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Book reviews for "Pearson,_Carol" sorted by average review score:

Picture Windows: A Carol Lynn Pearson Collection: From Beginnings to the Present
Published in Hardcover by Gold Leaf Pr (1996)
Authors: Carol Lynn Pearson, Judith Calson, and Jennifer Utley
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $9.95
Average review score:

the perfect words for what you feel...
carol lynn pearson is a lyrical genius... her words move the reader into a space of feeling and deep intuitive knowing. as your life and issues change you'll re-read her work and find comfort and wisdom you didn't see from the first dozen readings. carol lynn's work has inspired my life for over twenty years... what a blessing she is.

The Hero and the Outlaw : Harnessing the Power of Archetypes to Create a Winning Brand
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill Trade (01 September, 2002)
Authors: Margaret Mark, Carol S. Pearson, and Alex Kroll
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.40
Buy one from zShops for: $11.68
Average review score:

This title provides innovative marketing concepts
Margaret Mark and Carol S. Pearson have wrote a book combining archetypal, mythic figures with modern day marketing. There are many time-tested concepts behind the consumer products we buy and use everyday. At times, we may feel a connection to a product because it's association has been in our archetypal consciousness for many years.

One criticism I have is the book gets into a little too much detail about specific projects and study methods. This happens when the authors talk about clients they have worked with. I don't mean the book is one long advertisement for their marketing consultant services, it is not.

You might appreciate how they relate a core group group of archetypes and how they relate to contemporary consumers. Such as Outlaw, Hero, etc. I found myself comparing these with what is generally called "demographics" and looking for possible fits, depending on the product or services sold.

What I very much appreciate is their mention of those who "manage meaning" have a responsibility to act ethically and think through their advertising and marketing campaigns. Having worked in consumer products and now in advertising, I know this is often not the case.

You'll get a lot out of this read.

Mythic Marketing
Lord of the Rings. That was the first thing I thought of when I read the synopsis about The Hero and the Outlaw.

I was somewhat doubtful about their premise, I must admit. Archetypes are powerful and they sell, undoubtedly, but that's for books and movies. But marketing?

Yet, books and movies are marketed and sometimes quite successfully. Steven King. Tom Clancy. Star Wars.

So, perhaps interweaving some of Jung's ideas and marketing is not such a bad idea, after all.

When I combined these very ancient concepts with some of the more modern strategies suggested in Michael levine's Guerrilla pR: Wired, I did see an impact.

Perhaps, despite claims to the contrary, we should not look to the future for marketing success, but to the past, for ideas that have a proven track record as ageless and as timeless as our dreams.

A Missing Link in Marketing and Brand Strategy
This book marries one of the most fundamental elements of psychology to market positioning and brand strategy. Using the Jungian archetypes, the authors simplify the development of solid brands. They are replete with wonderful illustrative examples. Since the archetypes are subconscious, it has been difficult for us as marketers to understand how they operate in brand development and giving meaning to brands. The authors offer a very simple method to analyze the brand's archetype and where it fits within the competitive product category.
Even if you are not a marketing person, you will enjoy reading the archetypes, trying to figure out what most appeals to you personally - and no surprise those are usually your favorite brands.
Well written and calls upon many ancient and modern authors who understand how people behave and why.

Good-Bye, I Love You
Published in Paperback by Jove Pubns (1988)
Author: Carol Lynn Pearson
Amazon base price: $3.95
Used price: $0.10
Collectible price: $2.12
Average review score:

For gay/straight spouses, tells both sides of the story
This is the first book I came across that truly captured what it is like to be gay and married and it was written by the straight spouse. Of course, that was years ago and now I have come out of the closet and have found my voice and know what is in my heart. But back then I was deep in the closet and this book was a godsend. Thank you, Carol Lynn, from the bottom of my heart. It was wonderful to see in words what before I had only felt and not understood. However, I wished I had read your thoughts and feelings about being a straight spouse more carefully. It would have given me so much insight into what was going on with my wife. It took me years to gain that insight on my own. But back then it was all I could do to handle my own pain.

An honest account from "the other side of the closet"
I first encountered "Goodbye, I Love You" when it was originally published. I was a married Mormon, and had trouble understanding how things could have happened the way she told them. Then, I found out my husband was gay, too. I re-read the book, and realized that she had told my story, only more compassionately than I could have. This book tells the other side of the story, the side of those whose lives are turned upside down by married gays who can no longer live a lie. If your life has been touched by this situation, this book will help you see that you are not alone. It is must reading for anyone who has known or been a married gay.

Ms. Pearson told her story well
This is not a happy book, but a courageous attempt by the author to express her feelings of frustration, grief, anger, and finally acceptance. I would like to see other reviews of this book by a wife, husband, mother, father, sister, brother, or other relative of a gay person. I certainly felt her anguish as she struggled to understand what was happening. She told her story well.

The Modern Magi: A Christmas Fable
Published in Paperback by Gold Leaf Pr (1994)
Author: Carol Lynn Pearson
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $27.17
Average review score:

A must Christmas read !
After reading this book, I shared it with a friend who isn't a reader. She loved it! One of the copies I'm ordering today is for this friend to place in her church library and one copy is for my church library. It is an inspiring book for anytime of the year, but especially at Christmas.

Listening to the voice of Christ in our daily life.
I love this book. It only takes an hour to read and it brings into perspective what is really important. If we, in our every day life, listen to the Spirit, (Jesus voice), as Annabelle did, and carry out what we have heard, miracles will happen. It is now a family tradition and each Christmas time we read it and you cannot keep your eyes dry! I shared the story in a Church Meeting and I saw a lot of people wiping tears away. It moves the soul. A must for holiday reading.

