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Book reviews for "Ray,_Amy" sorted by average review score:

The Story of Martin Luther King Jr.
Published in Hardcover by Candy Cane Press (2002)
Authors: Johnny Ray Moore and Amy Wummer
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $4.95
Buy one from zShops for: $4.61
Average review score:

Beautiful and Perfect
This little board book is the most beautiful and perfect book on Martin Luther King, Jr. I have ever seen as Dr. King's message is kept pure, untainted, clear and focused. The colors are soft and gentle, the words simple and easy. It is a perfect introduction to Dr. King, his life, his work as well as an introduction into human values such as respect and equality. It is never too early to begin educating children on such matters nor too late for adults to refresh their memories on these core matters especially as so many are waving flags: remember what those flags represent and the lessons of Dr. King. This little book can help any age do so...even you!

Telling the Tale
Parents quite often want to begin to teach their children about important aspects of
history and culture even at the earliest of ages. This book is the perfect avenue
through which parents can begin teaching their children about Martin Luther King and
the Civil Rights Movement.

Moore has done a superb job in writing a biography that is short, concise and easy to
understand. Even children with the shortest of attention spans can enjoy and understand
this book. Friendly illustrations will make this book even more pleasurable for
children. The boardbook format of this book makes it easy for children to handle
the book and even turn the pages without parents having to worry about the book being

Reviewed by Stacey Seay
The RAWSISTAZ Reviewers

Ray Lago: Heroes & Angels
Published in Paperback by Archangel Entertainment (1998)
Authors: Ray Lago, Amy Lago, and Kurt Busiek
Amazon base price: $20.00
Used price: $37.64
Average review score:

Beautiful and informative
Wonderful book full of great insight into the art of Ray Lago. The stunning artwork is worth the price alone!

Remembering Walt: Favorite Memories of Walt Disney
Published in Paperback by Hyperion (Adult Trd Pap) (2002)
Authors: Amy Boothe Green, Howard E. Green, and Ray Bradbury
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.17
Buy one from zShops for: $6.50
Average review score:

They called him Uncle Walt for a reason
I have read many books on Walt Disney. He is a personal hero of mine. Usually, a Walt Disney book will be all positive or all negative. This book is a bit different. It consists almost entirely of anecdotes told by those who knew Walt both as a friend and a leader, both good and bad.

I feel like I know Walt a lot better after having this book. From the early days of animation to the creation of Disneyland and Walt Disney World... friends, co-workers, and family members describe this complicated man from every possible perspective.

Walt was not a saint or an angel. Nor was he the devil that some recent biographers have tried to make him out to be. He was a human being... a complicated human being. He was a visionary, at least 50 years ahead of his time. Mostly, he was a miraculous, paternal figure in the lives of everyone close to him and a magical, whimsical personality to almost everyone else in the world. They called him Uncle Walt for a reason.

This incredible collection of photos and stories will be treasured by those who love Walt and should be enjoyed even by those with an occasional curiosity in the man who created an empire based on a mouse.

Long Overdue and Just In Time!
After having read exerpts of this book in the June edition of Disney Magazine, I'm looking forward to reading the complete text. It is essential that the remembrances of those who knew and worked with Walt Disney be recorded for future generations. Like Abraham Lincoln before him, Walt Disney's life has taken on legendary proportions even long after his untimely passing. It's important to remember that he was first & foremost, a son, brother, husband, father, and grandfather... and not to forget... the creative genius of the 20th Century. And just in time for the 100th Anniversary of Walt Disney's birth in 2001!

Remembering Walt is a Magical Tribute
Walt Disney was a man of great vision. His name is an American Icon. He is world renowned for the unforgettable images that he brought to the silver screen, which captured the imaginations of young and old alike. Those images and characters he created have transcended the movie houses they were originally shown in and have leaped into literature, art, toys and educational entertainment parks touching almost every part of the globe.

The creator of the iconic character, Mickey Mouse, both as an illustrator and supplier of Mickey's original voice, brought together a highly specialized yet diversely talented team of artists and craftsmen whose works will endure for all mankind.

There was something always very characteristic on whatever Walt Disney had a personal hand in. Even his live action films that he personally produced have that unique Walt Disney look and feel about them. Their sights and sounds have an enduring quality about them which remains with anyone that has viewed them.

