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Book reviews for "Morrison,_John" sorted by average review score:

Nikola Tesla: Incredible Scientist & Prodigal Genius: The Life of Nikola Tesla
Published in Paperback by Kessinger Publishing Company (1997)
Authors: Morrison Colladay and John J. O'Neill
Amazon base price: $16.00
Used price: $6.95
Buy one from zShops for: $15.68
Average review score:

Avoid this book
Fans of any type of literature will find this book to be a grave disappointment. There lacks any main theme, aside from the man himself. It contains several articles regarding different aspects of his life and inventions, jumps haphazardly from one subject to the next, but its greatest failing is it's quality. It has the appearance of biography thrown together by an uninterested sixth-grader. There are many pictures, many of them poor quality photocopies, and there is even an article copied from an encyclopedia. It is rare to see sometihng of this poor quality, and it is always shameful.

A Man's Story, not just the Science.
Unlike the other review I read on this page I find this an Incredible Book. I first read it as a teen and was inspired by the story of an inventor who never has been truly admired by the mainstream. His rivalry with Edison, his failure in love and his unusual mental talents all combine to create an extraordinary story of a man who appears more like an Extraterrestrial than human. The book isn't full of pictures... because not many exist, but if you can aspire to your imagination and delve into O'Neill's description of this man you'll find it all amazing. I've come back to this book again and again... for the story and not necessarily the physics.

A Harmony of the Gospels Matthew, Mark and Luke (Calvin's New Testament Commentaries Series Volume 1)
Published in Paperback by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. (1996)
Authors: John Calvin, W. W. Morrison, David W. Torrance, and Thomas F. Torrance
Amazon base price: $32.00
Used price: $8.98
Average review score:

Note: this is volume 1 of a 3 volume set
This is volume 1 of a 3 volume set, covering Matthew, Mark, Luke, and apparently also James and Jude. It appears that doesn't have the other two volumes, so unless you are interested only in the first part of the Gospels, you may find this volume a problem. Fortunately, carries all three volumes. Look for author first word = Calvin, title word = Harmony It won't be immediately obvious that the first volume is the same as this book, because the set is jointly published by Eerdmans and Paternoster. This is volume 1 from Eerdmans; amazon UK has all three volumes from Paternoster.

Scientific Design of Exhaust & Intake Systems
Published in Paperback by Bentley Publishers (2003)
Authors: John C. Morrison, Philip Hubert Smith, and Phillip H. Smith
Amazon base price: $20.97
List price: $29.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $17.99
Buy one from zShops for: $20.77
Average review score:

Stuck in the '60's
I read the book cover to cover. My impression is that this book contains exhaust and intake design information that was current in the 50's and '60s. Very little information for modern 4 or 5 valve per cylinder engines, and fuel injection tuned intake systems. No information on practical design of V8 performance exhaust system for street emmissions legal exhaust. Needs updated.

Deja vu
When my copy ofScientific Design of Exhaust & Intake Systems by John C. Morrison(Contributor), Philip Hubert Smith arrived I was quite excited. A scholarly text on intakes and exhaust! When I went to put it with others like it on my book shelf I realized that it was written by the same author that wrote The Design and Tuning of Competition Engines, Philip Smith. Both books are opaque, and aren't very logical when it comes to the flow of the explanations. There are lots of equations without explanation. It could use a rewrite.

highly recommended if you...
I have designed race cars for years and I definitely recommend this book. I found information in this book that I have not seen published anywhere else. It explains how tri-y headers work. It explains the theory behind pulse tuning of exhaust and intakes. The intake pulse tuning is the basis of why Porsche created intake manifolds that effectively change between several intake runner lengths. These theories are even backed up by proven test results performed by engineers. There are even simple equations that are directly applicable to designing an intake or exhaust. This book is "old" but then so is the 4-stroke engine and although today's engines may seem "new" they are fundamentally the same as the "old" ones which makes the material in this book very worthwhile. If you want to know more than what intake or exhaust you should *buy* and are possibly thinking about creating your own intake or exhaust system, definitely buy this book. If you are looking for a book like this but even more technical, I suggest the 2 volumes titled "The Internal Combustion Engine in Theory and Practice" by Charles Fayette Taylor.

