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Book reviews for "Ollerenshaw,_Kathleen_Mary" sorted by average review score:

Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen (Real-Life Reader Biography)
Published in Library Binding by Mitchell Lane Publishers, Inc. (01 April, 2002)
Authors: Kathleen Tracy and Kathy Tracy
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $15.19
Buy one from zShops for: $14.64
Average review score:

Not the Best
I am a huge fan of the olsens and i own this book, but to tell you the truth, its a ripp off! yes, it is more up to date than the official biography but some information is incorrect and a lot of information was forgotten. i recommend buying it used if you really want because the price for this is a little high and if you are a hugh fan like me then i say go for it! this book can be a nice addition to your olsen book collection but if you want a good olsen book, try the sweet 16 books

No Longer R They Little Kids!
Well as you can see that now Mary-Kate and Ashley R now a teen. They nolonger r kids. They have grown up infront of the camera with hundreds of loyal fans watching them grow up. This book has 8 pics of them inside. It has some info that may surprise u. Its a book for any true Olsen Fan. However they are now known as Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen not the Olsen Twins. They would like to be known as individuals not as 1 person, because they r different in lots of different ways. Such as Ashley is right handed while Mary-Kate is left handed. They are the most recgonizable child star actresses than anyone else. They are the most popular kid actors since Shirley Temple. Well thats what it saids in the book. Well c what u think. Its a great book for big fans of the Olsens or Mary-Kate and Ashley.

Adult Health Case Studies
Published in Paperback by Prentice Hall (16 April, 1999)
Authors: Kathleen M. Shurpin, Mary Anne Dumas, Elayne Desimone, and M. Elayne DeSimone
Amazon base price: $42.27
Used price: $29.61
Average review score:

Excellent review course
Case studies are an excellent method of preparing one to pass the certification exam. This text does an excellent job in going beyond the classroom training to application of medical science to actual cases. Support of text's recommendations are well referenced.

Archaeology in the Holy Land
Published in Unknown Binding by Benn ()
Author: Kathleen Mary Kenyon
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $10.50
Average review score:

Plenty of Information!
Miss Kenyon's work is one of the most comprehensive ever developed. She produced much in the way of information about sites in the Holy Land some of which she positively indentified as some of the oldest of historical stories. Her work is used as a basis for much of modern archaeology as she was the first to develop a scientific approach to archaeology. Great pictures and good information. Excellent reference book.

The Long-Term Care Nursing Assistant Training Manual
Published in Paperback by Health Professions Pr (1996)
Authors: Mary Ann Anderson, Karen W. Beaver, and Kathleen R. Culliton
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $14.97
Average review score:

Initial training of future Certified Nursing Assistants
Very appropriate language and amount of detail. Not as overwhelming as many texts while providing sufficient scientific fact. Not as many illustrations of skills as I would like to see - i.e. text explanation of how to make an occupied bed or take a blood pressure but depends on instructor or other resource for demonstration of the skill.

Rachel's Cry: Prayer of Lament and Rebirth of Hope
Published in Paperback by United Church Pr (1999)
Authors: Kathleen D. Billman and Daniel L. Migliore
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.00
Collectible price: $14.95
Buy one from zShops for: $10.00
Average review score:

Being honest with God
Rachel's Cry; Prayer of Lament and Rebirth of Hope, by Billman and Migliore, seeks to recover the biblical tradition of lament and protest, and exemplify its importance in one's spiritual life, especially for those who grieve while facing irrational suffering. The biblical figure Rachel is seen as metaphor "of the wholeness of prayer and spirituality that needs to be reclaimed by Christians today." Rachel's cry, her laminations, "need to be reclaimed in Christian prayer, the liturgy of the church, and pastoral ministry." The prayer of lament is the "unsettling tradition of prayer that includes expressions of complaint, anger, grief, despair and protest to God," found throughout the Bible, most often in the Psalms. One who did not believe in God could not have written these laments; they are honest, open conversations with a living, listening, God. The prayer of lament can co-exists with the prayer of praise and joy; in fact, it must if those that suffer are to be honest with them and with God. "How can the prayer of lament be free and joyful if the realities of broken human life are not named and lamented?" Lament adds to the wholeness of Christian life, and has its place with praise and thanksgiving in a holistic understanding of prayer. I highly recommend this book for those that are grieving or are seeking to comfort those that are suffering.

Plants of the Coast Redwood Region
Published in Paperback by Looking Press (1988)
Authors: Kathleen Lyons, Howard J. King, and Mary B. Cooney-Lazaneo
Amazon base price: $17.00
Average review score:

this book sucked
this book wasn't even worthy enough for me to wipe my butt with. i regret stealing this book it was a waste of my time this book is what made me give up reading. this book made me hate trees.

