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Book reviews for "Moore,_Richard_Thomas" sorted by average review score:

A New Ireland: Politics, Peace, and Reconciliation
Published in Hardcover by National Book Network (1996)
Authors: John Hume, Edward Moore Kennedy, Thomas McEnery, Richard Shepard Healy, Rebecca Grunch, Carrie Meback Mack, Jack Van Zandt, and Tom McEnery
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $1.68
Collectible price: $6.35
Average review score:

A framework for true reconciliation in Northern Ireland
John Hume is a virtually unknown figure in the United States, but he has been steadily gaining recognition due to his work in the Northern Irish peace agreement. This recognition is overdue and much deserved. This monumental book outlines Hume's political philosophy - a philosophy which seeks to brush aside the vengefulness and intransigence of Northern Ireland's past, searching instead for reconciliation through justice for all. Hume is heavily influenced by Matin Luther King, Jr. and John F. Kennedy, and quotes from these two figures flavor Hume's text. Hume's themes may seem repetitive, and his ideas seem to be based on the shakey foundation of human progress, but this work demonstrates that he is a champion for for a true peace in Northern Ireland - a peace that is just for all.

Death at Chappaquiddick
Published in Paperback by Pelican Pub Co (1980)
Authors: Thomas L. Tedrow, Richard L. Tedrow, and Thomaas Tedrow
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $1.38
Collectible price: $8.94
Average review score:

Assumed certain things were true and not know DA's history
Book was very factual. I do not recall the road to the "On Time" ferry having a 90 degree turn to the dock. It was more like an arc. The bridge road was at 100-115 degree right turn. The DA, my next door neighbor, needs further examination. The author should not assume she drowned. An autopsy would have painted a far different picture. Money buys many things.

A book of hard cold facts
Since the only other review of this book doesn't make any sense, I thought it necessary to write a coherent one. This book is truly incredible. It proves Ted Kennedy's guilt with clarity and integrity. The facts are simply undeniable - if it weren't for Ted, Mary Jo would be alive today. The Kennedy family has long been America's sweethearts. It is high time that they are revealed as murders, philanderers, cheaters, liars and losers. Sorry, but this is coming from an Irish Catholic who is ashamed to admit that the Kennedys claim some ties to the land of her origin! They are all bad but Ted Kennedy is the worst. He should be behind bars- this book will tell you why. Read it - it's a well done piece of detective work and it will hold your interest. It may also make your blood boil - but that's not the authors' fault! DOWN WITH THE KENNEDYS!

Eastern Systems for Western Astrologers: An Anthology
Published in Paperback by Red Wheel/Weiser (1997)
Authors: Ray Grasse, Richard Houck, Bill Watson, Michael Erlewin, Hart Defouw, Dennis Flaherty, James Braha, Thomas Moore, and Robin Armstrong
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $10.00
Average review score:

Awsome coverage of poorly explored astrologies
Not to put the previous reviewer down, but which culture hasn't studied the constelations ("fixed stars") & plenets ("wandering stars") for centuries?

This is a great book. The wording is very practical and down to earth. The subject matter in most of these chapters is formidable (given the limited space), and allows dialog between the reader & writer. What I enjoyed the most was not the diversity that was braught to the book, but the depth of knowledge that was braught to it. The chapter written about Chinese "Five-Element" Astroloy was my favorite. For more info about "this stuff"; I recomend anything written by DEREK WALTERS.

Now if you'll me let complane (which is what most of the critiques on do), I'll share with you what I don't like about most practicing astrologers. Most people (including Fagan) try to dispute the validity of using one Zodiac over another (sidereal vs. tropical). But the fact is that some Zodiacs don't even use the ecliptic! Incuding Chinese astrology. Or the Nakshatras, which most western astrologers "throw in"! And this is my point, that these Zodiacs are a cration. Our creation! And that's what makes astrology valid! Remember Arroyo. Don't forget Arroyo. He said, "If astrology is in fact an emination of universal mind or 'Collective Unconscious' or anything like that, then instead of imposing foreign dogma on astrology, I would say, let us open our eyes to what astrology already is! Let's acknowledge its inherent, extremely sophisticated, psychological [soulful] dimentions. It's all there. It's a tremendous tool, a language of consciousness and inner experience... This is one reason why traditional astrology has become quite meaningless to many of us; the astrology has not for the most part evolved to keep pace with our growth [in] consciousness. And it's why every culture has it's own astrology-the consciousness of that culture determines what level of understanding they can have of astrology."

