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Book reviews for "Masciangelo,_William_R.,_Jr." sorted by average review score:

All You Can Do Is All You Can Do, but All You Can Do Is Enough!
Published in Hardcover by Thomas Nelson (1988)
Author: Art L. Williams
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $2.38
Buy one from zShops for: $2.99
Average review score:

Ths book will excite you!
Take it from the man who made the impossible possible. Starting with a $10,500 salary and outselling the Insurance giants like Pru and Met! Educating the general public to the folly of cash value insurance, "buy term and invest the rest" great strategy.I particularly like Art Williams philosophy of being devoted to a cause, having a goal that is bigger than yourself.Great book. All sales and network marketing people must read this

A complete man
I believe that in addition to turning the life insurance industry on it's ear and creating a revolution of sorts by buy term and invest the difference, A.L. Williams also did much to clean up the tainted image of MLM or Network Marketing by promoting without hype but with integrity.This book is very inspirational and motivational and a must read for anyone who wants the most from life.

All you can do is enough ...... IT'S TRUE!!
Before 1992: I had been doing nothing and was a complete loser.

May 1992: I immigrated to Montreal and found this book by accident.

Dec 1997: I graduated at McGill University with Great Distinction.





- Believe in your God-given power

- Your life from this moment is still a blank page

- The world is full of people playing at half or a third of their ability. If you go out there and do all you can do, you dramatically increase your chances of winning

- When things are though, we tend to get discouraged and do less than we've done before. Wrong! This is the worst time to slow down. The best cure for discouragement is to double your effort, so as to calm your fears and motivate you to keep going.

- You can't live for the approval of every person you meet during your life time; you've got to live for the rightness of what you're doing

- Tough time won't last. Tough people do

Back Pain Remedies For Dummies®
Published in Paperback by For Dummies (1999)
Authors: Michael S. Sinel and William W. Deardorff
Amazon base price: $13.99
List price: $19.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.59
Buy one from zShops for: $8.95
Average review score:

Solid Advice, Easy-to-Read Format
This book is laying on the floor next to my bed. Why? I do the exercises every morning, and refer to the chapter to make sure I don't miss any. I do most of the exercises on the floor, so that's where the book lives. It is a part of my life now.

I've suffered from low-grade back pain for years, and learned a lot from this book. I especially like the integrated mind-body approach, the solid, realistic information about the mechanics of the spine, and the practical advice for care and recovery.

I've spoken with a chiropractor and an MD about my back problems, and the advice they gave me is identical to the advice in this book -- and the book was far less expensive.

Unless you were injured, your back took years to get into its current condition, and it will take a while to improve. This book is a first-rate map of the road to recovery.

The most helpful book on back pain I've ever read.
Having had back problems for almost 15 years, I have read just about every book available. Back Pain for Dummies is by far the best. It delivers very practical and easy-to-understand advice and practices that helped me more than a dozen chiropractors ever did. This book should be in the waiting room for every back specialist in the country. If I ever get to meet this Dr. Sinel, I'm going to give him the biggest bear hug ever (keeping my back straight, lifting with my legs...)

The best resource for back pain available in the field.
Sinel and Deardorff take a refreshingly humorous approach to dealing with one of the most pervasive medical problems in our country. This book is easy to read and provides a very comprehensive approach to dealing with back pain. I would consider it one of the best resources available in the field.

Free the Beagle: A Journey to Destinae
Published in Paperback by Bard Press (2002)
Author: Roy H. Williams
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.74
Collectible price: $1.50
Buy one from zShops for: $1.75
Average review score:

The Best New Book I read in 2002...
Once in a while I stumble onto a book I like so much that I buy a few extra copies to give to friends. At age 46, I was in one of those periods where I thought I probably had all the really good books and I would just ease into re-reading all my old favorites.

I already had Roy's earlier business books and I knew I'd enjoy this one too, but I was in for a surprise. Free The Beagle is more about living life than business. I ordered 3 additonal copies right away. They'll make nice gifts for my neice and nephew. Us old guys get to thinking all the really good songs have already been written, all the good books have already been wrote. It's nice when you find the well of creativity is still flowing.

A story of the journey of life.
This wonderful little book is a gem for all ages, all walks of life. In the currently popular manner of allegory we are invested in a seemingly illogical story of a lawyer and a beagle, and while the story is fun it is such a minor part of the whole. This story is proof that what we take out of so much of life is based on what we bring to the table at the beginning for I am convinced that each person will actually read a different story and leave the tale with a different meaning.

