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Book reviews for "Meggyesy,_David_M." sorted by average review score:

No Wonder They Call It the Real Presence: Lives Changed by Christ In Eucharistic Adoration
Published in Paperback by Charis Books (2002)
Author: David Pearson
Amazon base price: $8.79
List price: $10.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.06
Buy one from zShops for: $7.71
Average review score:

Real People - Real Presence
"A lot of very down-to-earth, nonfanatical people are having very transcendent, mystical, religious experiences in Eucharistic adoration chapels," writes David Pearson in this book. That is the fundamental message of this book.

The nine people Pearson interviews come from a wide variety of backgrounds and life experiences. He allows them to tell their own stories, simply coaxing them along now and then with a few probing questions.

These folks offer their stories without trying to come off as pious saints or theologians. They simply and generously offer us a window into their own lives, especially their spiritual lives, parts of people we rarely see unless they are our spouse or close friend.

Sure, we hear about their moments of rapt joy at the realization of Jesus present in the Eucharist. But we also hear about the dry and boring times of prayer, and about the difficulties and tragedies of life and the place Jesus in the Eucharist has there.

I'll keep this one, and probably pick it up again in my own moments of spiritual dryness, boredom, and questioning. To me, it's a written record of God's grace in the lives of everyday folks.

Real People Meet the Real Jesus in the Eucharist
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that the Eucharist is the "source and summit" of the Christian Faith. The Eucharist is the actual Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, of the Incarnate Word, Jesus Christ. Yet many Catholics doubt this belief, are confused by it, or reject is altogether. This book provides both answers and challenges for Catholics looking for a better understanding of the reality and Real Presence of the Eucharist.

Dave Pearson initially set out to write a theological and apologetic work aimed at clarifying Catholic teaching about the Real Presence. Wanting to include some personal anecdotes, he interviewed several people active in regular Eucharistic adoration. Realizing the power of their experiences, he compiled these nine interviews. Frank, open, and often vulnerable, these ordinary folks gives witness to the reality of the Real Presence and its tranforming power. As nineteen year old Dylan states so well, the Eucharist is "a radical invitation to love and be loved." This is a book that will challenge and encourage those seeking a deeper, more intimate relationship with their Savior.

[Carl Olson is editor of Envoy magazine.]

No Wonder They Call It the Real Presence
A truly moving and inspiring book. David Pearson's use of everyday "real world" people to show the power and life changing effects of Eucharistic Adoration brought great life and meaning to this novel.
Though I possess a strong faith in God, this book made me reflect on my own relationship with Christ. It gave me a beautiful vehicle (Eucharistic Adoration), through which I could not only experience Jesus Christ's holy presence, but also build a stronger connection with God.
Whether you consider yourself deeply religious, "some what" religious, or "lost" with respect to religion, I would highly recommend this book. Reading the testimonials of the men and women interviewed and witnessing the life changing power of Eucharistic Adoration will help you find a deeper calling.
I would love to read more by David Pearson. There is a real sincerity and openness in this author's writing. There is a real sense that he is writing from his heart, and as a reader, that means a lot.

Outlaws in Vietnam
Published in Paperback by Peter Randall Publisher (2001)
Author: David L. Eastman
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $14.95
Average review score:

Rotor blades over the Delta -- The Outlaws
I recently met Dave Eastman at the VHPA reunion in Las Vegas where we exchnaged books. Once I opened Outlaws in Vietnam I could not put it down -- it took me back to the sights, smells and sounds of Vietnam. A great read and if your interested in what it was like to fly a UH-1D in combat, I really mean to get the feel, experience the excitement and the sometoimes cold fear in the pit of your stomach, then this book is a must. Dave is a wonderful writer who takes the reader into the cockpit and along for a wild ride. Great job Dave!

Outlaws in Vietnam
I was impressed with this spine-tingling, close-up and intimate version of the lives of these helicopter pilots in the Delta region of Vietnam. Most of the press followed the Americanization of the war north of Saigon, and I was amazed to learn how much went on with the traditional helicopter aviation companies that continued to be stationed at Vinh Long and Soc Trang in the IV Corps. I genuinely liked being in the cockpit with these guys, and felt I had learned to fly a helicopter by halfway through the book. There is much humor to experience here, along with the thrills and bizarre war-stories inherent in a tale like this. Read it! And get a copy for the vets in your family that might have trouble telling you exaxtly what they went through flying these incredible Hueys, either as pilots or door gunners.

