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Book reviews for "Tekeyan,_Charles" sorted by average review score:

My Story About Cancer
Published in Paperback by Seven Locks Press (1999)
Authors: Charles B. Wolford, Faye Wolford, and Jeffrey A. Moscow
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $3.74
Buy one from zShops for: $3.99
Average review score:

Friend In Heaven
Just reading the reviews makes me cry, I can Look at the book without reading it and just cry. C.B.'s book brings faith into everyone's life, If u didn't know C.B. u just get the faith in his words, just imagine Being a close relative to him. C.B. was a gift from God he lightened everyone's day with His bright Beautiful smile. Caring for loved ones friends and strangers before himself That was C. I reccommend this book for everyone, You won't appreciate life till U read the Book and Take a trip down his road, the long struggle. Reading the book makes u feel like ur insides are tieing in knots, it makes u wanna cry most it does make cry. Even though he's gone I know the baby will watch over me and the rest of Family. And he probably will never know How Much I Love Him. And to everyone reading this, please don't take life for granite, love everyone and treat people equal. Well if nothing give respect. In Closing, C.B. I Love U.

I LOVED THIS BOOK,,, IT WAS GREAT AND I WOULD TELL ANY ONE TO READ THIS BOOK,,,cb was a great kid.. he thought of ever body but his self and you dont find that much hear any more on this earth... ever body bye this book in his memory and keep cb dream alive for him and his familey.. this is all he wanted.. .. iwould give this book 10 stars,,,, he was agreat child,, this book is sad,, but it is real life ,, what this kid went threw. .. cb is truley an angel..... ever body get this book,,, and see for your self what a god sent he really was,,,

such a blesson to all that new him
I thought the book was such a insperation. this child was such a light in so many people lives, it seem:s to me c.b might not have lived long but what he did in the 13 years he touched so many people s lives and he took what years he had and lived it to it fullest. i am so glad that this small child didnt fill sorry for his self and he didnt want you to eather, the book was very moveing and so so touching,, i wish that ever body buy;s this book and even better they make a a movie of cb's life wouldnt that be great to show ever one what a gifted and loveing child he was.. lets here it for c.b. and thank god for a wonderfull child the book was a 100 in stars,,,, if i could have rated it my self . a fan of c.b.'s in kentucky

Disclosing New Worlds: Entrepreneurship, Democratic Action, and the Cultivation of Solidarity
Published in Paperback by MIT Press (26 February, 1999)
Authors: Charles Spinosa, Fernando Flores, and Hubert L. Dreyfus
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.99
Buy one from zShops for: $12.27
Average review score:

Un libro para leer muchas veces
La noción de disclosive spaces y estilo nos produce una mayor apertura a otros mundos. Nos permite desarrollar sensibilidad a la manera de ser de cada uno y de los otros. La observación sistemática de anomalías pone más a la mano la posibilidad de innovación, le quita la connotación "mágica" que acarrea para nosotros. El estilo como esencia del ser histórico, y como juega con los disclosive spaces es una noción muy potente para impulsar cambios. Vivir cada cosa como momento único, para lo cual hay que darse tiempo para andar más lento por la vida.

Una Mirada Lateral
Hasta ahora, ser emprendedor me parecía ajeno a mis dominios. Sin embargo después de leer el primer capítulo y hojear el resto, me queda claro que las prácticas emprendedoras están a la mano y nuestra ceguera impide verlas. Es más, logré ver algunos aspectos de mi vida reflejados en la lectura y apareció frente a mi una conclusión: ¡Cuando joven me encontraba más cerca de ser un emprendedor!¿la razón?, muchos miedos se han apoderado de mí. Por consiguiente, debo no solo comprometerme con una práctica de atisbamiento sino que intentar transformarme en un atisbador y al menos a través de una articulación recuperativa explicitar algunas prácticas olvidadas y adaptar mi estilo. ¿Porqué digo una mirada lateral?, la razón básica radica en que aún leo desde un punto de vista cartesiano y este libro me invita a conversar, a observar y a observarme en mi distintos "disclosive space". Hasta aquí la humanidad se ha preocupado prioritariamente de extender sus sentidos. La cuchara es una extensión de la mano, los binoculares son una extensión de la vista, pero que solo permiten un mayor alcance. ¿Y el ser humano logra cultivarse con estas extensiones?. Es un libro con el cuál debo conversar una y otra vez y que me invita a una espiral de crecimiento personal.

