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In Bad Taste: The Msg Symptom Complex: How Monosodium Glutamate Is a Major Cause of Treatable and Preventable Illnesses, Such As Headaches, Asthma, Epilepsy, heart
Published in Paperback by Health Pr (1999)
Authors: George R., Md. Schwartz and Kathleen A. Schwartz
Amazon base price: $11.96
List price: $14.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $6.00
Collectible price: $12.50
Buy one from zShops for: $10.97
Average review score:

This book saved my husband's life!
For years, my husband suffered from anxiety attacks that hit without warning and were quite debilitating. He sought drug therapy, but as time passed, the attacks became more frequent and severe until one day he went into Bells palsy and anaphylactic shock and found himself in the emergency room surrounded by physicians with no answers.

When he received the older version of this book in 1990, it was a revelation. My husband had been becoming increasingly sensitive to MSG while at the same time unknowingly adding it to his diet. In clear, easy-to read language, the book helped identify sources of MSG. It became clear that it was in virtually everything he was consuming--from breakfast cereals to canned tuna to Coca Cola. We altered his diet drastically, choosing mostly unprocessed whole foods, and the results were incredible. His personality changed as he was no longer on edge. His concentration and memory improved dramatically. He no longer needed drug therapy, and stopped doubting himself as an anxiety-prone person. As an added bonus, he lost weight, increased muscle mass and became generally healthier.

As his allergy continued to be quite severe, we turned to the book frequently to avoid more ER visits, and have been largely successful for the past twelve years. It is hard to imagine how life would have been had we not had this book at our disposal. My husband would have continued to suffer his 'mysterious ailment' until, quite possibly, it took his life.

I cannot recommend this book heartily enough. It should be *required* reading for anyone who even suspects they have "Chinese restaurant syndrome" and recommended reading for just about everyone else. It is incredible that such a small book can make such a big difference.

Definitive book on MSG for the non-specialist general reader
George Schwartz, M.D. wrote the first edition of In Bad Taste more than ten years ago. Since then "the use of MSG and MSG-containing substances has more than doubled." While some people can use MSG with no adverse effects, many others have severe reactions to it, some of them life-threatening.

Kombu, a seaweed, was first used in Japan as a flavor enhancer. A Japanese doctor isolated the main ingredient--MSG, or monosodium glutamate--and started what has become a million-dollar industry. "MSG is used in processed food, in fast-foods and in Chinese food." It's also found in nearly all canned and frozen foods. It's the "most widely used flavor enhancer in the world."

MSG has been linked to asthma, headaches, and heart irregularities. "Behavioral and physical problems of children, such as incontinence and seizures, as well as attention deficit disorder (ADD), have been diagnosed and successfully treated as MSG disorders."

Those wishing to eliminate MSG from their diets are faced with an almost impossible task. Food preparers are often unaware that they're even using MSG. Labels can be misleading. A label that says "No MSG added" doesn't mean that the food is free of MSG, it simply means that the manufacturer didn't put in additional MSG. MSG goes under many aliases, one of the most common being "hydrolyzed vegetable protein," an additive used to increase the protein content of a wide variety of foods.

Manufacturers also hide MSG as part of "natural flavorings," because it is a natural product. As Dr. Schwartz points out, arsenic is also a natural product--being natural is not the same as being harmless.

Dr. Schwartz describes how MSG works in the body, and lists the symptoms it causes.

He provides several other lists, including the names used to hide MSG, general food sources of MSG, and specific brand names of items known to contain MSG. He also includes a selection of basic recipes to help people reduce their MSG consumption.

Dr. Schwartz says his book will help people learn to identify MSG reactions, and then how to avoid eating it. He adds, "knowing how to avoid this flavor enhancer can dramatically change lives." Readers wishing to understand MSG reactions and avoid using it will find In Bad Taste an invaluable resource.

Sandra I. Smith Reviewer

The Postmodern Bible: The Bible and Culture Collective
Published in Paperback by Yale Univ Pr (1997)
Authors: George Aichele, Fred W. Burnett, Elizabeth A. Castelli, Robert M. Fowler, David Jobling, Stephen D. Moore, Gary A. Phillips, Tina Pippin, Rgina M. Schwartz, and Wilhelm Wuellner
Amazon base price: $19.00
Used price: $16.20
Collectible price: $19.06
Buy one from zShops for: $18.62
Average review score:

A Must
The Postmodern Bible provides what is as close as anyone will ever get to a contemporary handbook on "postmodern" methods of approaching, reading, using and interpreting the Bible. One might ask why such a book is needed. I would reply that this book is needed because it implicates the readers of the Bible in the matters it wishes to bring to bear in biblical study. This book attempts to show (in my estimation) that reading the Bible is a social act, a personal act, a political act and a cultural act. And this book preaches what it practices for it is written by a self-styled "Bible and Culture Collective", a group of scholarly "young turks" no less, who amply demonstrate that projects worked on together need not end up being mish-mashes of the wants and desires of those composing them.

