Digital Transformation: The Essentials of E-Business Leadership
Published in Digital by McGraw-Hill ()
Authors: Keyur Patel, Mary Pat McCarthy, and John Chambers
Amazon base price: $21.95

Short and sweet !

Digital Transformation: The Essentials of e-Business Leaders

An Intelligent Discussion on What it Means to Be a True EBiz
Java Database Programming with JDBC: Discover the Essentials for Developing Databases for Internet and Intranet Applications
Published in Paperback by The Coriolis Group (13 September, 1996)
Authors: Pratik Patel and Karl Moss
Amazon base price: $39.99
Used price: $3.49
Buy one from zShops for: $13.50

Please don't buy this book

2ND Edition repeats mistakes of the first

Great Book!
Technical Trading Systems for Stocks & Commodities
Published in Hardcover by Traders Pr (1998)
Authors: Charles Patel and Ed Hargitt
Amazon base price: $50.00
Used price: $44.50
Buy one from zShops for: $46.00

Mediocre / unorganized

It depends what your looking for.
Direct Access Execution: ECNs, SOES, SuperDOT, and Other Methods of Trading
Published in Digital by McGraw-Hill ()
Author: Simit Patel
Amazon base price: $24.95

Direct Access My Hienie!

Execution was all I could think of

Cinema India: The Visual Culture of Hindi Film
Published in Library Binding by Rutgers University Press (30 September, 2002)
Authors: Rachel Dwyer and Divia Patel
Amazon base price: $24.00
Buy one from zShops for: $24.00

Avoid! A "visual" book with four pages of color pictures!
Molecular Biotechnology: Therapeutic Applications and Strategies
Published in Paperback by Wiley-Liss (15 January, 1997)
Authors: Sunil Maulik and Salil D. Patel
Amazon base price: $84.95
Used price: $19.99
Collectible price: $85.00
Buy one from zShops for: $49.50
Philosophy of the Gita (American University Studies. Series V, Philosophy, Vol 105)
Published in Hardcover by Peter Lang Publishing (1991)
Author: Ramesh N. Patel
Amazon base price: $47.95
Adaptive Evolutionary Information Systems
Published in Unknown Binding by Idea Group Publishing (2003)
Author: Nandish V. Patel
Amazon base price: $84.95
Administracion Financiera-Pack-E-Trading
Published in Paperback by Pearson Educacion (2003)
Authors: Alpesh B. Patel and James C. Van Horne
Amazon base price: $39.90
Advanced Models of Cognition for Medical Training and Practice (NATO Asi Series F. Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol 97)
Published in Hardcover by Springer Verlag (1992)
Authors: David A. Evans and Vimla L. Patel
Amazon base price: $139.00
Used price: $20.00
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"Digital Transformation" as defined by KPMG is not just the conversion of text, images, voice and video into digital form but also involves the changes in the business processes associated with them. Once the vision and strategy are in place it is important to move fast and get the "first mover advantage" since in the new economy it is the first movers who walk away with all the marbles.
One chapter each is devoted to b2b and b2c challenges and in each case the business model is brought out well.
The authors then borrow the concept of " disruptive technology" - the term coined by Prof Clayton Christensen in his book " The innovators dilemma". The web as a disruptive technology and what this means to diverse industries - Travel, Broking, Automobiles is quite interesting. In fact I have started reading " Innovator's Dilemma" once again.
The final chapter is devoted to future trends ( and threats !).
An excellent summary of what it means to be transformed- Digitally, in just about 120 pages.