Una ayuda para encarar la incertidumbre de esta época.
En la Introducción "Historia o el Fin de la Historia?", los autores declaran querer ayudar al lector a desarrollar una habilidad considerada esencial para ser un emprendedor, un virtuoso ciudadano y un cultivador de la solidaridad: " la de mirarse personalmente y ver al mundo, en forma regular y como cosa natural, de un modo nuevo. El propósito es desafiante para alguien que suscriba el pensamiento de G.K. Chesterton según el cual "cada vez que me proponen algo nuevo leo a San Pablo..." Prosiguen los escribientes diciendo que lo hacen "para apoyar las prácticas de los emprendedores en las economías capitalistas de mercado, de los grupos de acción ciudadana en las modernas democracias representativas y de las figuras de la cultura que cultivan la solidaridad entre los diversos pueblos de las naciones modernas". Creen, además que "esas prácticas deben ser preservadas. Spinosa y sus colegas divisan una destreza que subyace en los tres ámbitos de actividad descritos y la denominan "hacedora-de-la-historia". Describen el "feminismo" y la "carrera del espacio" impulsada por J.F. Kennedy como destrezas "hacedoras de historia". Luego de ensalzar las contribuciones de Galileo y Descartes a los hábitos de razonamiento, destacan como una prominente contribución de este último "el desapego" (o "la distancia") para interpretarse a si mismo y a las cosas. No obstante, resaltan quee -si bien- las prácticas cartesianas producen triunfos científicos, ellas nublan la adaptación a los cambios. Y un cambio mayor en nuestra época, descrito como "histórico", es la aparición de INTERNET que, penetrando en nuestras vidas se muestra como una habilidad occidental "hacedora de la historia" denominada "reconfiguración". Se reproduce,luego, un agudo análisis de Sherry Turkle sobre la inmensa influencia de INTERNET: "ha llegado a ser un importante laboratorio social para experimentar con la construcción y reconstrucción de si mismos, que caracteriza la vida moderna...estamos en transición en la manera de entendernos nosotros mismos... el NET funciona para facilitar el conocimiento de si mismo y el crecimiento personal". Deducen los autores que, en la era del NET(si ella llega), tendremos muchas destrezas diferentes para la construcción de identidad y nos moveremos alrededor de espacios virtuales y reales buscando maneras de exhibir estas destrezas, poderes y pasiones lo mejor posible. Al término de la Introducción se hace un recuerdo de nuestra relación personal con la generación a que pertenecemos y se insta a desarrollar una sensibilidad para decidir el camino de nuestras vidas en vez de seguir simplemente las tendencias imperantes. La intención del libro es, pues, "llamar la atención a que todos podemos hacer historia, tanto en nuestras vidas personales como cuando actuamos como emprendedores, ciudadanos virtuosos o cultivadores de la solidaridad". Creemos que los capítulos siguientes de este texto denso y desafiante ayudarán a los lectores a transitar por las vías que abren la profundas reflexiones de Spinosa, Flores y Dreyfus para encarar el mundo de la incertidumbre, el mundo del tercer milenio.

Introduction to the Devout Life
Published in Paperback by Alba House (1992)
Authors: De Sales, Saint Francis, Charles Dollen, and Francis de Sales
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $7.99
Average review score:

Dated but full of charm and good advice
St. Francis de Sales is one of the greatest of spiritual writers and writers, period. It is easy to be charmed by this guide to the spiritual life. He inspires the reader with a gentle, loving touch which I found delightful. He was also a very learned and experienced adviser when it came to things of the spirit. He seemed to have known about every difficulty that one has in the spiritual life and offers practical and wise solutions that anyone can carry out. If you are interested in reading the great spiritual classics, be certain not to miss this one. It will be well worth your time. I cannot imagine anyone finishing this volume without obtaining some excellent advice from it and also without making progress just from reading it. The only drawback is that it IS several hundreds years old and some of the theology is dated and will seem strange to modern, post Vatican 2 Christians. Do not let that keep you from this book, just keep it in mind when reading it. Highly recommended.

