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ability to bye this book,but I am so interested of this subject.

Used price: $23.99
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Anybody who reads this book will appreciate the depth of its coverage. It is a quality designed: a valuable compilation with both doctors and students in mind.

List price: $59.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $29.88
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I was familiar with many of the elements and concepts beforehand, but I've had a hard time grasping newer or unfamiliar subjects due to the many mistakes.
I will definitely be using other materials to study with.

Used price: $17.95
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The focus of the author is purchasing broodmare prospects that are the cream of the racing crop that are often overpriced and out of reach for the average breeder. It is unfortunate that the information provided within this book has been known for decades, "Breed the Best Mares to the Best Stallions and hope for the Best." Mr. Estes attempted to support this statement using the Average Earnings Index (AEI) and page upon page of statistics. A major drawback with the book is the author uses a very small percentage of the overall horse population in his examples. It was also disappointing that the author used only the best race mares and offspring from the 1930's and 40's to prove his point.
In summary, the book relatively easy to read and may be helpful for the first time owner looking to start a breeding operation but lacks information for improveing your chances of producing a stakes winner from existing breeding stock. The breeding of racehorses is still a gamble where Mother Nature is the only one who can predict the outcome. Don't be decieved by the book's title, this book provides nothing new and only attempts to support the statement, "Breed the Best Mare to the Best Stallion and hope for the Best".

Used price: $65.00
Collectible price: $59.29

Used price: $6.54

Used price: $21.74

Used price: $6.95
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