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Book reviews for "Marshall,_John_Sedberry" sorted by average review score:

John Updike's Rabbit Tetralogy: Mastered Irony in Motion
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Missouri Pr (Txt) (2001)
Author: Marshall Boswell
Amazon base price: $34.95
Average review score:

It is really hard to overstate the importance of Marshall Boswell's critical achievement here. His goal is to explain Updike's literary vision in constructing the Rabbit tetralogy, "a dialectical vision" which he calls "an interdependent matrix of ethical precepts, theological beliefs, and aesthetic principles-less a creed than a versatile formal device; it is, in effect the scaffold on which Updike has built the entire tetralogy" (p. 3). That goal is what distinguishes this book from the only other text wholly devoted to a discussion of the tetralogy, editor Lawrence Broer's Rabbit Tales: Poetry and Politics in John Updike's Rabbit Novels (Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press, 1998). That work, helpful in isolated essayists' insights, lacks the coherent analysis and penetrating structural insights of the whole Rabbit mega-novel which make Boswell's book so valuable. Indeed, it seems fair to say that henceforth no commentator on the Updike tetralogy will be able to avoid coming to terms, up or down, with Boswell's carefully-wrought interpretation.
The four chapters analyzing the four Rabbit novels are really excellent examples of careful reading translated into readable prose. Students and general readers will find much of value in those chapters, each novel taken on its own terms, but also as expressions of the overall tetralogy vision. The Introduction lays out in careful detail the assumptions Boswell brings to this task. The key interpretive assumptions are taken from Kierkegaard and theologian Karl Barth-Kierkegaard providing the philosophical concept of mastered irony which presumes an author's vision "emerges indirectly via the unresolved tension produced by the interplay of that thematic dialectic" (p.4), and Barth providing the theological metaphysics of the "dialectic of evil, the concept of 'something and nothingness,' [and] the argument for a serenely unproveable God." According to Boswell, "An unsettling Manichaean vision, Barth's dialectical theology appeals to Updike for its worldliness and its intellectually elegant explanation for the presence of evil" (16).
Those who dissent from this reading will likely do so at the point where Boswell assumes that the vision of the Rabbit tetralogy represents the entire Updikean picture of personal human experience as religious. Withal, a very impressive book, indeed.

Essential reading
This is essential reading for anyone interested in John Updike. Boswell summarizes the Rabbit books, Updike's best work, and presents a dynamic analysis of their importance. Updike doesn't just build characters, says the author, but presents the inner mystery of the human condition from a cosmic, really a theological, viewpoint.

Long Shadows at Noon
Published in Paperback by Xlibris Corporation (2002)
Author: John J. Marshall
Amazon base price: $20.99
Used price: $17.22
Buy one from zShops for: $17.05
Average review score:

Highly Recommended
Long Shadows at Noon is a wonderful book of inspirational essays and poetry. The author writes with heart and humor, that warms the soul.

gifted author
A great read. Marshall is a talented author who is both light hearted and deeply touching. A very enlightening perspective on life in general.

Social Phobia: From Shyness to Stage Fright
Published in Paperback by Basic Books (1995)
Author: John R. Marshall
Amazon base price: $20.00
Used price: $5.95
Buy one from zShops for: $3.49
Average review score:

Good intro
Wanna know something? I had social phobia and the best thing i could do for myself was read about it.. over and over and over.. various materials, opinions, etc. But reading is only half the battle. the other half is getting out there and actually putting the ideas, such as the ones found in this book to use, then only will you have success. this book won't cure you but it can sure help if you have enough courage to help yourself. i recommend this book strongly.

A Comprehensive Study of Social Phobia
I have social phobia. I have undergone therapy and drug medication in its treatment. I first was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I read this work as I was coming to better understand the true nature of my disorder. If you'd like to understand what my life has been like, please read this book. Marshall's "Social Phobia" is a comprehensive study and explanation of not only the syptoms of Social Phobia, but also a synopsis of current research into the work. Not to suggest that the work is in any way esoteric. Marshall portrays the character of this disorder through numerous case-studies from his work at the Anxiety Clinic at University of Wisconsin - Madison. He first gives a very full picture of how social phobia manifests itself in peoples' lives before going into theories as to why. He is wonderful at telling these peoples' stories. From this starting point, he moves deftly into his academic knowledge of the subject, offering the reader easy access to the professional's knowledge. Marshall's book offers the real-life story of Social Phobia and an objective study of it. I found both of great value; he showed me that there are others out there like me and also helped me to better understand (and thereby recover from) Social Phobia. At the end of the book, he summarizes current treatments of this disorder, offers an Appendix which differentiates Social Phobia from the other Anxiety Disorders, and provides a suggested reading list. Marshall's work has been an enormous help in my own life, and if you wish to understand this disorder, it can be of immense value to you, too.

Action Figures of the 1960s (Schiffer Book for Collectors)
Published in Paperback by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. (1998)
Author: John Marshall
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $27.94
Buy one from zShops for: $17.98
Average review score:

A toy collector's MUST HAVE guide
John Marshall is THE toy guru, and he takes a look at the 60s toys with humor and interesting insites. This is packed with photos and information for any collector, or even one trying to recapture their youth.

American Silver
Published in Paperback by Dover Pubns (2001)
Author: John Marshall Phillips
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $4.85
Collectible price: $25.00
Buy one from zShops for: $6.92
Average review score:

A simple review of the evolving styles and art
This slim handbook provides a practical introduction to the history and identification of early American silverwork: American Silver draws on existing research and artifacts to provide a simple review of the evolving styles and art of American silver from settlement days through the 1800s. Black and white photos and drawings enhance the presentation.