I really need to emphisise this feeling I have about these truths! It seems as though all we need to do is look up and astrology becomes valid, alive because we are!

For another "good read" try The Origin of The Zodiac by Rupert Gleadow.

Wonderful insights from the East
This is a book about astrology from China, India and Tibet. I do not know of any other book in which there are so many different astrological techniques from the East. Everything is clearly explained. In this book, you will find the wisdom of the sages of the East who have spotted the stars and planets for centuries. Now you can learn about their insights.

McSd Visual Basic 6 Exams : Exams 70-175 and 70-176 Training Guide (The Training Guide Series)
Published in Textbook Binding by Que (1999)
Authors: Howard Hawhee, Thomas Moore, Felipe Martins, Richard Hundhausen, and Corby Jordan
Amazon base price: $48.99
List price: $69.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.90
Collectible price: $24.97
Buy one from zShops for: $15.00
Average review score:

You'll pass, but you won't be a master...
This book will help you pass the exam if you are diligent and already fairly VB-savvy. On the bright side, it does cover all of the exam material. However, many topics are covered at a VERY shallow level or are discussed in confusing terms. Worse still, other areas seem to have been written by someone who had read Microsoft documentation but hadn't actually taken the time to understand what they had read or to test out the stated concepts thoroughly. Particularly obnoxious is Chapter 12. The author is clearly way out of his/her depth when it comes to designing and implementing COM components. The lab exercise to implement a callback procedure for asynchronous processing is laughable, as the steps it leads you through never kick off an asynchronous process (clearly showing that the author doesn't really understand what asynchronous processing is). The author thinks that because the windows message queue remains responsive, it proves that asynchronous processing is being used. Oops, sorry, wrong answer.

If it's important to you to really explore these concepts and learn something useful, supplement your use of this book. If there is anything that you read here that seems contradictory, or unclear, or is just plain new to you -- pull up keywords in the MSDN library and go to town. Get hands on to try things out in VB if something in the Hawhee sounds fishy or if you've never had real-world experience with a particular concept. Get the Appleman book for a reference on the Win32 API(you should have it anyway). Take a look at the Pattison book (Programming Distributed Applications with COM and VB6) for information on COM and how VB fits in. These two books will serve you well as references for a long time.

If you just want to pass the exam, and don't care about actually understanding and being able to apply the information that you're being tested on, just buy this book. You'll probably slide by, even if you have to give it a couple of tries. Just please don't ever come work for my company -- I'm positive I wouldn't enjoy working with you.

This Book + Transcender + Online Help = Success!
I decided to buy this book because of the high ratings in this site and is pleased to report that this is the best book I've seen that covers both exam 70-028 and 70-029. Make sure to do all the exercises at the end of each chapter to have a hands-on experience of the concepts being taught. Exam questions at the end of each chapter also makes you retain more of what you've read so make sure you go through those too. Although this book is by no means complete, gaps could be filled in by searching some of the topics it missed using the product's online help. Specially lacking is its Package and Deployment chapter. The accompanying CD gives you some feel on what it is like to take the exam but Transcender comes closer to the real thing than the software packaged with this book. Errors in the text and the exercises could sometimes fluster you but a quick trip to the publishers website for the latest errata for this book could help you catch the more obvious mistakes.

Overall, this book is a valuable resource for the exam and as a handy reference even after the exam.