A spiritual guide for true Christian devotion.
A spiritual masterpiece for all Christians, Introduction to the Devout Life is rich with spritiual reflections and excercises. It mandates a slow, reflective read. The book focuses the reader on their past and present life rallying them to purge themselves of past sin and affection for present sins. St. Francis recommends spiritual exercises to avoid future spiritual decline, and unites the reader's future devotion with GOD. Introduction to the Devout Life is a "life" changer.

Draws you into His presence
Although this original text was written in the 1600's, it is as timely in todays modern world as ever. If anyone is looking for spiritual guidance and a way to grow closer to God, this book may help. Many of De Sale's examples are drawn from nature and help us to see our own sin and need for a loving God. The author provides insights on areas such as our own creation, on God's benefactions, on sin, on death, on paradise and our election and choice of heaven. It has changed my life and could change yours....

Life of Reilly
Published in Hardcover by Total/Sports Illustrated (15 November, 2000)
Authors: Rick Reilly and Charles Barkley
Amazon base price: $22.95
Used price: $15.95
Buy one from zShops for: $5.00
Average review score:

I Need More Swoosh
Anyone who even read the first few pages of the book would know what I am talking about in my review title. For years, Rick Reilly has been making me laugh on the last page of Sports Illustrated. Now, with this book, I get to relive some of those hilarious moments.

Rick Reilly is one of the best in the business. His writing is funny, off-the-wall, witty, and always informative, even if his subject is not something you really want to be informed about. He has a knack for making light of any subject, and he has written about almost everything imaginable.

This book compiles his absolute best pieces, and they truly are masterful pieces of writing. He uses a very candid language that allows the reader just to take his article in, usually laughing the whole way through.

The Life of Reilly is a perfect book for anyone who is a fan of the columnist, or even for those of you who are sports' fans. This book will make you laugh out loud, as it truly is just pure non-stop enjoyment. This book really is a "can't miss." Besides, anyone chosing Charles Barkley to write the introduction to his book has to be doing something write, er, right!

Proof-positive why Reilly's the one columnist SI ever needed
As a relatively new sports fan, I have only been reading Reilly's work for about two years. This book is an amazing compilation of his best articles, including his earlier work, which I hadn't been exposed to before. A great combination of Reilly's back page Sports Illustrated columns and his longer feature articles, this book had me both laughing and crying. Reilly has covered such a wide variety of sports, this book can be appreciated by fans of every sport.

Reilly is the King
Nobody writes about sport like Reilly. This is a great collection of his Sports Illustrated pieces. If you are a fan of sports journalism, this is a must read for you.

Unearthing Atlantis: An Archaeological Odyssey
Published in Paperback by Vintage Books (1993)
Authors: Charles R. Pellegrino and Arthur Charles Clarke
Amazon base price: $14.00
Used price: $0.69
Collectible price: $7.95
Buy one from zShops for: $3.99
Average review score:

Simply the Best
This is simply the best book I have read about archaeology since Gods, Graves, and Scholars. And it is the first book about the scientists who search for the past (actually written by one of them) that teaches us how to actually think in terms of deep time. Read this book and you will emerge from the "Mediterranean Genesis" chapter never viewing your own town, or anyplace on Earth, quite the same, ever again. The story of Atlantis itself, following the Frost/Marinatos hypothesis about the Minoan catastrophe of 1628 B.C. (a date finally fixed in stone by the Pellegrino synthesis), fitering down through history as the "kernel of truth" behind Plato's cautionary tale, is really the first book ever to approach this unsinkable subject from a purely archaeological and geological perspective, with no particular ax to grind. One learns why not even a small island, much less a continent, could have plunged through the ocean floor without leaving a significant and very easily seen geologic trace. Either Plato's Atlantis was based on an (only marginally) embellished and poorly understood account of history's largest known volcanic explosion (Thera/Santorini), or, according to Pellegrino, Atlantis did not exist at all. And to top all: the whole archaeological adventure is wrapped in some of the most elegant prose I have ever read.

A shining example of Minoan Archaeology
After reading Pellegrino's book, I was convinced that the myth of Atlantis truly stemmed from Crete and Thera. As a reader, I was a believer... as an archaeologist, I disagreed with Pellegrino and Marinatos, the head of the Theran excavations, as to the relation of Thera to Atlantis. Nevertheless, Unearthing Atlantis is an entertaining piece of literature with its merits in storytelling and historical perspective. I recommend this book with the advice to read more on the same subject and compare theories..