The "Magnificent Seven" a world away!
If you are looking for a more complete book dealing with the lives of helicopter pilots in Vietnam, look no farther. This book is it! From cover to cover, Outlaws in Vietnam tells the full, rich story of the "Magnificent Seven" as they flew in the 175th Aviation Company (AML) from late 1966 until late 1967. These seven classmates of flight school class 66-14 lived at Vinh Long and experienced the "best years of their lives" as they wrestled everyday with danger, boredom and terror! This book is a wonderful story of comrades in combat, told through the clear, vivid writing of David Eastman, one of the "Magnificent Seven".

Outlaws in Vietnam is a great mix of 40 short stories, so interesting and gripping with detail the reader will easily be able to visualize and understand every described happening. Each story will leave you wanting more, more. Funny, sad, tragic, ironic but never dull, all chapters are "brim full" of wonderful details and emotion. David is very skillful as a writer and he easily brings back vivid memories about his fellow helicopter pilots and enlisted crews. He also enhances the understanding for the non-pilot reader. In real life, David Eastman is a Forester and is attuned to the aesthetic world of wildlife, the environment and landscapes. He writes and publishes regularly for the print and broadcast media about the outdoors and its beauty. He lives in New Hampshire where forestry, nature and esthetics are very important.

Most books about Vietnam usually begin with flight school and the too long a flight to the other side of the world. However, David Eastman teases the reader with a very interesting turn of events, which could have allowed him to, perhaps, escape the trip. David was an honorable man, however , deciding to have no part in the "chance opportunity." Then as luck would have it, his assignment to the 175th Aviation Company (AML) at Vinh Long would be a wonderful stroke that would launch the young RLO (Real Live Officer) for a year of flying which he describes as, "the best year of his life." Many, but not all, helicopter pilots have echoed this thought. But, all would admit that their lives were changed, significantly, by the experience.

One thing stands out about flying helicopters in the Delta was the size and lack of recognizable landmarks. Plus, the vast, flat, often flooded southern ΒΌ of Vietnam, offered very little contact with or support from U.S. troops. In the Delta, the Vietnamese mainly fought the War. Not until the 9th Division came to Dong Tam, later in the War, did U.S. forces enter the Delta region in significant numbers. U.S. Advisors were the only Americans that David and his fellow pilots came in contact with on a daily basis. The Delta was a different world, a world where the young helicopter pilot and his trusted crew spent hours and hours flying daily to the far reaches of IV Corps. The long days and many flight hours insured their learning many skills and "tricks" about flying over what could be described as mostly enemy territory. And, if these little details were not passed on to other young pilots, or adhered to exactly, the crews could be destined to a lonely death!

Staying alive and reaching DROS was always in the back of each crewmember's mind. But in the end, David Eastman is full of mixed emotions about going home. Leaving his fellow crewmembers and their past months together was harder than expected. He would no more be experiencing the intense and close lifestyle of Vinh Long. Such realizations caused him to wrestle within himself. Then, when that long awaited DROS day finally arrived and he could leave Vinh Long with the other members of the "Magnificent Seven", he found it very difficult. An interesting conclusion to a very good book!

Outlaws in Vietnam is a book that is well written, interesting, and certainly deserving of your reading. It is one of the best I have read. It would not be a surprise to have the entertainment industry agree. We just might see something in the future based on this book and its real life, no, bigger than life characters. If the details, as written by David Eastman are will be a great story.

Showdown with Diabetes
Published in Hardcover by W.W. Norton & Company (01 August, 1999)
Authors: Deb Butterfield and David E. Sutherland
Amazon base price: $16.77
List price: $23.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.14
Collectible price: $7.36
Buy one from zShops for: $6.95
Average review score:

Honest and courageous account of the TRUE face of diabetes
The truth about diabetes until now has been smothered in lies and false bravado. The governmental policies and research inititatives have for too long been focused on the management of diabetes. Deb Butterfield tells it like it is. Diabetes is a serious disease that needs to be CURED. Diabetics need to stop hiding and start speaking out otherwise they will be left behind again and again. We can't afford to let history repeat itself for the economic, emotional and physical toll of diabetes is overwhelming. Showdown with Diabetes is a must read for anyone who wants to know the truth about this grossly underestimated disease. This book makes it clear that we need to stop blaming the diabetic and start holding the disease itself, diabetes, accountable for the progressive and unrelenting destruction of human life. Whether you're a parent of a child or yourself a diabetic, you can't afford to choose ignorance over knowledge or convenient platitudes over reality. I wish more people had the courage of Deb Buttefield to simply tell the TRUTH.

