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Book reviews for "Meyer,_Thomas" sorted by average review score:

Discovering the Naturalist Intelligence: Science in the Schoolyard
Published in Paperback by Zephyr Press (1999)
Authors: Jenna Glock, Maggie Meyer, Susan Wertz, and Thomas R. Hoerr
Amazon base price: $23.07
List price: $32.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $22.90
Buy one from zShops for: $21.93
Average review score:

Discovering the Naturalist Intelligence: Science in the Sch
This is an excellent resource for the elementary school teacher. The activities are teacher friendly, easy to gather materials for, and kids love them. The content of this book provides a terrific avenue for incorporating outdoor education activities into the school curriculum...likity split!

Julie Meyer: The Story of a Wagon Train Girl (Her Story)
Published in Hardcover by Silver Burdett Pr (1997)
Authors: Dorothy Hoobler, Thomas Hoobler, Robert Grantt Steele, Carey-Greenberg Associates, and Carey-Greenwood Associates
Amazon base price: $21.00
Used price: $11.21
Average review score:

Good book.
This was one of my favorite Her Story books. It is about Julie, a young girl who travels west with her family by covered wagon on the Oregon Trail in the 1840s. If you liked the other Her Story books you will like this one.

Secret Gospels: Essays on Thomas and the Secret Gospel of Mark
Published in Paperback by Trinity Pr Intl (2003)
Author: Marvin W. Meyer
Amazon base price: $16.10
List price: $23.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $15.98
Buy one from zShops for: $15.08
Average review score:

A close and scholarly study of apocryphal texts
Secret Gospels: Essays On Thomas And The Secret Gospel Of Mark by Marvin Meyer (Griset Professor of Bible and Christian Studies, Chapman University, Orange, California) is a close and scholarly study of apocryphal texts - those ancient Christian writings which are not included in the canonical New Testament Gospels. These texts present accounts of Jesus' childhood, teenage years, and relationships with women left out in the canonical gospels, and this in-depth study of their meaning and symbolism offers a fascinating new dimension to Biblical reference shelves. Also very highly recommended for Christian Studies reading lists are Professor Meyer's earlier books: The Secret Teachings of Jesus: Four Gnostic Gospels and The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus.

With Pen and Pencil on the Frontier in 1851: The Diary and Sketches of Frank Blackwell Mayer
Published in Paperback by Minnesota Historical Society (1986)
Authors: Frank Blackwell Mayer, Bertha L. Heilbron, and Thomas O'Sullivan
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $4.59
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $4.98
Average review score:

With Pen & Pencil on Frontier
Frank Mayer's book not only gives us a written enthnographic view of the frontier life but also a "photographic" view of life on the frontier in North America. His book is a fingerprint in time for a place that will never be seen again.

The Encyclopedia of Technical Market Indicators
Published in Hardcover by McGraw-Hill Trade (01 March, 1988)
Authors: Robert W. Colby and Thomas A. Meyers
Amazon base price: $70.00
Used price: $17.99
Collectible price: $42.35
Buy one from zShops for: $35.00
Average review score:

Formulas are in Metastock
Add 2 stars if you don't care that the formulas are in Metastock shorthand, NOT in straightforward mathematical terms. I'm a programmer, looking for a book with the straight formulas for technical indicators. Here's what it says on the book, as quoted by amazon: "Simple, intuitive, easy-to-understand, and precisely defined formulas". Sounds great, so I buy it. NOWHERE does it mention that these formulas are in Metastock shorthand, which is NOT decipherable without Metastock, so I returned it. The book is very good at explaining the use of these indicators, but I'm very disappointed in the misleading marketing of the publishers and amazon.

The Encyclopedia of Technical Market Indicators
The best technical analysis and indicator encyclopedia. Comprehensive, best refernce.The only book yoy will ever need. Not a dictionary of indicator, complete analysis and trading models explained.

Absolutely, essential reading
Before you pick and apply any technical indicator into your market analysis just check, how does it rank in today's market.
I enjoyed the second edition very much . It helped me to
update my technical indicators' arsenal and provided a new
insight into the world of technical analysis.

