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Book reviews for "Palmer,_George_Herbert" sorted by average review score:

The Odyssey (Dover Thrift Editions)
Published in Paperback by Dover Pubns (1999)
Authors: Homer and George Herbert Palmer
Amazon base price: $4.49
List price: $2.50 (that's -80% off!)
Average review score:

Palmer's ODYSSEY, One of the Great English Prose Trans.
This is the George Herbert Palmer prose translation from the 1890's and is one of the best prose translations (or best translations period) of the ODYSSEY in English. It's, unfortunately, been unavailable for many years, but now Dover has brought out this extremely inexpensive edition. The Palmer translation is known for its faithfulness to the original Greek. You know when you are reading this translation that you are reading all of Homer's ODYSSEY. A faithful, literal prose translation like this is good to have to accompany an inspired translation into poetry like Pope or Chapman. This first sentence from Bk. 14: 'But from the harbor, up the rock path, along the woody country on the hills, Odysseus went to where Athene bade him seek...' is typical of the style. Spare and simple and rugged and bringing out the tone of nobility of this Homeric epic.

Titantic Epic!
Amazing story of what one man will suffer simply to achieve their dream of returnig to their homeland. The translation is precise and clear, a story that I will always love.

The Odyssey (Dover Thrift Editions)
Published in Paperback by Dover Pubns (1999)
Authors: Homer and George Herbert Palmer
Amazon base price: $2.00
Average review score:

The Odyssey is one of the greatest stories ever told.
The story of The Odyssey is one of the grestest stories ever told. Everytime I read it, I fall in love with the characters. I love the way Mr. Fitzgerald translates the book. He does a masterful job of describing the scene, and uses words to fully portray what is going on, and how the characters feel. I'm reading a version translated by someone else, and it feels "watered down." It's almost too easy to read. Fitzgerald doesn't simplify it to the point where something is lost. I would recommend this book to anyone. In echoing the words of people who have commented before me, I thought the Odyssey would be boring, but it truly is an awesome book and story.

A Story that Truly Deserves the Title "Classic"
This epic tale proves that the best stories and the most perilous adventures know no time period. "The Odyssey" is as compelling today as it was when it was written. Many of the adventures from Odysseus' journey have become stories all their own (the Cyclops, the Sirens, etc.) Fitzgerald's translation of this poem is masterful. He makes it easy to read but takes none of the magic away from Homer's spellbinding words. Children today who love action and adventure in books and in the movies should not overlook this classic simply because of its length and age. By any standard, this is quite possibly the greatest adventure story ever told.

Epic Journey
The Odyssey was probably the best book I have ever read. I first read this epic poem as a freshman in high school, and have read it many times after that. The epic journey by Homer captures the journey through life and its obstacles. Odysseus is main character that must journey to find his way home after the victorious battle of Troy. Odysseus has to overcome many obstacles that lie in his path to return home.

In life we also face obstacles that limit our ability. To overcome each different obstacle, one must use strength, mind, and perseverance to move on and succeed in life.

Odysseus overcame these obstacles by problem solving and thinking ahead. The Odyssey really captures the essences of life lessons through out time. The book was excellent. I mean where else can you find bloody battles, passionate love scenes, giant maelstroms, and the occasional six-headed monster.

I recommend this book to any reader, whether in High School, College, or just the average reader. The Odyssey is a definite classic.

Altruism; its nature and varieties
Published in Unknown Binding by Greenwood Press ()
Author: George Herbert Palmer
Amazon base price: $89.50
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Autobiography of a Philosopher
Published in Library Binding by Reprint Services Corp (1991)
Authors: George H. Palmer and George Herbert Palmer
Amazon base price: $69.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Formative types in English poetry
Published in Unknown Binding by ()
Author: George Herbert Palmer
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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A Herbert bibliography
Published in Unknown Binding by Norwood Editions ()
Author: George Herbert Palmer
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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The life of Alice Freeman Palmer
Published in Unknown Binding by ()
Author: George Herbert Palmer
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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The Nature of Goodness
Published in Paperback by (2003)
Author: George Herbert Palmer
Amazon base price: $34.99
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The Problem of Freedom
Published in Paperback by University Press of the Pacific (2001)
Author: George Herbert Palmer
Amazon base price: $34.50
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Self-cultivation in English, and The glory of the imperfect,
Published in Hardcover by Classic Books (1917)
Author: George Herbert, Palmer
Amazon base price: $88.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

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