A brilliant piece on what is most likely the real Atlantis.

No review can do justice to this fantastic book. Pellegrino not only gives a matter-of-fact explanation of how the Atlantis myth arose, a fascinating jump back in history to the beginning of time, and information on everything from Edith Russell Syndrome to Love Canal, he also shows the real-life workings of archaeology and the fascinating lives of Spyridon Marinatos and Christos Doumas.

I've read a few other books of his, all of them great. I hope to read many more.

American Shelter : An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the American Homes
Published in Hardcover by Overlook Press (1998)
Authors: Les Walker, Lester R. Walker, and Charles Moore
Amazon base price: $45.00
Used price: $17.50
Collectible price: $20.12
Buy one from zShops for: $27.58
Average review score:

American Shelter
I own the poster American Shelter by the same author, and wanted to see the explanations behind the dates and titles. As an architectural historian, I've studied many of these styles, but there are some new variations of house styles that are not part of any other reference book. This book has fun graphics and easy to follow descriptions. For the trained historians, architects, etc., this book is an amusing addition to your collections. To the architectural housing enthusiasts, this could be a helpful resource.

Mysteriously mesmerizing
For reasons beyond my comprehension this book has a very strong gravitational pull. Even before I realized that this priceless compilation of architectural styles had a use I was attracted to it like a moth is attracted to a flickering light. Scientific studies show that moths fly into the light because of an intense parallax effect: moths find direction by the angle of the light, and the angle changes as the moth flies by, forcing it to veer off into the lamp in order to keep going "forward". Fortunately enough, contact with this book is not quite as damaging for you as it is for the above-mentioned moth, however alluring the prospect might be.

Every beautiful page of American Shelter is devoted entirely to a specific architectural style, which is usually described in terms of a large, detailed line drawing from a 3/4 above view, followed by several sketches detailing the dimensions, followed with a simplified sketch explaining the style's basic shapes, all finally elucidated by a written passage. American Shelter is as useful to the architect as it is to the writer as it is to the researcher. Enjoy.

American Shelter: a definite "keeper"
If your bookshelf only has room for one book on American architecture, this should be that book. Most of the books on architecture seem like a lot of style, but not much substance: many pages of pictures, often quite enticing, but leaving the reader with little knowledge of just what constitutes the various architecture styles so illustrated, or how styles relate to one another.

Lester Walker spent hundreds of hours researching various American architectural styles, going to such sources as the 1900's editions of Ladies Home Journal, which published plans for "A Small House With Lots of Room in it" by a young upstart named Frank Lloyd Wright. Walker gives us the first-floor house plans, along with a birds-eye view of Wright's "Small House." In this illustration Walker uses captions and arrows to innumerate the salient features of "Wrightian" architecture.

So it goes throughout American Shelter. Walker starts with the dwellings of American Indians and takes us through over 100 different styles that were popular at one time or another in our diverse history. A read through this book is a stroll through our history. The author not only points out the defining features of each style, but also tells why and how it came into vogue.

Color photos are not the only "must have" features conspicuously absent. Missing is also judgmental, cavalier, snobbery. No architectural style is treated as inferior, common, or "tiresome." Quonset Hut, Converted Train Car, and Prefabricated are given just as much respect as Victorian, International, and Prairie.

Examples of houses of various architects that typify or characterize each style are shown in line drawings with accompanying floor plans and often with illustrations on house building styles or techniques. For example, on page 71 a "method for making cedar clapboards" is illustrated. Balloon, Platform, and Post and Beam framing methods are explained with accompanying illustrations.

The book is about individual dwelling units, not apartment houses, and not commercial or industrial buildings. For what it is, and does, it is the definitive work. I have had many hours of enjoyable reading and learning from this book. My only complaint is with the bookbinder, not the author. Some of the pages of my copy are upside down! Perhaps, like the famous upside-down airplane stamp, my copy is rare and valuable? Then again: perhaps not, but right side up, or upside down, it has been well worth the purchase price.

One final piece of advise: buy the hardback copy, not the paperback. This book is a "keeper", one you will frequenly get down from the bookself to review, loan to friends (holding the friend's firstborn ransome for the book's return), and pass on in your will.

