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Book reviews for "Pirogov,_Peter_A." sorted by average review score:

National Audubon Society Field Guide to New England (National Audubon Society Field Guide to New England)
Published in Paperback by Knopf (1998)
Authors: National Audubon Society and Peter Alden
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.77
Collectible price: $22.95
Buy one from zShops for: $11.00
Average review score:

An excellent concise and compact field guide to New England.
I've been searching for a book like this for the past two years. It contains information on the different types of habitats, birds, insects, reptiles, amphibians, trees, lichen, wildflowers, mammals (...the list goes on) found in the New England area. It even has a collection of star maps for people who are also interested in the New England night sky. The information is well laid out and easy to read and is accompanied by detailed color diagrams and photos. What I like best about this book though is I no longer have to carry around 5 different field guides when I go out hiking now. I only need to carry this one.

National Audubon Society Field Guide to New England
I have waited all my life for a nature handbook such as this! So many questions I've had were answered in this book. (ie. what DOES poison sumac really look like? Or, is that REALLY just a milk snake -- or could it be poisonous?)Beautiful pictures, and clearly written, informative sections provide excellent information for nature lovers of every age. This book would be a welcome addition to every New Englander's home library and is small enough to be easily portable for hiking etc. I found myself wanting to give one to everyone I know, from grandchildren to grandparents!

Not just a field guide
My wife and I both really enjoy the descriptions of New England habitats, geology and other natural phenomena, and the information about parks at the end.

We take many drives to different parts of New England, and go exploring. Often we see something and wonder what it is. Now we keep this book in the car. It has greatly increased our knowledge and appreciation of our new England home.

Since reading this one, we have bought others of the series on the strength of the habitat and other "natural history" information. The authors' writing is clear and engaging and makes the material accessible to the tenderest of tenderfeet.

4WD Adventures : Colorado
Published in Paperback by Swagman Publishing, Inc. (20 June, 1999)
Authors: Peter Massey and Jeanne Wilson
Amazon base price: $28.95
List price: $29.95 (that's 3% off!)
Used price: $20.82
Buy one from zShops for: $21.98
Average review score:

Best 4x4 Book Available
GPS guide, great descriptions, totally dependable. Dont waste time with others, buy this one!

A great guidebook
I bought this guidebook a few years ago and it is definitely one of the best. It fits easily in our seatback. He covers many trails. What has been helpful about his book, is that the mileage is given in both directions, so you can easily figure out where you are given your starting point. All the cross roads you come across are described as well, so you don't wonder, should I have gone that way. His mileage was right on with our odometer. I have a few other guide books, but his is definitely the best because of the detailed description of your road trip. Highly recommend. With his book and a Trails Illustrated map, no reason for you to get lost.

Checked the competition
I do not own this book, but had read my friends quite a bit, when we actually took our first 4WD trip, we used a competitors book. It paled in comparison, this book is so much more informative. The directions are flawless and the photos and histories it details make it much easier to find the trail that suits your interests.

Hondo and Fabian
Published in Hardcover by Henry Holt & Company, Inc. (01 April, 2002)
Author: Peter McCarty
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.70
Collectible price: $16.95
Buy one from zShops for: $11.04
Average review score:

Luminous, sweet illustrations
This is a perfect bedtime book because the illustrations are so calm and soothing, yet not boring. The pictures exhibit humor as well, especially the pictures of Fabian the cat having to escape the baby (although it's never explicity stated, and does not portray the baby negatively) and the picture of Fabian enjoying the fun of unrolling toilet paper. The book is simply beautiful, and adult pet owners as well as children will enjoy it.

Playful story - wonderful atmospheric illustrations
I love this author's style - both in text and drawings. The story is simple yet wonderfully accessible via the antics of the cat and dog. There's a playful quality that my son (age 4) enjoyed. Any child that has a cat or dog as a pet will especially identify with the tale. Very pleased with this purchase.

A Great Book!
I had to read this book as an assignment in my Children's Literature class at West Virginia State College. I am so thrilled that I picked this book to read. This book is a delightful story of a dog/cat relationship. It tells of a unique friendship that out of the ordinary. This illustrations in this book are excellent. I would recommend this book for every child to experience.