Germany Inc.: The New German Juggernaut and Its Challenge to World Business
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (1999)
Authors: Werner Meyer-Larsen and Thomas Thornton
Amazon base price: $27.50
Used price: $5.90
Collectible price: $11.65
Buy one from zShops for: $6.44
Average review score:

Helpful Background on Germany's Rising Business Stars
The great weakness of the American business press is that it writes a lot about American business, a little about Japanese business, and almost nothing about anything else. As a result, most Americans are very uninformed about the major nonAmerican corporations and their leaders. This book is a useful remedy for reducing that ignorance. You will have a chance to get a thumbnail sketch of Daimler-Benz through the merger with Chrysler, Deutsche Bank through the buying of Bankers Trust, Bertelsmann and its expansion into worldwide entertainment, Allianz (the world's largest insurance company), Krupp and Thyssen through their merger, Hoechst and their merger with Rhone-Poulenc, Siemens, VW, Lufthansa and Airbus. Each profile also details the current leader and his background.

Of interest to those concerned about Nazi roots of some of the older enterprises is that the book covers that ground somewhat. You'll have to look at specialized books to get more.

As German businesses become more effective world competitors and U.S. presences, chances are you'll be dealing with these companies. Now is a good time to start getting acquainted.

As the context for this book, the author argues that the 50th anniversary of the former West German democracy, the 1989 end of the cold war, and the rise of a new generation of German business leaders mean that German businesses will "Go West" and "Think Big."

As anyone knows who has done business in Germany, the current leaders know a lot about the U.S. and speak American English well. To expand beyond Europe, the U.S. looks good. A variety of strategies are pursued, which the author puts into categories that didn't quite make sense to me -- perhaps it's the translation.

The book could have used a stronger analytical base. This is written more at the level of a weekly news magazine than a business book. With high cost equity capital and weaker technology in New Economy businesses, German businesses are in a poor position to play on the world stage in the emerging opportunity areas. Primarily, these are old economy businesses where scale is important that are trying to keep up. Because they have to pay cash and are usually not the biggest company in the world, the German businesses usually have to buy into marginal American operations. Getting Chrysler for stock is a function of the abysmal valuations of the auto companies in the U.S.

Having encouraged German clients to take the U.S. market more seriously over the last two decades, I'm glad to see the proof that it is finally starting to happen. I am sure that Act II will be much more impressive than the Act I that began with the DaimlerChrysler merger. Naturally, the jury is still out on how well all of these mergers will work. It's not easy getting two giants from different cultures to minuet together.

Good luck in overcoming your misconception stalls about German businesses, and finding new opportunities as a result!

Donald Mitchell

Coauthor of The Irresistible Growth Enterprise (available in August 2000) and The 2,000 Percent Solution