This book has both direction and drive. In seven compact yet thorough discussions we are introduced, in theory and practice, to seven contemporary approaches to the practice of biblical reading. Many, if not all, of these (reader-response criticism, poststructuralism, feminist and womanist criticism) are hardly novel outside of the biblical field but then that seems the point of this book; that is, to attempt (or continue to attempt) to intergrate biblical studies ever more closely with, or into, literary studies and cultural studies. This seems the pervasive agenda of this book.

I must admit that I have an interest in reviewing this book, however. I was taught for three years as an undergraduate by one of the "Bible and Culture Collective", Stephen D. Moore. I can confirm that the Collective, if Moore be an example, do indeed practice what they preach in this book. I have to say it sets the Bible on fire in new and exciting ways. If you want to engage the Bible from some new angles or just want to get up date and clear in your mind on contemporary methods of biblical interpretation then get this book. It has no serious challengers in its field to date.

Smart and Unflinching
If you've ever been puzzled by the formula of 'post-modern' and 'biblical studies,' then you'd be wise to pick up this exhaustive and personable piece of academic fervor. Among others, The Postmodern Bible fuses epistemological, religious, and cultural frameworks into a textual craft that will keep you poised with more questions. I recommend this book to anyone who takes the Bible seriously - whether you're a theologian, academic, or a heady poser, you'll want to have this book on the shelves of your mind.

Georges Perec: Traces of His Passage
Published in Hardcover by Summa Pubns (1988)
Author: Paul Schwartz
Amazon base price: $24.95
Average review score:

An insightful look at an amazing man
This is one of the best books I've read about French literature it really captured the heart and the spirit of Perec through the style in which the book was written. I would highly recommend this book to anyone interested in learning about Georges Perec.

Shareholder Rebellion: How Investors Are Changing the Way America's Companies Are Run
Published in Hardcover by Irwin Professional Pub (1995)
Author: George P. Schwartz
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $0.65
Collectible price: $3.48
Buy one from zShops for: $0.68
Average review score:

This is a must-read book for any stockholder!
Mr. Schwartz makes many valid points and discusses a matter of great importance to any shareholder of stock. This is done through insightful examples and humorous anecdotes as well as descriptive anaysis. I highly recommended reading this book.

Published in Paperback by DC Comics (1992)
Authors: George R. R. Martin and Julius Schwartz
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $14.50
Collectible price: $31.75
Average review score:

5 Stars for Sandkings
I first read 'Sandkings' in the annual Best of SF edition of OMNI magazine when I was in 8th grade oh so many years ago... I am STILL in awe of this story. When I saw the book at a store several years ago I figured maybe George had taken his amazing short-story and lengthened it to novel-size...or had simply written a sequel or well I didn't really care as long as it was built upon the best short-story I had ever read. I am sorry to say that it was just a collection of short stories

with 'Sandkings' being one OF them. This in NO WAY dimishes how utterly original this story is, though. I'm telling you the last written line of 'Sandkings' is worth the price of the book alone...but please, please do NOT spoil the surprise by skipping ahead and doing so. The main character is flawed in that he loves to be sadistic with these tiny adaptable creatures that learn to revere him as deity. But what happens along the way is horrific...and amazing. Spend an hour or two and read this short story and get to know one of the best novelists of the past 20 years. George R.R. Martin is fast becoming one of THE prominant names in the fantasy field (just check out his 'Song of Ice & Fire' series beginning with 'A Game of Thrones') but he was first a sci-fi author...he's not just good at both, he's fantastic...

Worth the title story alone!
So, I was a young man sitting in a movie theatre waiting for "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (with Donald Sutherland) to begin. I happened to overhear two people raving about this story they had read in Omni magazine called "Sandkings." I was so impressed by their reaction to the story that I made a mental note to seek it out myself.

A few months later, I found the back issue of Omni magazine and rushed home to read it. After assimilating the last glorious line of "Sandkings," I decided right then and there that it was my favorite short story of all time.

Nearly twenty years later, it remains my favorite short story.