Los 10 Errores Más Dolorosos de la Pareja ( The 10 Most Painful Mistakes of couples )
Published in Paperback by Encuadernacion Geminis S.A. DE C.V. (03 September, 2002)
Author: Peter Miller
Amazon base price: $15.99
Average review score:

¡QUÉ CHULADA DE LIBRO ! Para ella y para él,
para mi esposa y para mí...
Fue la solución cuerda para todos nuestros problemas. Tiene "tests " para los dos integrantes de la pareja, de manera que cada uno se va dando cuenta de sus errores y enmendandolos.
Comenzamos con "Inteligencia Emocional entre Marte y Venus ", y ya que aprendimos a entender el idioma de nuestra pareja ( por incomprensibles que parezcan ellas ) SEGUIMOS CON ESTE LIBRO.
Sólo les digo que, aunque su matrimonio sea excelente, con este libro se puede optimizar !

SON "'PEQUEÑECES ", detalles al parecer sin importancia pero que van agrandando la distancia que nos divide
Dado que son "Detallitos " es fácil olvidarlos y conservar únicamente el resentimiento.
Este libro extraordinario ( que incluye TESTS ), los saca a flote para que se puedan resolver...
Es vital hacerlo a tiempo, porque la brecha crece y un buen día, al paracer "SIN MOTIVO ", la pareja se separa...y nadie entiende por qué. Ni ellos mismos !

Es extraordinario ! Un libro tan
Yo creo que su eficiencia brota del hecho de que, tienen toda justicia, tienen que leerlo los dos: El y Ella.
Y es lógico, porque el problema siempre es DE DOS!
Los tests para ambos están super bien diseñados y se refieren a que cada uno establezca sus propios errores y ponga la voluntad para corregirlos !
FANTÁSTICO ! A mi esposo y a mi nos funcionó como magia...

From Porn to Poetry: Clean Sheets Celebrates the Erotic Mind
Published in Paperback by Samba Mountain Press (20 November, 2001)
Authors: Susannah Indigo and Brian Peters
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $16.70
Buy one from zShops for: $9.95
Average review score:

Great stories
These stories are great - "Tell Me A Story", "The Symbol For Intensity", "The Secrets of Humphrey Milquer" - better than most erotica I read. I like the mix of humor and information and sex in the book, and I quite liked the writing about "What's Abstinence Got To Do with It?" about teaching kids well. An excellent book, and great for reading on the train.

Excellent book
Great stories, thoughtful essays, I don't do poems.....ok, I did read and like some of them!-:) The "Carmen by the Lake" story made me cry. I love stories about coming of age.

Sexy, literate, lovely
I don't usually write reviews, but this is the loveliest of books, so lovely that I'm keeping it out on my coffee table for conversation starters. It looks so "dirty" but it's so literary and interesting. There's not a story or poem in here that isn't wonderful, and the humor is good too. I leave it out so that people can pick it up and turn to any page and be surprised, and always interested. Stories like "River of Butterflies", "Blue in Cuba", and "Grady's Bar & Grille" are just amazing and original. Excellent book.

A Calendar of Wisdom: Daily Thoughts to Nourish the Soul Written and Selected from the World's Sacred Texts
Published in Hardcover by Scribner (1997)
Authors: Leo Tolstoy, Peter Sekirin, and Peter Sekerin
Amazon base price: $15.40
List price: $22.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.98
Buy one from zShops for: $4.99
Average review score:

Simply A Masterpiece!
One of my favorites! I have a daily process, which includes morning reading of several great works. It didn't take long for this book to rise to the top. Tolstoy has done a great service to mankind through his collection of great insights and wisdom. Nicely translated by Peter Sekirin, this book is a treasure awaiting discovery! Tolstoy put a tremendous effort into his concept of "A wise thought for every day of the year, from the great philosophers of all times and all people." It took him over fifteen years of searching to compile this final version of which Tolstoy himself would consult daily for the rest of his life. Wisdom from the likes of Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Lao-Tzu, Buddha, Pascal, Jesus, Confucius, Emerson, Kant, Ruskin, Seneca, Socrates, Thoreau and many more. Tolstoy's love and passion for his work shines through as he writes in his introduction..."I hope that the readers of this book may experience the same benevolent and elevating feeling which I have experienced when I was working on it's creation, and which I experience again and again when I reread it every day, working on the enlargement and improvement of the previous edition." I am sure that this book will be one of your all time favorites too!