Take the journey yourself knowing that you will end in a better place!

Read it. Listen to it. Love it.
I have read Free the Beagle twice and listened to it 8 times (with my kids, coworkers, etc). I have bought eleven copies and only have one left. The book comes with a cd version of the 72 minute story that truly grips your attention and takes you on a journey. Not a word is wasted or misplaced. What seems like an absurd story at first, humbles you when you discover that you have been reading about yourself, your calling, your relationships, your career, your company (whatever you care to insert as a corresponding journey). This morning I caught myself looking in the classifieds for a beagle puppy. Find out why.

The Complete Films of Vincent Price
Published in Paperback by Kensington Pub Corp (1998)
Authors: Lucy Chase Williams and Vincent Price
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $15.95
Buy one from zShops for: $16.83
Average review score:

Finest of "The Film's of" series
Vincent Price transended his film roles with great intelligence, sensitivity and charm, and at the same time could project the foulist of villians with merely a raised eyebrow. This wonderful book by Lucy Chase Williams captures every single film Price did. It's profusely illustrated with many rare stills (several from my personal collection as I was a contributor)and quite a few color pages. No finer book exists on Price's film work. This book is an absolute must for film lovers of the the golden years of hollywood and lovers of film macabre!

The best book on Vincent Price
Fans of Vincent Price have much to rejoice over in The Complete Films of Vincent Price. It's hard to believe that for the first time a book provides not only COMPLETE coverage of each of his feature films, but also a wonderful 50+ page biography of the man we loved to have scare us.

In each of the feature film summaries, author Lucy Chase Williams not only gives us complete cast and credit listings, but also charming ancedotes provided by fellow cast members. This distinguished list includes Charlton Heston, Angela Lansbury, Jane Russell, Robert Mitchum, Gregory Peck, and many, many others.

But what really makes this book a joy for all Vincent fans is the biography. Almost everyone only thinks of Vincent Price as "that horror film actor", but he was so much more than that. Williams warmly reveals Price as the well-known, well-schooled, down-to-earth human being his fans knew him to be. We see the art lover, the fine cook, the author, the "special guest star" on HUNDREDS of television series, and... the practical joker who knew how to enjoy life and have fun.

The Complete Films of Vincent Price is a wonderful book. More appropriately, it is The COMPLETE Vincent Price. The multi-faceted gentleman everyone should get to know.

The VP Bible!!!
To me, Vincent Price was always the ultimate movie star. His best roles were always those of someone on the brink who was pushed over the edge into soul-crushed madness, best seen in "House of Wax" and the Corman Poe films. Williams describes each of Price's 100 feature films in detail, with the focus on Price's performance. Each entry also quotes contemporary reviews of the film and there is usually an anecdote or two from Price or a costar. Not only is Williams' text good, but the book is full of fantastic publicity photos, stills and advertising art that are treasures in and of themselves. Horror fans can discover some of Price's other roles, like his hilarious comic performance with Ronald Colman in "Champagne For Caesar" (Forget "Quiz Show", check that one out!) At the end of the book Ms. Williams states that she regrets that she didn't have space to cover Price's extensive work in radio, TV, and the theater. So, come on, let's have volume II!!! (Though we might want to conveniently overlook the "Love Boat" appearances...)

Up Front
Published in Hardcover by Amereon Ltd (1968)
Authors: William Henry Mauldin and Bill Mauldin
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $29.60
Collectible price: $14.95
Average review score:

The best ever...
This book is, without a doubt, the greatest book on the World War II infantryman ever written. Why? Because it was written by and infantryman, for infantrymen. Sgt. Bill Mauldin claims on the first page that his business is drawing, not writing, and that his text is only there to back up the cartoons. However, the text is some of the most endearing, personal, and excellent works on WWII ever. Mauldin brings the war down from the lofty views of Generals and reporters to the personal level, to the point of giving you a basic narration of the average day in the life of an infantryman. The cartoons, naturally, are the main power behind the book, and they are, even to this day, still hilarious. Hilarious, but at the same time showing you the gripes and hardships of the average GI during the war. If you want to experience World War II from the GI's perspective, read this book!

A Timeless Classic...
Over half a century has passed since it's initial publication and it arguably remains still the greatest book ever written about the dogface infantryman. With his brilliant cartoons serving as the book's illustrations, Mauldin explains in wonderfully clear language, life as experienced by the regular frontline infantryman. This book is a must have for all World War II infantry buffs. That it hasn't ever gone out of print since it's appearance in 1945, I think says volumes for it's staying power.

