate paintings. The are no Pirate paintings. The N.C. Wyeth paintings are mainly war and patriotic painting. The Jamie Wyeth paintings are mainly portraits of patriots.

Where are the Pirates???
I have the book and went to see the show, but the title is a misnomer. It should be called "Patriots and Portraits". You will be very disappointed if you are looking for N. C. Wyeth's Pirate paintings. The are no Pirate paintings. The N.C. Wyeth paintings are mainly war and patriotic paintings. The Jamie Wyeth paintings are mainly portraits of patriots.

The Two Greatest Wyeths
This book shows the comparison of grandfather (N.C) and grandson's (Jamie) work. An excellent study. I have always considerend N.C.'s work superior to any of the other Wyeths, Andrew specifically and in particular. This book pretty much affirms it. Check it out.

Mussolini and the Jews: German-Italian Relations and the Jewish Question in Italy, 1922-1945
Published in Hardcover by Oxford University Press (1989)
Author: Meir Michaelis
Amazon base price: $95.00
Used price: $96.17
Collectible price: $52.94
Average review score:

Michaelis argues that full-fledged anti-semitism, as opposed toanti-semitic resentments, did not serve Mussolini's interests untilrelatively late in his career. It was only after he decided to establish an empire in Africa that he began to pay attention to racial "problems". One of the first racist acts of the fascist government was the warning, in October 1935, against intermarriage with Africans. Michaelis concludes: "That Italian Fascism arrived at some sort of racial doctrine independently of German influence is perfectly true; for the ban on miscegenation in Africa was decreed before the birth of the Axis. It is equally true, however, that this doctrine did not take on an anti-Jewish character until Italy became a pawn of the Reich." Although we should be careful not to overgeneralize from this study, it seems clear that in the Italian case, at least, anti-semitism was more the product of calculation than fervent hatred. END

Complete .50-Caliber Sniper Course : Hard-Target Interdiction
Published in Paperback by Paladin Press (15 March, 2000)
Author: Dean Michaelis
Amazon base price: $42.00
List price: $60.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $41.95
Collectible price: $63.48
Buy one from zShops for: $39.99
Average review score:

Hard-Target Interdiction
The book contains a lot of information, much of it good background info and a good read for people with an interest in the subject matter. However, I would be careful about characterizing the work as a "Complete .50 Caliber Sniper Course" or anything approaching a "Hard-Target Interdiction" protocol. It is neither, in my view.

Anyone having with so-called "designated marksman" experience(using current politically correct language)knows full well that there is no one as necessarily self-confident and as self-reliant as the sniper. These attributes alone preclude the application the "cookie-cutter" or "formula" approach taken in the book.

As regards interdiction, the effort will be short-lived and unsuccessful given a presumption of an untalented target. In the real world, combatants are often relatively equally resolved, talented, and eqipped and success and failure are separated only by a greater level of paranoia and prevailing circumstances, with the target having the home town advantage. A successful effort, followed by an unsuccessful evasion (capture), may be expected to result in the sniper's swift execution and an unsuccessful mission.

The real world is a cold and harsh one. That which is needed to survive in the world into which the author takes his reader cannot be taught the way he strives to teach it and success and survival cannot be achieved with the insights and tools he provides.

Read the book, enjoy it for what it is - a good read on a subject that is, for most, an esoteric one in which many have an interest and there isn't too much around to read.

Very good, but contains some mathematical errors.
This book is, overall, very good. The tactical and fieldcraft information is superb. Highly technical shooters should be aware that the information presented on "The Mil" on page 122 is erroneous. The correct values are: (1) There are 6283.2 mils in a complete circle; (2) 1 mil = 3.438 MOA; and (3)1 mil @ 100 yards = 3.600 inches. Use of Michaelis' values will put you off by 0.225 MOA (2 inches at 900 yards).

A great resource for long distance shooting
I read this book primarily for two reasons: (1) learn how to adjust for all factors in order to be on target with the first shot in varying conditions and at varying distances not known in advance of ranging, and (2) get an idea of specific makes and configurations of long distance rifles, optics, and related equipment so that I could make an intelligent selection. This book has been remarkably good in these two areas. It does present the information you need to know to dial in your shot accurately and adjust for changes in temperature, altitude, distance, and so on before you take the first shot. I've been pleased with the results using Dean's book and data tables. I've also used his reviews of rifles and optics to make purchases that I've been happy with.