And While You're at it, Jurgen, Change the Oil
You can tell the author is a business magazine writer, and that each chapter is a vast expansion of a more crunched down version of what would normally be an article in, for example, Forbes or Business Week. I'm not sure the typology into which the book divides types of big German businesses really works (e.g., "Anti-comglomerate," "Pivots") but then Teutonic writers have always over-stressed forced classifications. Read Spengler if you don't believe this. Unlike Spengler, however (but yet eerily echoing Spengler's theme of "The Decline of the West") this book is easy to read, and rewards even a distracted skimmer with great informatin housed in biographical digressions focusing on current leaders of distinguished German companies. We learn that Thomas Middelhof from Bertelsman wrote his PhD on the internet in 1985, which seems to give him more credibility to be tangling with AOL. We are told that Jurgen Shrempp actually knows how to tear down and reassemble a truck engine, having dropped out of school and become a mechanic before he got in touch with his inner taskmaster and went to engineering school. No other chief of a big auto company can do this. This reminds me of how the computer companies fit here. Who's the better leader for Apple? The guy who made them in his garage, or the guy from Pepsi who writes autobiographies focusing on how his wife like to stay in Connecticut while he, John Scully, takes a break from selling sugar water in order to "change the world"? So we learn of clever and practical Germans, with tons of money, expanding into the post-Cold war business culture of "America" and with the refreshing admission that the more American you are, the better you business is. This is a sea change from the viewpoint of American academic pretentions from the 1980s (my time in college), who stressed the superiority of things European, and downgraded American habits and practices as unduly "puritan" (i.e., hard-working) and too obsessed with "progress" to appreciate the finer points of life, to be found in more continental patterns of things like more frequent trips to open-air markets, and taking 3 hour lunches. Read Tibor Scitovsky's "The Joyless Society" to see my point. And Rollo May. And bob Goudzwaard (Dutch interloper, but with plenty of anti-American opinions). Compared to this, these Germans profiled here are portrayed as so many Rodney Dangerfields from "Back to School" who buy their way into old institutions, and along the way spice things up for everyone else who is just slogging through. Still, you have to wonder what was in it for Chrysler to get eaten by the ambitious Daimler, driven by the truck mechanic. You will also learn what the intials "AUDI" stand for, and how Porsche and Pietche fit together. The portrait of Alfred Krupp may be too sympathetic, compared to the treatment by Kai Bird in his book "The Chariman." But this author does certainly probe into the Nazi antecedents of some companies, or more accurately Nazi interregnums of many of them. IG Farben is explained very succinctly (not easy to do) as is the dominance of Deutsche Bank. We'll see if the Germans are any better than the Japanese at hiring and working with people who are not like them. The book makes them sound pretty exclusivist, and Daimler's annual report certainly looks like the typical group of "white guys" who may find it hard to identify with the America that is quite a bit more complicated than a truck engine.

The battle between Deutschland AG and Corporate America
Unlike the book "Japanese Rage: Japanese Business and Its Assault on the West " ASIN: 094142359X, in which Japan is some sort of foreign environment that is out to get the U.S., this book outlines many reasons that we have common interests in the expansion of Germany. As you read the reviews that seem to cover the back cover of the book and "Part I: Go West, Go Global the New German Challenge" They probably do not want to spoil the rest of the book for you.

I was personally interested in the mistakes make by the German companies, as the company I work for was bought as part of a global expansion. Some of the mistakes came close. My personal favorite is about our company. The sales people in Germany are used to the company making a product and then giving the consumer the choice from the product line. At the first confutation with a US customer with the "you will use one of our variations," the customer told the sales man that when they made something to the useful specification of the CUSTOMER not the manufacturer they would buy it. Did the salesman learn that the customer knows what tools are necessary better than the manufacturer? No. The German salesman just said this must not be our customer and looked for another one. He is still looking.

This book shows three strategies with 10 cases. Werner Meyer-Larsen uses well-known corporations. He keeps the cased on a level that does not require you to be an economist with a minor in math.

Hedda Gabler (Methuen Student Editions With Commentary & Notes)
Published in Paperback by Methuen Publishing, Ltd (2002)
Authors: Henrik Ibsen, Michael Meyer, and David Thomas
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.33
Buy one from zShops for: $9.34
Average review score:

Hedda, the prisioner
Hedda Gabler lives in an absolute prison. Her idylic residence is a prison, her marriage to a hopeful "ilustrious intellectual" is a prison, but above all, she lives imprisoned by herself, trapped by the social parameters that demand her to live the way she does. Hedda just can't figure out how to get out of that tedious state. She's intelligent, cold, severe; Gabler has an almost prodigious capacity to obtain all the information she inquires about the people around her; she manipulates them, she seems to get involved, but she simply tries to take advantage of the situation. Apparently, she doesn't feel much, but in reality, Hedda is in constant turmoil - her involvement has to do, almost exclusively, with what she just cannot allow herself to do.

For this woman, being able to have some sort of "power" over someone becomes the most exciting of all experiences, however - there's a point when she no longer will be able to manipulate the situation on her favor, she will realize how many forces have power over her; therefore, she will simply do the most congruent and coherent of things, as unexpected and shocking as the outcome of this play could possibly be.