Elements of Cartography
Published in Paperback by John Wiley and Sons Ltd (22 November, 1994)
Authors: Arthur H. Robinson, Joel L. Morrison, Phillip C. Muehrcke, Stephen C. Guptill, and A. John Kimerling
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

This book is pricey and uneven.
This title is billed as the Sixth Edition, and reflects the coming and going of co-authors. It is too bad that the editor had so little influence. Sections of this book that stick to their cartographic knitting are excellent. Historical information is very intersting. Basic explanations, such as the evolution of ellipsoids is very well done. Some of the writing is so bad it could have been extracted from a sophmore term paper, sprinkled with such inept phrases as "such as", "similarly", "however" and "in fact". The most glaring deficiency is in the area of computer technology. Either this material has not been updated since some earlier edition, or the author(s) are very uncomfortable with the subject matter. As examples: "Most common procedures used by cartographers have been translated into software programs written in special computer languages such as FORTRAN and C." "Today's well-rounded cartographer is routinely involved with these 'canned' (prewritten) mapping programs..." "The professionsal cartographer should, therefor, have a working knowledge of at least one computer language." We are regaled with three pages of detailed obselescent material on computer structure, but only 23 lines of overview on current instrument technology. There is a whole chapter on fonts and lettering, but no algorithm for conversion from Lat-Long to UTM. The central meridians for the UTM zones are not provided, nor is the DoD lettering scheme. One of the responsibilities of a text book is to arrange the subject matter in a structure where it can be easily referenced. This book reads like a series of articles of varying quality published under one cover, with overlap resolution left as an exercise for the reader.

Van Morrison : Inarticulate Speech of the Heart
Published in Paperback by DaCapo Press (1997)
Authors: John Collis and John Collis
Amazon base price: $12.25
List price: $17.50 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.45
Buy one from zShops for: $10.00
Average review score:

Inarticulate Speech of the Heart
I do not advise purchasing this book. The author seems focused on Morrison's anti-journalism to the extent that he seems to lose sight of his subject. Since Morrison is difficult (if not impossible) to interview, the author has been left with little more than the music to review. His reviews are passable but his insistence on noting numerous incidents where Morrison is arrogant and/or unappreciative of others turns the book into one long, cynical complaint regarding Van's character. The ending alone, wherein the author quotes Morrison's obscene rant to an audience member who requests a song from him, is depressing enough for me to recommend anyone to pass on this one. Sometimes ignorance IS bliss. Go buy Saint Dominic's Preview and listen for the real story!

An uneven biography: inconsistent and incomplete.
After reading John Collis' VAN MORRISON: INARTICULATE SPEECH OF THE HEART, I'm not sure of the author's intention. In the introduction, Collis claims that he "offers only respect, and simply wants to get amateur psychoanalysis out of the way at the outset." During the course of the next 200 or so pages, however, Collis revels in shameless psycho-babble of the lowest sort while repeatedly criticizing Morrison's notoriously reticent personality.

Another criticism is that Collis seemed to focus a disproportionate amount of his ten chapter biography on Van's years with Them and Van's early solo career. The first seven chapters roughly cover Van's childhood in Belfast up to the release of the WAVELENGTH album in 1978. It is thus left to the remaining three chapters to cover a twenty some odd year era which many fans consider to be Morrison's most consistently rewarding years.

Considering that Van has, on average, released an album every year, Collis' focus on this early era comes at the expense of adequately covering the middle and later periods of Van's career. Indeed, the overall feel of Collis' book is that it was rushed into to print to capitalize on the fact that no Van biographies were available when it was published in 1996.

Fortunately, with the publication of Brian Hinton's CELTIC CROSSROADS, this is no longer the case. Collis does offer some insightful comments on Van's albums, but I would recommend Patrick Humphries' THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO THE MUSIC OF VAN MORRISON to fulfill this task. Overall assessment: inconsistent and incomplete. Not recommended.

The Detroit Red Wings: Stanley Cup Champions -- 1951-1952 (Hockey History Yearbooks , Vol 4)
Published in Paperback by The Hockey Information Service Inc. (1997)
Authors: John Morrison, Doug McLatchy, and Hockey Information Service
Amazon base price: $8.00
List price: $10.00 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:
No reviews found.

A Year in the History of the Chicago Blackhawks: Stanley Cup Champions 1960-1961: A Long Time Coming (Hockey History Yearbooks , Vol 5)
Published in Paperback by Associated Publishers Group (1997)
Authors: John Morrison, Doug McLatchy, and Hockey Information Service
Amazon base price: $8.00
List price: $10.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The 1997 Information Please Sports Almanac (Serial)
Published in Paperback by Houghton Mifflin Co (Pap) (1996)
Authors: John Hassan, Gerry Brown, and Michael Morrison
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $2.48
Buy one from zShops for: $8.96
Average review score:
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2003 Espn Information Please Sports Almanac (Espn Information Please Sports Almanac, 2003)
Published in Paperback by Hyperion (Adult Trd Pap) (2002)
Authors: Gerry Brown, Michael Morrison, Information Please, and John Gettings
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $4.69
Buy one from zShops for: $8.05
Average review score:
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50 Years of Preserved Steam on the Main Line
Published in Hardcover by Ian Allan Publishing Ltd (31 December, 1989)
Authors: John S. Whiteley and Gavin W. Morrison
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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