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Book reviews for "Ryan,_Joseph_A." sorted by average review score:

The Complete Book of Painting and Drawing
Published in Hardcover by Courage Books (1998)
Authors: Gerald Woods and Joseph F. Ryan
Amazon base price: $24.98
Used price: $5.99
Collectible price: $16.31
Average review score:

Look at the pictures; Don't bother with the text.
This book has a series of drawing and painting projects in different media done by different artists, step by step. These are immensely helpful to me, as I get a lot out of watching other artists work.

The author, however, makes a pretense of "teaching" things about media and art in this book, but really, adds nothing to the learning process at all. He makes sweeping generalizations about art, without explanation. (e.g., "I tell my students to work in terms of the media." What does that mean??) He criticizes the artists' work without offering any analysis or alternatives, which might be helpful. (e.g., "This works well in terms of the color.") And above all, the arrogance in his critiquing tone is offensive.

On the whole, the author could be removed entirely from this book, and it would be more helpful. The photography is lovely. I like the book--I just don't read the text anymore.

Follow along with the author from pencil to oils
After finding this in the library, I want to have this book for myself. As a person getting back into my artwork, I enjoy the author's use of other artists to demonstrate each lesson. Want a concise explanation of working in a variety of media from pencils, pastels, watercolors and oils? Then get this book. Seeing the four or so artists approach to each lesson is a reminder that each one of us has our own style. There isn't one "right" way to depict a landscape, a portrait or a city scene. As the reader turns each page, he/she will find themselves chomping at the bit to get pencil, charcoal or paintbrush in hand.

Mediterranean Cooking
Published in Hardcover by Clb (1999)
Authors: Frederic Lebain, Joseph F. Ryan, and Jillian Stewart
Amazon base price: $12.99
Used price: $2.55
Collectible price: $25.93
Buy one from zShops for: $4.70
Average review score:

Gorgeous Food!
This book has pictures for almost ALL the recipes( in full color)! I think this helps alot. It make you WANT to cook the dishes...and it lets you know if yours looks right. I am a beginning cook and so I found this book a little more difficult than the others. The instructions are VERY short and CLEAR, but they assume prior knowledge. I personally don't know how to make a bechamel sauce yet, or garam masala, or ras el hanout (the recipes for these are not in the book, but you need them to make some of the dishes) name a few things...but other than that (and the fact that some of the ingredients aren't so easy to find) the book is great! I like how the author gives variations/substitute ingredients for some of the dishes. They taste good, too (except if you substitue beef for lamb in the stuffed bell peppers, add more spices! or else it's bland...more of my inexperience, I guess...).

13 Eyes
Published in Hardcover by Netherfield Creations (1999)
Author: Joseph Ryan
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $194.91
Average review score:
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Accident and Emergency Management: Problems and Solutions
Published in Paperback by John Wiley & Sons (08 May, 1991)
Authors: Ryan Dupont, Joseph P. Reynolds, and L. Theodore
Amazon base price: $110.00
Used price: $97.90
Buy one from zShops for: $101.20
Average review score:
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Assessment of Children: Wais-III Supplement
Published in Paperback by Jerome m Sattler (1998)
Authors: Jerome M. Sattler and Joseph J. Ryan
Amazon base price: $13.00
Used price: $10.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Critical Issues in Water and Wastewater Treatment: Proceedings of the 1994 National Conference on Environmental Engineering: Boulder, Colorado July
Published in Paperback by American Society of Civil Engineers (1994)
Authors: Joseph N. Ryan and Marc Edwards
Amazon base price: $76.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Design of Warning Labels and Instructions
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (1997)
Authors: Joseph P. Ryan and Ryanj
Amazon base price: $64.95
Average review score:
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Earth Colonies Source Sourcebook: A Supplement for the Roleplaying Game Based on Babylon 5
Published in Paperback by Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment, Inc. (1998)
Authors: Joseph Cochran, Charles Ryan, and J. J. Kelley
Amazon base price: $21.00
Average review score:
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The Educator's Desk Reference : EDR)-- A Sourcebook of Educational Information and Research--Second Edition
Published in Hardcover by Oryx Press (2002)
Authors: Melvyn N. Freed, Robert K. Hess, and Joseph M. Ryan
Amazon base price: $54.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Employment Opportunities, Usa, 1996 (Serial)
Published in Hardcover by Washington Research Assn (1996)
Authors: N, A, and Joseph Ryan
Amazon base price: $184.00
Average review score:
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