A Master's "Cabbage" Soup For The Soul
Can it really be -- something new from Tolstoy? Perhaps a forgotten, 1,200-page canvass of history found propping up a broken bedstead at the great man's dacha? Is the mystic count of Russian literature about to have a go -- à la Louisa May Alcott -- at the late-20th century bestseller lists, thanks to a misplaced manuscript? Not quite. Tolstoy's "new" book, "A Calendar of Wisdom," has gone though the printing presses in Cyrillic several times, but has now been translated into English by Peter Sekirin.

"A Calendar of Wisdom" is a collection of quotations culled from world literature and grouped thematically for each day of the year. It is, in Tolstoy's words, "an accumulation of the cultural heritage of our ancestors, the best thinkers in the world."

This book is, by design, popular reading from a great master; it was made, in his words, "to present for a wide reading audience an easily accessible, everyday circle of reading which will arouse their best thoughts and feelings." And, as a book of daily inspiration, it is probably the best of the lot. Whose life wouldn't be bettered by a daily nibble of Shakespeare, Lao Tsu, Ruskin, the Talmud, the Dhammapada, Socrates, Jefferson and a host of small and tall 18th and 19th century thinkers?

Tolstoy's sentiments are truly affecting, simple but not easy prescriptions for daily living. But keep in mind that it was not enough for the count himself, who died -- barely two years after the publication of the last edition of the calendar -- at a lonely train station as he attempted to flee the bonds of his gentrified life.

In these readings life serves up some measures of grief as well as comfort food. It is in fact, Tolstoy's vision. I think of this calendar as Tolstoy's spiritual Rolodex; a kind of truth one can live and prosper with.

This 365 day journey compiled by Tolstoy is a journal that he himself read year after year following his authorship of it. The book contains wisdom from the world's various sacred texts, including wisdom from the Christian, Buddhist, and Muslim traditions, and more. A wonderfully inspiring daily devotional that is perfect for open-minded individuals of all religions. Buy this book!!

When Mothers Work: Loving Our Children Without Sacrificing Ourselves
Published in Paperback by Perseus Publishing (1998)
Author: Joan K. Peters
Amazon base price: $10.50
List price: $15.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $0.70
Collectible price: $5.29
Buy one from zShops for: $0.94
Average review score:

Common-sense thinking about juggling parenthood and life
While this book was written for a primarily American audience, it still made alot of good sense for me as a New Zealand mother-to-be. What she proposes is really very simple - moving away from the overparenting trap, including our children as part of our lives as women rather than our whole reason for being, allowing the parenting to extend beyond just the nuclear family and most importantly of all, elevating the role of the father as parent. Made sense to me.

A great reinforcer for Mom's who wonder if it's ok to work!
No mother returns to work without some feeling of ambivalence. This book does a solid job of dispelling the myths of the benefits of the always available mother which society seems to call for and gives so many reasons why Mother's work outside the home is good for the whole family. I have read it over and over and find new jewels of wisdom each time. Ms. Peters speaks of the value of work with confidence and conviction while never losing her tenderness when voicing so beautifully the absolute joy which children bring to our lives.

What an eye opener!
This book is about raising healthy children. This is not meant to be a political or controversial book. It deals with the real issues all parents face when confronted with wanting to raise your children and having to support your family. The author's theory is that fulfilled parents raise independant, self-reliant children. There are examples of families that use many different strategies to raise their children successfully, without guilt for the time they spend at work. The author talks about the satisfaction that BOTH parents get from caregiving. Unlike the family dynamic of the 1950's, if the mother is sufficiently supported in child rearing by the father, she can parent effectively herself without becoming burnt out. In addition, the children benefit from having 2 involved parents, rather than just 1 or 1 1/2, and the father gains from having a closer relationship with the children. At the same time the parents have the satisfaction of working and supporting their family together (or however it works best for that family). This book helped me quite a bit. I don't know how I will feel after my child is born and my maternity leave is over. My husband has always promised we would share all work in raising our family but I just couldn't give up the power of running the house. I didn't believe he could do the job as well as I would. This book explains that dads don't do things the same way as moms. They do them differently, and the kids benefit from both parenting styles. This book gave me the courage to trust him to do his very best, just as I know I will.