The Birds and the Frogs
Published in Unknown Binding by ()
Authors: Aristophanes and John Marshall MacGregor
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $5.00
Collectible price: $19.95
Average review score:

Two atypical Greek comedies from Aristophanes.
This volume brings together what are probably the two most atypical Greek comedies by Aristophanes. "The Birds" is one play where for once Aristophanes does not seem to be attacking some specific abuse in Athens, while "The Frogs" is actually the first "serious" attempt at dramatic criticism. This is not to suggest that "The Birds" ("Ornithes") is nothing more than escapist entertainment. Certainly there are those who see it as a political satire about the imperialistic dreams that resulted in the disastrous invasion of Sicily (which happened the year before his play was produced in 414 B.C.). Then again, this could just be Aristophanes bemoaning the decline of Athens.

Pisthetaerus ("Trusting") and Euelpides ("Hopeful") have grown tired of life in Athens and decide to build a utopia in the sky with the help of the birds, which they will name Necphelococcygia (which translates roughly as "Cloud Cuckoo Land"). Pisthetaerus and his feathered friends have to fight off those unworthy humans, malefactors and public nuisances all, who try and join their utopia. Then there are the gods, who come to make some sort of agreement with the new city because they have created a bottleneck for sacrifices coming from earth.

Because it is a more general satire, "The Birds" tends to work better with younger audiences than most comedies by Aristophanes. Besides, the chorus of birds lends itself to fantastic costumes, which is always a plus with young theater goers. In studying any of the Greek plays that remain it is important to I have always maintained that in studying Greek plays you want to know the dramatic conventions of these plays like the distinction between episodes and stasimons (scenes and songs), the "agon" (a formal debate on the crucial issue of the play), and the "parabasis" (in which the Chorus partially abandons its dramatic role and addresses the audience directly). Understanding these really enhances your enjoyment of the play.

On the one hand Aristophanes's comedy "The Frogs" is a farce, but it is of more interest because it presents the earliest known example of dramatic criticism. Presented in 405 B.C., the play tells of how Dionysus, the god of drama, had to go to Hades to fetch back Euripides, who died the previous year, because Athens no longer had any great tragic poets left. The first part of the comedy involves Dionysus, who has disguised himself as Heracles, and his slave Xanthias on their way to Hades and features several interesting songs by the chorus of blessed mystics and the chorus of frogs. However, the high point of the comedy is the contest between Euripides and Aeschylus.

Each of the two great tragic poets denounces the other and quotes lines from their own works to prove their superiority. We discover that Euripides writes about vulgar themes, corrupts manners, debases music and has prosaic diction. In contrast, Aeschylus finds obscure titles and is guilty of turgid prose. In the end Dionysus finds that artistic standards of judgment are useless and turns to a political solution. This makes sense since the problem facing Athens is a political one: what to do about the tyrant Alcibiades. What is most interesting is the implicit belief that the tragic poets had a social responsibility towards the audiences of their dramas. "Frogs," in addition to being one of the better comedies by Aristophanes, is also of interest because it contains the only fragments from several tragedies by Euripides and Aeschylus that have been long lost to us.

Because "The Birds" and "The Frogs" are not typical comedies by Aristophanes, this is not really the first book that people wanting to understand the Greek comic playwright are going to turn. Better to start off with "Lysistrata," "The Clouds," or "Peace" before proceeding to these works.

Bonding: Building the Foundations of Secure Attachment and Independence
Published in Paperback by Perseus Publishing (1996)
Authors: Marshall H. Klaus, John H. Kennell, Phyllis H. Klaus, and Phyllis Kalus
Amazon base price: $16.00
Used price: $6.65
Buy one from zShops for: $10.52
Average review score:

This book tells everything you need to know about bonding
This book compiles years of research to give parents the best source for information on building stable relationships with their children

Chess for Children, Step by Step: A New, Easy Way to Learn the Game
Published in Hardcover by Little Brown and Company (1977)
Authors: William Lombardy, John Schnell, and Bette Marshall
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $10.00
Average review score:

Firstrate Chess Book for Children
This is by far the best book I've seen to teach children chess. Like most children's books, it covers the moves of the pieces with algebraic notation.
However, the guts of the book is giving a child systematic experience with the pieces. It starts with the "Pawns Game." Only the pawns are set on the board and each player plays with the goal of getting one pawn through to the last rank. This is anything but a dumb experience. Games like Knights & pawn game follow until the child is using the whole board.

Collecting Monster Toys (Schiffer Book for Collectors)
Published in Paperback by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. (1999)
Author: John Marshall
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $27.34
Collectible price: $55.00
Buy one from zShops for: $27.34
Average review score:

From THE Toy Guru
John Marshall is THE toy guru, and his opinion is highly respected. This book is no exception. Informative, entertaining, and nostalgia all in one package. Really, not to be missed.

False Conception: A John Marshall Tanner Novel
Published in Hardcover by Otto Penzler Books (1994)
Author: Stephen Greenleaf
Amazon base price: $22.00
Used price: $1.75
Collectible price: $3.15
Average review score:

Greenleaf's Best
San Francisco p.i. John Marshall Taner is back on the case and this time he takes a case that seems simple enough but propels him into a conclusion that will forever change his life.

He is hired to find a seragate mother for a couple and 2 months after he does so the young woman vanishes after the embryo had been implanted.

John quickly assumes that the woman found out the identity of the parents and for soom reason fled but the anxious couple feels she is hiding for ransom of their child.

John begins to investigate the couples family and history only to find the unexpected.

A superb ending plot twist...well maybe not as dramtatic as Greenleaf's Past Tense but this book is a winner.

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