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Book reviews for "Redfield,_James" sorted by average review score:

The Joy of Meditating: A Beginner's Guide to the Art of Meditation
Published in Paperback by Warner Books (1995)
Authors: Salle Merrill Redfield and James Redfield
Amazon base price: $8.99
Used price: $0.49
Collectible price: $1.95
Buy one from zShops for: $1.75
Average review score:

It Took Me Into Another World!
This tape was not like other relaxation tapes, at least for me. When I listened to it, I was put into such a state of awareness that the exercises in visualization made me cry. You may think that sounds crazy, and I guess it is. But, the "world" that it put me into is one that felt real enough to touch. So, I would recommend this tape to anyone, as crazy as this review may sound. Get the tape. As a spirit on this Earth, you need it.

A must for your meditation library
This one is great. I love it, and so does my family. We enjoy the sweet monotone of the author as she leads you through the woods, around the streams, etc. The music behind her is especially soothing. I have used it many times to calm babies and put myself to sleep as I suffer from insomnia. I dont think anyone would be disappointed in this purchase, although I dont think I would recommend the second tape as it just didnt have the same effect. If you were to only have 1 meditation tape, this would be the one to have.
I have been using this recording in one form or another for several years. Our latest form has been which I would recommend as well...check it out!

This was the first book/tape I purchased on meditation, and having purchased numerous others since, I keep coming back to this one and wish it were available on CD. It contains 4 15-minute meditations, each building on the one before it, and all are incredibly relaxing, and great for beginners as well as the advanced. Salle Merrill Redfield's voice is very soothing, as are the simple, comforting images she presents. Wonderful after a stress-filled day at work or when trying to relax before bedtime. I would highly recommend The Joy of Meditating to anyone interested in meditation and easing away tension in their life.

LA Profecia Celestina: Una Aventura
Published in Hardcover by Warner Books (1996)
Author: James Redfield
Amazon base price: $16.95
Average review score:

Este libro presenta conceptos que algunas personas ya manejabamos, me llegó como una reafirmación al trabajo que estamos realizando. todas las personas deben de leer este libro para entrar a la corriente evolutiva del planeta. Este libro ya se volvió un clásico en la literatura universal.


Cambió mi actitud ante la vida
No se si sea un libro de superación personal, pero en cada una de las iluminaciones, encontré algo positivo que aplicar a mi vida personal. Y conste que normalmente soy una persona super escéptica. Además me gustó porque es sumamente digerible (fácil y agradable de leer). Me gustan las historias que involucran cosas del mundo maya. Repito que soy de naturaleza escéptica, pero al final del libro ya tenía yo en mis manos formas palpables de cosas que siempre sentí en el aire, como el amor, la importancia de agradecer los alimentos y comerlos con gusto y conciencia, y sobre todo: pensar siempre de manera positiva.

All people should read "The Fundamental Trues"
A Profecia celestina é um livro muito empolgante, quando você começa a ler não quer mais parar, pois a cada instante o livro revela coisas que são úteis no nosso dia a dia e que nos dão uma nova imagem da vida humana. O livro nos leva à consciência que as coincidências têm uma razão de ser, e trata isso de uma forma coerente e não muito filosófica. Gostei muito desse livro... Márcia Cristina Mendes Deischl (Brasil

Exploring the Zone
Published in Hardcover by Pelican Pub Co (2000)
Authors: Larry Miller and James Redfield
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $7.79
Buy one from zShops for: $8.00
Average review score:

Gurdjieff, The Enneagram, and The Zone--All in One!
If you want to understand how to do life, read this book at the perfect time for you to take next steps. If you are curious about the Enneagram, read this book. If you want to know how the universe of the human mind works read this book.

As someone who has read and is familiar with nearly all the references in the Miller-Redfield book, I suggest you begin your journey at the end by reading Appendix 2, entitled "The Perfect Twosome Continued." Here you will find the positive possibilities for taking this "Beyond the Zone" journey.

I read this book in my 58th year and learned more about the Laws of Three and Seven than I had learned in all the other books that mentioned them, including Ouspensky's Gurdjieff teachings books.