This book changed my life!
Wow! I just finished reading Showdown with Diabetes. It is a beautifully researched work and is the first book (I have read many) that tells the truth about diabetes. This is a MUST read for everyone with diabetes. It is full of optimism and is truly an inspiration to all those who love someone with diabetes to get out and advocate for a cure. Thank you Ms. Butterfield!

It's the best thing I've read in a long time!
... you just HAVE to check out Deb Butterfield's book "Showdown With Diabetes"! In her book she tells about her life with diabetes and her transplant! In the second part of her book, she talks about the progress over the years that pancreas and islet transplants have made! What impressed me is how she takes all the MANY researchers' information and discusses it all in an easy to understand and positive manner! I'm just so impressed and just had to share this book with you! It's the best thing I've read in a long time!

The Martian Child: A Novel About A Single Father Adopting A Son
Published in Paperback by Tor Books (2003)
Author: David Gerrold
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.25
Buy one from zShops for: $7.97
Average review score:

David Gerrold's best book ever!
In 1992, David Gerrold adopted 8 year old Dennis. Two years later, he wrote a surprising novelette about the adventure of adoptive parenthood. The novelette version of The Martian Child won well-deserved (and long overdue) Hugo and the Nebula awards. Now, David Gerrold has expanded his original story to novel length and answers the two questions he raised in the original story: Why did he want to adopt a son, and who is the real Martian child here? Gerrold writes about parenting as if it is a privilege. Dennis is a very lucky boy to have a dad who cares so much. The people who like David Gerrold's other fiction (The War Against The Chtorr, The Dingillian series) might be puzzled by this book, because it's such a departure from his usual style of hard-nosed adventure. This book is light-hearted and intensely personal, but it's also courageously honest in several startling ways, because David Gerrold has been neurotically candid about his own journeys; in many ways, it's a breakthrough effort. Parts of this story made me cry, other parts had me laughing out loud. (Pickled mongoose!) I read it in a single sitting. It's a feel-good book with an ending that's both satisfying and uplifting. This is the very best story that David Gerrold has ever written. I'm giving a copy to my Dad for Father's Day.

Bring Kleenex
I may have heard this story maybe a dozen times, first I read (more than once) the novella which won the coveted Hugo award, and which I recommended to everyone. Then I listened to the story on CD, and I have now read the expanded story in book form. I have to confess that David is a good friend and I know "the martian child" personally. While I loved the novella, the expanded book blew me away. I thought I was immune to the emotion that it evoked, but the book sent me back to the Kleenex box as I re-read the story of the adoption of David's son. Yes, this is a fiction book (I don't *think* Dennis is really a Martian--if so, I can think of a couple of Martian wishes he owes me), but so much of this book is factual that it reads like an autobiography. I gave this book to everyone I care about for Christmas and am still ordering copies of it to share with people. It's a short read, but one of the best books I read in 2002. And I don't just say that so David will send me chocolate either.

David Gerrold's best book yet!
In 1992, David Gerrold adopted 8 year old Dennis. Two years later, he wrote a surprising novelette about the adventure of adoptive parenthood. The novelette version of The Martian Child won well-deserved (and long overdue) Hugo and the Nebula awards. Now, David Gerrold has expanded his original story to novel length and answers the two questions he raised in the original story: Why did he want to adopt a son, and who is the real Martian child here? Gerrold writes about parenting as if it is a privilege. Dennis is a very lucky boy to have a dad who cares so much. The people who like David Gerrold's other fiction (The War Against The Chtorr, The Dingillian series) might be puzzled by this book, because it's such a departure from his usual style of hard-nosed adventure. This book is light-hearted and intensely personal, but it's also courageously honest in several startling ways, because David Gerrold has been neurotically candid about his own journeys; in many ways, it's a breakthrough effort. Parts of this story made me cry, other parts had me laughing out loud. (Pickled mongoose!) I read it in a single sitting. It's a feel-good book with an ending that's both satisfying and uplifting. This is the very best story that David Gerrold has ever written. I'm giving a copy to my Dad for Father's Day.