Admittedly, I'm more of a horror fan than sci fi or fantasy fan, so Sandkings is closer to my heart that his other works. However, if sci fi and fantasy is YOUR cup of tea, you'll also enjoy the other very well written stories in this collection (including "Way of Cross and Dragon" and "In the House of the Worm.")

But I can honestly say that "Sandkings" is worth the price of admission alone. It's a true modern masterpiece.

Sandkings rule!
I wish i had some pet sandkings! But since i dont i am glad to have this book. The title story is the best of the 6 and is worth the price alone. The other stories i found to be very good were "Star Lady" and "Bitterblooms". Sandkings is really a moral based story on what power can do to people. Martin Uses the metaphor of a man who is a deity to some insects.... but trust me they are MUCH MUCH more than just insects...

Bitterblooms was a cool little story with Vampires, a Girl Trying to get through the dark woods, and a mysterious house in the middle of nowhere....

Star Lady is basically the story of a girl and an alien boy with golden skin who land on a planet and are made slaves by a pimp. its got a really cool ending...

Buy this book if you can find it in a used book store.

Messages: Evidence for Life after Death
Published in Paperback by Hampton Roads Pub Co (2002)
Authors: George E. Dalzell and Gary Schwartz
Amazon base price: $11.16
List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.95
Collectible price: $10.54
Buy one from zShops for: $5.99
Average review score:

What a fantastic book! :)
I was searching for confirmation that our loved ones still exist after passing...came across Georges book..and was totally blown away!!:) I recommend it to anyone that is seeking confirmation. It explores the afterlife/earth communications and has scientific studies to back it up. Extremely well written and amazing to read how Michael,Georges dear friend,is able to communicate.
A must read for anyone with a curiosity about life after death communications!!
Keep up the good work,Michael!:)

Love Never Dies
George Dalzell is one of those rare individuals who meets his destiny with open-mindedness, love, and inner wisdom. His book and true account, Messages, reveals a remarkable journey through unexplainable experiences that lead him, and us, to the conclusion that life continues after death. His very close friend, Michael Keller, is killed suddenly in an auto accident, prompting George to reach out to Michael and ask him to show that he is alive and happy in Heaven. Through a series of funny, startling, and clearly unmistakable events, Michael does indeed come through to reveal his existence on the Other Side and his messages of love and hope to his family, friends, and co-workers. A psychiatric social worker by trade, George struggles with the evidence that continues to mount, realizing that the proof of Michael's life in spirit is just too real and specific to brush off as being hallucination or imagination. Messages is truly one of the most heart stirring adventures I have ever read, as the reader is taken through the experiences of George Dalzell as he proves to himself, Michael's family, and close friends that love is indeed forever and that our essence in Life never dies. It is one thing to speculate about what happens after death, and yet quite another to face the stark realization and personal proof that our hopes do come true, and that our loved ones continue to love us from the spirit world. I recommend this book highly to anyone who wants validation of their deep inner belief in the miracle of love and the hope that lives within us all. Our feelings of deep hurt and loss when someone close dies are only temporary, and someday, we will be reunited in joy and peace with those who graced us with their love on this side of life.

--Steven Richman (Denver, Colorado)

setting itself a part
I was given this book by a co-worker by chance. She'd seen me reading the Celestine Prophecy and asked if I would like to read something a little more 'real'. While I didn't know what she meant at the time, I do know. And I'm so thankful she turned me on to Dalzell's Messages. Books like Celestine prophecy are importing ideas of spirit in a fictitious world; Messages is telling a story that deals with these issues in our world. I can't tell you how refreshing I found this book! While the idea of After death communication with the spirit of loved ones is a tough sell for some, the book is written with such honesty, that by several pages in you realize THIS DID HAPPEN. For people who value their friendships, family, loves, this is a great book. And a great book to keep. This is the kind of book a friend could use when in need, so keep it handy.

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
Published in Audio Cassette by Caedmon Audio Cassette (1995)
Authors: Alvin Schwartz and George S. Irving
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $4.90
Average review score:

its okay
I remember reading this for the first time, when i was very young, maybe 3rd grade, 1993, and it was the scariest thing book(before i experienced exorcist) I think what made this book so scary to me was because i had a very active imagination, and i could picture all the events going on, while i was reading it. recently, i found my old copy in the garage now, 11 years later, i read it, and i didnt' find it scary at all. I thought it would have been scarier maybe if the author had elaborated more on the stories, and gave more details to the envirement and atmosphere of the story. Every story in the book ends very abruptly, and it doesn't send any chill up my spine. i'll give you an example, one story ends "the next day they were found dead" thats it.. I give this book 4 stars because i liked it so much when i was a kid, but when you're an adult, you should expect more in a book. Most of the stories here can be read in less than 3 minutes, ( i remember it taking me more than a half hour when i was 7) and they aren't very satisfying. If you're a parent, buy the book for your kids, sometimes its good to be scared, kids have better imaginations than adults, and this book is great just for them. by the way, the drawings are sick, and maybe thats why this book is banned from many schoools, i doubt its the stories.