One last note: Mauldin went on to win the Pulitzer Prize for his work in 1945 at the tender age of 23, not too shabby.

I also heartily recommend Mauldin's complete World War II cartoon collection, "Bill Mauldin's Army."

The timeless infantry
I first read this book 20 years ago, as a senior in high school. My uncle, a Korean war-era Ranger, gave it to me. My Dad, a Vietnam infantryman, liked it too. Sadly, I lost that old, faded copy somewhere along the years.

Imagine my joy to find a reprint! The book means much more now that I can understand it. I've got 13 years in the Army myself, in Infantry and Special Forces. I'm a Major now, and I pay close attention to what Mauldin writes about officers. I want to be the kind of officer that he respects: always putting the welfare of my men first, respecting my men, and leading from the front. His narrative and comments are a constant reminder to me of the responsibility I hold for my soldiers.

If you are from the World War II era, you already know about Willie and Joe, and there's nothing new I can tell you. If you are an old soldier and you somehow have missed this book, then you are in for a treat. If you are a young soldier, or a prospective soldier, or the family of a soldier, then you NEED to read this book. For anyone else, it's a great window into a world that, thanks to some brave men 50 years ago, you will hopefully never have to see.

Men of War (Forstchen, William R. Lost Regiment, No. 8.)
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Roc (1999)
Author: William R. Forstchen
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $4.25
Collectible price: $4.36
Buy one from zShops for: $4.72
Average review score:

Exhilarating ending for THE military science fiction series!
Forstchen has truly created something that far surpasses anything that has come before and probably set the golden standard for the genre. Drake, Pournelle, Stirling, Niven, Saberhagen, and Forstchen's other books do not come close to this series. Rickety aerosteamers and land and sea ironclads, as primitive as they are, somehow have a superior eloquence in conveying the drama of war over the sophisticated spaceships, supersonic planes, or lasers which have up to this decade been the staple of other military science fiction. This concluding chapter itself is a true microcosm of what fans and admirers have come to expect from the series. While this means incredible battles, tense political interplay, fierce confrontations of personality and fate, surprising twists, and some heavy references to the importance of logistics, technology, and strategy, the book also carries with it some of the faults of the series; namely, the inconsistency with the characters' names begs for some coherent editorialism. True to form, Fortschen changes the Rus orthodox priest's name from Casmar to Casmir! At the end of the book one of the character's name is reshuffled in a pretty blatant mistake though it only happens once. I won't risk giving anything away, but readers will see it when they get there. However, as the series has always done, the tremendous story more than makes up for these annoyances. The conclusion to all the important threads is not COMPLETELY detailed, but the book does present a definitive conclusion to the Bantag War and the answer to humanity's future existence or extinction. By the end of the book readers will know which side won the war, what species will dominate the planet, and what the very GENERAL implications for the future of the Republic will be, so longtime readers need not despair on that account. I would have preferred a highly detailed account of the next 100 to 1000 years like one reviewer requested, but as it is, the last chapter which wraps things up is satisfying enough. Beyond that, Forstchen seems to have indicated that he is through with the Lost Regiment, and I commend him for letting this terrific series run its course and ending it with the dignity and the treatment it deserves. The new use for the aerosteamers in battle is some of the most exciting stuff I've read since the rocket barrage at Hispania or Timokin's charge at Rocky Hill! We've all wanted to see the humans on the offensive and wondering how much longer the Republic could hold out under the strain of constant war and here are the answers. This is the worthy conclusion I was looking for.

Oh, and the maps were very helpful.

boy oh boy what a book
well i finally got my book from amazon ,on the 12/23/99 and decided to save this book until the 12/26/99 .well I am finished reading this wounderful book,yes its everything i expected ,there scenes in this book that will make you cry (what i am upset about is That there is more to this story its really not finished yes there is a conculusion to the war ,and i dont want to give anything away but what about the southern half planetand the other hordes also i like comment on the map i would of perferd a map made like jurack has in the book for us readers it would of been better. AND A REQUEST TO MR WILLIAM R FORSTCHEN REALLY WE NEED THIS SERIES TO CONTINUE ITS HAS NOT RUN ITS COURSE YET TO ANYONE WHO READS THIS EMAIL THIS GREAT AUTHOER AT PENQUINPUTNAM.COM TELL HIM SO ,SO THIS SERIES WILL GO ON.