Prayers through the Seasons, an inspirational collection of Christian prayers and nature photography
Published in Hardcover by Radiant River Press (24 September, 2001)
Authors: Deborah, Reverend Kaiser-Cross, David Middleton, Reverend Deborah Kaiser-Cross, and Barry Johnson
Amazon base price: $34.95
Used price: $19.95
Buy one from zShops for: $33.20
Average review score:

Prayers Through the Seasons, for those who love God and natu
This book is the most wonderful collection of prayers and photographs that I have seen in a long time. Rev. Kaiser-Cross's prayers are beautiful and beautifully matched with Mr. Middleton's exceptionally inspirational photos. I would say this is a must have for nature lovers who feel the presence of God in the wonders of our natural world.

Prayers through the Seasons
As a poet and lover of words, I find myself looking for visual stimulation. This special book surprised me with it's raw beauty. Nothing is more sacred than Nature. And Laurie Bohlke has created a special gift for the "tenderest" of us. I have to admit that I do not keep it with my "coffee table" books, but next to my best friends; the Dictionary and Thesaurus.

A Beautiful Book
Reading and rereading Prayers through the Seasons is like taking long relaxing walks outdoors on beautiful days. Its calming and uplifting prayers are perfectly matched with powerful photographs of God's natural handiwork, and inspire the reader to feel, in the words of one of its prayers, " Alive in this beautiful world, alive on this magnificent day". I use it as part of my daily devotions, and believe it makes a wonderful gift for friends and family.

Room For Dessert : 110 Recipes for Cakes, Custards, Souffles, Tarts, Pies, Cobblers, Sorbets, Sherbets, Ice Creams, Cookies, Candies, and Cordials
Published in Hardcover by Harpercollins (Short Disc) (1999)
Author: David Lebovitz
Amazon base price: $21.00
List price: $30.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $15.88
Collectible price: $26.47
Buy one from zShops for: $12.00
Average review score:

Stunning simplicity!
Room For Dessert has become my favorite dessert book. All the recipes I've tried were wonderful, including an exceptional fresh Ginger Cake that was delicious, moist & simple to make. The author's sense of humor really comes through and he makes dessert-making fun. I've tried his desserts at Chez Panisse and with this book, I've made a few favorites with great success. Yum! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

I'd give this one 10 stars if I could
This wonderful book of desserts has quickly become my favorite. I may not even go back to making my staple desserts because it is so fun and rewarding to try the recipes presented here -- an excellent variety of cakes, tarts, pies, cookies, candies, ice cream, souffles, etc. I have experimented with 7 or 8 recipes so far, and every single time I've turned out crowd pleasers. Refined and creative, nice to look at, and wonderfully satisfying to the taste buds, yet for the most part quite easy to make. What a perfect book for the dessert lover/chef!

A Five Star Cookbook!
This cookbook certainly gets 5 stars. My requirement for a cookbook is that the recipes should be doable by mortals and that there should be at least one recipe in the book worth keeping. This cookbook meets both requirements. I have tried only the passion fruit poundcake and the ginger cake. They get rave reviews because they are perfect recipes and easy to do. I came to the ginger cake with reluctance simply because I don't care much for either ginger or molasses in anything and am not into pepper as an ingredient in cakes. Since the author says that this recipe is the favorite of many people, I took the chance and, boy, am I glad I did. In this recipe what you get is a beautifull deep brown, moist cake with great texture and subtle flavors. Mr. Lebovitz suggests fresh peaches to accompany this cake. A glass of cold milk goes well with it too.

In addition to 110 dessert recipes, many of them beautifully photographed, Mr. Levobitz has a chapter called "Essentials" in which he discusses equipment, ingredients and fruits. In his introduction he gives his philosophy of dessert-making, that they be simple and that less is often more. In this instance I would say less is just right.

If you like to cook unusual desserts, you will love this cookbook.

Rosa Parks (First Biographies)
Published in Library Binding by Raintree/Steck Vaughn (1997)
Authors: Gini Holland and David Price
Amazon base price: $25.70
Used price: $23.11
Average review score:

This is a good Biagrophy to read about Black History
The title of my book is "Rosa Parks:My Story".The story takes place in the South.The most interisting factin the beginning of the book is that rosa lived through racism.When Rosa was going to school predjuced people would throw things at her.At the end of my book the most important fact is that she wasan activist in the N.A.A.C.P.Also she worked toward ending racism, and she is still living today.