Excellent survey
This little book is an excellent survey of the most common plants in the redwood region. Definitely a wonderful introduction for beginning students of these plants. The book helps to identify these organisms at the same time as it adds some interesting information about each plant. Highly recommended. It appears as it now is out of print which is a pity. Please bring it back!

A very good regional plant guide for amateur flower lovers.
This book has nicely reproduced pictures, classification, and very readable and informative text on many of the trees and flowers of the northern coast of California. The text includes description, natural history, and special notes regarding native American uses of plants, edibility, or cautions regarding poisonous plants. Very nicely done!

Critical Care Nursing: Diagnosis & Management (with Quick Critical Care Reference)
Published in Hardcover by Mosby (15 January, 1998)
Authors: Lynne A. Thelan, Linda D. Urden, Mary E. Lough, and Kathleen M. Stacy
Amazon base price: $75.00
Used price: $24.95
Buy one from zShops for: $24.25
Average review score:

Too broad and generalized. Not enough detail and descriptions regarding pathophysiology on a cellular level. Good diagrams and the price is right.

A bookshelf necessity!
Ably covers spectrum of critical care, and is especially useful for it's case histories. No text will be perfect or forever current but this one is an explicable text.

An Excellant Resource
After attending several classes taught by one of the authors, Mary Lough, I purchased this book and have found it to be an excellent resource. I am new to critical care nursing, and I consult this textbook an average of twice a week. Some consider the language overly technical, but I find it to be crisp and concise.

As to Ms. Wisniewski's criticism in her 10/4/00 review, I believe that the text she sites is referring to the African-American patient, and that it is the patient who might avoid pain medication for fear of addiction. She has instead interpreted it as instructions to the nurse. If she were to interpret the passage she quotes in the context of chapter 8, Pain and Sedation, she would also read that, "pain is what the patient states it is," and that "addiction rates for patients in acute pain who receive opiod analgesics are less than 1%." It is clear to me that Ms. Winskiewski has misinterpreted the intent of the writer. I have observed that many of my patients fear addiction and if we as nurses forget this possiblilty, we run the risk of undermedicating. It is our job to educate our patients so that they get adequate pain treatment.

In conclusion, I have found Critical Care Nursing Diagnosis and Management to be the best text on the subject that I have seen yet, and I recommend it frequently to my collegues.

Microsoft Publisher 2002 BASICS, Third Edition
Published in Spiral-bound by South-Western College/West (01 July, 2002)
Authors: Mary Alice Eisch and Kathleen Krueger
Amazon base price: $27.95
Used price: $27.39
Buy one from zShops for: $15.00
Average review score:

Basic but disappointing
I bought this book as a basic reference tool for learning MS Publisher 2002. It's well organized and simple to follow. And if you like using a classroom text without the benefit of the classroom, instructor OR any of the instructor files, this is the book for you. Otherwise, you should choose another. It frequently makes reference to instructor guides and tools that are not included. Instructions to "ask instructor..." pepper the text. It has more pages and has sold more on [] than other Publisher guides. Now I understand why. The text is full of projects and tests that are not needed unless you are in a classroom setting. I'm sure it's the students who are buying this book for class. Sample pages viewable on [] are not enough to judge content.

Preparing Teachers for National Board Certification: A Facilitator's Guide
Published in Paperback by Guilford Press (11 September, 2000)
Authors: Kathleen Anderson Steeves and Barbara Cole Browne
Amazon base price: $40.00
Used price: $31.95
Average review score:

No longer useful
The required entries changed after this book was written. The reader has no way of knowing what information in this book is still reliable.

What Is Theological Exegesis?: Interpretation and Use of Scripture in Barth's Doctrine of Election
Published in Paperback by Trinity Pr Intl (1995)
Author: Mary Kathleen Cunningham
Amazon base price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $9.90
Average review score:

Interesting subject, poorly written book. Not recommended.
Disappointing book. This work was originally written as a doctoral dissertation, and as such, does not translate well in a book form. Poor editorial advice, one assumes, led the author to cite several passages of the Bible indicating only the book, chapter and verse - as in Colossians 1:15, for example - assuming that they are either known by memory or making the reader to look them up. Citations in both Greek and Latin are, hard to believe, not accompanied by English translations, either. The "target" readers seem to be the members of the doctoral examining panel - nothing less.

This is unfortunate, as the subject of the book is an interesting one: the methodology that Karl Barth uses for the interpretation of predestinarian biblical texts. The author contends that Barth uses a novel approach, based on his reading of Ephesians 1:4 "For he choses us 'by him' before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight". Barth uses "b! y him" instead of "in him", affirming that Christ was in human form, as Jesus, with God even before the creation of the world, and is "both the electing God and the elected human" (pg.21).

Furthermore, juxtaposing a series of widely separated passages, and analysing them in tandem, Barth confines himself by design to the Bible, and only to the Bible, as the souce of his "predestination of one", universalist doctrine.

In summary, interesting subject, poorly presented - not a recommended purchase.

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