Through the end of my adolescence there began a time when I began to feel that Walt's films were nothing more than some cornball kid's stuff and were nothing more than mildly entertaining fluff. However, in retrospect I now see the emotional charged craftsmanship that went into his films. They were always interesting, but more importantly they always sparked the imagination and some such as "Old Yeller" brutally challenged the younger viewer to prepare for the responsibilities of adulthood.

I think that while Walt was alive especially heading into the 1960s he was beginning to become taken for granted and his legacy was somewhat cynically scrutinized as something archaic and out of step with the "real world." I think that today as members of the "real world" we have to take a look back and see the values that one man cherished and wanted to share with all the people on this planet. We are losing those values ever so quickly cloaked in a stealth-like path to ultimate despair. It is good to see that one man's vision and hope that the future generations of society would not abandon those values, but cling to them and nurture them. That vision is not dead.

Walt is remembered. This book was very inspiring and uplifting. It was good to read anecdotes from people who knew him and were touched by his devotion to his ideals through his approach to his many endeavors. Annette Funicello, Dean Jones, the Sherman brothers, Kurt Russell, Hayley Mills and many others were very kind to share their fond experiences with Walt. They remind us that he is indeed not forgotten and has left an indelible mark on all those that he touched as a man and through his works. I highly recommend this book.

Will Work For Peace: New Political Poems
Published in Paperback by Zeropanik Press ()
Authors: Brett Axel, Sherman Alexie, Marge Piercy, Carolyn Kizer, Martin Espada, Diane di Prima, W. D. Snodgrass, Bob Holman, Peter Viereck, and Leslea Newman
Amazon base price: $13.50
Used price: $18.00
Buy one from zShops for: $25.00
Average review score:

Will Work for Peace is a triumph of poetic Davids.
As one of the poets featured in Will Work for Peace, one might expect me to be a bit biased, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Most poets work in a virtual vacuum, only tenuously connected to each other by the occasional workshop or shared membership in a 'poetry society'. When Brett Axel first approached me for a submission to an anthology he was considering, the names Marge Piercy, Lyn Lifshin, Moshe Bennaroch and so many others were abstractions to me as a fledgling poet. I knew these tremendous writers were 'out there' somewhere, beating down doors with their words and keeping a struggling artform alive. But to think that someday I would ever share a credit with these dynamic modern poets would be a pipe dream at best. It is through the sincere efforts of Brett Axel that many newer voices like mine have an extraordinary opportunity to appear with Pulitzer Prize winners and other poetic heavyweights. By way of an honest review, however, I will say this- not everything in this book will be to your particular liking. I myself came across some works that did not move me in the way the author may have intended. Some imagery can be raw and visceral, using shock value in place of craft at times. But to ignore those voices would be an even more shocking turn of events, so praise be to the editor for not sacrificing his vision to a senseless conformity. As Pete Seeger so aptly put it in his quote, trying to read all these poems at one time would be like trying 'to swallow Manhattan whole'. I say to you- buy this book, read this book, but understand that it's what you do after reading this book that will ultimately define who you could be. Poetry is alive and well, and lives in the blunt pages of Will Work for Peace.

Thumbs Up
Just amazing start to finish! I like the disregard for fame used in putting the book together. That great poems got in even if they were writtenby nobodys. Look at Roger Bonair-Agard's poem on page 74. Shortly after Will Work For Peace came out he won Slam Nationals, becoming Slam Champion of 1999, which will be getting him lots of offers. But Zeropanik Press didn't need to be told he was good by an award. They could tell by his writing! Good for them and good for all of us because Will Work For Peace is a literary milestone. It's a new standard for all future anthology editors to try to live up to. Thumbs up to Brett Axel and Thumbs up to Zeropanik Press for their guts and integrty.

You have to read this book!
Brett Axel visited my Church and I bought a copy of Will Work For Peace from him, not for poetry, but because I care about working for peace. I started reading through it thinking It'd just go on my shelf and that'd be the end of it, but the book grabbed me and kept me rivited. If I had known that poetry was this alive I'd have been into poetry. I've been reading some of the poems to my friends who also didn't think poetry was important and they are saying the same thing. Fantastic! There's no way to get through this book without having your old mindsets challenged. It's funny, powerful, sad, and uplifting. A book that deserves to be read by everyone. A book that really can make the world a better place!

