It is a great educational resource for African American History.
Lia Matera has put together a remarkable anthology that has several excellent stories, some very good tales, and no poor entry. The cross-genre contributors are a modern day who's who with such noted authors like Oates, Cross, Deaver, Lutz, Buchanan, and Muller, etc. None of the writers are lightweights as they all hold their own with the heavyweights. Anyone who enjoyed the Battle of the Roses will fully relish each tale that paints a very dismal look at broken relationships.
Harriet Klausner
How can busy clinicians keep up with the flood of new self-help books, and know which to recommend? Guilford Press offers a solution. In an attempt to help the clinicians a guide to self-help resources in mental health has been published. It includes ratings and reviews of more than 600 self-help books, autobiographies and popular films. It also includes hundreds of Internet sites, and listings of online support groups. The book addresses 28 prevalent clinical disorders and life challenges – from Schizophrenia, Anxiety and Mood Disorders to Career Development, Stress Management and Relaxation.
To determine the usefulness of the self-help resources a series of national studies have been conducted over the past 7 years. The methodology consisted of a lengthy survey mailed to clinical and counselling psychologists residing throughout the USA. A total of 2,500 psychologists contributed with their expertise and judgement in evaluating the books, movies, and Internet sites. The self-help resources were rated on a 5-point scale (-2 to +2). These data were converted into a one to five star rating (negative ratings were given a dagger). On this basis, 19% of the self-help books were rated as “very helpful” and fortunately only 1% as “very harmful” [e.g. the assertiveness training book Winning Through Intimidation by Ringer (1973) and the weight management book the Beverly Hills Diet by Mazel (1981). Interestingly, many of the books by Scientologist guru L Ron Hubbard are categorized as extremely bad].
When looking more closely at a specific disorder, let us say for example panic disorder, there are some good books that I feel are missing. This is probably because of the rating criteria. In order for a book to be included in this self-help guide the psychologists used as referees had to know about the book beforehand. It was their rating of previously read books that mattered. Hence, if there were good books out there that had not been read by many referees [like the Australian panic disorder workbook by Franklin (1996)], they would automatically receive a lower rating. Thus, a low rating does not necessarily mean that a book is less helpful than a higher rated book – only that it has not reached a wide audience. For example, an excellent book, An End to Panic (Zuercher-White, 1998), previously recommended in a review article (Carlbring, Westling, & Andersson, 2000) was described as “highly regarded by the psychologists in our national studies but not well known, leading to a 3-star rating.” (p. 79). Another thing that disturbed me was that this particular author’s name was misspelled. Instead of Zuercher the surname appeared as Luerchen. No wonder the book was “not well known”! One wonders how many other errors this survey included.
In a perfect world all self-help books would be scrutinized in the same manner as other treatments. However, as a majority of the published books still have not been evaluated, this new guide to self-help is a step in the right direction. Despite questionable inclusion criteria and a few errors I thoroughly recommend this excellent guide to self-help
The book is clearly-written and well laid out - each chapter relates to a specific problem area eg mood disorders, men's issues, abuse, anxiety etc.
I found the recommendations on books particularly helpful - one can immediately determine which are the best books to read on their own specific problem. Clearly, the input of mental health professionals gives a "scientific" basis on recommendations which in turn leads to a systematic process of choosing which resources should be given credence.
Essential reading if you want to build up a collection of serious (i.e. most useful) self-help resources.
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Robert Thompson Smith pieces together the story of how the Cuban missile crisis unfolded and how it became resolved and the resolution may not be the way many of us understand it to be. Thompson Smith uses reports from the time and also official U.S. Government documents released in 1992 to give as true an account as possible about the secretive meetings between politicians, diplomats and bureaucrats. What I found most interesting was the decline of the relationship between the U.S., U.S.S.R and Cuba post WW2, which explains why the crisis developed in the first place. It also gives an excellen history of U.S./Cuban relations.
His writing style is humorous, if at times a little disjointed, and he's not afraid to make quips about a public figure's weight, personality or sexual activity (JFK in particular). It's one of those stories where even though you know what happens in the end you still are held in suspense, a credit to the authors ability to maintain the intrigue. There are comments and interpretations which have to be questioned given that we, nor the author, were there, but on the whole the author keeps an objective view on the situation. The aggressive nature of some of the military heirarchy and their willingness to go to war is astounding. No matter what you may think of Kennedy his ability to resist these advisors is admirable.
The only down side is that he seems to drag the early part of the crisis out, where the reader is keen to get into the nitty gritty we're still in the preliminaries at page 200. As a reader I was running out of steam by the end as there are so many names, places, dates and times it's hard not to be confused.
I will hand it to Thompson Smith as he finishes the story of the crisis with JFK landing in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Without any comment he leaves us with that and given all that was presented before we're left to think there were plenty of people who had motives to take part in Kennedy's assassination.
whole story of the tense standoff between the United States, Russia, and Cuba unfolds into a
suspenseful, detailed, yet sometimes confusing story. Although reading the book's jacket cover,
or having some knowledge of world history, lets the reader know how the story ends, The
Missiles of October still reads more like a suspense novel than a non-fiction history book.
Thompson leaves no details out, and makes sure that readers are well informed of all the events
that led up to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The book starts in 1945, as the United States is dropping
the atomic bomb on Japan, and ends on November 22, 1963, the day JFK is assassinated. The
material in between covers the missile crisis in its entirety, and brings new details to light that the
public was not aware of.
While The Missiles of October is chock-full of information, it sometimes feels as if too
much of it is given. For instance, on page 344, Thompson writes, "On Sunday afternoon,
television viewers watched their beloved Washington Redskins up in Yankee Stadium, receiving a
49 to 34 shellacking at the hands of the New York Giants." Information like this is littered
throughout the book, but it does not really enhance the story, or the reading experience.
Furthermore, at some points, so much information is given that it is not only an annoyance, but
also confusing for the reader. Another problem is that Thompson alludes semi-frequently to the
"TFX Scandal" only to touch on it briefly at the end of the book. Despite these shortcomings,
though, The Missiles of October is a very enjoyable, well researched piece of work.
What will probably strike any reader of this book the most is how close the United States
came to an all out invasion of Cuba, and possibly a nuclear war. Thompson knows this, and
focuses much of the book on that topic. He even contends that the U.S. was within hours of
launching a strike at Cuba at one point. Thompson also shows that President Kennedy's rejection
of advice from many of his trusted advisors is what kept a war from erupting. Thompson is also
aware that many readers may not know some of the history that led up to the Cuban Missile
Crisis, and he goes out of his way to let readers know what happened.
When the book ends, readers will have to seriously reconsider what they thought they
knew about the Cuban Missile Crisis. Thompson's writing and overall accounting of the crisis
leads the reader to believe that no one really won the tense standoff; both sides had to make
concessions. The people that Thompson writes about also provide a interesting list of characters,
some of whom may have had a motive in the assassination of JFK. Overall, The Missiles of
October is a good read for anyone with patience and a yearning for a suspenseful, amazing, and
truthful tale of American History.
Rating : 54.6% Moments of Beauty (5) Characterisation (6) Sincerity (6) Humour (6) Adhesiveness (5) Profundity - Social (6) Profundity - Maetaphysical (2) Sense of Place (8) Significance (5) Structure & Plotting (6) Style - Readability (7) Style - Virtuosity & Uniqueness (5) Theme - Strength & Unity (4)