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Many popular writers have contributed tales about their famous characters. Steven Sayor includes a new Gordionus story while Bruce Alexander provides a well-written original story. Miriam Grave Monefredi combines her Civil War knowledge with a Viet Nam widow's loss. Jan Burke, known for her police procedurals and amateur sleuths has written a historical supernatural mystery. Even alternate history great Harry Turtledove has entered the foray. All the stories are entertaining and fun to read, making this short story collection worth keeping.
Harriet Klausner
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While I didn't think that this was one of her best works, I did feel that Perry was trying to do something different with regards to involving one of the prime suspects in the actual sleuthing process (in this case, Charlotte's widower brother-in-law, Dominic Corde). As I read the book, I felt that Corde, in some ways, made more progress than Pitt. It does make a sort of sense though, since Corde lived in the same house as Bellwood.
I was disappointed that Perry's more interesting supporting characters, Great-Aunt Vespasia and Charlotte's mother, Caroline, barely get a mention. Charlotte's Grandmama only got one good scene, and she is great for comedic relief. I wish Perry could have somehow involved these ladies more in her exploration of how feminism affected them personally. That could have been really interesting.
Still, kudos to Perry for trying something different. Wish it could have been better.
Used price: $14.45
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The handling of the trial is masterly, and will please those who stick with the story that long. Much of the rest of the book is slow-going with little happening either in the way of character development or plot advancement. It often seems like filler.
If the book had focused on just the trial, this could have been a five star novella. If reduced to that area, there still would have been a few problems. The author never adequately explains why Sir Oliver and the countess faced financial ruin if the suit was lost. Barristers lose suits all of the time. Unless a plaintiff can prove substantial economic damages and malice, slander is not going to cost the defendent very much beyond the defense. Also, if this suit was so risky, it is not obvious why Sir Oliver took the case.
The trial has a great strength of doing some marvelous character development with the princess through the testimony that she and others provide. This was a virtuoso accomplishment because the princess is kept well hidden until then by her public image of being one-half of one of Europe's most romantic couples.
The book has some interesting things to say about what happens after you get your wish. I suggest that if you do read the book that you consider the potential downsides of what you wish for, as well.
Find the truth!
My first impression of "Weighed" was "What?" There was just nothing really grabbing at my attention about slander. True, Friedrich *may* have been murdered, but it didn't have the immediacy of the others.
But of course, I was reading through it sort of quickly to get caught up, and this *was* after I had finished the entire Pitt series and was a bit annoyed with how it got sort of bogged down after about eight books...
So I picked up "Weighed in the Balance" again a few months ago, and really read it. I was surprised at how different it seemed now that I considered it, and after I had read the later books too.
Granted, slander just doesn't grab you by the throat and demand your attention. I had the same initial problem with "Breach of Promise."
This re-reading also took place after my European history class had covered Germany in the nineteenth century, so I also had more historical perspective this time and could understand the German principalities and their concerns better.
This book is more subtle and slower-moving than some. But I still think it's a good entry into the Monk series. All along, I kept thinking "Gisela couldn't have done it--Zorah's toast!" But the reasoning for it made sense--it was well developed.
It was surprising and great to see emotionally corseted Oliver Rathbone take a risk and take up Zorah's cause. Though if you read, he sounds a little attracted to her...hmm! His development as more than the dry, skillful barrister was great to read. I never saw Oliver as really having passions and emotions before this--granted, there's been some gentle and sort of half-hearted courting of Hester, but after this book, it was possible he might actually get the girl in the end. At least, it evened the odds more!
Monk also gets some development here--glimpses into his past. He also is romantically disillusioned yet again by Evelyn von Seidlitz. After Imogene, Hermione, Drusilla, and now Evelyn, it's possible he's actually gotten a romantic *clue*! Throughout the books, Perry keeps him slowly learning about himself and romance, and what he really is and what he wants. Even if some of us feel like giving him a good smack for being such an emotional duffer sometimes! ;-)
The idea of the Cinderella couple gone wrong is interesting--most wouldn't dare to touch on something so exalted as royalty. Even in writing fiction today, besmirching those who were once considered "chosen by God" to rule is somewhat taboo.
I reiterate that I still don't find it quite as gripping as some of her other Monk novels, but this one is more subtle and dark. It covers the lengths one may go to in order to save their good name and image in an era where honor and reputation were practically deified. It's got probably some of the *biggest* bits of character development in the series, "Sins of the Wolf" probably having the most *significant*. Not her best Monk novel, but still superb and not to be consigned to the shelves at all!
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Traitor`s Gate features Thomas much more prominently than Charlotte. Thomas` surrogate father, Sir Arthur Desmond, the owner of the estate for which Thomas` actual father was the gamekeeper, has died in his club in London. The death is ruled accidental, or suicide, but his son Matthew, Thomas` close boyhood friend, is convinced it must have been murder, and asks Thomas to investigate.
Thomas is unable to officially investigate Desmond`s death, but rather fortuitously he is asked to investigate a case of missing information at the Colonial Office, to do with Africa and with British support for Cecil Rhodes. As it turns out, Arthur Desmond, formerly employed in the Foreign Office, had just prior to his death been making "wild" accusations of abuse of power in the government support of Rhodes. Naturally, Desmond`s death and the missing information are linked, and, more importantly, both are linked to the mysterious organization Thomas has run afoul of in previous books, The Inner Circle.
As Pitt`s investigations continue, his own life and Matthew`s are threatened, another murder is committed, and finally Pitt`s discoveries trigger a chain reaction of suicides and murders, ending somewhat in medias res with Pitt apparently ready to openly take on the Inner Circle.
The story is entertaining, and the solutions to the crimes are reasonably clever and interesting. However I don`t rank this as highly as the best books in the series for a few reasons. The Inner Circle has become non-credible to me, in its villainy, and its apparent size and power, not to say the incompetence of such a powerful organization in dealing with such a minor figure as Pitt. Pitt`s solutions to the crimes take on the all-too-familiar form of confronting the criminal with the (often rather sparse) evidence of his wrongdoing, upon which he either confesses or commits suicide. The device of having Pitt assigned to investigate a case of espionage is rather unconvincing. Also, the key crime of the book (the second murder) is not only difficult to credit as far as motive is concerned, but is committed in a foolish manner which seems calculated to ultimately draw attention to the murderer (indeed Thomas is misled rather more than I think he should be).
Finally, a key element of the enjoyment of this series is the ongoing stories of the advancing social life of the continuing characters. The books generally feature a love story or two, and this is no exception, but I didn`t find the love stories very involving. And as I said, Charlotte`s role in this book is minor, which is understandable for this book, but something of a drawback nonetheless.
Used price: $90.12
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The good part of the book is the plot and the setting. The ideas she has are good and interesting. The main characters are interesting and have alot of potential. They were just under used or poorly done this time round.
However I have not given up on her yet and I will read the third book Defend and Betray.