A well written dramatic tale.
Hedda Gabler is a wonderful story of a woman desperately trying to have control over her life. Married to a husband she doesn't love and pregnant with a child she doesn't want, Hedda seeks comfort in an old friend. There are enough surprizes in this play to keep it interesting throughout. Ibsen uses his brilliant writing style to capture the very essence of Hedda. I highly recommend Hedda Gabler as well as other works by Henrik Ibsen.

Personal View of Hedda Gabler
Hedda Gabler is a play filled with tensions and the theme of power play. Personally, I feel that Hedda Gabler is a reflection of a woman trapped in the wrong time. She is one who wants power but is denied of it due to her gender and also her status in the society and all that she needs is to just sit at home and recieve visitors. She has no aims to look forward to and I believe that it is suffocating for this woman. If she had been born in this time of the century, I believe that she would not land up in that patathic end.

The Gospel of Thomas : The Hidden Sayings of Jesus
Published in Hardcover by Harper SanFrancisco (1992)
Author: Marvin W. Meyer
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.00
Buy one from zShops for: $8.95
Average review score:

114 Sayings attributed by the Gnostic Christians to Jesus
In 1945 a couple of Egyptians digging in the Nile River valley found a sealed storage jar that contained a collection of fifty-two ancient manuscripts, most of which were devoted to the teachings of Gnosticism, early Christians who believed that matter is evil and that emancipation comes through "gnosis" (the Greek word for "knowledge"). The Gnostic inner quest for spiritual understanding put them at odds with the authority of the Church in the first, formative centuries of Christianity. It is not surprising that the Gnostic writings were suppressed by the early Church and were really only known to us through the writings of their opponents. The discovery of these manuscripts allows us to read what these early Christians were thinking and to judge for ourselves the value of their beliefs.

Marvin W. Meyer has provided new English translations of several of the most important and revealing of these early Christian texts. Of these, the Gospel of Thomas is the most interesting. Biblical scholars have long maintained that one of the source documents for the Gospels was a collection of sayings that was integrated with the Gospel of Mark to produce the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. The Gospel of Thomas is an example of such a collection, providing dozens of sayings attributed to Jesus. For example, Saying 75: "I am the light that is over all things. I am all: all came forth from me, and all attained to me. Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Pick up a stone, and you will find me there." The words might be different, but certainly the idea is recognizable, which is true of the vast majority of 144 Sayings collected in the Gospel of Thomas. These sayings are not a radical depature from what we have in Scripture and at the very least we can accept them as being accurate representations of early Christian beliefs. Certainly they are more familiar than the other Gnostic writings Meyer has translated. You will have to judge for yourself how compatable they are with the New Testament. But I think they are definitely worth thinging about.

A very compelling picture of the man known as Jesus!
To my utter surprise, this book in question, i.e., The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus by Marvin Meyer (Translator) was so much better then I had ever expected. In fact, one can and should draw striking similarities between the Thomas's gospel and that of the book of Q. The similarities are very striking; in both version one is presented with a prophet (whom is not the son of God or divine in any way, shape or form and tells parables in order for people to understand the real nature of God) and this picture is so much more compelling to a person whom is a Unitarian Universalist by choice, will and credo. The picture of Thomas's Jesus is very compelling and some of the things that he says can be attributed more to the study, the craft and the art of ethics and morality then to purely religious thought, ideas and study. Overall, I thought that this book, i.e., The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus by Marvin Meyer (Translator) was extremely thought provoking, intellectually stimulating and was written with a sense of scholarly authority that is rarely seen in any book (regardless of subject which the book covers).