Catholic Sourcebook
Published in Paperback by WCB/McGraw-Hill (1990)
Authors: Cline and Peter Klein
Amazon base price: $18.75
Used price: $2.97
Collectible price: $15.84
Average review score:

Left me wanting more
While its coverage is encyclopedic...the descriptions that go along with the multitude of entries are sparse and lean on information.

The idea behind the book is brilliant. I sincerely hope that in future editions the authors will choose to put more meat on at least some of the more mainstream subjects covered here.

A great starting place
This source book contains brief entries on thousands of topics on Catholic history, traditions, etc. You won't find detailed information - but that's not the purpose of the book. It's meant to provide quick facts. I use this as a starting place - this gives me enough information to carry on with a more extensive search elsewhere, if I want to know more.

Great book!
This book is so informative! I'm new to the Catholic faith, and this book answers almost all my questions! A great book for newbies like me!

Jaws Maui
Published in Hardcover by Jaws Maui, Ltd. (1997)
Authors: Blue Max, Charlie Lyon, Leslie Lyon, Charles Lyon, Patrick McFeeley, and Peter W. Cannon
Amazon base price: $27.97
List price: $39.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $20.00
Buy one from zShops for: $26.90
Average review score:

I think this was one of the best thriller stories of its time. I personnally think it also is one the best water thrillers ever. I think any who is scared of the water should read this book.

Jaws > Mother Nature's Wave Pool
If anyone out there either surfs or enjoy's Surfing as a way of life, this book is for you! Go out there and purchase this book! Jaws is more than a book, the colourful pages come alive in front of you, looking at Laird Hamilton coming down the faces of massive 50+foot surf, it's like your right there below him (holding the camera) Blue Max did an amazing job of illustrating these waves for us, I was lucky enough to have visited Maui, for others out there, what are you waiting for..? Killer Waves..Best Surfers in the world.. see it all..? or save your money and buy this book

aloha Jim Mellanis :-)

A Must-Read, not just a Must-See.
Jaw Maui has much more to offer than your average coffee-table book. It is an incredible blending of inspirational writing and insightful interviews with the watermen themselves. Charlie & Leslie Lyon have done a great job letting us in on the inner workings of these accomplished athletes. Everyone that visits us gets a chance to read Jaws, and has come away mightily impressed (and longing for a trip to Maui!).

In the Name of the Father
Published in Paperback by Plume (1993)
Authors: Gerry Conlon and Peter Borland
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $0.74
Collectible price: $8.25
Buy one from zShops for: $5.95
Average review score:

No title for this review
I bought Gerry Conlon's book after seeing the Jim Sheridan film "In the name of the father," which had little to do with the narrative Conlon set down. In particular I was struck with the conflicts the filmmakers made - between Conlon and his father, between Conlon and his lawyer, and between Conlon and the IRA members who did the bombings Conlon was convicted for - when the conflicts Conlon described had to do with the Irish prisoners vs. British prison officials.

A year ago when I had access to an aggregate news group I looked up Mr. Conlon - he's apparently a broken man, unable to adjust to the outside life, broke, wishing he were back in prison. Has he been vindicated by the English Courts? Has he had any recompense? Do the families of the Guildford Four accept his innocence? I'd like to know who the victims are here.

Incredible read.
This book was incredible. It's difficult to believe the such injustices happen. Basically, this book is about a troubled 'youth' who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and was sentenced to jail along with other members of his family. When the book is over, you feel a sense of relief, yet you can't help but feel anger towards the criminal justice system.

More Injustice For The Irish
You must read this book,even if you're not Irish it will break your heart. You will ask yourself will it ever end ? The British have made miserable the lives of so many. Gerry Conlon and his family are owed a great debt by the brits for their suffering and loss. I have great compassion and pity for anyone that has lived under the tyranny of british rule. More than politics, this is a tale of family honour.

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