I don't know where to begin, these books have been such a huge part of my life! I remember discovering these when i was in 3rd grade, in 1993. I was truly obsessed, when friends would come over I would just read, read, read out loud to them, some of them scared to death by the stories, others mesmerized by the awesome illustrations (thank you steven gammell!) I still talk about them till this day (im a junior in high school) its been 8 years and I have still not forgotten these books. Alot of the stories live on in my mind, "The big toe," or "Bloody Fingers" (COOL IT MAN, GET A BANDAID!) ahhaha I lovem! I recommend this book to every living soul on the face of this planet, go out and buy all three! (More scary s's is the best, i think) I LOVE THESE BOOKS!

Death,Chaos,Frozen Stardust
I remember this book and its sequel well,not sure if I read the third one.As a kid I loved it yet it brought me into a world of dread.I know I slept with the light on at times.I do not know why these books have been so etched into my subconscious.They definitely have.Alot of todays kids are fans of GooseBumps.Nothing at all scary about those.The pics and stories are usually comical.These books are entirely different.They are like party invite cards from beyond the veil of death.Some of the stories are old and well known.The stories alone do not make them frightening it is the illustrations with the stories.Even if you are an adult and love horror check these books out!The illustrations could give all of you nightmares.So when you see them think of how a kid would feel looking at them.They are more scary than alot of images in horror movies. Ahhh but to describe the illustrations.Ever seen the silent German Expressionist film Nosferatu?If so you know that it is scarier than any vampire flick now.He has a Demonic rodent look.It gave you the feeling of being in a nightmare.Being in a world which you have no control.Well that is the effect of these illustrations.If Salvador Dali and Max Ernst ever were to see these books they would love them.The illustrations are all black and white.Many leering and decaying corpses.Everything distorted by mist amorphous shapes which you can make slight details on emerging from the fog.I remember the illustration to one of the stories called "Oh Susanna",I have not seen anything like it.It is worthy of an art gallery.It creates feelings of dizzines and a transcendent euphoria if you were to sit and stare at it.Utterly horrible yet you are hypnotized as it strikes you with its venom.As I said if you are a fan of late German Expressionism or Surrealism you will cherish this book.Is it suitable for kids?Yes older ones and ones that can handle this sort of thing.Regardless of that you need not be a kid to enjoy this.... In conclusion if you love horror as much as I do BUY THIS BOOK!You will not be disappointed.

Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective
Published in Paperback by New Atlantean Pr (2002)
Authors: Neil Z. Miller, George R. Schwartz, and Harold E. Buttram
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.50
Buy one from zShops for: $8.94
Average review score:

A fast and passionate read about vaccination issues
I found this book along with five other books on vaccination at my local public library. I started with Miller's book because it seemed the most concise. It was an easy read and includes many heart wrenching accounts of parents whose children reacted to routine vaccinations - and how the doctors in these cases refused to report these deaths in any way attributable to the shots. Stories to bring out the radical in you!

While this book is a good start on the topic, it is one of the books that many people will find too emotional - particularly people who are pro-vaccination to begin with. To his credit, the author makes this emotional element clear at the beginning of his book. I am glad the public library had this book, but I am spending my money on a more thorough and well written one I borrowed at the time - Immunization the Reality Behind the Myth by Walene James. She gives a well rounded and intellegent presentation of much of the same research Miller glosses over. The result being the reader will understand the issue more deeply themselves and come away armed with the facts. This one is so good I want it in MY library!

Adds pertinent information to the vaccination debate.
While I don't agree with all the conclusions drawn in this book, the author has dealt honestly with this subject and has added pertinent information to the vaccination debate. In fact, he has uncovered information that is immensely important and that has not been made readily available by the public health establishment to the general public. This thin tome, nevertheless, contains graphs showing the precipitous decline in death rates in such diseases as polio, measles, and pertussis, before immunization programs had been put in place. While the book is a best seller among parents and the public, it should also be studied by those reluctant to question conventional wisdom regarding immunization.