If you have questions in any of these areas, this is a excellent book. Much of the book will be useful to you. The title does not fully reflect all the information contained in the book, though. It contains tons of useful information whether you shoot the big 50s or just 308s and 338s.

As far as other parts of the book of interest to real snipers or wannabes, such as target selection, evasion, etc, I have no expertise to judge, although I found the chapters an interesting read. My personal theory of combat is "when they're in range, you're in range" and therefore I'd just as soon stick to shooting paper targets or fresh venison.

COM+ Programming from the Ground Up
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill Osborne Media (18 July, 2000)
Authors: Mark Michaelis, Herbert Schildt, Wendy Rinaldi, and Herb Schildt
Amazon base price: $39.99
Used price: $2.99
Buy one from zShops for: $18.87
Average review score:

Mr. Michaelis does not shine.
I read this book on COM+ and I must say that it is not good. Mr. Michaelis simply does not write correctly. I must say that broken English is fine when chatting with the guys at the office, but wholy unneccessary when in print. But I guess this is a technical book so I should review my problems with the programming. While they are numerous they can best be described as "theoretical." I think the examples are very contrived. It is my opinion that Michaelis does not have a lot of real world experience. Better examples would have elevated my score on this one.

Good Read BUT.......
Personally, I have read a few of the Ground Up Series of books and I do like them. The book is easier to follow than many of the other books out there, However, I have found that the examples do not work when you type them in. That was a source of great fustration to me....

This book begins with a look at how to program COM using raw C++ and then transitions to ATL. This provides a superb foundation in the underlying COM internals so that it is clear how COM works under the covers. After showing how to build a COM server and Client using ATL it discusses the essential COM principals such as IDL, #import, oleautomation data types, error handling, DCOM etc. The chapter on the different threading models is especially good. Finally, it delves into the details of COM+ and builds an entire COM+ sample. The one week chapter is the chapter on events as the code is pretty complicated and the explanation lacking. In summary, this is a great book for learning COM and then a great reference book.

Retarded Kids Need to Play: A Manual for Parents and Other Teachers
Published in Paperback by Human Kinetics Pub (1983)
Author: Cyntha C. and Michaelis, Elaine Hirst
Amazon base price: $19.00
Used price: $6.94
Collectible price: $14.95
Average review score:

Parents of Retarded Children Resist Hirst!
In her preface, Hirst laments our overdeveloped society with its car infrastructure that poses dangers to retarded children, disallowing them to frolic and play at their own natural discretion. Her book, then, is a solution to such a problem, showing parents how to train these children to play in the safety of their own home. In an almost prophetic fashion, Hirst seems to have anticipated the 75% rise in child obesity that has occurred in the last 20 years since the publication of her book (1983). Therefore, she seeks to keep children's motor skills working despite the ever-tightening fast food and car culture constraints. However, one should be properly cynical of her solution which seizes control over play from the retarded children themselves, granting it to the very adults who created the restrictions of the dangerous landscape in the first place. One must ask then, do Hirst and her followers really want society to change and become more centralized with less cars and more green space to accomodate the chaos of a child's play? Or rather do they enjoy their newly justified control over one more realm of untapped nature, a retarded child's youthful energy? Hirst's proposed games for retarded children might confirm these suspicions of unsavory adult desire for domination. It's hard to imagine that the arbiters of instruction do not derive some sick satisfaction from witnessing retards submit to performing "rabbit kicks," "mule vaults," and other animalistic exercises, under the assumption that the children lack the capacity to question their degradation. This satisfaction, unfortunately, is not even the sole purpose of Hirst's games. It is merely a side attraction along the path towards manipulating the retarded children's newly acquired motor skills so that they may function to enhance the pathological society that led to the publication of _Retarded Kids_. Yes, you guessed it: Hirst's unconscious purpose is to control retarded children's play incrementally over the years in order to eventually get more retarded ADULTS in the fast food industry. All of this is not to dispel the good intentions of the special physical education establishment, but to suggest that parents of retarded children need to stop and take a self-reflective look at their unbridled delight in witnessing their flesh and blood behaving like rabbits, seals, mules, wolves, and other creatures.