Miller and Redfield have a unique way of taking complex subjects and concepts and making them mind-friendly.

a celestine sequel
if you read the celestine prophecy, you must read this book!

Profecia Celestina: Gula Basica Delmensaje Espiritual Para El Nuevo Milenio
Published in Paperback by Editorial Grijalbo, S.A. de C.V. (1999)
Author: James Redfield
Amazon base price: $4.98
Average review score:

The Celestine Prophecy
This is an excellent book that helps you travel through your inner-self, increasing your awareness of the universe, your purpose in life, your uniqueness. I highly recommend the Celestine Prophecy "An Experimental Guide" also by James Redfield to accompany the reading of the book. It will give you further understanding of the insights and carry you through a spiritual journey and understanding of yourself.

I love this book, will give to all my friends and family as gift. Can't wait to read more books by him!

Celestine Insights
Published in Hardcover by Warner Books (1997)
Author: James Redfield
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $5.00
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $8.97
Average review score:

It is a very enlightening book.
This book is gripping and true to our human souls. It helps us to understand our better existence.

I love this book and would highly recommend it.

Clearing for the Millennium
Published in Digital by Warner Books ()
Authors: Albert Clayton Gaulden and James Redfield
Amazon base price: $4.95
Average review score:


Clearing for the Millennium: Lessons from the Creator and Director of the Sedona Intensive
Published in Audio Cassette by Time Warner Audio Books (1997)
Authors: Albert Clayton Gaulden and James Redfield
Amazon base price: $17.00
Used price: $4.19
Collectible price: $27.95
Buy one from zShops for: $2.55
Average review score:

It change my point of view and help me to accept my life
I need to talk about it but I can't really find the person. Now I see all the people like angels fighting to return home and this give me love for everybody, I try to help other people, first my husband and my sons, to change their points of view,because I experimented a real happyness. Many of the things that I read in this book were things that I have known before, my interior voice told me in different occasions. I really want to make contact with Albert.

La undécima revelación
Published in Hardcover by Atlantida Publishing (01 February, 2000)
Author: James Redfield
Amazon base price: $23.95
Buy one from zShops for: $8.99
Average review score:

No podia soltar el libro !
Tantas cosas por las que uno pasa en la vida sin prestarles la importancia debida ni saber porque suceden... Facilitado por la narrativa propia de este autor, el libro nos explica y hace reflexionar sobre pequellos detalles que a todos nos suceden a diario, y que ahora con un mejor entendimiento, nos damos cuenta que tienen un impacto tremendo en el desarrollo de nuestra vida, podemos sin duda alguna lograr un mejor desarrollo personal y espiritual al saber como funcionan tantas cosas que pensabamos estaban fuera de nuestro control y que ahora sabemos que si podemos influenciarlos. Ahora va a ser dificil dejar pasarlos de nuevo sin sacarles provecho. De verdad, no podia soltar el libro !

LA Vision Celestial: Para Experimentar El Nuevo Despertar Espiritual
Published in Paperback by Editorial Grijalbo, S.A. de C.V. (01 January, 1999)
Authors: Redfield James and James Redfield
Amazon base price: $11.95
Buy one from zShops for: $14.65
Average review score:

La Visión Celestial
Hi, I need to send Invitation to Mr. James Redfield I nedd the adress or e-mail to send this.

please send my this information soon.

Grate Event will become. My e-mail:

Thanks a lot.

Nature and Culture in the Iliad: The Tragedy of Hector
Published in Paperback by Duke Univ Pr (Txt) (1994)
Author: James M. Redfield
Amazon base price: $20.95
Average review score:

he got it right
I found much to disagree about when I read this book, but the conflict it posed was part of what made it such a great read (its often boring to read an author you completely agree with). Of all the commentaries on the Iliad I've seen, this is the one that gets the central point right. Most people focus their critic of the Iliad by assuming it is the story of Achilles. In fact, it isn't, there is another, perhaps more powerful, story lurking; in the finest tradition of Shakespearean drama the Iliad is fundamentally the tragedy of Hector. It is this duality which makes the Iliad one of the great books in human history and nature and culture is one of the few books that, in addition to providing some informative background on homeric culture, stresses this point.

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