Will warm you all over!!
The Modern Magi, A Christmas Fable, is a most wonderful, delightful little book, on living the true meaning of Christmas, the whole year through. Carol Lynn Pearson brings home this meaning poignantly, simply, and beautifully through the character of Annabelle Perkins. Annabelle will touch your heart and maybe even spur you on, to perform your own selfless Christmas miracle. Even though the ending was predictable early on, this, in no way whatsoever, detracted from the beauty of the fable.

God talks to us constantly, yet one just has to be still and listen, have faith and follow what that inner voice is guiding us to do. Annabelle heard God speaking to her and she followed her heart and performed miracles for others while on earth. Was she an angel or a messenger or both? Only you the reader can decide that.

Annabelle's good will was able to live on long after Annabelle left earth and that is what the message of the book was portraying.

This little fable will warm you, bring tears to your eyes and remind you once again, that God does indeed work in mysterious ways though many people who touch our lives.

A wonderful book to share with the entire family!!! I loved it!!

Girlfriend, You Are the Best: A Fable for Our Times
Published in Hardcover by Gibbs Smith Publisher (2000)
Authors: Carol Lynn Pearson and Kathleen B. Peterson
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $5.45
Buy one from zShops for: $4.91
Average review score:

Excellent for those who have had a True Girlfriend!
This book brought tears to my eyes as I recalled my personal experieces with my best friends. I could truly relate to most of the feelings expressed. It had wonderful pictures. I could recomment this to anyone who has had a true best friend. Girls most certainly need at least one good friend to survive in this world.

the cutest!
My best friend gave this to me years ago and I treasure it. Every once in a while I'll write her an e-mail that says, "Girlfriend, you are the best!"

A Stranger for Christmas
Published in Hardcover by Loyola Pr (2003)
Author: Carol Lynn Pearson
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Superb Stocking Stuffer
Mother Teresa coined the term "the leprosy of the West" to describe the selfish trend of dumping the elderly in nursing homes where they can conveniently be forgotten or periodically described a receiving the best of care. Carol Lynn Pearson examines this disease in her delightful Yuletide story "A Stranger for Christmas."

The short tale may be somewhat predictable, lightly sugar-coated, and in certain cases a little less than plausible, but none of those debatable deficiencies is a crime. This allegory of two neglected little old ladies trying to prove that good people still exist among the modern day Christmas hustle and bustle leaves the reader with a very satisfied feeling.

In fact, I preferred 'Stranger' to the enjoyable, but in my view overrated modern classic "The Christmas Box." Amidst all the holiday habiliments, sneak an hour to read it, and you may completely re-prioritize your Christmas to do list.

A pleasure to read, generating laughter, sadness, and joy.
A Stranger for Christmas was such pleasant reading. You'll want to meet the two old ladies and talk to them about their make believe friend. (Didn't we all have one of those at one time or another?) The book only covers a few days of real time, and takes only a couple of hours to read, but brought laughter, moments of sadness, and then tears of joy. My thanks go to Carol Lynn Pearson for providing such an enjoyable experience.

This book is a must for every family. We read it aloud several times over, with adults & children. All enjoy the story & it teaches us the real meaning of sharing & caring. Beautifully written. It will touch everyones heart.

Female Hero in American and British Literature
Published in Paperback by Rr Bowker (1981)
Author: Carol Et Al Pearson
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $14.95
Average review score:

Thot provok study of pers growth thru literary protagonists
Thought provoking study of personal growth potential using female literary protagonists as examples. Similar to style of heroic studies by Joseph Campbell. Bit academic, but well worth effort to read and digest. Was used as a text in local college lit. class at my suggestion. Interesting as a very personal read OR as study of contemporary literature, provoking lively discussion.

What Love Is: A Fable for Our Times
Published in Hardcover by Gibbs Smith Publisher (1999)
Authors: Carol Lynn Pearson and Kathleen B. Peterson
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $4.40
Collectible price: $6.09
Buy one from zShops for: $5.94
Average review score:

Fable or fabrication?
Although's review and the Author's review try to "sell" the book, I have read it and am not impressed. But then again, making money is more important than providing a good piece of writing. I agree with writer when s/he comments about the similiarity to Reichert's poem, also titled "What Love Is", but only in idea and tone. The poem is autobiographical, dealing with Reichert's first experience with love and the lessons she learns as she grows up about "What Love Is". This poem, written in honor of her deceased child - an organ donor, has appeared in many publications. The book by Pearson appears to follow a similiar path but packages it's message in a confusing and disjointed manner.

Banal and juvenile
A very banal and juvenile work that reminds me of a daily soap opera drama. No substance, depth or even a hint of originality in this considering that this "fable" does appear to have it's idea taken from the 1995 poem of the same name (different subject). Can I get a refund?

"What Love Isn't" - original, well-written or enjoyable.
Very poorly written piece that relies on too many jumbled ideas and emotion to make a profit. I did find one use for it. I had my class evaluate it for what not to do. A student's comment summed it up, "Just because an author can make money off it, doesn't mean it's any good." How true! I did compare this book with the 1995 poem "What Love Is" as one reviewer suggested - enough similarities contained in this book to make it questionable in my opinion. One big difference - the poem was good - the book wasn't.

Magic at Work: Camelot, Creative Leadership, and Everyday Miracles
Published in Hardcover by Doubleday (01 July, 1995)
Authors: Carol S. Pearson, Sharon Seivert, and Sharon Sievert
Amazon base price: $22.50
Used price: $5.48
Collectible price: $7.93
Buy one from zShops for: $9.99
Average review score:
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The ACE Fellows Program : the first twenty years
Published in Unknown Binding by American Council on Education ()
Author: Carol Pearson
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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