Interactivity By Design
Published in Paperback by Adobe Press (21 July, 1995)
Authors: Ray Kristof and Amy Satran
Amazon base price: $40.00
Used price: $8.00
Buy one from zShops for: $25.99
Average review score:

Art + Science + Design + Psychology
I'm kind of tired of those dense, cerebral, "engineering by acronym" books produced by apparently brilliant programmers or other computer scientists who are doing, teaching, trying interface design. I am still amazed that these two accomplished this 131 page book in 131 pages (not 550). They did it by practicing what they preach: Integrating text with visuals with links (at least within the constraints of the book artifact). I refer to it often just to refresh myself and remind myself of what I enjoy doing for a living. And I still learn from it too. Perfect as a gift for colleagues.

Simple. Clear. Invaluable.
For once, someone makes the distinction between information design, interaction design and presentation design. This book was invaluable in helping our division more clearly define our process for product development.

A Jewel of a Design Book
The design of this book is as educational and stimulating as its excellent content. The writing is crisp, clear, and to the point; supporting graphics inform as much as the words do. Over all is a wonderfully coherent, logical flow of information and examples about the process of multimedia design from inception to conclusion and a stunning, interactive page layout that practices superbly what the book preaches. Not only do I use it in my teaching, but I sometimes pick it up and peruse it for the sheer pleasure of its artistry.

Office Automation: A Systems Approach
Published in Hardcover by South-Western College/West (1995)
Authors: Charles M. Ray, Janet Palmer, and Amy D. Wohl
Amazon base price: $93.95
Used price: $110.52
Average review score:

Excellent introduction to end-user computing support
Introduces readers to the field of end-user computing support, including needs assessment, telecommunications, human factors, personnel selection and management, ergonomics, and information resources management. Includes cases and software. Technology content is a bit dated, but concepts and cases are strong.

Published in Hardcover by Dial Books for Young Readers (1979)
Authors: Nicholasa Mohr, Amy Ehrlich, and Ray Cruz
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $13.50
Collectible price: $14.28
Average review score:

A book better shared
Felita introduces the reader to a strong and loving Puerto Rican family living in New York. The characters are well-developed and interesting. The plot is interesting enough to engage young readers. The book is recommended for children 4-8, but I feel it is more appropriate for children comfortable with chapter books. I realize that age levels are subjective, but I believe that a 4-8 year old would be better off sharing this book with a caregiver or teacher. The book deals with racism and death of a loved one, and for these reasons I feel that it makes an appropriate shared reading book. It is important to offer children a chance to discuss Felita's experience with racism. Without open discussion,it could lead the reader to believe that all Irish and Germans are racist. In this story Felita's beloved grandmother dies, but the death is dealt with in three pages at the end of the story. I don't think given the care taken to describe the relationship between Felita and her grandmother, this ending does the characters or subject justice.

Felita Review
Felita is a story of a Puerto Rican family struggling to give their children a brighter future in the face of racism and prejudice. I think these are important issues that need to be addressed with children, in the classroom or in the home. I found it especially poignant that the children immediately accepted Felita as a friend, but it was the adults that rejected differences and cultivated the prejudice in their children. I am confused about the previous review stating that this book is appropriate for chidren ages 4-8. The back of the book states that it is for children 7-11 years of age and the top of this page states that it is appropriate for ages 9-12. Children of these ages should become familiar with short chapter books such as this one. Overall, I found this to be a good addition to a culturally diverse selection of childrens books-- one perspective to add to the many that make up life in the United States.

Financial Markets (Money and Me)
Published in Library Binding by The Rourke Book Company, Inc. (1997)
Authors: Ray Sobczak and Amy Adelstein
Amazon base price: $27.93
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Meet Martin Luther King Jr
Published in Hardcover by Ideals Publications, Inc. (01 September, 2002)
Authors: Johnny Ray Moore and Amy Wummer
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $6.92
Buy one from zShops for: $6.77
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Office Automation: A Systems Approach/With IBM 5 1/4 Disk
Published in Hardcover by South-Western College/West (1991)
Authors: Charles M. Ray, Janet J. Palmer, Amy Whol, and Palmer Wohl Ray
Amazon base price: $69.95
Used price: $29.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

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