A Strong Woman
Rosa Parks was a Black woman who lived in a time of unequality. Blacks were being treated as though they were lower and were lost of the many priveleges that white people had. Well, Rosa Parks didn't let what they thought get in her way. She stood for what she believed in and stuck by it all the way. By refusing to sit at the end of the bus, Rosa showed me how strong, independent, daring, and brave she was. She knew of the consequences yet it didn't stop her. I really admire her.
This book came across me after my friend Catherine read it and recommended it to me. She told me that it was a good book and that I should read it. She told me that it would touch my heart and would help me see Rosa Parks in a different way. Seeing the cover, I knew that it would talk about one of the most important events of her life-the incident at the bus.
I enjoyed this book very much. My favorite part was when she refused to sit at the back of the bus.She demonstrated acts of bravery and courage. She showed them that she was equal and that no one had the right to treat them differently. That event also proved that small acts can make big differences in the world. One little protest made a positive change in the way of the world. This helped me want to be more active in our world. I realized that the blacks had to go through so much to be where they are today. It helped me appreciate them more. This book should be read by everyone!

A good story about a strong woman.
Rosa Parks: My Story is about this lady named Rosa Parks. She refused to move to the back of the bus. She went to jail because she refused to move to the back of the bus. Rosa Parks was born February 4, 1913 in Tuskegee and was named Rosa after her grandmother, Rose. What I liked about the story was that she had the courage to stand up to the white people and policemen. What I didn't like was that the police had to take Rosa to jail, but they didn't want to. They said it was wrong.

Upchuck and the Rotten Willy
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Bill Wallace and David Slonim
Amazon base price: $11.55
Used price: $11.50
Buy one from zShops for: $8.83
Average review score:

Can cats and dogs really be friends?
This is a story about how a cat and a dog can be friends. Upchuck is the cat and Rotten Willy is the dog. When Upchuck's friend moves away and his Katie goes to some place called College, he becomes lonely. So the only one to play with is Rotten Willy, a Rottweiler, "As big as a car and as black as death itself," but can he trust him to be his friend and not another stupid dog wanting to bite off his head and eat him for lunch?

If you want to find out, then you will have to read the book! It warmed my heart, and made me laugh. If you like books about animals and like to laugh, then this book is for you!

Heather Harger, age 10

Upchuck and the Rotten Willy
My 8 1/2 year old got this book and asked me to read it to him every night. I also fell in love with this book and it was so well written. I am now going to get all of the sequels to this book as a special surprise for Christmas. A story of friendship and sharing life together, it warmed our hearts. The book also kept us both in stitches. We would read paragraphs over and over just to get a good laugh! It was wonderful time together laughing and learning about what life as a cat would be. I loved the parts where the cats would make fun of the dogs.

My Favorite!
If you looove animals like me you'll love Upchuck and the rotten Willy. Know here a little about it. Well, let's see THeres these two cat's who have adventures, but one cat moves away and so chuck makes friends with a dog. It also made me cry but in a good way.READ this book if you like excitment, adventure, and love- Upchuck and the Rotten Willy!

The Muppets Make Puppets!/Book and Puppet Kit: How to Make Puppets Out of All Kinds of Stuff Around Your House
Published in Paperback by Workman Publishing Company (1994)
Authors: Cheryl Henson, David Cain, John E. Barrett, and Muppet Workshop
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $20.99
Average review score:

Not a puppet making manual
This book is entertaining and well written, both for adults and children. Contains some great tips on how to make eyes, noses, hair etc. for puppets and how to animate the finished products. However, if you are looking for a book on how to make muppet-style puppets or stuffed animal style puppets, this is not the one. Most of the puppets described in the book are 'wooden spoon' or sock puppets - cute, nice for kid's projects but not professional looking. To its credit, this book does contain lots of ideas and insights which could make it a good accompanying book to some other more definitive puppet making book.

fabulous ideas
This book has so many great ideas using many easy to find objects. It even includes a little packet with 2 pairs of eyes, some faux fur, a few feathers and other sundries. The day this book arrived, my daughter and I made 3 puppets. In the next several days we made many more out of socks, oven mitts and other things that were just laying around the house. If you hate to throw things away, you'll love this. After reading the book, you'll start looking at your trash with new eyes. Old paper towel rolls, band-aid tins, fabric scraps, plastic spoons, small plastic bottles you might throw out, sponges, pot scrubbers, erasers--all these things can be transformed into puppets.