Worth buying, worth reading, and worth recommending.
The Gospel of Thomas was found in 1945 along with the Nag Hammadi Library near the town of Nag Hammadi in Egypt. It's text dates back some 1600 years. The gospel contains many sayings which are found in the New Testament Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John). However, it also includes many sayings never found before. Unlike the other gospels, "The Gospel of Thomas" has no story line but instead focuses on the specific sayings of Jesus Christ. There are 114 sayings, spoken by Jesus and recorded by Judas Thomas the twin. Many have come to know this man as Thomas the disciple or "doubting Thomas". Either way the fact that it was written by one of the twelve disiples adds credibility to the text. As far as the translation goes; in the preface, Marvin Meyer explains his careful use of coptic text to translate the document. Nothing is added, nor is anything taken out. What a relief for christians seeking the truth! I highly recommend this book, however, I would advise skipping the reading by Harold Bloom.

At Dusk Iridescent: A Gathering Of Poems (1972-1997)
Published in Paperback by The Jargon Society, Inc. (31 December, 1999)
Authors: Thomas Meyer, Mark Steinmetz, and Guy Mendes
Amazon base price: $40.00
Average review score:

A beautiful book
This is a beautiful book--not at all the kind of thing you'd find waiting on the shelf in any of the bookstore chains. It's a giant paperback with glossy wrappers, with a terrific design for the text, and it lies open easily--the same dimensions as Jargon's edition of Joel Oppenheimer's Selected Early Poems. A big book to make a big impression.

Throughout, Meyer cultivates an epicurean persona, writing often about his desire for the finer things in life--especially sex. The poems are a mix of free verse, sonnets, and more formally experimental work. In addition to Meyer's original poems, there are translations and remarkably inventive adaptations. The variety of the work represented is one of this selection's great pleasures.

Fatal Embrace (St. Martin's True Crime Library.)
Published in Mass Market Paperback by St Martins Mass Market Paper (1999)
Authors: Cris Barrish and Peter Meyer
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $0.50
Buy one from zShops for: $3.95
Average review score:

Excellent reporting. Engrossing read.
Of the 3 books currently available concerning the Capano-Fahey case, this looked to be the best. It did not disappoint. The book was written by a reporter who covered the case from beginning to end, Cris Barrish. His grasp of the details of the case and descriptions of the way the case impacted the community make the book truly enthralling. The writing style is excellent, never too wordy. My only complaint, and it's a minor one, is that the author(s) were a little too vehement in their dislike for Capano and were not as objective as they could have been. However, that doesn't mean I don't highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in finding out what happened to Anne Marie Fahey. The reviewer who said the book was boring is plain wrong. It's as much a "couldn't put it down" book as I've read in the true crime genre.

A captivating story, extremely well researched and written!!
Mr. Barrish has captured an intriguing story with an insight that only someone who has followed this tragedy from it`s beginning could possibly have written. The story itself is fascinating with its subplots of family turmoil, sexual adventures,drug abuse, political connections, and eventually murder. Mr. Barrish`s coverage of the trial and his ability to add new and insightful details of Capano`s personal life made this book a must read . The author has added much to an already riveting story. His closeness to the story can be felt. He has been able to add to this story by his obvious closeness to this murder story. Mr. Barrish was able to take you into the minds and hearts of the people who were touched by Ann Marie Fahey. He let you know the intimate details of local police officials,the prosecutors,witnesess,and seems to have been able to talk with almost evryone except the defendant himself about this crime.I can recommend this book highly to readers because of its captivating subject and the quality of Mr. Barrish`s writing. This a definite made for TV piece of work. Thumbs up for a quality investigation and reporting on a most intiguing sexual/murder/courtroom drama.

I couldn't put it down -- engrossing; packed with suspense
Having followed Cris Barrish's reporting of this case for three years, I bought "Fatal Embrace '' expecting a comprehensive retelling of this crime. But Barrish and Peter Meyer added new dimensions to the story, from their mysterious opening about a cooler being found in the ocean through the pain of the Faheys to the arduous investigation that resulted in Tom Capano's arrest and conviction. The writers gave me a bird's eye view of Anne Marie and Tom's crazy relationship, one that the other books on this topic didn't come close to matching. I'd highly recommend this to anybody who is interested in this case or wants to read a thrilling crime book.

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