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Book reviews for "Ross,_Gary" sorted by average review score:

Train Your Dog, Change Your Life: An Interactive Training Program for Individuals, Families, and Their Dogs
Published in Hardcover by Howell Book House (2001)
Authors: Maureen Ross and Gary Ross
Amazon base price: $16.79
List price: $23.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $14.00
Buy one from zShops for: $15.78
Average review score:

Read this book for a Really Great Relationship with your dog
Readers all over the world are better off because they can benefit from the Ross's great pet dog training advice.
Pet dog owners in Southern New Hampshire have been benefiting from their classes for years.

Great Reading and Learning
This book was very informative, easy to read with associating pictures. I especially liked how chapters 6 through 11 were broken into lesson plans (e.g.) Chapter Six, Lesson Plan:Week #1. Chapter 3, Recognizing Canine Calming Signals was very interesting. Twelve calming signals were introduced by the author in a manner that was easy to understand. I can see how this chapter is essential for training and observing other canines. I highly recommend this book for training your dog. No canine owner should be without it.

Great info for abused dogs.
I was given a 5month old German Shepard that had been abused verbally, and physically, no socializing, no housbreaking nothing.
I purchased this book and started reading every part of it, I was determined to make this dog a good dog. It worked, everyone that knows my dog Ranger cannot believe the progress that was made with him.
This book helps you think the way the dog thinks and is very helpful from that point of view. I would recommend this book for anyone who ownes a dog-----especially a puppy!!!!!!
Thank you Moe & Gary Ross awesome job.

Shimmerville: Tales MacAbre and Curious
Published in Paperback by Writers Club Press (2002)
Author: Gary Earl Ross
Amazon base price: $14.95
Buy one from zShops for: $14.95
Average review score:


From The Boox Review
Fans of macabre themes and of authors with the gift to weave these dark ideas into something meaningful will appreciate Shimmerville, Gary Earl Ross's engaging new set of shorts about some of the more challenging themes here on schoolroom Earth.

Ross, an associate professor at the University at Buffalo Educational Opportunity Center, proves that the positive attention he garnered following the release of his previous story collection, The Wheel of Desire and Other Intimate Hauntings, was not merely a stroke of good luck: readers with an affinity for harder edged themes like homelessness, institutional learning, murder and divorce (just to name a few) will not be disappointed with this glimmering, shimmering engagement of a book.

Shimmerville, a great read!
Tapas, desserts, a little of this, a little of that. For reading pleasure order Shimmerville, a dish delectably and diabolically seasoned. This compilation is scary, creepy, unsettling and beautifully written. Many of Ross's stories and style call to mind other creative geniuses. "Test Day" (Orwell), "To Dine for" (Bunuel), "Out of the Closet" (Stephen King), "The Unborn" (Koontz), and finally..."Of Shadows and Silence", the author himself, Gary Earl Ross.

Birds of Seattle and Puget Sound
Published in Paperback by Lone Pine Publishing (2003)
Authors: Chris C. Fisher, Ewa Pluciennik, and Gary Ross
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $5.00
Collectible price: $7.51
Buy one from zShops for: $6.92
Average review score:

Birds of Seattle and Puget Sound is our most used identification source. We are beginners, and get confused with tomes which identify every bird in North America. This little book brings us the instant joy of identifying our flying guests while they are still at the feeder or bath. We appear to be "experts" to our house guests who marvel at the variety of birds visiting our yard.

This in an excellent book for the birds in this area. My 5 year old can identify all the birds in our backyard and can easily look up the new birds that come around. A must for parents who have children and birdfeeders.

Great book for begininng birdwatchers!
No more sifting through field guides containing hundreds of birds you will never see around here. The authors of this book have limited their scope to the birds of this region. Many helpful illustrations and charts help a beginner with identification. I plan to use this book to assist Boy Scouts with their Bird Studies Merit Badge

Architectural Desktop 2: Fundamentals, Instructor Manual
Published in Spiral-bound by Technical Learningware Company,Inc. (15 August, 1999)
Authors: Lonnie Cumpton, Gary Ponsell, Scott Folts, Dean McCarns, Joe Eichenseer, Jeanne Aarhus, and Jim Ross
Amazon base price: $89.00
Average review score:

AutoCad 2000 Archetectural Desktop made quicker & easier
I thought that the design process was done when ACAD 2000 came to the public. I was wrong. Architectural Desktop has made many good and useful enhancements to it. In Desktop you actually draft in 3 dimensions. This book has been a great help in getting me up and running in it. It is set up so that you can start pretty much anywhere in the book. The potential for this program is beyond what I can calculate. To make the most of that potential you will need a good book for guidance. Architectural Desktop 2: Fundamentals, Instructor Manual is A MUST. I got this particular book because I can see the answers to the questions. This helps me to see my mistakes that much easier. I would recommend this book to anyone that already has ACAD 2000 Desktop and also to ones that are thinking of purchasing it.

Birds of the Pacific Northwest Coast
Published in Paperback by Lone Pine Publishing (2003)
Authors: Nancy Baron, John Acorn, Gary Ross, and John Alden
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.95
Collectible price: $11.95
Buy one from zShops for: $11.52
Average review score:

Identifying made easy
I am just a beginner birdwatcher and this book was so easy for me to locate the different birds I saw. Very informative-Good drawings and a great price. I just love this book. Being from the Pacific Northwest I didn't want to look through the books that displayed all North American birds. It would take me forever to find the bird I saw and I would forget most of the time what the features were. With this book-refined down to the pacific northwest birds- it is so easy and QUICK to identify the birds in my backyard and on the coast. Pick one up won't be disappointed.