Copper Wire and Electrical Conductors: The Shaping of a Technology
Published in Hardcover by Taylor & Francis (1992)
Author: Barrie Charles Blake-Coleman
Amazon base price: $121.00
Average review score:

Copper Wire - Shaping a New Kind of History
This is the consumate example of how Industrial and Engineering history should be written - not only technically and historically comprehensive, but perfectly balanced in its social and economic context. Granted, the text is at times too much the thesis, but the author's attention to painting the full picture (and conveying the vitality of the subject, while meeting all the academic expectations) leaves the reader not only in a forgiving mood but admiring the author for his courage. This is, after all, virtually the original dissertation 'verbatim' and doubtless the author must have found the 'viva' somewhat of an ordeal. For those who wish to read a definitive argument for industrial change - analytical, thoughtful but most of all deeply interesting, 'Copper Wire and Electrical Conductors - The Shaping of a Technology' should be first on the list. Furthermore, for once the detailed references and footnotes are where they should be, directly accessible at the bottom of the page. Other publishers please take note!

Still in print - and rightly so!
I believe many will agree that this book deserves its longevity. Having obtained a copy on the strength of the Amazon reviews (below) I have (for the first time) no argument with the reviewers. Those who have praised the scholarship, structure and insight of Blake-Coleman's work were right to do so. Verso, the criticisms where they occur are justified. Particularly in the light of the fact that much of the research dates back some 20 years! Yet there is little extant that supersedes any of the book's contents, and that speaks volumes!

As a study in how economic and industrial history should be written 'Copper Wire - ' has few equals, as a research excercise and a marvellous story of industrial and technological change it is peerless.

Outstanding Study in Economic History
The author is a little dry in his review of early wire history. Recent archeological evidence would have made the first part of the narrative absolutely conclusive (and shorter) had it been available. As it is, the same conclusions are drawn but through a more convoluted and circumspect path. This aside, the general breadth and detail provided, especially in the later sections dealing with the development of electrical conductors, is very impressive. The fascinating text gives hitherto unrevealed insight into the way early electrical conductors became their modern counterparts. The extensive analysis is equalled only be the detailed references and footnotes. These are very useful and far better positioned at the foot of each page. The book captures not only the engineering and industrial changes that took place but gives the economic and social contexts too (All in a very assimilable way). I would recommend all aspects of this book, the authorship, the production values and the hugely difficult but indispensible editing which gave each page its own footnotes and references.

Success God's Way
Published in Paperback by Walker and Co. (2001)
Author: Charles F. Stanley
Amazon base price: $12.57
List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.99
Buy one from zShops for: $12.43
Average review score:

Reinforces God's Plan for each One of Us
I really enjoyed this book! It was more of a devotional book than anything else, touching on the principles of reaching true happiness, success, and evils such as greed and being negative. Success God's Way reminded me that in order to have true success one has to put God first and everything else will fall into place. I have now adapted one of the techniques that Dr. Stanley stated in the ladder part of his book, which is prioritize the initiatives and goals that you want to accomplish for the next day on a flash card before you go to bed and then put it in your pocket throughout the whole day. It is amazing how much more one can stay on task. The true examination I believe that this book illustrates is are one's goals Godly purposed goals striving to go along with God's plan, or are they individualized goals that do not fit in God's initiative, which makes their purpose lost and unmeaningful? Definately read Success God's Way!!!!!

God is the only path to real success
What a terrific book. Dr. Stanley points out that the only way to truly be successful is to follow the Lord's plan for you. Pray. Ask the Lord what He wants you do. Pray for the strength and courage to do it. Listen. Follow. They are simple guidelines to being successful. Success is not always measured by wealth and material things. Those are nice and all, but without the Lord, it's like trying to "buy love"; it just doesn't work.

Dr. Stanley relates certain experience to Scripture in ways that truly reinforce the messages.

I am actually going to go back and re-read the part on goals. I will set mine with the Lord's guidance, for maximum success potential.

I am a Christian, but not a Baptist. Dr. Stanley writes his book not on Baptist ideals but on true Christian ideals---right from the Bible. I am actually looking at purchasing some of his other books for additional spiritual knowledge and growth.

I will be giving this book as a Christmas gift to my brothers and sisters!