A fitting end to a fantastic series
I stopped everything to read this book the second I got it, and it was worth it. The strategy was understandable and realistic, the plot was fast-paced, and the battle scenes were gripping. Forstchen made a good choice when he decided not to make Colonel Keane the main character this time around. While I'm sad the series ended, the ultimate resolution is satisfying and was a strong finish to some of the best science or military fiction I've ever read.

Published in Paperback by W B Saunders (15 January, 1998)
Authors: Linda S. Costanzo and William Schmitt
Amazon base price: $36.95
Used price: $11.00
Buy one from zShops for: $30.00
Average review score:

A must have resource for all medical students!
This book is an excellent resource for persons both entering their first year course in Medical Physiology and for those second-year medical students preparing for USMLE Step 1. A concise, yet detailed text which emphasizes quite clearly the basic principles of Physiology. I am lucky to have had the author, Dr. Costanzo, as a professor and my current advisor. However, having her review text is the next big thing! Detailed pictures and powerful tables and diagrams handsomely supplement her student-oriented presentation style of information. A particularly well written section concerning Renal Acid-Base Physiology, which is Dr. Costanzo's specialty. Any medical student or person taking a Physiology course will not lose a dime by purchasing this book... It is well worth it, believe me! :)

My new best friend!!
I give this book an enthusiastic two thumbs up!! If you're in medical school or studying physiology, I highly recommend it. I purchased it a few weeks before my renal/cardio/resp final and it proved to be a lifesaver in my studying for the exam. Although it cannot be used by itself as a textbook, it is perfect for its intended use as a review book. It complemented my lecture notes well and provided excellent practice tests at the end of each section. Although other reviewers seem to find fault in the acid/base chapter, I found that to be the most useful. When I pulled the book out during a small group discussion on renal physiology, my classmates were awed by the amount of information contained in such a compact package. Costanzo lays out all the information you need to know without the in-depth description that makes textbooks so unreadable. I have enjoyed using this book to study for my exams, and I look forward to using it to study for the USMLE.

Best for USMLE study
Of all the physiology review texts out there, this one is by far the best. Set up in outline form, it covers what you will see on the board exams. Dr. Costanzo knows how to convey difficult concepts in simple terms; in particular her acid/base and pulmonary discussions are very good. The book also has many useful diagrams, which tend to show up in very similar format to the USMLE exam.

All on Fire: William Lloyd Garrison and the Abolition of Slavery
Published in Hardcover by St. Martin's Press (1998)
Author: Henry Mayer
Amazon base price: $32.50
Used price: $3.99
Collectible price: $7.39
Buy one from zShops for: $5.92
Average review score:

Magnificent! Every paragraph is a fascinating gem.
I thought I knew my American history reasonably well until Henry Mayer taught me how much I had missed. Garrison certainly was far more than the hot-headed crusader on the nut fringe I read about in one text after another. But this book also is more than a correction of an historial footnote; Mayer breathes life into the moral arguments about slavery before the Civil War and weaves America's history from the signing of the Constitution to the passage of the 14th Amendment into a colorful, lively tapestry. This is biography raised to its finest form.

I read a great number of biographies that deal with American history, and this is simply one of the finest works I have ever read. In terms of scope and ambition and writing style, I compare ALL ON FIRE with Robert Caro's THE POWER BROKER. Henry Mayer should come to be known as one of America's finest living biographers. In addition to being the definitive biography of William Lloyd Garrison, this is also a brilliant retelling of nineteenth-century American history as seen through the eyes of its greatest Abolitionist leader. This is social and intellectual history at its finest, for Mayer uses Garrison as a focal point to tell the story of the political leaders, writers, agitators, and early women's rights advocates whose lives were affected by the fight to abolish slavery. I realize that this book will take you a good chunk of time, but it is worth every minute. ALL ON FIRE becomes an absorbing, tragic tale, yes, an epic, with all events leading to the carnage of the Civil War and the emancipation of the slaves. Once you have finished this book, you will put Garrison before Lincoln as the one person most responsible for setting free the slaves. It's hard to imagine a time in American history when people were so socially and politically responsible (read the section where 10,000 people encircle a Boston prison to protest the removal of an escaped slave back to South Carolina, for example). There is a great tradition in America of social protest. This book is really a colossal achievement that harkens back to an age when people and ideas still mattered.