Hirst's views on retarded education deserve to be heard
When I first picked up "Retarded Kids Need to Play," I was skeptical. It doesn't seem like retarded kids need much of anything besides our love. As a parent of a retarded kid myself, Cyntha's programs for exercise routines showed me how to make my child have fun in a way that fit in with my hectic lifestyle. From everything from "Circus" to "Seal" this book will have any retarded kid kicking like a mule and neighing like a donkey and liking it! Any parent or teacher who is at a loss about what to do with their special students should buy this book and learn about how much fun learning can be again.

C# Developer's Headstart
Published in Digital by McGraw-Hill ()
Authors: Mark Michaelis and Philip Spokas
Amazon base price: $24.99
Average review score:

A totally ridiculous book with almost no content
This book is a waste of money, there's almost nothing in it. It reminds me of the terrible "Presenting C#" book (although I will grant that it is much more accurate).

Any other C# book is a much better buy. For example, if you want a quick treatment get "C# Essentials" from O'Reilly. For learning C#, get Archer, Liberty or Gunnerson. For a complete application oriented book get Troelsen.

A well written primer on C# for a reasonable price!
This book introduced me to C# and I found it to be an excellent read. It is filled with lots of interesting and useful information. Coming from a Java and C++ background I was already familiar with OOP and this book goes over many differences between the above OO languages. This book will only wet your lips as it does not go into the details of actual programming windows applications, etc. (there are other books for that). However it gives you a rich background into the language itself, the differences between it and others, overcoming certain restrictions to the language, and porting code to C#. If you are interested in quickly learning the basics of the C# language and the .NET framework then this may be the book for you.

Quick Intro. to C# Language
Great intro to C#. It took only a couple days to read and yet it provided a insight into the language, the environment and the pitfalls one may encounter with C#. I recommend this if you want to gain a quick overview of C#.

Extrusion Dies for Plastics and Rubber: Design Engineering Computations (Spe Books)
Published in Hardcover by Hanser Gardner Publications (2000)
Author: Walter Michaeli
Amazon base price: $99.95
Average review score:


Michaelis Dicionario Ilustrado: Portugues-Ingles
Published in Hardcover by Distribooks Intl (1999)
Authors: Michaelis and F. Wimmer
Amazon base price: $75.00
Used price: $59.99
Buy one from zShops for: $75.00
Average review score:

comprehensive, useful dictionary
well organized, comprehensive, useful dictionary. The English translations could have been better proofread (some mistakes), but i don't know about the Portuguese side. Overall, only minor errors that cause minor complications. Serves its purpose for someone needing portuguese-english translations.

C/C ++ Annotated Archives
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill Osborne Media (13 August, 1999)
Authors: Art Friedman, Lars Klander, Mark Michaelis, and Herb Schildt
Amazon base price: $49.99
Used price: $7.49
Buy one from zShops for: $6.74
Average review score:

trivial code, plenty of mistakes, no way to get correct code
there are many mistakes in this code, most of which is trivial anyway. I contacted the person, at the email address provided on this book, got a response of acknowledgement but never got any corrected code, or instructions on how to get it through ftp etc. I'll be careful not to get burned by these authors again.

It's an Ok introduction
I agree with the majority of reviews, this book isn't as good as it sounds. Haven't tried using the code, but thought it was in a poor object oriented style, and doesn't lend itself to reuse straight off the CD.

A more detailed review an overview of the books chapters can be found at

Interesting collection of code snippets
I'm definitely in the minority here. I love these kinds of books. I find them a refreshing change from the continual stream of beginner/introductory C/C++ books that cover the same information over and over again ("hello world"). This book covers a lot of things that don't fall within the neat confines of the standard C++ primer, especially if you consider the Visual C++ genre.

This book covers a lot of ground, much of it is in the form of annotated source code: sorting, linked lists, b-trees, performing financial calculations, statistical applications, and implementing language interpreters in C++.

There are relatively few C++ classes in the source code. The bulk of the code is straight out C coding, to which C++ purist may object.

Although it bills itself as compiler independent, the chapters on Internet programming and fractal graphics are pretty much Visual C++ all the way.

Michaelis Pequeno Dicionario Frances­Portugues ­ Portugues­Frances
Published in Paperback by French & European Pubns (01 October, 1992)
Author: Helena B. Pereira
Amazon base price: $24.95
Average review score:

A working dictionary, but some mistakes in English
This dictionary translates into some words that are either misspelled or nonexistant in English. I'm not sure how the portuguese side of it is. Overall a good selection of necessary words, clearly organized, and works basically as a dictionary should. It just could have been proofread better.

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