By far the best success book I've ever read.
This book is head and shoulders above any "success" book I have ever read. I have a virtual library of success literature by all the familiar authors, Norman Vincent Peale, Og Mandino, Zig Ziglar, et. al., but after adding this book to my collection I might as well throw all those other books away. Dr. Stanley does a splendid job of giving you the "nuts and bolts" of what it takes to live a successful life, presented in a straightforward, no-nonsense style. Unlike so much of the self-help junk on the market today, this book gives you PRACTICAL advice on HOW to achieve "success God's way." Buy it, read it, absorb it, and live it!

American Medical Association Family Medical Guide
Published in Hardcover by Random House (1994)
Authors: Charles B. Clayman, AMA, and James S. Todd
Amazon base price: $27.97
List price: $39.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.90
Buy one from zShops for: $19.99
Average review score:

Fabulous starting point and resource
I am a nurse practitioner and find this book to be very useful as a resource for my patients. When a patient or family member comes down with a new diagnosis, most people want more information to learn more about it. I use this book as a teaching tool so that they can start to learn about their health and personal illnesses. It lays a good foundation for initial health information. I personally like its emphasis on preventive care. It can also help you decide whether an ache or pain you have is serious enough to seek medical attention or not. This book is especially useful to anyone who is not in the medical field and needs immediate information about health or is just interested about health and disease. I highly recommend it.

A hypochondriac's dream!
Okay, I'm not a hypochondriac, sorry. My mother purchased an earlier edition of this book, published in 1982. I had that edition until I recently ordered this one to replace it.

I should preface the rest of my review by saying that I have a definite interest in medicine, and planned to become a paramedic. I did take my EMT-B certification (Emergency Medical Techinician-Basic) a few years ago, and this book was one of my resources for studying for tests and answering homework questions. So, I have a clear INTEREST in all things medical, and really enjoy just browsing through this book.

I find that I look things up in this book at least once a week. Sometimes I'll hear the name of a disease or illness on TV and out of curiousity to know more, I'll look it up. If I have a strange symptom, I'll look that up. I am single with no children, but this book would be an invaluable first-aid resource for a family with children or for anyone taking care of a sick or elderly friend or family member.

My favorite aspects of this book are the glossary of medical terms, the very complete and easy-to-use index, and the medication section. Several times I have looked up a medication to determine if it is safe to take with other medications, or to see if side effects are normal.

I think every household should have a copy of this book. Most of the information is timeless and very informative.

Everyone should have one in their home. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
This is the most clear and informative family medical book I've ever seen! (my parents have a Merck Manual and the Mayo Clinic Fam.and they are absolutely useless in comparison)

The FLOW CHARTS and BETTER information in a logical format are what set this guide apart and make for intelligent deduction/self-diagnosis and possible solutions.

The American Medical Association Family Medical Guide walks you thru your symptoms via these wonderful FLOW CHARTS suggesting possible causes and on what page to find further info.

This book will enable you.

Drug Information Handbook
Published in Paperback by Lexi-Comp, Inc. (1998)
Author: Charles Lacy
Amazon base price: $31.75
Used price: $9.06
Average review score:

The Bible of Pharmacy
This is the absolute bible of pharmacy. This is a good reference for generic/brand names, drug class, drug interactions, etc. There are also some very useful drug charts and treatment guidelines in the back of the book. However, it is a little weak on OTC drugs. Overall, this is an excellent portable medical reference.

Excellent Clinical Drug Information Resource
As a clinical pharmacy practitioner with a doctor of pharmacy degree, this is the one reference I reach for time and time again. The monographs are clear, concise and easy to use. The appendicies and comparative drug charts are excellent. There are also summarized guidelines, protocols, drug interactions, etc. for quick reference. I highly recommend this handbook.

This is the BEST drug guide that I have used
The Drug Information Handbook by Lacy et al is the single best drug guide that I have used. I keep it handy both on my desk and in my bag when I make visits to patients in the field. I advise all of my staff of nurses and hospice physicians to obtain a copy on a regular basis as it is the most concise reference book in the field. I supervise a hospice program and in that context I am speaking with pharmacists, physicians and families on a regular basis. I buy a new copy every year. It was with relief that I disposed of my nursing drug guides a number of years ago and switched to the Lacy guide.

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