Spectacular, rich and rewarding read about great U.S. hero
I cannot recommend it highly enough. A rich read about a great American hero for all times. Mayer obviously loves and admires Garrison, but this did not keep him from portraying this hero with his blemishes as well as strengths. The most startling thing about this great read is just how important Garrison was to America's most tumultuous time --- the abolitionist of all abolitionists, a leader who appreciated how deep religious beliefs and moral politics go together, who believed in the power of the written and spoken word, who helped perhaps as much as anyone in our history to move our nation and free it of slavery. Truly a companion biography to go with the best biographies of Lincoln --- no understanding of the Civil War can be complete without knowing about Garrison, and this is definitely the way to know about Garrison. To say it simply: no one can claim to be a Civil War buff without knowing about Garrison, and no one can know about Garrison any better way than by reading this book. Highest kudoes to Mayer!

Benet's Reader's Encyclopedia
Published in Hardcover by HarperCollins (1987)
Author: William R. Benet
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $4.99
Collectible price: $21.18
Average review score:

If you don't even have time to read Cliffs Notes
This is one encyclopedia that is actually fun to read and browse. I fully join in the earlier reviewers' praise for this book. I do, however, have a couple of constructive criticisms. First, much too much space is devoted to non-literary historical and political figures and events. Hopefully, the next edition will cut down on this stuff, so that more "minor" writers can be included, especially contemporary writers and writers from the non-English speaking world. (In this respect, the Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature is probably a more comprehensive reference.) Second, too many entries about particular works are merely brief plot summaries that do not convey to the uneducated reader (such as this one) the essential meaning or significance of the work in question. That said, Benet's Reader's Encyclopedia is one great reference book to have around.

a booklover's book, fun to browse, xlnt reference
A handy reference work for scholars, literature students, readers and booksellers, the headings include authors, titles, literary terms, fictional protagonists, historical personages, and so forth. This is one to keep at arm's reach, right there next to the dictionary.

A quick & ready reference for unfamiliar terms encountered during literary jaunts and journeys, and a great aid for booksellers needing some accurate background information to list a literary find online! One wishes the numerous online booksellers just entering the fray would purchase a copy, and familiarize themselves just a little with the world of books and literature of which they have become purveyors! - I've seen listings that betray the seller's ignorance of the difference between Winston Churchill the British statesman (& prime minister), and Winston Churchill the American novelist! A quick check of this easy reference work would have made the difference between accuracy and diletantism!

Easy reference to every literary topic imaginable.
Benet's Reader's Encyclopedia is the most complete one-volume encyclopedia based on literature. Its entries are numerous and cover a vast variety of topics, from 'portmanteau words' to 'The Inferno.' I highly recommend this book to everyone who has an interest in literature or who need some extra help in that subject to get by.

Published in Paperback by Washington Square Press (1999)
Author: Saul Williams
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $8.00
Average review score:

an eclectic compostion from the depths of someone's soul
more often than not i cannot finish a completed piece by the untamable lion, solstice, Saul Stacey Williams, without pausing to catch the breath i forgot to take after i began reading. i was blessed with an introduction to Saul Williams' work/character/movement by a student at Yale University. he handed me the movie Slam and said, "here, this is what you've been searching for..." ever since, i have not been able to overthrow the King's reign over my jungle of thought. if i do not have his book in my bag or in my coat pocket, i have more than half of it memorized in my head; by choice? buy choice when you make the investment in the closest thing to the center of the 'circle of life' that exists: Saul Williams! --ricky

Modern Metahporic Melody...
He has placed a subliminal message in the minds of us all. He's in your ear, in your books, and on your TV screens; each time with a classic sequence of metaphors. Saul Williams is the poet that we've all been waiting for; his words are a melodic metaphors of our inner thoughts: "Can we all be poets?" Each page of his book is remarkable. An actor, poet, and simply a genious!Williams is the rebirth of expressiveness in poetry. Long has it been since the world has seen, read, and heard one of our great poets; Saul Williams has made it all possible. Buy his book, listen to his CD, and watch his movies and get ready for the ride of your life. Fasten your seatbelts because it's going to be one Hell of a ride.

The most beautiful poetry I've ever read
I've never liked poetry much because some of it is very hard to understand. I adored Saul Williams' movie "Slam", and I stumbled upon this book by accident and bought it. It let me explore emotions I didn't even know I had. I love to listen to the cd that comes with it. I played the cd on the long car ride home and I didn't even realize I had been crying until I got home. Not only do you have to get this book, but keep your eyes and ears open for more to come from Saul Williams.

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