Miguel A. Faria, Jr., M.D. Editor-in-Chief, Medical Sentinel of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)

I've read 6 books on the subject. This was the best.
This is the only book I've found that was not written by a doctor. Amazingly, it seems to me to be the best information I've found.

Pro-vaccine books don't seem to make a very strong case for getting the shots. They tend to cling to the declining disease rates as the primary evidence of effectiveness. Neil Miller's two books debunk this argument rather well. Pro-vaccine books also focus more on the diseases as they existed during the height of their epidemics, rather than the reality today. They tend to gloss over (or ignore!) adverse side effects, both in frequency and severity.

The doctor written books against vaccines take a sort of willy nilly approach to this highly political and emotionally charged subject. One said avoid the MMR, but get the DPT. Another said avoid DPT but get the MMR. In all cases, when they recommended a particular shot they glossed over specifics of safety and effectiveness, and instead focused on the dangers of the underlying diseases.

But Neil Miller clearly explains what the dangers of these diseases vs. the dangers of the vaccines for each disease. He also clearly argues against the effectiveness of vaccinations generally, and the surpising lack of science behind vaccines.

He also touches on how the corporations that make money from them have manipulated public opinion and the government, and how the statistics have been manipulated to under report adverse effects of vaccines.

His books are excellent. I would recommend them to everyone, both for and against shots. Get as many books as you can find would also be my suggestion. Read and think for yourself.

FYI, it wasn't very hard for us to find several doctors that would support our decision not to vaccinate. One doctor only gave the shots to kids when parents insisted on them.

George Washington: The Making of an American Symbol
Published in Hardcover by Free Press (1987)
Author: Barry Schwartz
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $12.71
Collectible price: $23.81
Average review score:

An emotional re-evaluation of a stoic warrior
Schwartz presents a verbose but imaginative look at the life and times of George Washington.

The book seemed to be a meditation on a single theme - George Washington was a human being with human frailties, misfortunes, and maladies. However, it is these weaknesses, according to the vibrant virtous verbiage(this is style in which Scwartz seems to sporadically specialize)of the author, that resulted in the "cult" of Washington.

Schwartz alludes to Washington's Revolutionary War loss at Philadelphia, his military indecisiveness and his self-induced lameducketry during his second term as proof of his humanity. I was pleasently suprised to read about these qualities or in Washington's case, the lack thereof.

Unfortunaely, Professor Schwartz assumes that the reader has rabies, because he injects us with 17 examples on the same theme. What of his problems with L'Enfant, his relationship with Martha, his relationship with his father, his children(did he have any?), his relationship with politicians other than John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin?

In sum, Schartz provides the reader with a brilliant synopses of as to how Washington's military failures made him more human and thus, a better man. The scinece-fictionesque conclusion is atypical of a biography, but this is an atypical biography, so it fits quite will.

However, Schwartz is a sociologist, not a historian, and he attempts to overcompensate for this fact. Instead of producing a sociological study of a man whose life is often portrayed as if he were a Super Bowl halftime show, Schartz has fallen into the quagmire of over-analyzing his military misadventures, a boring road that this reader has travelled down many times before as an amateur historian.

Still, this is an entertaining read, one I will recommend to others with just caution.

An Invitation to Sanctuary
Published in Hardcover by William Zinn (1998)
Authors: Tammy Schwartz and George Klembith
Amazon base price: $23.50
Used price: $50.00
Buy one from zShops for: $110.00
Average review score:

It wasn't that bad.
After reading the comments of the first reader/reviewer, I expected to hate this book. I actually found it pretty interesting. The novel is more about Wicca than anything else and I enjoyed learning about the religion in a fun, easy way. On the down side, the authors mar beautiful descriptions with an over use of similes. The reader is never allowed to connect a description, for example of a sunset, to his or her own memory and experience. This prevents readers from fully entering into the story. Instead of being evocative, the descriptions only serve to pound the reader further with the narrator's, or author's, point of view. The novel is also preachy and it lacks any sense of humor or irony. Despite these complaints I'd recommend this book to would-be novelists. Its strengths and weaknesses are readily apparent and the mistakes the authors make seem to be typical of beginning writers. This would be a good book to study in a workshop or creative writing class.

Enjoyed this unique love story involving a witch!
This book takes a unique and unusual look at the world of witchcraft. The love story is unpredicable and there are some hot erotic scenes enjoyable to read. What makes it fascinating are the vivid descriptions and the detailed look at wicca or white witchcraft.

Great fast read - sexy and fun!
I don't know what book those other a-holes read, but this is good stuff. I'm going to put it on the shelf and read it again in a year or so.

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