This is a very good book. Unlike so many other exam prep books, the authors display a deep understanding of VB and computing in general. You get help in passing the VB exams PLUS a deeper understanding of the subject itself. You can tell that the authors are interested in helping you become a better programmer and they have a lot to offer in the furtherance of that cause. Also, the material is presented in a comprehensive way. After you pass the tests, you will want to keep this book on the shelf as a reference. (There are a few errors. If you read carefully, you will spot them.) Here is something that I learned: the reviews that Amazon publishes are a goldmine of information. Getting past Microsoft certification is an important and difficult mission and if you embark on it with an inferior study guide, things are going to be rough: tear stains on your mouse pad -- deep teeth marks on the book itself. I found this excellent book by reading the Amazon reviews and I will never buy another computer book again without reading them first.

The Science of Sound (3rd Edition)
Published in Hardcover by Addison-Wesley Publishing (18 Dezember, 2001)
Authors: Thomas D. Rossing, F. Richard Moore, and Paul A. Wheeler
Amazon base price: $88.00
Used price: $65.84
Collectible price: $81.00
Buy one from zShops for: $69.80
Average review score:

Lots of Problems
This book should have been a classic introduction to musical acoustics. Instead, it tries to hard, is convoluted, often in error, and confuses musicians.

When I taught from this book, I and the class found errors in equations, references to equations, and calculations. When undergraduates are struggling to learn, this is a very bad context.

The book is so concerned with a level of comprehensiveness, that measured clarity is left out. At the same time, for the expert, it is too little. Therefore, it appeals to neither the introductory level nor the more advanced level.

I gave up using this book.

A good elementary textbook
I have used this book as the primary textbook for an introductory course in the physics of music. It is at a somewhat higher level than some of its competitors (e.g. "The Acoustical Foundations of Music" by Backus) but still suitable for non-science majors with weak math backgrounds. It is the most thorough and informative book I have seen at this level. However, the students complained that it was somewhat dull. Also, the section on electronic reproduction of music is out of date--relatively little on CD's etc., and nothing on mp3 and related technologies. Still, I plan to use it again.

Toned down math, but still pure sound
I have taught a course entitled "Acoustics for Musicians and Recording Engineers" to Engineering, Music, and Film majors using Rossing's THE SCIENCE OF SOUND. He has toned down the equations enough that the students aren't groaning, yet he's remained true to the interdisciplinary nature of acoustics as a pursuit of physics, psychology, math, and engineering. The structure of the book provides a wonderful outline for the course and it has been an invaluable resource for both me and the students who have wished to continue with their study of acoustics.

Awakening Your Soul (Parts 1 and 2)
Published in Audio Cassette by Credence Cassettes (1994)
Authors: Richard Rohr and Thomas Moore
Amazon base price: $59.90
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Globalization of the Aerospace Industry: Initial Findings
Published in Hardcover by Rand Corporation (2002)
Authors: Mark A. Lorell, Julia Lowell, Richard M. Moore, and Thomas M. Davidson
Amazon base price: $17.50
List price: $25.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $12.95
Buy one from zShops for: $16.97
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The Johns connections : with references to Ayer, Benjamin, Browder, Cadwalader, Calhoun, Davis, Edwards, Emmanuel, Evans, Griffin, Harry, Hughes, Humphrey, James, Janeway, Jenkins, John, Jones, Lewis, Loftin, Lovelace, Miles, Moore, Morgan, Nunn, Oliver, Owen, Prichard, Pouncey, Rhys/Rhees, Rice, Richards, Roberts, Rogers, Sides/Seitz, Thomas, Townsend, Welsch, Wild, Williams, Wilson, Woodley, and many other related families
Published in Unknown Binding by Heritage Books ()
Author: Helen Sides Dye
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Memoirs Of The Life Of The Rt. Hon. Richard Brinlsey Sheridan ( 2 Volumes )( Vol. 1 Only ) (BCL1-PR English Literature)
Published in Library Binding by Reprint Services Corp (1858)
Author: Thomas Moore
Amazon base price: $150.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Memoirs of the life of the Rt. Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Published in Unknown Binding by Books for Libraries Press ()
Author: Thomas Moore
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $30.00
Collectible price: $22.45
Average review score:
No reviews found.

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