My only quibble is that the suggested reading level is ages 4-8. My nearly five-year-old can't do these projects alone, (I also use a hot glue gun, so it's too hot for her) so I've ended up letting her direct what goes where on the puppets. I think a six year-old working with less dangerous adhesives could do many of the projects himself, and I think kids even older than the age range would find the projects fun, especially if they have little siblings or an opportunity to teach younger kids. (Like helping out at Sunday school).

The book is full of projects that are easy to do right away, don't cost much money or require special trips to the craft store and let your child develop her imagination/creativity/emotional skills.

Make whimsical puppets with this magical book
This book could be the catalyst for your puppet-making creativity. A combination of great ideas, whimsical details, colorful photos, and real Muppet stories is as inspirational as it is fun to read. Adults and children alike will enjoy the projects in this book, including my personal favorite: the fuzzy garbage-can puppet (you step on its foot and its mouth opens).

If you've ever marvelled at the great puppets used by the Muppeteers, this book is for you. It will get you started on the road to finding your inner Muppet and creating some fun friends on the way.

The Ultimate Spanish Review and Practice
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Books (01 September, 1999)
Authors: Ronni L. Gordon, David M. Stillman, NTC Publishing Group, and NTC
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.90
Buy one from zShops for: $8.54
Average review score:

This is a must have book!!!
This book is perfect for higher level learning of the Spanish language. It is is great resource and a must have item. Clear, thorough explanations and examples for everything included. Practice excerises with an answer key in the back of the book. All verb tenses are included and well presented. This book is well formatted and easy to use. I used the book to help prepare for the New York State Content Specialty Test. I HIGHLY recommend this book.

Thorough review and great practical exercises
As a Spanish teacher I was delighted to find such a grammar gem on the market for Spanish students at all levels. I bought the book with the intention of using it as a guide and review of many difficult grammar concepts in Spanish and I definitely was pleased with the grammar material and brief cultural readings that are included in the book. The book covers all key grammar concepts that must be mastered in order to speak Spanish confidently and with superior grammar control. The book contains twenty-eight valuable chapters in which key grammar concepts such as verb conjugation and verb usage, tenses and moods of verbs, the passive voice and other key elements are analyzed. The heavy emphasis on verbs and verb usage is indicative of the quality of this book especially since the ability to conjugate and use verbs correctly are the key to mastering any language. The practice exercices are also very valuable and readily force the student to apply the knowledge learned in the chapter thus understanding the practical use of verbs, prepositions, idiomatic expressions or whatever the grammatical concept may be. This book is definitely one of the most handy Spanish grammar tools available and can always be used as a reference for clarification of one's queries in Spanish be it a written grammar concept or an oral query. The purchase of this grammar book will enable you to fortify your Spanish and clarify many grammatical querires. A highly recommended purchase.

Spanish Learning Made Easy
I have studied Spanish at the college level before, but since then have not had the opportunity to practice speaking or writing except in informal settings with friends, while traveling, etc. So when I needed to speak with a Spanish client for business, I found my conversation and writing skills somewhat lacking. I turned to "The Ultimate Spanish Review and Practice" after having it recommended to me by a few business associates. After one month of working intensively through the book, I feel much more confident in my formal Spanish skills. The book is well thought out, organized into 28 chapters, each focusing on a different topic. Starting with the present tense of verbs and other basic language topics and progressing through the subjunctive and other advanced forms, it provides a comprehensive text to learn and perfect both oral and written Spanish. The explanations and examples of each topic are very clear, and the exercises provide a challenging test of the subject matter presented in each chapter. The short and lively cultural notes add an authentic touch to the language, and provide interesting observations of Spanish and Latin American culture. I found Part IV particularly helpful as it included chapters on common idioms and frequently found errors that have helped my conversation skills measurably. Although targeted at intermediate and advanced learners, I can see the text helping beginners as well, and I have recommended it for associates and friends. In sum, this is a very helpful and comprehensive review of Spanish.

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