History of the American Economy
Published in Hardcover by International Thomson Publishing (1997)
Authors: Gary M. Walton, Ross M. Robertson, and Hugh Rockoff
Amazon base price: $90.50
Used price: $17.13
Collectible price: $43.25
Buy one from zShops for: $69.76
Average review score:

Rockoff is the greatest American Historian ever.
Rockoff gives a brilliant account of the history of the American Economy and is possibly the best American economic historian in US history.

John Ross, Cherokee Chief
Published in Paperback by University of Georgia Press (1978)
Author: Gary E. Moulton
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $14.84
Buy one from zShops for: $14.59
Average review score:

A Compelling Biography
Throughout times of turmoil for his people, Chief John Ross made the best of many a bad situation. From the removal of the Cherokee to Oklahoma to the fracturing of the nation during the Civil War, Ross struggled against internal and external enemies to carve out a bright future for the Cherokee people. Moulton has done a fantastic job with this biography, weaving together a compelling tale of this often misunderstood leader who faced repeated insults from political leaders in Washington and opportunistic members of his own tribe.

No Limit: The Incredible Obsession of Brian Molony
Published in Paperback by Ballantine Books (1990)
Author: Gary Ross
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $2.95
Average review score:


A Review of the Scientific Literature As It Pertains to Gulf War Illnesses: Pesticides (Gulf War Illnesses Series)
Published in Paperback by Rand Corporation (2001)
Authors: Beatrice Alexandra Golomb, Lee H. Hilborne, Dalia M. Spektor, C. Ross Anthony, Gary Cecchine, Grant N. Marshall, Naomi H. Harley, and United s
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $7.99
Buy one from zShops for: $8.00
Average review score:

Click on the thumbnail to see a larger picture of the book - see what I mean?

Well balanced, insightful review.

The Wheel of Desire and Other Intimate Hauntings
Published in Paperback by Writers Club (2000)
Author: Gary Earl Ross
Amazon base price: $6.98
List price: $13.95 (that's 50% off!)
Used price: $6.97
Buy one from zShops for: $15.92
Average review score:

Additional Reviews
Joan Albarella, author of Called To Kill, September 11, 2000, We get caught in The Wheel of Desire This collection of short stories does not easily seperate itself from the reader's own life. The collection lives. It moves. It breathes...often with hot, panting breaths. From the everyday couple next door to a dream stalker, old, young, ageless, fleeting, a kaleidoscope of men and women living simple lives,complicated, impossible, surreal, ordinary, and truncated lives. All climaxing in raw, basic, sensual, sexual, erotic, erratic emotions. Gary Ross draws us into each tale with his wonderful descriptive narrative. He teases us with provocative rising action and grabs our psyche with surprising climaxes. Then with literary elegance, he makes us shake our heads and rub the goose bumps on our arms as we try to shake off the clinging aftertaste of the denouement. This book is a keeper--better read like a nice cheesecake, in small savory bites.

A reviewer, a well read, well educated poet., May 26, 2000, On this book Deceptively simple , eminently readable prose masks an uncanny, often uncomfotable penetration into the odd corners of the humen psyche ( riddled with dark irony) in this collection of short stories. The effect is cumulative: by the end you realize you've just devoured some fine ideosyncratic tales, but the authorial voice's conviction lends an air of non fiction, and the 'closures' come at you from very left field. An unsettling experience of very strong work by a young new very fresh voice.

Also recommended: 'The complete works of an unknow poet' by anonymous

Thanks for the second helping!
This week, I took the time to re-read THE WEHEEL OF DESIRE...
Reading this collection of literary treats was like enjoying a second helping at a grand feast. The stories are sweet, juicy, sensual, robust, hearty and more. They fed my soul and my imagination. My second reading opened my eyes and my heart to a body of stories that is rich with emotions and perfectly seasoned by an author who knows how to appeal to all of the senses. In these stories, one can feel the texture of love; smell the odor of hate; see the color of damning defeat; and taste the sweetness of survival. I am so happy that I took the time, once again, to savor the flavor!

From The Boox Review:
Ross' short story collection spotlights human connections as its common thread, skillfully drawing readers in to the inner folds of its own seductive resonance, hitting home often with a focus on universal themes of joy, pain, sex and wonder, but delving deeper still with peeks into the darker hallways of obsession and solitude.
Ross, an award-winning author of over a hundred short stories, poems, essays and articles, turns to loneliness in his opener here, 'Come Die in My Arms,' which features lead character Richard, who slips into his own dream world driven by an irresistible urge for companionship:
'I stare at her for an eternity. Even though I love her deeply and spend as much as a third of each day with her, I know Kari is not real. I am not mad. I have never accepted her as anything other than an intricate dream. Yet here she is, less than twenty feet away. This is not someone who resembles Kari. This is Kari ' the eyes into which I've gazed for hours, the cheeks upon which I've laid my fingertips, the body against which I've curled in the ecstatic dance of life.' 'The Painting,' another favorite, has the Serlingesque touch of a Twilight Zone classic, and features a nude, painted in oils, empowered with the gift of seduction: 'In the absence of reason he embraced her. In the absence of reason he lowered his lips to hers. But he clung to none of the differences between Elisa and her painted self. The shoulders were narrower, the breasts smaller than their renderings in oil. His fingertips stroked her belly, vaguely registered the absence of a C-section scar. His eyes found hers and saw no gold, could dive no deeper than the surface. However, in his urgency, her urgency, their urgency, none of that was important. Their union was the only reality.' Male energies flow freely throughout much of Ross' work, but he is a craftsman, able to achieve remarkable balance, and in deserve, therefore, of attention from all.

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